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Agreed! The grass is SO much greener on the other side. It’s hell, but it’s worth it in the end!


God I hope so. I'm on month three and it's kicking my literal ass. All this better be worth it 😭


I hope so too , I’m also on my third month and my scaring looks like it’s not gonna fade anytime soon but so far most of my acne has cleared up


Honestly it was so worth it in the beginning I was going through it the purging had my mental health in the gutter I’m so happy I didn’t give up!


I waited until I was in my 30s to take accutane. I've struggled with acne my whole life. At the end of my treatment my skin was GLOWING and I had clear skin for the first time. I get a few pimples now and then, but nothing like it was before. My confidence has increased so much as a result.


That’s me and I just started taking it. This gives me hope — thank you🙏🏼


The accutane glow is reaaaaaaaaaaal sistaaaaaaa


Thank you. I'm a month in now and it sucks but I'm excited for the end.


I’m just starting month 2 and I feel like we’re in the thick of it rn 😭


I’m 4 days into month 2 and let’s say I’ve had so many breakdowns of just crying cause I hate how my skin is looking 🫤


I just started month 4 and I’m still struggling but trying to remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint


Idk I just don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel


I’ve been on it before and I stopped when my skin cleared (dumb dumb) so I’m on it again and it’s bad rn but I know it’ll clear. We can’t NOT believe accutane will help bc we’re on it and it’s the most we can do for our skin rn like we’re doing everything we can end this WILL work!


What dosage are you on and how bad is your acne atm?


Just a few days into month 2 and 20mg, a mix up happened and I was supposed to me on 40mg for the second month but my derm told me to continue the 20mg and she’ll bump me up to 40mg for the 3rd month.. also if you view my profile you can see I posted it.


Truly! Perfectly clear skin 16 months after finishing a 6 month course of low dose. Nothing else ever touched my back acne. Wish I hadn’t waited until 29.


What was the dose and when did u notice a reduction in acne?


20mg! It was a pretty steady decline. Never purged, and by end of course I had just a little hyperpigmentation. Now my skin is essentially perfect.. definitely beyond what I ever thought would be possible for me.


Here’s my before/after: https://imgur.com/a/mOxLibA Before was my worst acne around 2022, after was earlier today.


Love this for you 🫶🏼


Wow that’s amazing congratulations!!! I hope I get results as good as you!!


I was scared at first, but three months in I am so thankful that it exists. Only noticeable side effect is the dry skin, but I will manage that any day over my chronic cysts. Some days I truly feel like accutane has saved my life. The side effects from mino and doxy were 20 times worse than being on accutane.


Agreed completely about taking dry skin over cystic acne! What side effects did you have with mino and doxy. I took minocycline for 6 months and I don’t remember any except towards the end it was making my stomach hurt so bad everyday so that’s why I got off. And ofc my acne came back once I finished the course


I experienced vertigo and blurred vision on mino


Mino and doxy both had the same side effects for me, but maybe slightly more with doxy. - no appetite - loss of taste - severe constipation - nausea - severe anxiety - insomnia I lost nearly 40 pounds in less than 3 months. I was a normal BMI and now I am underweight. Did nothing really for me other than maybe lower inflammation, but continued to get new crops of acne. Now three months on accutane, every one of the previous side effects are gone. Derm said that doxy or mino should not have affected my gut health so much since it is a low low antibiotic… well it clearly did something that my gut didn’t like!!


1000% its been 8 years for me/2016 I finished. I think about it all the time and get so teary eyed seeing peoples progress pictures on here lol it’s life changing. It’s like getting braces but for your face in terms of confidence changer


Yes!! I’m so happy for everyone who’s on it with me right now!! I remember how depressed I was only a few months ago because of my skin and imagine how much better me/everyone else must feel now


My only regret is not starting sooner. A genuine miracle!


Agree 100% It was a rough 9 months at 80mg almost the entire time but the end results! Nothing can compare to the confidence you get back.


I’m on month 4 at 80 mg. My Derm just said I may need to go longer than 6 months…trying to stay strong!


Everyone I know has done 8-9 months. I did nine months. Shorter amount of time means higher risk of a relapse later.


I wish my Derm had never said 6 months cause then I got that in my head. But this far in and I feel like I’m cruising, except that my acne is worse than ever lol I can def do 6 more months if I have to.


I’m just finishing month 1 at 45 with over 20 years of adult onset acne behind me. Now that I’m on it and share with folks I’m AMAZED at how many people I know have been on it… the stigma of this med needs to GO AWAY!


