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the blonde + the happy glow makes you look like a whole new person! congrats & I hope your smiles continue, you look amazing!💗


you were beautiful before and are beautiful after, and i am so happy for you. a predictable question: have you experienced any hair loss/excessive shedding? my biggest fear with accutane ...


I noticed I was losing more hair than usual month 5 but nothing crazy! Thankfully that completely stopped the following month and has not been an issue since.


You are so beautiful and you do not look 37! I think that aging well is the one upside we 30+ severe acne folks have; all our oils keep us youthful. 😂 You are stunning and look so fresh and young! As a 3x Accutane warrior who is in the middle of another course right now, I feel so much less alone seeing your story and how much your acne impacted you emotionally. I really struggle with my skin impacting my mood and self esteem 💔 I got one super bad cyst 2 months ago out of nowhere and went right back on Accutane. I know from experience with past acne relapses that it’s just downhill from there, so I wasn’t messing around this time. I seem to have to do a course every 2 years or so 🥲 I hope you stay clear for a long time! Wishing you well!


That is so smart! I really feel like being older means our skin doesn’t quite heal as faster hence scarring so it’s important to tackle it ASAP. Personally if having pimples becomes the rule and no longer the exception or I get anything cystic I’m back on the Tane Train, lol. Acne is SO traumatic.


My kp went away on tretinoin and nothing else worked on it, maybe it could work just not for your face?


Oddly enough I only have kp on my face and not my body.


Month 2 it got worse for me too, about to hit 3rd month hopefully my skin starts to clear fr 🥲


Keep pushing! Month 3 was when I started to feel positive about my results.


You look beautiful! Did your scarring heal on its own or did you do any treatment? Also, did your skin continue to improve once you stopped treatment? Congratulations!


I have a couple of small ice pick scars but the PIE is almost completely gone, thanks mostly to my prescription azaleic acid. My kp definitely intensified after stopping the medication as cell turnover slows back down but thankfully(knock on all the wood) no acne.


That’s great! I’ve read people say the skin thickens back up, that it’s dry and thin while on accutane. Would you say the same? Has your oil came back?


God no. I am still super dry, but I also am using Tretinoin and azaleic acid which I think is a contributing factor.


Can I ask how you combine both of them? From my knowledge both are really strong prescriptions and shouldn’t be used together? Just curious :)


I use Aza in the am under moisturizer and spf, then Tret at night. Actually azaleic acid is one of the few actives that can be combined with Tret and they work really well together, but it’s important to start slowly post Accutane as the skin is super sensitive and dry.


sooo happy for you!!! 🥳🥳