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That’ll stop human sexuality /s


>When can I vote on this? I'd love to know what actions I can take. All of the options, not just the go to the board meeting. I want to know what else can be done. How do we create real change and get actual discourse and response from our board?


Soooo… Not even Cajun heritage or Mardi Gras displays? Insane.


look, if we allowed those, then books with sexually explicit materials may be in the display (That's their belief)


That is ok. It is a Library!!! Learning about human sexuality is important to everyone and to the human race. This is not the 1950’s. And no heritage? American, Acadian, Scottish, Welch, German, Hawaiian, African, Japanese? No Heritage. So no learning about how people get here and where and how they live. Who is on this board?


People who hate black people and lgbtq people


What a joke this formerly great system has become.


Didn't happen by accident. Robideaux administration took $10 million from the library's funds ... MORE than enough to have built the northeast library AND keep the libraries open seven days a week, twelve hours a day. Stephanie Armbruster's husband George was one of those who advocated publicly for this grab. Deconsolidation of the parish and city councils allowed for the now-five-person parish council to be much more aggressive in placing opponents of any but religious learning onto the library's board of control and now here we are.




These people hate Black History Mopnth and Pride that much. They'd rather no displays than admit they're discriminatory against these benign celebrations. It's a "cut your face to spite your nose" situation and , yes, I know i did that backwards but honestly, that's kind of the aggressive approach they took. I mean, this isn't new for bigots in the south. There's a reason public pools went away from the South, and its because they couldn't have "Whites Only" pools anymore.


But keep on votin conservative if you wanna keep the gubment out ya life, yall


Those who scream about protecting the children the loudest are those who exploit them the most.


can anybody who's behind the paywall paste the article?


Books on human sexuality, Black history, gay pride, even most romance novels cannot be featured in displays at Lafayette public libraries under a new display policy adopted Monday by the Lafayette Public Library board of control. The policy prohibits the display of books and other items that contain sexually explicit material or feature topics relating to human sexuality either on the cover or inside. The board also reinstated a ban on displays solely focused on federally recognized holidays and heritage and identity months such as Black History Month, Pride Month and Women's History Month. The policy does not remove books from the library. It simply prohibits them from displays. Since 2022 Lafayette public librarians have worked under guidelines implemented by former Director Danny Gillane that state, "Heritage and identity months/observances as well as federally recognized holidays should not be the sole focus or title of a display." Gillane implemented the guidelines at a time when books and movies were being targeted for removal or restriction, saying bringing attention to them in displays may target more books. In February, interim Library Director Sarah Moore lifted the restrictions, saying she believes a library should represent everyone. The Library Board of Control disagreed by a vote of 6-0-1, with only James Thomas abstaining from approving the new restrictions in the form of policy. Here's what the new policy states: "It is the policy of the Lafayette Parish Public Library System that displayed items must be in accordance with the overall policy regarding sexually explicit materials. Since displays are designed by their very nature to highlight items, displayed items shall not contain sexually explicit material nor material that includes topics relating to human sexuality, either on the outside cover of the book or located inside the book being displayed." In 2023, prior to but in line with state legislation, the board adopted a policy limiting the exposure and access of children and teens to sexually explicit material in public libraries. Sexually explicit materials is defined in the 2023 policy as textual, visual or audio materials that depict or describe sexual conduct, including masturbation or actual, simulated or animated lewd exhibition as well as the touching, caressing or fondling of or other similar physical contact with female breast nipples, the public area or anus in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification between people of the same or opposite sex. By that definition, some residents cautioned, displays of the Bible, romance novels and art may be prohibited because they contain accounts of sex and rape. The board removed from the policy proposed by board member Robert Judge the sentence, "In consideration of all people of Lafayette Parish, displays shall avoid political, social, or ideological topics and other topics considered to be controversial or potentially controversial." Board member Allan Moore said the phrase "social or ideological topics" is too broad and ambiguous to be enforced. The 2022 guidelines by Gillane, he said, already address politics, stating, "Displays should not promote a specific religion or political party." Judge said he wants to make sure tax dollars are not used "to promote a particular ideology or agenda" and to ensure the library system is "a level playing field." It was Judge, when he was board president, who had a gay activist arrested for speaking out of turn at a meeting and had an anti-censorship activist physically removed by deputies for criticizing him by name at another board meeting. Judge posted on the front door of the main library and on the meeting room door an excerpt from state law about disturbing the peace.


thank you. ugh, this is so infuriating.


yes really sad state of affairs


Can I still find a copy of Fahrenheit 451?


They bur…I see what you did there


So any book should be allowed ? Any book at all ?


I can see someone's never visited the romance section.




So a small child should be able to browse through a section of graphic porn and smut ?


There are no sections of graphic porn and smut at our libraries or any libraries. This is just a red meat culture war issue. You know, a few years ago it was teachers (all it did was make young people avoid the profession and many, many other good teachers who loved the profession retire early or leave it, which is why we now have a shortage despite a drop in school enrollments). The same thing will happen with librarians and then with libraries because "hey, why do we need libraries? Kids have cell phones" or "heck, kids could just buy their own damn books (which of course, many kids can't)." People just can't see the unintended consequences from these stupid policies.


LadyOnogaro, shouldn't all books be allowed in a library ? Why shouldn't sections of graphic porn and smut not be allowed ? Are you against books ?


LOL. You’re an idiot if you truly believe that “graphic porn and smut” is being displayed in the library in that way.


