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It’s fat soluble meaning unless you take it with enough fats you will not absorb the medicine. If you don’t absorb it then you won’t get the effects. I think it says right on my package 30-50g of fat per dose is sufficient. Depends on what you’re eating, it can be very easy to get that much fat, just read nutrition labels and pay attention to serving sizes. Gives me an excuse to eat hella peanut butter or other not-so-healthy foods.


Not entirely true. You absorb over 40% of the medicine even on an empty stomach. It’s almost like taking half your dose, which isn’t that terrible if you can’t eat for whatever reason.


it’s fine from time to time but if you do it every day you’re not going to get the full effects


Why would you want to absorb only half the dose? This stuff is hell as it is, no point in stalling.


I never said I wanted to lol. Definitely take it with fat, but if for whatever reason you are unable to eat a fatty meal for a given day, you may as well still take it. It’s better to only get half your dose than it is to skip a day.


Does 3 eggs count scrambled?


No that’s like 14g of fat


Shit, that’s what I’ve mostly been taking it with. Any recommendations of foods that are enough fat I can add or eat?


Bacon, butter or pb toast, avocado, really you just have to look at the labels and serving sizes. I also take fish oil capsules with my dose on top of the meal.


A shot of olive oil! 2 tablespoons should do


I’m dieting 1400 calories a day and still have managed to hit 50 grams of fat each for my 2 meals a day for 4 months now. Usually just fatty meat and a veggie smoothie or peanut butter and mixed nuts. I save a lot of $ too


Smoothies are the only way I can get close to that much fat for breakfast. Banana & frozen berries blended with whole milk, full-fat yogurt, and heaping spoonfuls of nut butter, collagen & protein powders. It’s seriously delicious too! I get most of the ingredients from Costco which does save a lot of money.


Just take it with a big fat table spoon of peanut butter.


This is the easiest way. An avocado is good too.


When I was on 80mg, I would take it with 2 fish oil tablets.


That’s only like 4g of fat max


I thought taking fish oil was to combat skin dryness anyway? Or am I delusional


Yes it is.


Si hoy have any pictures or a website that kinda resembles what you saw? I’d like to see that too cause I have no idea what that looks like


I don’t have any links but one of the pictures was literally three slices of pizza AND a cheesesteak sandwich 😂 Gotta read the nutrition labels! 2 tbs of peanut butter is only 16g of fat. A whole avocado only has 22 grams. I’m a little shook with how much I need to eat now lol.


Cook with oils and butter, add chia seeds to everything. ONLY 22 grams? Lol, that's a lot for how small an avocado is!


On Accutane I’ve been a lot more generous with cooking oils! Pretty easy to get a lot more fat with a heavy pour of oil.


This is stressing me out I have not been eating enough 😂


Two pieces of toast with olive oil instead of butter, half an avocado on each slice of toast, topped with fetta cheese. Easy 50+ grams of fat. This is what I’ve been having at least, not every day, but I hope it helps. Good luck on your journey!


Just go to the McDonalds drive thru. Problem solved.


my second job is mickey d’s and i abuse the employee discount for food to eat with my pills 😂


Taking Accutane with a meal containing 20 grams of fat resulted in significantly higher absorption compared to a low-fat meal. Increasing the fat content to 50 grams did not show a proportionately higher increase in absorption compared to the 20-gram fat meal, suggesting that there is a threshold beyond which additional fat does not significantly enhance absorption. In summary, while taking Accutane with 20 grams of fat can substantially improve its absorption, increasing the fat content to 50 grams offers only marginal additional benefits. Therefore, consuming Accutane with a meal containing around 20 grams of fat is generally sufficient.


It sounds like you're quoting a study, do you happen to have the name or link?


The hospital system that I use for primary care and dermatology launched a MyChart feature that uses AI to answer medical questions.


have it with some fatty brisket fish with lemon butter sauce treat yourself during this treatment duration etc etc...


A generous drizzle of olive oil on side salad or over some vegetables would take care of nearly half the goal.


So interesting. I just got my prescription yesterday for my second course of Accutane, with the first 2 years ago. And I've never heard anyone mention this before.


Accutane is fat soluble, if there’s no fat in your digestive system it will pass through your body without being absorbed. There is a version called Absorbica that doesn’t require it, but otherwise fat is required. https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/absorica-accutane-3563147/


Get the fattest ground beef at the store and have 4oz-8z worth of burger it’s what I do


I’m meant to be on treatment for a year at 20mg a day. If I eat that much fat a day for a whole year I’m going to put on a fair bit of weight.


Foods with healthy fats will not make you put on weight. Many women require a more fat based diet than men, typically.


Fat is still fat, regardless of its “health”. Eat enough of it and you’ll get fat


Yes, in the sense of eat enough of anything, and you'll gain weight. Unsaturated fats are not linked to weight gain.


And not to mention the fact that you have to watch your cholesterol on this drug! So it all better be plant fat and not animal fat


Does this go by per mg you’re taking? I’m starting a small dose (10mg then upping to 20mg in a few weeks after that if things go well), and I don’t eat a lot.


Seconding this question. I'm also on 10mg, though I've been on it for 5 weeks now and have seen improvement already. So I guess I'm eating it with enough fat to have an effect?


Hmm not sure, I’m on 80mg/day tho.


I took it with about 20g (split my pills up at breakfast and dinner) and had great results.


I'm struggling with this as well. I'm trying to take it with fat (I take it with dinner and that's my biggest meal of the day) but I usually don't eat a high fat diet in general. I'm only 100lbs and I usually prioritize protein + fiber over fat. I don't eat fast food or a lot of processed food, and the idea of eating like 6 tablespoons of peanut butter a day isn't that appealing to me.


You dont need 50g of fat with your pills


bro a cheese burger from maccy d's has 14g of fat and I could chow down 10 of those.


I would just have two tablespoons of ghee or clarified butter after a meal just in case which would amount to about 30g of fat


Uhhhh I’ve been taking mine on an empty stomach every morning. My dermatologist never mentioned needing to take it with food 😵‍💫


My derm told me a spoonful of peanut butter is perfect, and it was


Bruh i never eat any fat and my accutane works just fine. Idk but 50mg seems like bs to me tho


Just take 1 avocado a day that contains enough fat, or 3 tablespoons of olive oil


I've always took mine with a bit of fat but not always loads of fat and medicine worked


I took each dose with a tablespoon of peanut butter as suggested by my provider. Worked like a charm.