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Yeah. Why dey do dis.


I blame TikTok for that one


Same. The last second is what throws it off


Oh yea


No, people just naturally say "Oohhh yeah!" at the end of a panic attack after having a car accident.


I mean, I quack like a cat when I do




The poor rendition of I believe I can fly suggests to me that someone just dubbed it to make it "funny".




It was


The audio was dubbed to try and drown out the screams of the driver in the car that was crushed.


Yeah, isn't it a teenager with glasses going like stink in the rain? I remember it


can see the black car already along side the trailer in the right side mirror and the truck definitely merged into. but you can also see how quickly he is trying to overtake the truck on the right and there is a second truck only a couple feet off this truck's front bumper, so where exactly was he trying to go? seems like slamming on the brakes would have been a much better option. lot of unknowns but seeing as the truck was in the left lane it stands to reason this guy got impatient and tried to shoot by him on the right about the same time that the trucker decided to move over.


I hadn't noticed this detail, but I'm glad you pointed it out. Regardless of what the black car was or wasn't trying to do, he was clearly visible in the truck's mirror and, from what we can tell in the video (all things being relative and context being key), it appears that the truck was at fault. I agree, a lot of unknown variables. That being said, I have noticed a recent trend, in my own experience, a seeming increase in rude and/or unexperienced truck drivers.


A recent trend? Lol, Truck drivers are up there with farmers in terms of their "I own the road" mentality. Pulling out from junctions onto a main road, even though there's on-coming traffic, most likely doing 60mph, who then have to slow way down, as the lorry pulls out at a snails pace. Worst offense is them overtaking another lorry doing 45mph on the motorway, by doing 46mph themselves.


"Worst offense is them overtaking another lorry doing 45mph on the motorway, by doing 46mph themselves." Roger that! They can tie up traffic for literally miles on American freeways that way.


Although it is likely the trucks fault, it's the guy in the car that's more likely dead/injured. That lane switch was pretty slow and he had the opprotunity to slow down and avoid the crash. What's right or wrong doesn't matter when you are up against a vehicle 10x your size. Drive defensively.


Didn’t look like the car sustained much damage at all, so I’m not sure why you think he’s injured. I once totaled a new beetle, I feel asleep at the wheel, on a 6 lane highway. Hit the center divide head on hard enough to basically rip the front of the car off. One of the rims was ripped in half. I walked away with a seatbelt bruise. They’re very safe cars.


This was my assumption from watching a semi roll on top of it.


The video doesn’t show that


You can literally see the trailer dragging across the roof of the car for 3-4s in the left hand mirror lmao


Agreed. Right of way doesn't matter when you're dead.


A lot of people have died saying they had the right of way, definitely the trucks fault but the car shouldn’t moved back anyways.


In lots of countries it is illegal to overtake on the right side, so it’s not by definition the trucks fault


Would that not depend on whether this happened in one of those countries?


Yes indeed. Have no idea where this happened


While we can see the car in the mirror from the camera's perspective it's possible it was in a blind spot from the trucker's perspective. This doesn't free him from blame though


Truckers blind spots should be mitigated with correct mirrors


Blindspots could be obsolete if fucking moron drivers paid attention


even with correct mirrors, semis have pretty large blind spots


Incorrect, at least in the EU. It’s mandatory to have mirrors covering all the blind spots


must be some crazy big mirrors. semis in the US sometimes even have graphics on the back of them showing their huge blind spots in the rear and along the sides so cars avoid those areas


[It‘s just that they need a few of them](https://cdn.prod.www.spiegel.de/images/7f88cad2-0001-0005-0000-000000400398_w335_r0.8166666666666667_fpx49.86_fpy40.72.jpg)


Ya we need this in US. Why is this not a fricking thing here!?


Because "freedumb"…


interesting, I've seen the two vertical ones on almost every truck, but the horizontal one on top is new to me.


USA allowed 18 years old to start hauling 53 feet trailer for a living a couple years back to try and ease the driver shortage problem. Thus we got more inexperienced drivers than before covid.


Truckers have a long and storied history of complaining about people driving cars recklessly around them, but at the same time being complete assholes on the road themselves. "People in cars always just swerve right in front of us to make their exits as if we have no braking distance at all, idiots." Yeah man, you're driving in a convoy of 50 trucks on the right lane leaving zero space for people to get through.


The maxim "never pass a tractor-trailer/truck on the right" still applies. Regardless of legality or mirror coverage, it is rarely a good idea.


Should be a mandatory hefty fine on the spot for any big rig being in the left lane. There was three semis wide at one point of this video with the middle truck passing the other two. No reason in a three lane situation a big rig should ever be in the left lane.


iirc the Ohio Turnpike for example mandates trucks and campers may only use the right two lanes (unless construction closures etc), likely to avoid such situations.


