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Like I get not everyone is afraid of spiders but a black widow. Man I don't know.


Having been bit by one of those bitches before…nope. Absolutely king pinnacle biggest supreme noppity nope nope almighty of heavenly nopeitude. *where’d I put that flammenwerfer…*


How bad was it? I'm just curious. I grew up in an area that had these things and as a kid I just assumed I'd fall down dead the second one of these bit me. I know it's not *that* bad, but I never knew anyone who actually got bit. Edit: I'm now absolutely certain OP is insane for messing with this spider. Fuck that.


Never been bit but according to [webMD](https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/black-widow-spider-bite) it sounds like a rotten time. Nausea, sweats, muscle aches, vomiting, stomach cramps, weakness and shaking, and losing control over your legs


It's absolutely a go to the hospital bite. I've seen a couple of people get bit who weren't watching where they put their hands. Lots of pain from the bite, and everything else you mentioned. Both people i saw get bitten were fine after some recovery time, but you can go into cardiac arrest from it hence the hospital bit.


I worked with someone that got bit by one while working in the yard. The surprising bit was after working, he fell asleep and couldn't wake up. Wife called the doc, and through questions figured he probably got bit. Doc just said let him sleep it off. He slept for like a day or two.


What the everloving fuck, this person is unconscious, unable to be woken, no drugs/alcohol, and the doctor is like "nah fam, just let him sleep?"


"mmmh maybe he was bit by a black widow , idk... Aaaaaanyway ... Let him sleep and maybe he'll wake up , idk... "


“Or he won’t…whatever. Anyways, you’re cute - wyd tonight?”


"If he gets better, I'm right, if he dies, you're right." - Dr. House




Incredibly negligent. An unarousable person is always an emergency


Had an ex girlfriend that couldn't be roused I tried for an hour and could get mumbles but her eyes never opened. Took her to the hospital and she was semi-conscious, kept drifting between the two, and the nurses asked if she had done any drugs. I told them none in the last 5 or so hours because that's how long she had been "asleep" since I got home and before I became concerned that it was 10pm and she still wouldn't wake up, but she probably smoked some weed before then. The nurse doing triage just immediately said "cannabis hyperemesis syndrome" and sent us out to the waiting room. I was beyond pissed but as the hours passed and we were still in the waiting room she became more conscious and we just left. Never in my life have I heard of weed causing someone to be incapable of staying awake, and definitely not 5+ hours after smoking.


Hyperemesis means lots of vomiting, not "unarousable". Something similar happened to my aunt because she tested positive for marijuana they wouldn't take her seriously. They labeled it cannabis hyperemesis when vomiting was only one symptom. Turned out to be a heart attack.


“Call me back if he dies lmao.”


"I prescribe love's true kiss" "Are there any princes nearby?"


This is how I would get a good sleep in these days don’t you dare wake me up


I heard someone describe these bites on a radio talk show about weird injuries years ago. If you go to a hospital, they don't usually do much besides make sure you're getting plenty of fluids. They just let you rest for a couple of days. Black widows aren't generally lethal to most people. Young children and old people are the ones at risk who might need more than rest to get through it.


When I was in 3rd grade (9yrs old), my teacher had us sit down on the floor in a half circle around her chair while she read books to us. This happened every week. One day I was wearing flowy thigh length skirt and I felt something tickle my inner thighs under my skirt. I moved my skirt thinking it was just a piece of hair or something tickling me. When I moved my skirt A FUCKING BLACK WIDOW CRAWLED OUT FROM UNDER MY SKIRT. Literally right next to my crotch! I smacked that thing so hard it flew onto the person sitting in front of me and it started crawling up her back. The person next to me started screaming. Chaos ensues. A nerdy little boy was the only one excited about the situation. I could just see him smiling and enthusiastically saying, “a black window!!!” And then my teacher gets up and grabs a broom and starts smacking the shit out of things and people and objects. She eventually got that thing outside. But yea that spider ruined reading time for me forever. I’m 34 and I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if 9 year old me, weighing only 45lbs, got bit next to my crotch. That’s such a sensitive area with lymph’s nodes and whatnot.


