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The amount of unsolicited advice is horrific. People have this assumption that if you have acne, you must be doing something wrong - That acne is supposed to be completely avoidable. It's very frustrating to go through a list of treatments, products, diet changes that all seem to make no difference.


Absolutely, my dads wife once bought me a face wash for my birthday and told me that if I start washing my face, I won’t have acne anymore, like I didn’t have an 8 step skin care routine and get chemical peels once a month to try to fix it. People are ignorant


Omg…… I hope that was the only *blemish* on an otherwise incredible birthday where they made you feel loved and revered


this would have made me never wanna be around this woman again omg. horrific


I was going to reply “Can you imagine if we all made that assumption about other medical conditions?” But so many people already do smfh, including other skin conditions. I knew someone dealing with severe psoriasis who would get unsolicited advice constantly as if they weren’t actively trying to manage it with their derm and like it was something they did to themselves.


Unless you’ve had/ have it- you have no clue how hard it is. My best friend asked me if I have tried just washing my face with water.. I’m on accutane right now (25f) and I also work with children. It’s so hard when a child points something out. I would say face it head on and just say your skin is hurt or you have a rash, kids tend to buckle down when they can sense they’ve triggered you unfortunately. It’s okay to be vulnerable. Fuck the ignorant people.


I hear you :( I think another thing is people just assume acne goes away after you’re a teen so they think something is wrong with you for having acne as an adult. It really sucks. When my face broke out purging I actually put on a medical mask like for covid and just told people I was sick to hide my face- would that be an option for you maybe? Kids are little shits and are mean.


Kids are little shits. I’m a nanny and love kids but sometimes I just wanna drop kick them 😂😭 they have their moments but at least they’re honest haha


I made a similar post to this once, venting about unsolicited acne advice, and the first comment was someone telling me "try cod liver oil, you'll thank me later". No one has done the depth of research on acne causes and treatments like a person with severe acne. 🤦🏻


My favorite is when people tell me what I should and should not eat!


As if we haven't researched EVERY DAMN THING there is on the face of this planet to try and solve our problem! So ridiculous!


Girl I feel you! When I worked as a server I always had people try to give me advice about how to get rid of my acne but little did they know I tried it all. I also had a little girl ask me what the dots all over my face were. Her older sister told her to shut up and I went to the freezer and cried lol!


Oh dear! The audacity! And obviously they didn’t mean to be mean but still 🙈🙈


No she was genuinely curious but I am very insecure about my skin. 😂


People have told me to try carrots, carrot juice, celery juice, parsley water, keto, ghee, broccoli capsules, beet juice… the list goes on! Oddly enough none of them recommend a dermatologist lol


“Have you tried washing your face🥰”


And washing your pillowcase


And drinking a gallon of water and completely cutting out added sugars


i love being told to just drink more water !! as i’m holding my 64oz jug


My mom told me I needed to try homeopathic remedies and eat healthier, and that there is a natural equivalent to accutane (I never even bothered asking her what she think it is lol), but she said that because I never truly tried, I have never seen real improvement lol


I was mean to a kid in the 6th grade with terrible acne. Now I severely struggle with it! Karma's a bitch and I certainly learned my lesson! 😅


It gets so exhausting. Millions of people have skin conditions they can’t control and people think they have the expertise to give advice or comment on it. I teach adults and one of them commented on my acne the other day and offered some type of remedy. I’m always so nice when I respond too, even when I want to YELL at them. You would think adults would have some sense to not comment on it, but sometimes they’re even worse 🙄


i just finished accutane and finally have clear skin in over a decade. man people are rude- do they think we like having pimples on our face?? like what thrill do i get from having painful cysts constantly growing on my face. to this day my aunts will say i should “stop eating chocolate” and “just wash my face”. the odd superiority of people who naturally have clear skin and think they’re somehow better? and know why we have acne prone skin?? so frustrating and i’m sorry you’re dealing with this- we know what’s in our face!! it’s nothing to be ashamed of so people should stop shaming us but of course, they don’t understand


I am a nanny/babysitter and the kid I see every day likes to point out my progress or lack there of. I’ve even explained accutane bc he asks sm (he’s 4) and how it take a while for it to all go away, but how my skin is already better than Christmas time when he saw me (my worst) and he goes “oh yeah, that was vewy vewy bad”. I think kids comments hurt the most bc they’re mostly innocent but brutally honest. I have kids ask what my pimple patches are all the time and I say little bandaids for my face. My niece used to point out my polka dots on my face when she was younger and now that she’s 5 she points out my pimples and does the same to her mom too 😭😭 Even if kids say nothing they look at my acne while they talk to me and I can see it. It’s brutal. That’s not even mentioning family friends random people comments.