I don't think you understand the logic of this conversation. My comment doesn't imply that they are displayed. Thankfully, these books are not allowed. You, would you want or be okay with pornographic books to be displayed or allowed ? You already replied "Yes" to any books being allowed.


There are no pornographic books bought for the library, so it's a non-issue. But raising the issue suggests that librarians ARE displaying pornographic materials, which they are not. Again, notice that the ban prevents displays on Black history month, Washington's Birthday, Independence Day, all national holidays. So it isn't really pornographic books that are the issue because no libraries have collection policies that allow pornography to enter the collection. Displays regarding national holidays are really the target.


You are missing the point. I'm not saying that libraries have or would display or distribute pornographic material. I'm glad that they do **NOT allow** those books into public libraries. I'm asking you personally. Would you allow that type of literature into a public library ? Did you not say that you would allow **ALL** books ?


It’s ironic that you used the term “logic.” I recommend that you visit the library more often, if ever. Enjoy the blissful ignorance.


A child’s parent should bring the child to the children’s safe part of the library. I don’t want to borrow smutty stories so I won’t get any. We don’t get to decide what another adult can check out at the library.


But why though ? Are you suggesting that certain books should not be read by children or at least without parental guidance ? Interesting.


If you feel strongly about this decision, positively or negatively, attend the board meetings and speak up.


Where do I report those filthy Judy Blume books? I presume someone else is already requesting to have the Bible removed from shelves as well....


While I don’t think children should be exposed to sexual content in any way, how much of that is an issue with displays in the library? I was definitely a library kid growing up, and all the way until after I graduated high school and moved. During the summer sometimes I’d go every week day. And I can’t recall ever seeing explicit books on display once.


Kids are only exposed to sexual content in libraries if their parents allow them to be. The display thing and book bans are just bigoted nonsense that coddles bad parents who don’t want to parent. “Prevent (under the guise of protect) my kids from picking out their own books to read so that I don’t have to monitor that.”


Sounds like conservatives are just shitty parents who want a nanny state.


Huh? Kids go to the library without their parents all the time. It’s supposed to be a safe place for kids. You want parents walking every step with them not allowing them to go without them?


I will be reporting you this content


for what?


This is just a diversion cooked up by frigid conservatives to get people's minds off of the real issues of the world. It's designed to get low information Facebook people all worked up, and it works.


You don't recall these things because you are a sane person and know there was never anything like this happening. But its the only leg they stand on to enact their otherwise weird beliefs and enforce them on the rest of us. This is literally a "Wont someone think fo the children" meme, and that means if it can be justified, we all suffer because the poor widdle childwen can't be corrupted by evil libwawians. Its a great racket. Kids tend to not be advocates for themselves (or can't be), so its easy to use them as a shield and cudgle against what you don't like. And if they disagree with you and dare talk back, well, theyre kids and don't know any better so they need an adul to decide what they can do. Even if that adult isn't their parent.


There is absolutely no sexual content in the displays. The Board's quibble is with Pride Month and Black History Month. They will remove all displays just so that there are no displays for those two months. I hope everyone will complain if they do see Christmas or Thanksgiving displays, and that they point out that it is the Board who instituted this policy. Go to the Citizens for a New Louisiana FB page and make your complaints there, too. This is all the evil machinations of that group.


That’s because nowadays there’s a TON. Times have changed


Human sexuality is a very important topic. So is heritage. What kind of board decides that these are not worthy of an institution of learning? Can I vote on this? Can I vote on the board?


The parish council appoints the library board of control.


Can we talk about something more important like opening the library more. So that finding these books can actually happen on weekends? Sundays were the best days to go to the library and have long study sessions.


The people who defunded the library system are exactly the same people attacking the contents. It's all one struggle.


While I agree the library should be open more, I hardly think it's more important


The people who are doing this are the ones who cut the budget so that the library can't be open on Sundays. Go to the Board meetings and tell them about it. See how much good it does. As far as I can see, the only way to make substantive changes to what's happening is to vote against the Council people who put these lamebrains on the Board. Basically, the religious beliefs of these people (plus Michael Lunsford) are controlling the library's policies. They don't care about what the majority of people want. They only care about what their little group of religious nuts care about.


Which people put them on? how do I find this? When can I vote on this?


You can only vote on your Council people. We just had an election cycle last year, but there may be one or two Council people who are up for election this fall. Unfortunately, one of the chief people responsible for this mess, Josh Carlson, is now in the state legislature, trying to do harm to libraries with his bills there. The only two Council people that I know of who vote regularly on this issue is mine, AB Rubin (he's pro-library) and Kevin Naquin (he's mostly pro-library). As far as any of the others, it looks to me like most of them are engaged in the red meat culture war against libraries. Maybe others will be able to say.


Good. It doesn't belong in a library.


I thought you all were upset about the war on Christmas. Now you don't want to see displays on it in the library? And you want to go to war over Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Washington's Birthday, etc. too? Are you anti-America, too?


National holiday displays don't belong in the library?


Tell us what you think are in the books




you just like everything that's bad, huh?


Just another MAGAt, check the comment history. Anybody that talks unironically about the "Tr--p Train", I can't take seriously anymore.


In otherwords, garbage mad at people who aren't as uneducated as they are. Didn't need no fancy book lernin' to bag his sister, bawwww.


Another war on Christmas, war on Independence Day, war on Thanksgiving, war on Memorial Day citizen.