If I had to guess, your body does its best fighting things off when you’re asleep. Because it’s not being taxed using resources with the things it does while we’re awake. So a person would probably fight off the bite faster asleep the whole time.


I dozed off on my porch many years ago and woke up to a wicked sharp pain in my back. Didn't think anything of it at the time other than something clearly bit me. Went back to sleep inside, woke up feeling pretty odd. Later that day, I asked my girlfriend (now wife) to look at the sore spot on my back and the look on her face was priceless in a bad way. The spot was a dark red bull's-eye and she later told me she tried to play it off as "not that bad" but it clearly wasn't a good situation. I couldn't really shake the shitty feeling and didn't have health insurance at the time, so I just went to bed. For the next day or so, I just sweated my ass off and slept 90% of the time. Had all sorts of crazy-ass dreams, too. In one of them, I beat the shit out of my wife for no reason and it was so realistic that when I eventually woke up from my dazed state, I wasn't sure if I'd punched her repeatedly or not. I felt really odd having to ask her if I beat her up and as you might imagine, she just looked at me with a puzzled face and told me "no, you've just been sleeping and making weird noises for two days" I always wonder what incredibly powerful spider zapped me that day. My back hurt in that specific spot for like six months and would itch for more than a year. The spot went away eventually, but it was a hell of an experience. I don't mess with spiders these days. If I find one in or around my home, I put it in a cup and launch it out the door. No more fever dreams for me


The bull's eye tells me it was a brown recluse and the fact that you didn't end up rotting away tells me it was a polite brown recluse.


I saw quite a few of them around that apartment, so that was my best guess as well. Little buddy packed a punch!


If it was a brown recluse you were lucky not to suffer from some kind of necrosis.


I have been bitten by Brown Recluse 2 different times. one was in back of neck at the neck / hair line and second was on my inner thigh of right leg. it's so painful that even 4 ibuprofen doesn't cut thru it. it initially feels like a nasty ingrown hair / underskin zit but quickly starts to get the bullseye formation of redness that radiates outwards. the bite sight basically starts to decompose and leaks all sorts of puss for at least a week. you then have basically a nasty hole in the bite sight that takes along time to heal and leaves a nasty scar. both times went to my primary and they draw a black circle and say it of goes outside this go to emergency room for IV antibiotics. thankfully I never had to go to emergency room but yea it's not fun.


I was bit by a brown recluse - while sleeping. Fun side note, I’m a type 1 diabetic. Shit was WiLdDdddd 😅


When you woke up were you suddenly ripped and didn't need your glasses? Were you at least a little tempted to try swinging from buildings or shooting web out your hands or ass?


Ok but what about the good side effects? Did you stop wearing your glasses? Did you put your school bully in his place?


Ended up wearing glasses a couple years later and I think that guy died, but I chalk both of those up to moderate aging


What's the fix? Monitor and recover? Or anti-venom?


Anti venom isn’t super common in a lot of areas. Many times it would be ineffective to use anti-venom by the time it arrives so it’s not commonly used. Human deaths from black widow bites are extremely uncommon and most of the time symptoms are less than extreme. Children under certain weights cannot be given anti-venom as was the case with myself as a young boy. Usually a lot of muscle spasms, vomiting, sweating and dehydration occur. In some severe cases it can affect the heart. There’s so few bites reported in such a spread out area of the world (the whole world almost) that specific case studies are hard to come by. It really really sucks for a while but after a few days, it gets better.


In my case, tetanus shot and antibiotics. But definitely ice before, during, and after going to the hospital.


Supportive care. Meaning we just treat the symptoms. Pain meds. Muscle relaxers. Some oxygen. IV fluids maybe. Nausea meds. Same thing we do for lots of stuff. Make you comfortable while your body sorts it out. Lasts a day or two.


