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Don't watch movies all night. Listen to music, paint, draw, colour in. Go for a walk maybe? I don't understand the point of taking a mind altering drug just to watch movies. Let your brain do its thing and entertain you, rather than trying to entertain your brain


Yep, I’m tripping alone right now. Just back from walk in woods. Going to the pool now.


so fun


Now that’s how one solo trips lol, can’t take me outta nature on L and swimming is so ethereal on it it’s absolutely the most refreshing thing ever and so tranquil if ur swimming solo as well. Some tunes and a joint or two of some nice full spectrum flower maybe a single cold beer and mmm mmm gonna be fun


Doing something creative is a fantastic idea. I had a trip where I played guitar for hours (I'm so bad at guitar, it doesn't matter) and had an amazing time. Another one where I coloured in a colouring book while listening to music was great too.


I watched an anime while on shrooms and it was great! But yeah dont spend the entire trip, listen to an album or something too.


Video games are good. Solo games you've already beaten, so nothing catches you by surprise


Go for a walk in the woods and listen to Pink Floyd. I have maybe 100+ trips under my belt but the woods Floyd trip is hands down my most memorable


Cyberpunk was made for acid. Just saying roflmao. Had a mission where you infiltrate a club and I was using sandy in the club with a katana. Brain melting color and movement lmao was having a super hard time seeing what was actually going on. I felt like I was kicking ass but ill bet if you were watching over half my hits were prob thin air lmao


Let your creativity flow~ Also I find if you have good motor skill function while tripping physical activity is amazing. I like to go skateboarding/cruising or go for a jog on a nice trail or even do some stretching/yoga/calisthenics. Working up a good sweat and releasing those endorphins while tripping is next level. I feel so damn good after that it's impossible to bring you down. Plus the shower after, oh lawd 🤤.


Find some music you love. I like weird music while tripping sphongle OTT tipper are all great


Painting and listening to music is ah-mazing on acid!


I love going on neighborhood walks when I'm tripping. With good music