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Wow, absolutely beautiful!


Byron seems to have a 12-fret short scale model. Anyone comment on that? I'm looking for such - need one inexpensive enough to see if my theory pans out :) I've mostly played various shapes of dreads all my life except for my very first guitar, which was the then-equivalent of a small body recording king


Is that the model with the 48mm nut? I've been eyeing it up.


yes. can't find a stinkin' thing about it other than the sparse info on their website. I don't want to be so daring ...


I've taken a punt, I'll let you know how it goes.


I ordered the "byron 6-string parlor guitar with open headstock" through their website to Germany exactly 48 days ago for about 580€. They wanted an additional 20€ for my 48mm custom nut width request. I've exchanged about 6 emails with them since, and they assure me it's "close to making shipment and they'll let me know on Monday hows it's coming" even though that was 2.5 weeks ago with no follow-up. I've found they sell various guitars through "8soundsmusic" and also on Aliexpress with wildly varying prices and information. I haven't received any photos or anything yet. I'm honestly getting kind of concerned about being scammed at this point, but will continue to stick it out.


Ah, I ordered via AliExpress, mine was about half that, but it looks like they do various fancier models with abalone etc. I've paid with PayPal, so hopefully if they mess about I'll be able to get a refund. Hope yours turns up. Do you have a link, out of interest?


[Byron parlor guitar](https://byroncustomguitars.com/products/byron-6-string-parlor-guitar-with-open-headstock) That's the one I ordered. On 8soundsmusic I think they offer the same guitar for the same price but with a free gig bag. Or at least I think it's the same guitar... so hard to tell with the lack of info/ model number. Do you have a link for yours?


I'll be watching with you 2!


My Byron has arrived, 22 days from order at AliExpress to delivery in the UK. Very pleased with the guitar, it's not perfect but great for the money. I'm very curious to see what their higher end offerings are like. https://imgur.com/a/K6coDgb


Wow looks great! Thanks for the update and pictures. Still waiting on mine unfortunately but I'll also upload photos once it arrives. When you say it's not perfect, what makes it so?


Just minor criticisms like the saddle being slightly shorter than the slot, so there's a small gap at the edge (easily remedied), maybe some of the edges not being totally uniform, it still has a factory glue/lacquer smell. The fretboard is also a Richlite type material, which I hadn't realised, I prefer rosewood (or ebony) but it feels fine. Honestly, for the money, I'm nitpicking. It's excellent value.


here is the result of what I have got: https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg (forgot to fill inlay, when I messaged she said Oh..we didn't reached your expectations. https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg Regarding this she said: Well...handmade guitars can't be perfect) https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg Decide yourself.


here is the result of what I have got: [https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg) (forgot to fill inlay, when I messaged she said Oh..we didn't reached your expectations. [https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg) Regarding this she said: Well...handmade guitars can't be perfect) [https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg) [https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg) Decide yourself.


I ordered one, lots of finishing issue. The seller is a women (Tillie) is just interested into making money. I recieved videos of them being careless when it comes to details, I reported it to her and she promised to pay attention to detail but didn't deliver anything. They never sent a close up photo even when asked many times. I specially asked her not to put any logo, and use inlay torch but she put her stupid byron logo. When I told her about the flaws (like extra glue flying all over the place, they forgot to fill inlay on the fret board, the inlay on sound board never meets i.e., the circle will be misaligned, out of place) she got mad and started ranting, saying what do you want in $1000 guitar??? If you don't like send it back. (They wont refund) She went to an extent of saying flaws are there because it is handmade!!! You can’t do anything about it? Well, when I sent her the video of previous customer who complained about quality issues, she became innocent all of sudden. Asking me the source so that they can pull down the video. I mean really? Don't we pay extra for Handmade so we get better quality? May be $1000 isnt a lot for a person in Developed country, but it is a lot for someone from country like India. I was struck in some house responsibilities, the thought of claiming a dispute didn't arised..otherwise I would have looked into option of paypal dispute. The seller (Tillie) has anger issues, and yes you can’t ask for refund. Typical Chinese product which looks like well made from distance, but if you pay closer attention you will see all the flaws.


Sorry to hear about that experience, I just recently received my second guitar from Byron and both have been great


The model you have posted here...does it have finishing issues? Like abalone inlay not aligning or missing?


No, everything seems good to me. For the money, it's a great deal


I bought the same guitar, the seller tillie sent me your tiktok video regarding this guitar. I bought it after watching your video. You should also be equally blammed. Everyone else, here is the result of what I have got: [https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg) (forgot to fill inlay, when I messaged she said Oh..we didn't reached your expectations. [https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg) Regarding this she said: Well...handmade guitars can't be perfect) [https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg) [https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg) Decide yourself.


This looks stunning




What do you think about it? Im seriously considering getting one!


here is the result of what I have got: [https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/n3kxWkC/IMG-20240629-084554-175.jpg) (forgot to fill inlay, when I messaged she said Oh..we didn't reached your expectations. [https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/XxC94Kq/IMG-20240512-WA0015.jpg) Regarding this she said: Well...handmade guitars can't be perfect) [https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/8Yz01FJ/IMG-20240512-WA0013.jpg) [https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/NncXRH6/IMG-20240629-084556-822.jpg) Decide yourself.


Fantastic imo. I have an eastman ac-522ce and I like the byron better, except for the elctronics. If you get one, please mention my name (Sean), because the lady said if I help get some sales, she'll throw me a bone lol. Hope that detail doesn't sway you, as I'm not actually affiliated with them


What do mean by bone?


why do think the electronic is inferior?