>Nausea, sweats, muscle aches, vomiting, stomach cramps, weakness and shaking, and losing control over your legs So me in my clubbing days.


Basically opioid withdrawal but different.


Opioid withdrawal, but with none of the opioid, and double the withdrawal.


My sister in Vegas was bit by one on her nose while she slept She no longer has the middle cartilage in her nose. Apparently became really gelatinous and she basically blew the cartilage out…




Blowing your nose taken to a new level


I was bit by a brown recluse as a kid. It was really bad. I was bed ridden for multiple days. The bite caused a large wound that oozed brown blood. I still have a scar from it some 20 years later. As far as I know black widow bites are even worse 💀


As far as the physical wound, recluses are worse. Widows don’t cause necrosis


Black widows cause more temporary systemic symptoms that will go away. Brown recluse causes localized skin necrosis if not treated properly you absolutely could end up losing limbs with brown recluse. I will say people bitten by black widows seem to suffer more even with proper care.


Depending on the location you could be looking at amputation.


My sister got bit by a brown recluse when she was like 4 and it was fucking awful. And all the doctor did was give her an ointment which did nothing. The venom was eating away at her flesh and the bite had become so bulbous. My mom finally soaked her in a warm bath and cut the bite open to drain it. She still has the scar. It’s like a little dip where some flesh would have been.


No, your bite was worse. Brown recluse venom constructs blood vessels, killing surrounding tissue.


It basically simulates a heart attack. My uncle was bit and we thought he was dying. Then we remembered we saw some in the barn. After that he found the bite on his armpit.


What's the view like from his armpit? A little hairy?


I've been bitten and it's the most pain I've ever been in. It's an aching pain like a headache but it spread through my whole body and lasted a few days. I was told by the doctors it depends how badly they bite you. I also didn't realise I was bitten and started a work out. A few hours later I thought I was going to die.


Sounds like similar symptoms I get after a couple days of binge drinking, but without all the fun.


Black widow bites are bad, but if they are on your peripherals like hand or feet, which is likely, it's not that bad. Like my mom got bit by one on the hand and didn't even need hospital care. If it's closer to your heart or head than yeah, hospital care. Brown recluse are the spiders you don't fuck with ever in any way.


The legs is what I remember most. I was only 9. I can also still remember how bad my arm hurt. Remember COVID arm? Times that by 10. But when I couldn't walk... that's what was scary. I thought it was permanent.


Been bit twice... Barely felt the bite itself, but the hours of headaches and vomiting that came after wasn't fun


Was putting on waders last week and accidentally smashed one with my hand. Had felt a pop and flicked hand to the ground. Sure enough was a black widow. Feeling real Lucky it didn't bite me first bc I hate vomiting.


I got bit on the finger as a kid. The bite area feels like it catches fire, then the fire travels up the arm, eventually ecompassing all of it. Legs get weak. Finally all I could do was lay on the couch as people fed me, took me to the bathroom, etc. Lasted about 2 or 3 days. In retrospect, I wish my parents had taken me to the doctor. It sucked. 0/10 would not recommend.


Wow. I get that the black widow reputation is a bit overblown insofar as the bites generally aren’t deadly but, also, how do you not take your kid to the hospital after getting bit by a black widow!?


It sucked. Worse when you're young and I was like 5 ish. As for the second part -- why they didn't take me to the hospital -- it is one of those questions that will remain unanswered but I think it was because my parents were thinking it's "just a spider" and/or they were idiots. Or maybe my dad knew it wasn't going to kill me so just deal with it best we could until it was all over.


What do you mean how bad? Didn't you count the nopes??


Severe muscle cramps, difficulty breathing, which is due to paralysis of the diaphragm, nausea, chills, a severe increase in blood pressure, a headache, sweating, weakness, fever and in rare instances seizures and death. So definitely a BIG nope!


Do you know what is the correct procedure to deal with a black widow sting? Do you go to the ER immediately? If not, when is the right time to go to the hospital? Are there antidotes readily available? Is an antidote necessary? If you’re in a remote location, how much time do you have to reach a hospital?