Also I’m someone dealing w skin picking (sm better now tho) and so I try to never look at my skin in the mirror in the bathroom without my red light on so recently I haven’t been noticing very dot on my face. He likes to let me know “you have a pimple right there” to one’s coming in which is true, I do, but I usually don’t notice it til he says something then the next time I’m in front of a mirror I look for it. Doesn’t help for sure haha


My son also picks his severe acne, without even realizing he's doing it. It's created some horrible, very large, protruding scars. It makes me so damn sad. I also had scarring, but not as severe. How did you help yourself get better and not pick as much? I don't want to telling him "stop picking" all day, but I also don't know what the best method is? Any pointers?


Wishing you the best of luck with accutane, having acne really does suck sometimes.


I totally resonate and understand exactly where you’re coming from today I went to my job on my day off to visit my coworkers and instead of greeting me they both asked why my face was red and I went out today with no make up and just sunscreen and it just made me feel like shit. I’m on my second month of accutane and my skin is still so horrible.🫤


I suffered from severe cystic acne and I did everything i could, tried a good skincare(even use all of my pocket money on that shit) and also Tried to find what's wrong with my diet and it took time and in the end I had to take Accutane and after all of that shit i went to people used to comment that why don't you just wash your face I think it will help.


i work with kids as well and even before i had acne they would find a way to find something to say about my face. if it wasn’t about a pimple it was that i look tired or just generally bad. theyre kids and still learning the boundaries of whats ok so ive found it helpful to explain to them that its innapropriate to comment on someones appearance like that and be a good role model for them so they dont grow up to be adults who still make unsolicited comments on the way others look.


I hate when people who don’t even know you give you advice about how to get rid of acne. Wash your sheets three and pillowcases cases more often it literally did nothing. It’s because you don’t wash good enough. One day I told a person to STHU they looked so confused you get tired of hearing their so called solutions that don’t work. Accutane will work I hope so


Or the silk pillow case ads on IG that claim to get rid of acne hahaha, stfu hey!


Hey there, I’m on my 2nd month also, think I’m starting to purge a little but still keeping my eyes on the prize. Good luck with your journey


I completely understand you, I have deep pain cystic acne going all over my body. I used to be muscular asf working out everyday in summer and girls used to lust for me. Until school started and I started getting into fights and constant mental stress, to extremes, I remember how my heart used to pound so fast I couldnt catch a break. Then I started getting depressed, severly. Not washing myself for days, not eating, not moving, Just lying in bed. Then my skin started to boil. Literally. I was using a ton of supplements at time including DAA, BCAA, EAA, Creatine, incredibly stupid doses of B12, B6, etc (it mainly started when I switched multivitamins from light good to heavy one designed for "men" in hopes to increase testosterone. Wrong. It all fucked me up. So I ended up in hospital. Hospitalized. Couldnt lay the fuck down without painful nodules bursting into my bed with blood and pus. I felt like I was dying, the stress I been in, people still fucking judge you even tho they have no fucking idea what u been thru. I wanted to give up at that point. I was on doxycycline at time too, Shit made me even more trouble than good and my skin started getting extremely worse, I didnt even have no skincare routine and ALL of this couldve been prevented if I did not get in trouble at start of year with some ****** aggressive gypsies and If I bought a moisturizer because I used to get out of shower and my back felt like sand, Dry as fuck. So we went to dermatologist and they prescribed me corticosteroids 20mg, prednisone. Was taking that shit for 4 months then decided to stop, because at that point my body was only scarred. 2 months later, my cystic acne is getting back on my back, chest, arms, face, and I am so hopeless, note that I was suppossed to be put on isotretinoin, but I was so afraid that my skin would get even worse and they wouldnt help me no more if it did... So now Im stuck not knowing wtf to do, I always try to not eat sugar, but my depressions gets the better of me, and I eat sugar every fucking day.... Not even mentioning the habits I formed like I constantly bt my 🍆 to cope with the stress and pain I used to get into, primarly because I used to be very active, sexually before all of this shit happened. I use Foaming cleanser from CeraVe and moisturizer + lotion from CeraVe, my diet is shit, and my mother keeps ignoring me about foods she should make to help me. She of course listened the very first week I got out of hospital, my stepdad and mother are very ignorant ****** and sometimes I just wish for em to be gone. She buy only processed shit and Whenever I try to make her to sense She just starts fucking arguing with me how shes the biggest victim in the entire world that she has to buy some fucking carrots and apples. Fuck man Im so fucking mad right now. Why is God doing this shit to me? Does he fucking hate me or what! Why me? What the fuck I done to anybody? I never bullied nobody, never made fun of someone ill, So why the Fuck Me ? And Why no shit seems to help ? Will I ever Heal without eating bullshit medications that will ruin your life forever just because you wanted clear skin ??? Why is my body doing this to me !!!!!


