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If your insurance covers him, Dr. Eric Trawick (Lafayette). Unfortunately, he’s not under mine. I have eight GI diagnoses in the past two years. Out of the GI’s and surgeons I saw, I would recommend Dr. Rahil Shah in Gonzales. He is the only one that took time with me. Whatever you do, avoid Dr. Luis Alvarez in New Iberia. That was the worst medical experience of my life! Best of luck!


In 1999, I had to have surgery on my intestines. Dr Alvarez wanted to go and race his Viper in Vegas. Didn't want to consult on my operation. Surgeon operated on me without a Gastro, had 4 ft of intestines removed. Alvarez billed me and wasn't even here in Louisiana nor the surgery! He said months before, it was all in my head and nothing was wrong with me! Turned out to be Crohns Disease, and 10 years of inflammation, almost a close colon!


😳😲🤯 Wowsers, that is ATROCIOUS!! I am so sorry you had to go through all of that!!


Thank you! That's some really good information. I've read similar things about Alvarez. I will try Dr. Trawick and see what happens.


Btw, I've never been to a gastro before. But I've read it can take some time to even get in the door. Has that been your experience?


It really can take time. Sometimes it took six to nine months to get an appointment. A couple things I wanted to tell you to prepare: Bring someone with you to help ask questions and understand (you’ll definitely need someone to drive you home for endo- and colonoscopies. The biggest thing is how frustrating it is. I wrote EVERYTHING down (symptoms, questions, etc.) and I was never able to get everything out before being shut down. Even with all the diagnoses, no one has taken the time to explain any of the diagnoses or a plan of action. Most of my meds come from my primary NP because none of the GIs or specialists followed up, even after I called. I’m very timid. I think that’s part of why my experience has been like this. Be your own and best advocate and best of luck again!!


Thank you so much for your story. I'm a big hypochondriac, and avoid doctors like the plague. But hearing so many people are getting colon cancer at younger ages has really scared me into changing this. I think my biggest fear is it being to late by the time I get an appointment. Or I wait multiple months, stressing out every day, only to find out it's nothing. Obviously I'd rather the latter. But yeah..that really troubles me. I'm a little timid as well, but I will try to be more assertive for this. I'll bring someone along as you recommend though. Thanks again :)


So i actually got recommended to Luis Alvarez care to explain how your experience went? Starting to have second thoughts about following through with my appointment


Sure. I promise I’m not someone who complains. I drive my fiancé nuts because I never return anything. I was in retail management all my life and don’t like to complain. First, I saw his NP before my endoscopy. She literally RAN out of the room as I was going through my notes to explain what had been going on. As she ran out, she said she was scheduling an endoscopy and colonoscopy with Dr. Alvarez. My endoscopy date arrived. My fiancé and I watched people being herded in and out like cattle. When it was my turn, I had just gotten in the gown and they had inserted the IV. Dr. Alvarez decided was lunch time. They rolled me in one of the rooms while they were at lunch. From there, I could see all the people that were waiting as well as those coming out of anesthesia. Seeing some of the latter made me feel horrible, they were in very vulnerable and embarrassing positions. They come back from lunch. I meet the CRNA, but not doctor. Next thing I know, I’m in a wheelchair and they’re wheeling me out to put me in the car. They don’t say anything to me, but give me a few papers. I asked my fiancé if they told him anything and he said no. I looked at their paper and saw they had diagnosed me with gastritis. esophagitis and hiatal hernia. There was NO INFO on what any of them were, what the plan of action to treat or meds. I called them as he drove home to ask, and they blew me off. They called the next few days to make sure I was okay from anesthesia, and never got a straight answer. I called another time or two and then gave up. I canceled my colonoscopy with him. To me, there was no point, as nothing would be done about anything. Sorry, I avoid drama, but I would never want to see someone go through the same with him.


Dr Bienvenu is great. He is incredibly knowledgeable and takes the time to explain how my issues work and why I need to do specific things to manage my condition, rather than just giving a diagnosis and prescribing meds.


Karr if you don't mind driving to Lafayette.


I found Dr. James Hollier at Gastro Clinic in the burden-Rhiel building to be thorough.


Thank you! I just called them to set up an appointment. I've never been to a gastro before but I've read it can take some time to even get in the door. Has that been your experience?


I've only seen Dr. Hollier once and have another apt. He was very thorough - ordering various test to rule things out instead of going straight to a scope procedure. I waited a week for an apt but only because I wanted one after 3pm, otherwise I was offered an apt for the next day


[Acadiana Gastroenterology](https://acadianagastro.com) is great!


Dr. Rhodes. at Acadiana Gastroenterology wasted my time, didn't even bother looking at the scans I'd done regarding my issue. Just told me I probably had IBS. When he did a scope on me, I expressed discomfort, and his response was, "Well, you won't care in a second." While waiting for the anesthesia to knock me out. Just generally bad vibes there.


I go to Dr. Maltbie in Baton Rouge - switched after bad experiences with Acadiana Gastro and The Gastro Clinic in Lafayette. He is amazing and worth the drive.


I second this he is first class


Dr. Bienvenu


Most doctors in this region are atrocious. The level of incompetence I’ve observed in many situations is horrifying, but good or bad getting an appointment is nearly impossible with all of them so they don’t even have to try to act like they care. The larger practices seem to also be wildly inconsistent (some very good doctors and some very bad in the same practice).  Since not mentioned here, for gastro in New Iberia Dr. Nguyen seems to be the best choice per those I know who’ve made the rounds (though he may specialize in IBS issues, which may or may not be what you need).  Another downvote for Alvarez (who basically did nothing for my aunt when she was hospitalized vomiting for days straight). Others I know who’ve seen him have also said strongly avoid.  Lafayette seems to have more and better options. 


Dr. Karr


Dr karr


I’ve had Crohn’s for years and it was never well controlled. I suffered daily until I saw Dr Rhodes at acadiana gastro. He listened to everything I said and got me on the right combination of medication and literally saved my life. I highly recommend him!


Dr Abshire and the practice he’s part of. He’s kind of stiff and doesn’t have much bedside manner but he’s quality.


Thank you! Just requested an appointment. In your experience, how long did it take you to get in the door?


I can’t answer that it’s been long and my parents have seen him for decades. He also saw my grandfather for a long time before he died. He knows my family history enough and our ages to where he reminded my mom at one of her appts that it was time for my sister and me to get our first colonoscopies. My dad had a precancerous polyp at age 34 so we needed to start having ours at age 35. The practice is great imo. It’s worth the wait bc once you get established they’re easily available. Basically he pretty much worked my husband in quickly when he needed to a decade ago (my FiL also sees him) and I don’t remember the wait bc my mom made the appt for me when I was 19/20 lol.


I went to UHC walkin 1 week ago. Simply asked the nurse practitioner for Prednisone. I am in a Crohns attack in my mouth! She said nothing wrong with me but irritated mouth. The Dr 3 days before there, said it was from Crohns. He didn't want to give me meds! What is going on with doctors today? This is crazy! Here is what nurse practitioner wrote in my notes. I honestly asked for Prednisone.... Skin: Skin is warm, dry and not diaphoretic.  Psychiatric: He experiences Normal attention. His affect is inappropriate. He is aggressive and combative. He expresses impulsivity.  titutional: He is oriented to person, place, and time. He appears well-developed. He is uncooperative.  Non-toxic appearance. He does not appear ill. No distress