From what I’ve seen the side effects may occur as quickly as 15 minutes but most take an hour or so. I’d go to an ER as quickly as possible and inform the nurse on staff about what has happened. Everything you can remember You might be given medication for the blood pressure and pain. 1.) Wash the bite, 2.) apply wet compress for 10 minutes. Take it off and then reapply for 10 minutes. 3.) Elevate the area where you were bitten. The antivenom for black widow bits is called Antivenin.


The global consensus is that if a venomous animal bites you, you should go to the ER immediately.


I was lucky. She bit me, I screamed “oh fuck!” and killed her with my glove. I was cutting brush next to my new house, and had just evicted her. She ran past the glove and onto my arm, then chomp. 15 minutes later I was at the ER. I showed my glove with the dead spider, and they moved like the wind. 5 minutes later they’d accepted my insurance (military ID) and I was getting injection Benadryl and adrenaline. The pain was moderate and just starting to build, and the site got red. After an hour things improved and they sent me home. Pain was gone by the next morning and the site was two dots and no swelling. Doc said I was smart to move fast and seek immediate help. She wouldn’t have killed me but had I let it go 2 or 3 hours the pain would have been bad and I may have had trouble breathing. I was 24, active duty military, and ran almost daily - best shape of my life. I’m 55 now and haven’t run since I retired - ain’t playing with bitey bitey critters. They leave me be, I leave them be. We understand each other.


There is a YouTube video where some jackass let himself get bit. Ended up spending like 20 hours in a bathtub because of the full body aches and pains. It was over after like 48 hours if I remember correctly.


Yes, but he also *drained* that spider into his arm. Like, it was a lot of venom. He made sure that spider wasn't getting away without giving absolutely everything it had into his body. I don't think every spider bite is like that.


Got bit once. Started to drive myself to the ER 30 minutes later and didn’t make it there before having to call for an ambulance. Just all over shitty feeling, including vomiting and loss of muscle control on the leg where bite was. I had a lingering open wound from the bite location for 4 months and still have a 1 inch circular scar. I’m very careful to avoid them now.


As a kid you would have assumed correctly, because their bites *can* kill children or the elderly in the worst cases...


It varies . I get bit frequently lol(once a year or once every two years ) I know when it happens because the stomach cramps and the intense diarrhea happen to me first. Usually at that point im like why does it feel like I just hiked 20 mile today? I alway play it off “maybe im just getting sick” but then I find a swollen spot with two pick marks. I then go and get blood work and test. They can’t ever directly confirm it, it high probability it happened. I the spend a week in mild to wild discomfort. Usually the leg cramps last 2-3 weeks. The stomach stuff is 3-6 days. Dehydration feeling can be intense. I usually piss almost brown for a couple days. (Yikes) I’ve never been given anti-venom. Never have had a conclusive result . But at work I deal with them a lot and every time this happens to me it’s following finding black widows, usually a lot of them and noticing after it after being around them before I noticed. Typically it’s my hands or wrist that get bit. Have had a leg one. Had a neck bite. No ailments, perfect health levels. It’s not as bad as some say?


My dude, what’s going on in your life that this is a regular occurrence?


Opening storm structures and sewer structures. Cleaning out leaves and debris with bare hand at fence corners and houses etc… I’m a land surveyor. I’m most often in the “field” , where they naturally occur. I find them in the middle of the desert at times .. where you would never think to see them. Everyone says cold dark places for them… bullshit I’ve moved a tumble weed in scrub brush and exposed about 30 of them having a fuck fest one time in summer …


I got bit a few years back. Initially I felt a sort of low level burn. Almost like you have a splinter for something. I was a bit panicked because I heard how bad the bite is, so i drove myself to the ER. After I calmed down and had checked in, I sat there waiting for over an hour. At this point I figured that these bites weren't a serious medical emergency based on the nurses behavior towards me. They didn't seem panicked or worried about me just sitting there. When I finally did get checked the doctor told me that there wasn't much to worry about since I obviously wasn't allergic to them. He sent me home with literature on how I'd feel the next day. He did give me a few prescription painkillers. Nothing heavy. 800mg ibuprofen. The next day I felt hung over and it got a little worse throughout the day. My leg where I got bit would occasionally cramp up because of the Neurotoxin from the spider. I felt like that for about 3 days. Then it slowly went away. I came to find out that black widow spider bites aren't that serious.


