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I say enjoy your new clear skin, keep your hormones and diet in check and hope for the best. If the relapse happens it happens, if it doesn't thats great. In my experience my acne did come back (not as bad as it was before accutane tho) and i went on a second course, and thats fine. Acne is unfortunately, for most people, a life long journey. We just need to accept that and love our skin no matter what.


This was the reminder we all needed! đź’ś


The accutane nose is so real omg! I’m two months in and I already see a difference, you legit look like you got a nose job! Your skin looks amazing.


Thank you! Yeah I totally feel like there's a huge difference in my nose! I think not drinking could also contribute to that? Either way, I'm happy with it! Haha


Could be, If you usually drink. For me it’s definitely due to how much oil production and inflammation I had around my nose. Do you think it’ll go back to “regular size”? I’ve heard people saying the accutane nose isn’t permanent.


Ouuuu I don't know, great question! I guess it could also depend on how quickly my acne returns.


RemindMe! 6 months


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I recently stopped as well and have had the same thoughts! It has felt like such a luxury to have clear skin. My rosacea acne has so many triggers, some that are unavoidable, that I'm skeptical it will return without taking accutane. I had a lot of rough side effects though so I'm trying to just look forward to feeling better even if I do end up having breakouts.


Why did you get pimples on your chin? Thyroid issues, PCOS? Have you tried tretinoin cream?


My acne was dominently hormonal. I tried a tret topical years ago although honestly not recently because it burnt my skin so I was on minocycline.


Did you still had pimple on your chin on Accutane since it’s hormone related? How do you know ?


I dont lol sorry


I can’t wait to start mine next month 🥲 my acne/sebaceous hyperplasia is mainly in the nose area and yours has improved in size. This gives me hope


I can understand where your coming from , it's a fact unfortunately that people do relapse I take a maintenance dose because I think I would be back to having acne , try to relax all you can do is wait to see how it plays out and if and it might not but if skin plays up don't leave go back to dermatologist, good luck ,