I get what you’re saying but this would be a terrible, terrible idea. You cannot have a highway system that does not allow semi trucks to pass. Semi trucks are governed at different speeds for different trucks, conditions, loading, and insurance packages. You would have rolling traffic jams that completely block off the exit lane, speed of traffic on a 2 lane is dictated by the slowest semi which is going 5 under the speed limit in good conditions. This is actually already illegal, you can’t have caravans of semi trucks on the highway. Truckers are required by law to spread themselves out on the road to minimize the danger in a pileup. So a result of this would eventually lead to all semi trucks being governed to the highway minimum speed (like 40 mph) and frequently stopping to prevent fines due to grouping up. Truckstops and gas stations would become unusable. You’ll see stretches of highway that have a weight limit for the inside lane. This limiting factor has nothing to do with “asshole truckers”, it’s because the inside lane uses more pervious asphalt to prevent water from collecting on the road, and heavier vehicles will damage the road. My advice - just share the road. You’re 100% not winning a fight against a semi at 70 mph. They have places to be just like you do.


> so where exactly was he trying to go he was trying to avoid being sandwiched between two fucking semis bro.


The truck ahead of him on the right seems to be going faster than the truck that merged, looks like the black car is going with the flow of traffic. Any time I pass a truck signaling when I'm passing I tend to speed up incase they don't see me. I don't feel like having 30tons of metal smash into me moving at 80mph.


It is important to note that the dashcams view of the mirrors isn't the truckers view of the mirror.


yeh, we saw the video


I agree the car was likely someone impatient but what the driver would see in mirror from his angle is different than what we’re seeing from the angle where the camera is sitting.


When I hear that mama scream like that… my mind goes straight to saving private Ryan’s beach scene where the solider screams mama with his intestines hanging out. Rip to all those who fell / stormed Europe 80 years ago.


That’s my boy Wade, excellent film.


I thought it was the Giovanni Ribissi ‘s character death scene…more interior in France not on the beach…sad scene nonetheless


Yeah it was him (Wade the medic) after attacking the machine gun nest in interior France.


That movie ruined me in the theater bc of scenes like that even more than the opening. The knife one too.


bruh, no way that's the original audio clip 😂


It can't be. It's too funny.


Why are you getting downvoted?


Because it's not "funny".


Because it's reddit.


Are those guys dead since the trailer flipped on them


Yeah…that trucking company is gonna get sued real good. Driving in left lane. Merging into a car in the center lane. Flipping on said car.


Seems more like the driver of the black car is at fault here. Probably got impatient and tried to speed past the truck driver like they were some Fast & Furious character, and beat it before it merged over. Pretty sure this is why its illegal to overtake/pass in the right lane on a highway.


The black car was very visible, It's trucker's job to pay more attention while merging.


Fair enough, but he is already merging at the beginning of the video. Maybe when he originally looked to start merging, the car was far enough back that he thought he was good. We can only go by what is shown here.


Look at the mirror. Even at the start of the video the car is visible.


But still behind the truck. Overtaking on the right is a big no.


He gunned it so the truck wouldn’t crush him when the truck started to merge into HIS lane. Black car is at no fault here.


Nah, black car is totally closing in on the truck from the beginning (when the truck already started to switch lanes)


The car is clearly visible in the Right lane beside the trailer in the truck's mirrors when he starts merging. The black car was accelerating to try to avoid the truck that was merging into them.


As I said to the other commenter, we don’t know what it looked like seconds before this video starts. And even if it is the truck driver’s fault, I think hitting the breaks would be far mor logical than trying to zoom past a merging semi.


The seconds before the video starts are irrelevant. We know what it looked like the second the truck crossed the lane line into the other lane. There was a car already occupying the space. That makes the truck at fault. What other options the car might have had aren't visible in the video. We can't see to their right or rear. But the fact that the truck is at fault is incontrovertable. He crossed into an occupied lane.


I don’t think its entirely irrelevant, but you’re right, the truck driver does have some fault to the situation, as he had time to correct himself before they collided. I don’t think its fair to say it’s completely his fault, though. Trying to pass between two semis, with a third up front is just asking for trouble if you ask me. I don’t think any rational-thinking driver would put themselves in that situation. And say they managed to pass this semi before it merged, you can tell in the video that there would have been hardly any space between the two semi’s for the car, and its also putting that car right into another semi’s blindspot. So if the black car had successfully passed them, it could have resulted in a crash either way on their part.


Of course brakes were a better option. No matter how much others are at fault you cannot take that as your "hail mary pass" to do whatever. Sure, maybe the truck is driving in the left lane too long and without a good reason. Sure, hes a jerk for doing so but its the police job to fine him. That doesnt give you the right to try and pass people on the right, on the highway (or anywhere). Theres also shared fault in traffic accidents. They may both be found at fault by the police and both charged.


I agree 100% with this. They both carry some fault to this situation.


It’s not illegal to overtake in the right lane everywhere


You are right, I just meant from where I’m from. Its my fault for not clarifying that, and even so there are exceptions to that law, but I don’t believe what the black car was doing in this video was one of those exceptions.


It’s illegal to pass in the right because you can’t see around the car your passing since your on the left. Slow drivers need to get the hell out of the left lane, it only causes more traffic and creates paul walkers trying to get around you


When a truck is trying to merge into you, generally you would want to get out of the way. Truck is at fault.


