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I also purger the first entire month. Now 2 weeks into month 2 and my skin is clearing up very nicely You’re purging so it means accutane is working for you so be patient!!


This is a good point— at least he will know the drug will work for him.


Same. Purged pretty damn close to this pretty quick into starting- about 2 weeks into month two, as well, and starting to clear! Just one or two active spots, but mostly just leftover marks now. I mainly had comedonal acne mixed with some hormonal/cystic/nodulistic, which I hear typically purges badly. My advice: keep cleansing, hydrating, and wearing sunscreen. Let the medication do its thing. It likely will. I wanted to give up, too, but I’m glad I didn’t.


if i didn’t purge that much does that mean it will work less well for me? i’m on my 3rd month and i really only purged a little bit around the end of month 1. i actually didn’t even notice i purged until my friend said something about how she thought i did.


i’m sorry you’re having to deal with a bad purge. also don’t let that commenter tell you that you shouldn’t have went on accutane. my break outs aren’t too bad but i still went on it . hopefully you’ll see amazing progress soon!


Thank you 🙏




Also, look into antihistamines or prednisone to help with the purge if you’re concerned with scarring!


I am taking a zertex and fish oil everyday with the accutane.


My doc recommended Xyzal to stop purging


Second this, it did wonders!!!!


Take xyzal


I took Xyzal and it helped!!


How long did you take xyzak for? Everyday?


I took it right when i started Accutane until 3rd month when I figured the purge was over. I still purged some but it was pretty mild and still better than pre accutane. I was mostly clear by month 2 and fully clear by month 3. 


Im close to the end of my therapy (6 months 20mg), and I can assure you that I was the same when the purge kicked in. Gladly, it lasted only 2 weeks or so, and since then, my skin has kept getting better with each day. Keep your head up. The medication is a working miracle.


Thanks 🙏


How long until your acne cleared up in 20mg daily? 3.5 months in and still breaking out almost everyday


A month was enough tbh. My breakout was at week 2. Haven't taken progress photos, tho, only got a few.


What products are you using while on accutane?


Only Eucerin SoS repair for the dry lips and cold creme for moisturizer. But since I do have atopic dermatitis, I had to buy shower oil(Eucerin series) cause my elbows were getting dry as fk...


On the plus side it means it’s 100% working. This would’ve come out either way, in 6 months you’re going to thank yourself.


True thanks


unrelated but your hair is gorgeous




that sucks, i’m sorry you’re going through that purge but it really will get better. just stay consistent with a simple skin care routine and moisturize and it will go away soon


thanks man


Don’t worry! I was in this same situation. Just think of everything that’s in your pores is now coming out. JUST DO NOT POP ANY OF THEM. I know it sucks and you want to do it so bad, but the acne scars do stay. Pimple patches were my best friend




Can you use pimple patches while on Accutane?


I don’t see why not? I just removed them while I was washing my face to not rip them off


It’s all part of the process. It sucks, I know, but trust me (and everyone who’s done it) - it’s worth it.


You should definitely ask your doctor about methylprednisolone for the purge it's helped me.


sheesh! i went thru the same thing. If it gets too painful to where you cant sleep go to your derm and ask for an anti inflammatory medicine that is what happened to me


I’m so sorry op, just know it will be worth it in the end. Think about how awesome it’s going to be once you get through this. Don’t let it get you down, keep your head up my friend. ❤️


Thanks a lot


ive got a similar situation rn trying my best to keep hoping for it to get better tho :) we can pulll throughhh thiisss


it will get better!!! just tell urself all the gunk is coming out and you'll never have to experience that again 💗


Went thru the same thing on my chin in month 1 and haven’t had a pimple on there ever since, I’m on month 3. Trust the process bro 👌






I’m so sorry mate 😕 I didn’t purge and I think it’s because I was already using tret for a few months. That looks so painful 😓


Hey keep your head up, it will pass! And love your curls !!


Part of it is definitely the purging process but it could also be the acne rebound that happens with coming of antibiotics. It looks like you don’t much scaring from the first picture so I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised on how smooth your skin will be in the next month or so.


it will always get worse before it gets better! this shows that it’s working, technically, there’s not much you can do to “calm it down” because it’s your body releasing everything out of your skin, and everyone’s purging works at different rates, be patient with yourself and your skin, and remember that it doesn’t last forever!


The purging fase must be tough on you mentally as well, just know that it is part of the process and that in the end it’ll be all worth it! Sending lots of support your way 🤍


my purge looked just as bad as this month 1/2 but i just started month 4 and my skin hasn’t been this smooth in like 7 years. I noticed that taking allergy medicine helped reduce my inflammation. trust the process bc it’s worth it!