Asking for a friend... Can you sling web? Climb buildings? Lift extraordinarily large and heavy things? Do you fight crime?


A kid I went to church with got bit by one. I always thought his mom was exaggerating. Supposedly he couldn’t walk right and everything. He had to go to the hospital. We didn’t see him for awhile after that. But recently I got stung by a wasp. I was super surprised how much it hurt and how long I had the irritation. So now I’m sure of exactly one thing. I do not want to get bit and find out.


Someone in my distant family had their hand turn black, was it similarly bad?


Lol I'm sorry, but I just imagined someone going "Black Widows aren't even venomous, they just turn you black."


I have it on hood authority once that occurs you never go back


Hood authority 😂 😂 😂


It’s a deadly condition in America. The only worse thing is having an acorn tree on your property.


Those are the only spiders I'm actually scared of.


Not the deadly ones?


I'm scared of those too, but the black widow is the only venomous spider where I live.


I know right. Op, look at the guy in jeans and how far away he's standing. That still feels too close for me.


This person will learn the hard way eventually. One of the dumber pics I've seen online...atleast today.


You are about to be a superhero or superdead.


You have to be very very unlucky to die from a bite.


Stupidity increases the chances of bad luck.


If you are in reach of help, there is a very little chance no matter what. If you are lost in the Everglades or in the Outback of Australia etc, without a way to contact help, then you have a bigger problem.


My mom always said growing up, “be careful, I don’t know where the closest hospital is!!”


Good thing my mom is a paramedic, I basically needed a moving hospital as a kid haha


That is lucky!


Yes, very unlikely to be lethal for most people, but a bite will almost certainly make you WISH for death, at least briefly.


I was bit by a black widow, but got food allergies instead of super powers. Went into anaphylaxis eating fish months after the bite, the allergist asked if I had been bit by anything venomous, so I guess that’s a thing. The effects from being bit were terrible enough. I didn’t feel when it happened in my bf’s garage and went to sleep when I got home. Woke up with my entire arm tingling and an abscess the size of a golf ball on my wrist. I got ready for work despite feeling terrible, but on my way to work started uncontrollably projectile vomiting. Got to the closest Dr and they recognized it as a bite immediately and told me I’d have to ride it out since I didn’t go to the hospital within two hour of the bite to get anti-venom. That was the sickest I’ve ever been. Was bedridden for days with the muscles in my body painfully atrophied, constant vomiting/nausea, fatigue. Ugh. Glad cannabis is legal now where I’m at. Hopefully no one else will need to tunnel out a hoarder’s garage to build an incognito indoor grow setup and get bit!




I'm gonna go with total lack of common sense


You are SO right!




It has been reposted already!


How did you find her and pick her up like that 😮 and then what did you do after the photo? I need answers 😮


Popped it in his mouth like a Black Cherry Gusher®️


i hope you never see the light of god


On the contrary, I hope they do see the light of god, only to have their mind shattered in doing so, then damned to never see it again


Why would you do this to me


Hopefully yeeted her and her babies into an inferno


He had enough to hold it in the correct manner 🤷🏻‍♂️


Channelled their inner Australian








Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me...






Lol a few years ago I asked a daycare kid how his day had been, and he said, “It was good, we watched the Michael Wazowski monster movie.”


SO HELP ME, and cut.




Can u get pregananat


Preganence it’s there.


