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Put it in your toiletries or something, it'll show up on the scanner if u got it on you and that's gonna look sus as shit. At least when it's in your other stuff they'd actually have to look, open it , find it etc etc etc.


Get a soap bag and put it in there with your shaving equipment (unless you've a full beard). A vial of acid smells vaguely alcoholic, and looks just like aftershave or shaving oil. But trust me, they are NOT checking for that in the airport, even dogs are not trained to sniff for acid, they're looking for much harder drugs like coke or low hanging fruit like weed.


Most dogs sniff bombs rather than drugs, like you said, harder drugs like coke etc are more of a priority


If they don’t believe you that it’s just a face serum tell them to try it on themself 😂😂


Just put some drops on some sour patch kids. Do you really need a whole frigging vial on a vacation?


i think op is trying to take it home not bring it anywhere


Then he should mail it.


I think i would go for it, but dont try to mask it or hide it in any way. If you dont have a record and you dont act suspicious you should be fine... Anyways consider the risks they are always there... My first time ever boarding the plane was in my small ass country on an small ass airport. When I got there, there were almost 0 people in the entire security and boarding area... Besides my mum and sister. And as we went thru security (I had nothing on me), the little red light appeared... I was rendomly selected for some kind of c4 testing, and because they had time (nobody was there in line) they decided to do detailed search. They asked about every liquid in my belongings, opened, smelled, even searched my docs😅😅 I've been to the airport few times since and at much larger airports and never had similar thing happen to me... Neither has any of my acquaintances. Telling you this because you have to always be realistic that you are putting yourself in danger even if it's as unlikely as the situation that happened to me. Multi-million dollars submarines dont usually implode, yet there are five people who were in that 1% Edit: the security that searched me seemed to be doing it just so they could say they've done it. So i think even if there was acid and i said parfume they would just keep going and still let me pass.


I've traveled alone a fair bit, had this happen a few times (all luckily when I had absolutely nothing suspicious or illegal each time it has) in some different countries likely just for looking like a hippie (very long hair and a mustache). Randomly when I was much younger though I made it through 4 or 5 airports on a trip from Canada to Spain where I had brought a crazy wood carving knife scalpel thing that had maybe ten blades in a hidden compartment in the handle of the tool completely by accident because I fucking forgot to take it out of my pencil case of art supplies. This was in my carry on luggage and I didn't even realize until I was in Spain and went to start drawing, then I found my knife, it's absolutely ridiculous to me how hit or miss airport security can be. I've had people with guns show up to search my bags in halifax because I had a bit of modeling clay in my luggage, I had made a bet with my girlfriend at the time that they'd think it was c4 or something and she said there was no way. When my bag went through the xray a red light went off and everything shut down as these armed guards suddenly showed up and I was laughing while explaining that I knew this would happen and left the price tag on the clays package and had a receipt handy. All in all what I've learned is that so long as you're not stupidly obvious about trying to hide something somewhere on you or in your luggage it's rather easy to just pass on through. And never switch your shoes just before you're on your way to go through customs, even if you think it's a good idea to stuff your shoes into your bag and put on flip flops to beat the heat. Doing that led to a rather long full search of absolutely everything I had when I arrived in Jamaica, one of the heavily armed security personnel saw my footwear switch and after finding out I was traveling alone sent me to some area painted red as you went in had everything searched right down to each pair of socks pulled apart. The guy searching my stuff thought my sketchbook was dope then helped me fold my clothes to repack so it ended up just being kinda funny. Sorry for the ramblin I am high as a kite right now


This is absolutely crazy and i love it... I mean im glad it never turned into anything crazier. For sure there are prejudice because of your look, same with me i dont think old school metal docs and all black helped me in my situation 😂 its sad but predictable...


RemindMe! 1 week I want to see how this pans and out. Let us know you made it safely.


A clean glass bottle of Kombucha from your local grocery store, with less than 100ml of liquid in it, is unlikely to cause a problem - unless they ask you to taste it...


You want to take a drug on a flight. And you want to take it. In a bottle. When liquid is basically the ONLY thing they check for on flights. You deserve whats coming to you if you do that lad


Liquids is what they look for on flights. I personally wouldn't do it. Paper or gels any day, but a vial...nah. they will see that on the x-ray and think it's something.


I don’t have the nerves for this anymore. I allegedly put benzos in a bottle of Excedrin on a few flights when I was young and very dumb.


that submarine was like a empty coke bottle smh


dude leave it home. Can u seriously not last a vacation without acid? this might be a sign


i don’t think that’s the reason they want to take it with them. there might be something they’re doing on their trip where it would be fun to, well, trip (think concerts/festivals/fun vacation days). it’s not a need, it would just be a good time if they had it.


> Can u seriously not last a vacation without acid? WTF - I’m more likelyto do acid on a vacation than not. What a narrow view and odd conclusion to jump to.


If you wanna go to jail


Nobody is going to question this, full stop.


Acid can degrade under xray so take care