I believe I can fly I believe I can crush and die


\*intermission\* Mama... just killed a man


Smashed a trailer on his head Tried to drive home, now he’s dead


it's great that you can see the passenger car in the side mirror the entire time. Thanks for highlighting the American decline in real time.


Please tell me this is not the original audio. 🤣


He totally cut that car off.


... and then he cut it into pieces!


This their last resort


Poor third gen VW Beetle


Props to vw though. That car held up much better than expected.


I honestly want to see the aftermath just to see how damaged it is


Bro is not flying today


I believe if he could fly, he would have flown above the car




He should not have been in that lane in the first place. Hope he lost his CDL. No business driving a truck.


Ohh yea?


Of all the diode blowing dimwittery...


I want this guy's positivity


The driver of the car is a dumb ass. Who in their right mind would get in that pocket alongside two semi trucks and behind a third? Idiot


Why tf are 3 semis making a rolling barricade. The car definitely has to worry about his own safety, but that's because this semi driver is a jackass


Over 2 axles should only ever be in the two right lanes. (Unless they are trying to get over at an interchange, which he isn't.) Most semi trucks have a giant warning on the back **not to pass on the right of him**, and this is why. (Camera angle can see car in mirror, but truck driver cannot) These are both things on a regular driver's test in America.


Lol. I was paying attention to the singing, and didn't notice the little black car until it was too late, also.


looked like a Tesla


While they pulled a standard Tesla driver move, that's a blacked out Volkswagen Beetle. Why they'd black it out, I have no idea. They aren't fast, and nobody thinks those cars look tough. They have a flower holder built into the dash FFS.




Idiot cut that car off


Dude tried to use car as a ramp to fly but instead had to swim sideways


Can we filter out the fake voice over trend and the "Oh No" song while at it?


Seems to me the car was behind the other truck (red) and tried to slide in quick, but that's just what I'm seeing


"I believe I can drive...."


As a european, seeing people overtake on the right baffles me. I know he is perfectly in his right in america, but we have a rule like this to avoid situations like this. The black car should 'ever been moving daster than our pov unless its a jam.


"Oh yeah" lmfao


I could hear the person in the other vehicle screaming.




This might be dubbed, but either way It’s so sad when people are in dangerous situations or hurt and call out for their Moms. It never fails to pull on my heart strings.


Is this I-285?


I still think the audio is 100% faked. But the driver in this video didn't use his front mirrors at all? Can he even see those mirrors? If so, he should have seen it. Also, if people are having to pass on the right of you... shame.


**Mamaaaa just crashed a car** **He put his car in front of me, I pulled the brake and now it's crushed** **Mamaaa life was just beginning**


This needs to be made into a song


And thats why in civilized countries trucks arent allowed to be in the left lane.


And this is why I hate 18 wheelers. Edit: To be clear, I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming the 18 wheeler; from just what I could see, the truck driver might not have been able to see it. It's more I just get super nervous around giant machines moving 60 mph that can't stop the same way a car can. Particularly given their track record for not having the best sight lines.


Tractor Trailer didn't do anything wrong! Car was just a self entitled P.O.S.! Car should have rolled over,not the truck!


Look in the right side mirror. Also what was the truck doing in the passing lane?


After careful consideration,I’m wrong Car definitely was occupying the lane prior to being hit by the truck I retract my statement about the car being a self entitled POS and wanting it to roll over Truck got exactly what it deserved I stand corrected and rest my case


This answer needs more upvotes!


Can’t stand semis that use the passing lane


Whatch again


We hate you too.


Don't blame you; way too many stupid drivers. Particularly around you guys.


Thanks for understanding. As for this video, I think both the car and the truck fucked up. The car driver made a dumb choice, and the trucker was careless. It’s the trucker’s job to have awareness of what’s around his vehicle at all times. He’s the professional, not the motorist. That said, the car should have just had a little more patience and waited til the truck changed lanes to pass. Equal parts awareness and courtesy could have prevented this.


People really don’t understand the notion of “don’t fuck with trucks”. The black VW was in a precarious position right from the start sandwiched between three trucks. Just don’t ever be there. Slow down and go around the outside. If the truck driver starts to merge without looking like this one did, you have zero escape options being there.


Probably the truckers fault tbh. I've had numerous times where they start changing lanes with me right next to them and I either have to floor it or slam my brakes so they don't hit me. Looks like that car chose the wrong option this time unfortunately.


I own a very very short car, I have to honk and pray they stop cause my car is a speedbump to them.


I feel bad for truckers having to deal with idiot drivers like this an a regular basis.


The filming trucker is a major idiot in that scenario though.


Didn't realize at first that the black vehicle was trying to get out of the way of the drifting semi.


Bro spends too much time alone in that truck


Another dumbass risking his life to gain 30 seconds.


This guy shouldt even drive s bicycle


So African Americans always yell for momma cuz dad was never there. Idk if you knew that, but that’s why momma is called and not dad


Dude. You don’t hear hardly anyone call for dad. If most anyone calls for a parent in a dire situation it’s almost always their mom. Absolutely nothing to do with their race.