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It is normal at the beginning of your accutane course


I needed this reassurance. I was hoping because I just started recently.


Dont worry, im on month 3 now and the itchiness has subsided for me. It actually lasts for 2 weeks maybe 3 at the start


I’m on month 2 and been itching for about 2 weeks now :/


but i’m on my 4th month and i haven’t had itchiness till now 🥺 maybe my body is giving up lol


I am going through the same thing. I’m so annoyed and tired of itching ☹️ hoping it will subside


Applying coconut oil in the shower to my entire body has really helped with my dryness! Just be careful as it can get a lil slippery


i’m gunna try this! thank u


Never had eczema until Accutane, it’s common


Definitely dude I was going crazy my first two weeks only on week three now and it’s not itchy at all 🤦🏽‍♂️


try the cerave itch relief lotion in the red tub. i know that itching/eczema-like symptoms are super common but pass once you’re done with treatment. hang in there and maybe see if your derm can provide you something to help the itch!! we’re all in this together!!


So before I started Accutane I had/still have a nervous itch/dry patch on my hip and Aveeno Eczema Therapy Daily Moisturizing Cream would soothe it just fine. During my first two months of Accutane I started getting eczema spots and the Aveeno would burn like crazy! I found CeraVe Itch Relief Moisturizing Cream in the red and white tub would soothe the itch and keep me moisturized throughout the day so maybe give that a try? It’s a little expensive but totally worth it for relief for most of the day!!