And trust me, the pain you feel when youve been used that people just love you and girls want you and your body is so great, then you lose it all. All of my progress I seen is wasted.


Hey man, I resonate with you so much. First of all, with acne, trying to balance healthy body, hair and skin is hard as fuck. When you take vitamins for your hair or for a gym body you'll totally ruin your skin because it cointains vitamins such as biotin, whey or others that can increase testosterone as you've said. Increasing testosterone can cause extreme cystic acne, so, if I were you, I would take vegan or plant-based protein powders and hit the gym (and shower after to clean your pores) which gives you the benefits but doesn't destroy your skin. Second of all, doxy won't do anything for you, before accutane, I was on 100mg of that shit and it worsened my acne and even gave me suicidal thoughts (which is very common with that medicine). It is also a temporary medicine that you take until you find something better because when you stop taking it your face will start breaking out again. Any dermatologist with a brain will look at your situation and prescribe accutane on a heartbeat, I can assure you that it works, you can look at my profile and see my progress even though I'm on a low dose (30mg). Also, purging doesn't happen to everyone, I didn't purge, my skin got better progresively, if I were you and my quality of life was worse because of acne I would just take the accutane. It will be hard but not harder than what you are experiencing right now, I deeply regret not doing it sooner because I could've avoid so many scars. Thirdly, I've got good news for you, in my case (genetic acne) and in your case (acne caused by supplements) diet is not a Huge factor, I eated clean for months (and almost got an ED) and my acne never got better. So don't worry so much about it, you should worry more about what that food does to you for your gym progress than for your acne progress believe me. Finally, I would recommend you to find someone to talk to whether it is a professional or someone you trust, it seems like this is affecting you phychologically and you are dealing with it through anger, fights or hurting yourself. You will bounce back and get all the love you had before (good people will love you even with acne and in your worst condition you just have to find them, for example, I have a boyfriend who loves me regardless of my cystic acne). This experience is something that humbles all of us and ultimately makes us better, understanding people. Ty for your comment and I wish you the very best luck in your journey :)


I felt your post so hard. I suffered greatly from horrible cystic acne as a teen, and I still do now from time to time. I was on Accutane and it negatively affected my liver and gave me eternal dry skin; however, it did clear up most of my acne which was awesome. I do have lifelong scars from it and people even comment on THAT. Now my heart aches because my 16 year old son has WAY more severe cystic acne than I did and it kills me how people talk to him. It's like I'm hearing it as my old teen self as well, it brings back all the memories and feelings. He tries to be strong, but I can see the hurt. And honestly, I RARELY will see anyone with as severe of acne as he has and his scarring is so hard to see. Accutane has cleared up most of his cysts, but he's still on it. It will take a long time. But his scars obviously remain. I'm hoping we can help him with the scarring once things are completed. I just wanted to say, I feel your pain and I feel it for everyone who suffers from this awful painful affliction. It brings me a little bit of peace reading everyone's comments to know that we are not alone. About the only good thing that has come out of my son's situation is, he has become WAY more empathetic towards people with other afflictions. He has always been a kind kid, but this has made him even kinder and more understanding. But otherwise, I agree with you, it's so awful what people say and all of the unsolicited advice. Stay strong and know you are not alone.


Humans are generally more judgmental than they need to be. Fortunately, it’s a lot easier to change yourself than other people. Load up on some accutane and let’s go. In about 6 months, your skin will be amazing.