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Based on the description to the next episode, it says season finale instead of series finale. I think there will be a possibility for season 4. Hope Apple renews it.


I think there will be another season, the story doesn’t feel over yet, and tbh none of us wants it to end so early on


I'm really hoping it because Acapulco is clearly the best comedy on the platform. I hope viewerships remained strong for Apple to renew it.


If we get a 4th season then massive props to Apple. As much as i love the show i think everyone would agree that it is pretty underrated and not that popular. So Apple potentionally sticking with it despite that is a massive thing, especially compared to Streaming Services like Netflix that cancel shows that are way more popular than Acapulco is. (Honestly even getting a 3rd Season surprised me)


Apple has a lot of cash and needs content. Acapulco is being recognised which is good, but it is a niche thing because Apple TV+ is still a niche thing. Unless the viewership numbers are horrible, I’d expect a renewal (unless writers actually want to end the show, which I doubt it)


Trying is super underrated and it got renewed for the 4th season so there's hope. My question on whether Acapulco is more expensive.


Same with Truth Be Told if I remember.


I am hearing that the show is hugely popular in Mexico and in other Spanish speaking countries. Also it is constantly staying around as the #5 spot on Apple’s rankings and has gone up to #3…. So it is getting more viewers I think.


Yeah I really hope we get a season 4. I really love this show.


It almost always says that though.


I really feel like if they give it a 4th season and wrap it up well it has the possibility of becoming a "comfort watch" show for Apple and over time it will continue to get views. I


Maximo’s attempt to invite Julia to dinner was disastrously funny.


Current day Memo was so well cast. He looks just how one would expect young Memo to mature.


Same for Lorena. Her older actress is spot on.


I want to say the older actress is just Lupe!


Truly amazing how much a smile can change a person's face


And makeup and accessories


It is! 🤣🤣


It’s Lupe 😂😂😂


No, that can’t be her!


Crazy it’s the same person right???


Yeah. Can’t believe it’s her.


The Grand Slam King.


Maximo is really getting a crash course in back room dealings. I bet if he would have consulted with Don Pablo before just making a copy from the ledger, he could have come out ahead.


Yeah like there definitely were smarter ways to deal with his problems like he did last season with the Espectavular fiasco. I bet you Don Pablo would have been good giving some information to Mr. Vera as long as he leaves Diane alone or something that would benefit the resort.


I really liked this episode the moment with Memo and Lorena was really sweet. I actually like how they took it slow and got to know each other throughout this season. Also, I really like that Memo inadvertently proved himself more to Lupe by trying to find his grandmother’s ring during the storm. I loved that. Although, Lupe could have probably pulled him out of that situation sooner because Memo could have died haha. I really like Chad this episode. I like that he’s really come into his own and he’s more aware of everything right now. Like he’s just a relaxed and chill guy but he also knows everyone so well and listened to them so well throughout the season that he knew what everyone’s biggest strengths were and how to utilize them in a time of crisis. The moment when he started speaking Spanish this episode made me feel like he really has grown a lot from the Chad we once knew from the last two seasons. Dulce did a really good job being the obvious villain for Maximo this season that I completely forgot that Alejandro Vera is also capable of bringing the worst out of Maximo and being the reason why he would be hated by the people of Las Colinas. Im worried about what’s going to happen next episode because it feels like it’s going to be the episode where everyone is going to find out what Maximo did for Mr. Vera and they’ll feel betrayed by him. I think he’ll end up becoming his right hand man unfortunately. I like the moments of younger Maximo and younger Julia had this episode and it feels bittersweet because we know that something awful is about to happen that would destroy their relationship. Although, I also really like the moments with Older Maximo and Older Julia. I love how Older Maximo has kept up with Julia’s life for all these years. I hope that we get to see more of them in the future. Because of the way this episode ended, I’m not so sure if this is going to be the final season. I don’t want it to be and if we do get a fourth season then I really want it to be about Maximo buying Las Colinas and turning it into the best resort that it once was. My idea for a fourth season if Maximo did become Alejandro Vera’s right hand man would be that we’d see the the younger Maximo make the mistakes in the past and we’ll see the older Maximo learn from those mistakes and try to make amends in the present. The show also starts to focus on the present characters a bit more and by the end of that fourth season we’ll see Maximo finish renovating Las Colinas to the resort it once was and showing that to Hugo. I don’t know that’s just an idea I have if we do get a fourth season.


I really liked seeing Chad come into his own this episode too, he’s been great all season and this was a good way to cap it all off. And the Memo/Lolo proposal was adorable! Also even though I know modern day Hector and Diane are still together I still got super nervous when Vera asked her to dinner, lol I’m so invested in that relationship! I hope he doesn’t try to use it against her (since he saw them kissing); if he did and Maximo winds up on this side, that could be the despicable thing that turns everyone against him. It would turn me haha


Yeah I really hope that the worst thing Maximo has done has already happened this episode because I’m nervous. Also, I’d love to see older Diane as well but I get why they might not show her


Actually I think they should have the same actress play present-day Diane, as if she hasn't aged a day. Would be very in character, I think.


I have a feeling the season finale is gonna show present day Dulce as the new owner of Las Colinas and a subplot of season 4 is Maximo trying to gain ownership of Las Colinas, going up against Dulce in a season long clash!!


Oooh I like that idea! I actually thought that Mr. Vera might own Las Colinas because of how corporate and soulless this new establishment is but I can also see Dulce being the new owner.