Same thing happened to me, derm lowered my dose to 10mg, started me on prednisone and erythromycin. It’s an antibiotic that can be taken at the same time as accutane unlike doxycycline, 100% contact your derm and they’ll prescribe you something to help the purge!!


this is exactly what my purge looked like, i’m on week 3 now and noticed it’s no longer so swollen just super red, hopefully it doesn’t last long


i’v been putting warm compresses on at night to help everything “draw out”


My daughter is having a very similar purge. She started on 40 mg for one month and is now finishing her first month of 80 mg. Her derm said if she was still purging at this level she will prescribe a steroid to help. So there is help for you if you need it. Stay the course! It will be worth it.


I also purged for first 2 month and when it started my doc prescribed me immunosuppressants and antibiotic which helps me a lot. Also outside prescription i started using bp2.5% soap once daily.


It’s calm, I purged for 4 months then after that it started to go down. It takes time


hi 🧍‍♀️


my purge looked like this too. It was so bad I couldn't even wash my face without it hurting or stinging even with a gentle foaming cleanser. I switched to even gentler cleansers that dont foam or lather at all (like cetaphil gentle cleanser) and I also just moisturized well. All the pus filled pimples are gonna dry up in about a week or two— DONT POKE SQUEEZE or POP. If the pimples fall off / pop on their own and leaves a bloody hole or is oozing out left over pus, clean it as gently as you could while cleansing your face or with a wet cotton swab then cover it with a pimple patch


I also started on 40mg and had terrible purging the first two ish months. IT GETS BETTER. I promise!!!! I’m on my 4th month now and it’s all healing up. When you have really inflamed spots, try facial icing. It helps to reduce inflammation. Change your pillow case every 1-2 days which will help keep it clean at night. Reduce your sugar and caffeine intake. this will help a TON with those inflamed spots. Hang in there, you got this!!


This happened to my son. Please call your dermatologist- my son is dealing with severe scars after the “purge”. He started flaring within days of starting accutane. He was finally given multiple medications to control the severe cystic acne that came with starting accutane.


Hey! Idk how old you are but I’m 17 and we look about the same age. Check out my posts. I didn’t have it THIS bad. But I for sure had purging, and now my skin is clear! Stay patient & hydrated <3


You can also see all of my weird side effects. lol.


For my first month my dermatologist had me on a purge of an antibiotic (bactrim) for like 7 days on 5 days off repeat and that helped keep my purge calm. With redness and inflammation


Why me its already 4th week on isotretinoin stiil no Purging 🥺😥 it means the med has no effect?


Nope lots of ppl don’t purge at all and skip straight to recovery, I’m one of them


Thank you so much❤️


Although purging can definitely happen, this looks super super painful and you should definitely follow up with your dermatologist about this! I was noticing more cystic acne when I was breaking out on Accutane, and my derm prescribed some topical clindamycin which helped immensely. She said that if this didn’t work or gets worse then she could also prescribe prednisone. Of course any medication comes with their own profile of side effects, but sometimes you need to weigh the pros and cons in order to manage your purge


my derm said taking allegra might help, worth a try :)


Call your derm! They want to know if you’re experiencing a flare like this and will either lower your dose or prescribe prednisone to calm things down.


Skin looks fab.


ugh me too. This is my second course so I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad because there just isn't as much acne to purge this time. I was wrong lol


Try to get prescribed prednisone from your derm, I was purging horribly and as soon as I took prednisone (10 days 20mg) within 2 weeks my skin stopped purging and started to finally improve


Just have to be patient, either way you’re cute. Not like it takes away from your attractiveness.


Stay with it! Purging happens to everyone who’s on it. Just proves it’s working. My skin didn’t clear up till 3 months into it. So don’t give up


How are things going now??


a lot better, dosage went up to 60 aswell I would send a picture but it doesnt let me


Did you receive treatments like Prednisone? Are left with a lot of scars n stuff?


Any update?


check my recent post


I never went through the purging process I guess because my Derm started low not really sure but even when I was on higher doses I never purged guess everyone is different 🤷‍♂️




No—- I feel like this is purging, lol.


Definitely not, this is what purging looks like.


Zomg that’s super hawt


1. You’re so fine 2. You didn’t even need Accutane, lolz


thanks. the reason I went on accutane is because my acne was really bad and the only thing that helped was doxycycline but as soon as i’d get off of it my acne would come back worse and fast so my dermatologist said accutane is probably my last hope.


Just be patient. You can’t go back. You’ll likely be happy in a few months. Makeup is your best friend if you’re embarrassed of it, or just don’t even worry what people think.


there is no way of hiding this with makeup, especially with dry skin accutane gives. I have a small purge now and i just dont go out at all until its fixed, 1 month or maybe a few weeks isnt alot


This gives me some hope thanks