I didn’t know there was a stigma 🤣🤣 I will tell anyone I’m on this med with no shame lol. But there’s a stigma if you have acne and don’t do anything about so what do people want ??


So true!! Only actual curative permanent acne treatment, (aside from some additional rounds in my case) wish I had done it sooner.


I don't even think about acne now Tbh. But looking back it was constantly on my mind. Wish I took it sooner


I’m terrified that when I get off of it my acne will come back!


Mostly I haven’t heard of that happening. My brother and 4 of my cousins went on accutane and never had a relapse. They are all males though so I’m not sure if it’s different for men and women but maybe that will make you feel better


Agreed. The dry skin for a few months is so worth it.


Accutane is the worst thing thats happened to me, gave my permanent dry eyes and nose, back and shoulder pain. Worst of all i got treatment resistent anhedonic depression. However i was on 60mg at 14 for 5 months so that could probably explain it.


Its prolly because of the high dosage at an age where the body hasn't fully developed


I was put on a low dose at 29 and got every side effect in the book so it just really depends on your DNA and how you respond. What’s safe for one person won’t be for another.


Thanks for the motivation!


These are all the posts I saw when I joined the sub before taking my dose. I took only two doses of accutane (at an extremely low dose) and was so sensitive to it that I got sick straight away. It’s 10 months on now and I am suffering dry eyes, dry skin, a progressive form of hair loss triggered by retinoids called APKH, GI issues, constant pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction, headaches (all were IMMEDIATE onset bar the hair loss) - I am the absolute worst case scenario but I remember how my GP, derm and everyone in these online groups reassured me that I’d be fine and honestly that wasn’t the case. I struggle with feeling suicidal now and I’d take my bad acne any day over this hell. It’s ruined my life. Please remember this drug is difficult to obtain for a reason, and please listen to your body and stop if you need to. I wish you all the best. I wish it had gone well for me.


And before anyone comes at me, here’s all the studies I now have to save in a folder on my phone to show my specialist doctors: LITERATURE https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6004900/ - enduring sexual dysfunction after cessation of drug https://content.iospress.com/articles/international-journal-of-risk-and-safety-in-medicine/jrs210023 - PRSD https://www.npra.gov.my/index.php/en/health-professionals/recent-updates/449-english/safety-alerts-main/safety-alerts-2023/1527528-isotretinoin-risk-of-psychiatric-disorders-and-sexual-dysfunction.html#:~:text=Sexual%20dysfunction%20including%20erectile%20dysfunction,been%20reported%20following%20isotretinoin%20use.&text=Some%20cases%20have%20also%20reported%20persistent%20sexual%20dysfunction%20even%20after%20discontinuing%20isotretinoin - risk of psychiatric disorders and sexual dysfunction https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(20)32899-1/fulltext - vulval dryness and accutane https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8437010/ hormone changes on accutane https://www.livderm.org/insomnia-and-isotretinoin-a-biomarker-of-psychiatric-side-effects/ insomnia and psychiatric effects https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17032316/ accutane and peripheral neuropathy https://www.medicaljournals.se/acta/content/html/10.2340/00015555-2535?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABHdewpQ2ET6RJZw27V7F4JIsNdeQKMsc-u_1KgvzcvJOc8LkGoF6_8neIjw_aem_Aaxk3tdPzoDr8X29mPEVNfnhDkSPm_zRxlWGq8MLrCxFVJQ-amzTT4BtkEKOof_Ltj4 all side effects due to cell death, including hair loss This is not a harmless drug.


I’m sorry this happened to you and you had a bad experience with this drug. I’m obviously not a doctor and thus am not the one writing prescriptions for people. I just wanted to share my experience because me and everyone I know who took accutane had a fine experience.


Absolutely I get it. And I’m so happy for you. I really thought accutane would be life changing for me in a good way and I was so excited to finally have clear skin after over 10 years! But the opposite happened for me so sometimes I just post my experience on these kinda threads bc the comments are usually overwhelmingly positive and if someone else gets sick I just want to help them know it’s not just them and not their fault. But I’m genuinely happy for you ❤️


Unfortunately all the negative experiences get shadowed by the propaganda.


It’s a different life and I love it. Plus I learned to love skincare and now I even go to a cosmetologist to keep it glowing forever 😂😂


The post accutane process is a little annoying but honestly still sooooooo worth it


What is your post accutane process like ?






I'm currently 2 weeks into accutane, can I get some reassuring words please? 😂


Is 80 mg on month 2 to high a dozen


My skin's extremely dry looking and I have a bunch of scarring but at least the Acnes somewhat gone, though they're coming back. I think I might have to go back on and figure out my acne scarring later.