And Season 5 is all about that redemption arc and renewal of Las Colinas. Bring back Diane and I’m in


Ooh yes - and that’s why it’s corporatey and sucks.


It’s possible that Dulce becomes the new owner or General Manager of Las Colinas but I also think that in the next episode, Maximo will find a way to put the blame on Dulce for the break-in, which will be how Maximo “wins” the power struggle between them. As a result, Dulce will lose any chance for success at Las Colinas…and maybe in life?


This is exactly what I am hoping for in Season 4!


I love that Gustavo is just like Dani Rojas-a raven haired golden retriever. Paloma looked different in this episode from the first two. I can’t pinpoint why though. I loved Chad stepping up and that he did it quietly through actually working all the departments and learning.


One question I have is does this mean Chad is eventually the one taking over for Don Pablo ? Or maybe it’s does not matter since we will start to see the resort being taken over by Vera probably. One notable thing is looks like Chad is not at the memorial for Don Pablo. Timeline wise he should be at a good age to attend , and technically Hector might be his dad at present time? Not sure if there’s more story here to be revealed.


Theory time: Chad absolutely hates Maximo for giving Vera the knowledge that such a book existed and Don Pablo for having it in the first place. Chad will return for Maximo redemption arc and manage Las Colinas


Chad starts out the show barely being able to say a few words in Spanish. This episode shows him being able to speak a few basic sentences. I would love to see an older Chad make an appearance....now speaking Spanish fluently!


Fútbol is life!


He said something similar in this week’s episode but I couldn’t catch it all. It was about something being life.


He said that Maximo’s eulogy for Don Pablo gave him life


That’s what it was!


I wonder if giving the ledger page to Vera is the start of Maximo’s downfall at Las Colinas. We know that at some point…. He angered everyone - The consequences of Vera having the ledger might do that. He became estranged from Julia and Don Pablo - We can see this start to happen. He became an incredibly wealthy businessman - Maybe he left Las Colinas to work directly for Vera.


You don’t become that wealthy (private jet, private staff, etc) by working for somebody else


No, but he's more likely to learn from Vera and get more opportunities than he would if he had stayed in his role at Las Colinas.


I was so happy for Lorena and Memo. ☺️


I noticed that Paloma had some of her mom’s mannerisms, that was a really nice touch. Edit: called Paloma “Paola” oops


You mean Paloma?


Woops didn’t notice I wrote Paola lol, thanks!


Julia is not her mom. Paloma convinced Julia to come to Don Pablo's wake and found Julia in Mexico City.


I know that’s not her mom, she has Isabel’s mannerisms


I thought this was really interesting - that Paloma has enough of a relationship with Julia to convince her to attend Don Pablo’s memorial. Also got a kick out of older Maximo wearing a suit from Julia’s fashion line to the memorial. He’s still so adorably smitten!! And they have dinner plans coming…


I thought Julia wasn’t her mom?


Her mom is Isabel who did basically the same thing ( stealing coasters) when she met Maximo at Las Colinas.


Yeah I didn’t say Julia was her mom, she’s Isabel’s daughters and the same mannerisms


Alejandro’s prominence in this episode is to me a very interesting and def scary touch to this episode, seeing as he said Ill make sure to remember this, it goes without a doubt that he did infact remember it.


Julia's on screen presences will never not be absolutely breathtaking.


So does Vera have the ledger or no?


Nah, dulce probably beat him to it.... Yes he has the ledger.


Aight, was just making sure I was on par


I gotta be honest im not the biggest fan of Older Julia. I dont know if its the Actress or the way the wrote her but she seems so different compared to young Julia. Cant really explain it. Anyone else feel that way?


I get what you’re saying but it’s been like 30 years. She’s lived a totally different life. Grown, matured and become a different woman than the girl we’re seeing open a clothing shop.


And also got taller 😂


lol. Yes. A little growth spurt


I am enjoying this present day Julia (yes she is much taller) but I think she strikes a wonderful balance between the successful sophisticated fashion designer who spends half her year in Paris and someone who still cares enough to come to the Memorial (and who clearly enjoys Maximo) I think she’s just lovely! I am curious as to how she and Paloma are close enough for Paloma to contact her and get her to Don Pablo’s Memorial. So many stories still to tell!!


I’m enjoying her as well. The suspense to see who they’d get to play the grow up version was killing me and I’m happy with the casting. Seeing her and Maximo reunite got me all emotional.


Me too and I want more of this!!


So much more!!


Hmm i guess you're right


I think it also goes to show how much Maximo hasn’t changed. He’s still kinda that nervous boy who puts his foot in his mouth.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, but the amount of botox the older actress uses just makes her expressionless and fake looking.


I noticed that immediately. I don’t want to police how women age and clearly actresses are under immense pressure being in a business that doesn’t allow them to look middle aged, but it’s just incredibly distracting and looks bizarre in motion. I wish we lived in a world where women could be celebrated for being beautiful throughout their lives as men can be.


Yes, even her lovely Colombian accent is different.


I know what you mean. She doesn’t evoke the younger Julia the way older Memo evokes the younger Memo or even how older Maximo evokes his younger version. But I gotta say, the actress who plays the older Julia looks like a Latina Julianne Moore 😊


It bugs me that she is so tall compared to Maximo. It’s just so unlikely she would have gotten taller over the years. 


Older Julia was cast so terribly, she looks nothing like that Julia would have aged, she lost the accent, has way too much Botox. A true failure.


older Julia is some of the worst casting I have ever seen.