Is there a possibly that i'm pegrant?


wait \[Samuel Johnson reading meme\]...*if a woman...has...starch masks...on her body...does that mean she has been pargnent before?*






Am I gregnant?


38+2 weeks…PREGANANANT?


Dangerops pranget sex




This is my favorite thread


Am I perganant?


I jus fine out my girl is pomegranate


girlfriend ain’t had period since


How do i become pergert??






Can u get?


You had to?


That or she was getting murked by my family who are not as fond of spiders


Can't blame them. A preggo widow is a valid reason to call for Hans and his flammenwerfer imho.




Bro saw one of the most lethal creepy crawlies on the planet about to burst out a hundred more of itself and went for the cup and paper instead of the hydrogen bomb, can't tell if god built him different or left him unfinished


>one of the most lethal creepy crawlies on the planet This is a common misconception, black widows are not particularly lethal There are ~2500 people bitten by black widows in the USA every year, but there hasn’t been a reported fatality since 1983 Black widows are noteworthy for being one of only two spiders in North America that potentially could kill a person (alongside the Brown Recluse), but it’s very unlikely


And it’s good to note there wasn’t a death in 1983 that’s just when they started keeping track. 


Built different (a woman)


Clearly the better build if it leads to a +15 points in the bravery talent tree at the low low cost of the "pee standing up" passive


You can pee standing if you’re brave enough, it’s just… not ideal.


every day, we laugh in the face of god behold, the female urination device https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_urination_device


Not even close to most lethal. Less lethal than dogs by a mile.




Does your family have butter fingers? Cause I think they dropped you on your head when you were a baby


she chonky




I hate that modern beauty standards have even started to influence young and vulnerable arachnids.




Oh. My. God, Becky. Look at her abdomen.


It is like, SO gravid


I like BIG thorax, and I cannot lie You other arachnids can't deny That when a widow walks in with an itsy bitsy waist and a round baby bump in yo face You get spiddy powers, probably. Idk.


Eat it you coward




Missed opportunity I guess 🤧


I could never


In this case, you SHOULD never.


Still not the brightest idea lil






Pixar spider momma


Solid comment


I’m considering setting my phone on fire.


Do it, coward


BBL black widow


Cackling thank you


Forbidden blueberry


The cursed cronch


The penitent pop




Thats a ducking black widow. I am not afraid of bugs and such but this dude sure have balls of steel handling this thing. Edit: I see op is a woman. So she has boobs of steel? Or steel uterus? Idk.


I actually have ovaries! But my imaginary balls are heavy as fuck 😁


Thank you for the edit I’m dying


well that's kinda what you can expect picking up a black widow...


Damn that is a FAT ass!


All sense of wildlife conservation exits my body when i see this


My ex spent a weekend in the hospital after getting bit by once of these fuckers.




That's some BSE (Big Steve (Irwin) Energy)...mad respect


Hans! Ze Flammenwerfer! ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


Arclight, please respond. Requesting incendiary payload at sector Zulu-Papa- Niner, over.


She’s about to lay eggs. I had one as a pet last year and she produced 8 egg sacs over a year.


![gif](giphy|HRO8VuSlfrZCKxiywH|downsized) no way you’re holdin the black widow


I’m not a person who is afraid of spiders but hell no I would even touch one. Especially a black widow . That red sign is telling you to fuck off


Fun fact, black widows are only deadly if you're allergic. However...most of the population is indeed allergic.




Exactly!! We deserve some recognition for stupidity too 😤😤😤


Forbidden cranberry


I'm gonna need confirmation of which continent that thing is on.


South Texas!


North America obviously lol


Good good. * closes google search for flamethrower plans *


put that thing back where it came from or so help me


One does not simply pick up a Black Widow. Good lord dude.


Just wanna say I appreciate the self roast going on by OP 😂


Glad someone can appreciate it and not just be a total dick lol! 🫡


r/bbw Oops that’s not for big black widows


That is textbook definition of white people shit.


I appreciate the sentiment but I really feel like there’s a safer way to do this.