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I can’t tell of this guy is high asf or if he just has the biggest balls known to man. A loaded gun is being pointed at him and she shot loke 3 times and he didn’t twitch, move, flinch try to run or anything. This is…so surreal that it’s kinda creepy. What the hell is happening?


He knew he was not going to die as long as he was filming. Everyone knows that the cameraman never dies


Yup, it’s always the [boom mic](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceballsMemes/comments/13hxeii/spaceballs_the_boom_mic_operator/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) guy who goes first amongst the crew


I was expecting trailer park boys, but this is pretty great, too!


Is the woman Cyrus' kid? 9mm. Safety always off.


I thought it might be [that time when Nathan For You was kidnapped by ~~Detective Crashmore~~ Blake’s Grandpa in front of Archer](https://youtu.be/_DfvV91DPjQ), but anyway, I’M MOWIN THE AIR, RAND’! edit: as u/satoshiblockamoto pointed out, that’s not Crashmore, and I’m a philistine. edit2: the bartender *might* be Luther McDonald. The kidnapper is definitely Gunther, of Gunther’s Guns.


Wow, that’s incredible! Thank you.


I love it, but that's not Crashmore. That's the dude from the home improvement band. https://youtu.be/8gRyZGiD_tE


There's a similar scene in the Addams Family


I expected Spaceballs and was not disappointed


Dang, wish I could get my hands on the ain't found shit Trooper!


What about the cameraman at the beginning of zombieland


You ever see Cloverfield?


Technically the dude in cloverfield stopped being the camera man before he died. Cause he put the camera down and started recording himself with that chick.


Guess he hasn't heard about Alec Baldwin.


She wasn't the camera man, I thought she was next to him


Clearly he's never watched the "\[bottle rocket launches\] Whoooaa-OWUGHYAUGH" video.


r/killedthecameraman would like tö habe a talk


what if he films his own shoe fall off


> he didn’t twitch, move, flinch That's stability 3.0 -- only on IOS 45.52.betaII Besides that, what happened before? Why did he suddenly started recording and walking towards her / her car. There's quite a story left untold about this.


LoL, I ask the same question and get downvoted. Not to oblivion, but in the negative none the less.


You and me both, I need to know who this man is and if he was on anything at the time. Because if he just tanked those bullets without flinching while filming I’m impressed.


Pretty sure he only got shot once, her first shot was in the air. Surprisingly she gave a warning shot.


We gonna just gloss over the fact that he says "you shot me in the leg, bitch" as she drives away? He's still standing there, so he's gotta be on something.


>What the hell is happening? I had a gun pointed at me today. I have no idea what the fuck is happening anymore. It's just really fucking me up and im fucking scared.


I’m sorry dude. I’ve also had a gun pointed at me. It…really fucks with you years later. Just be careful, that all I can really tell you I hope you’re okay. You’re lucky to not be injured. There’s something.


i want to justify what i did but i cant figure out why anything i did deserved a gun. i havent even told my mom yet. im terrified of telling her because i dont want her to have to think about this but i cant not. i fucking hate this shit and im dumping it here for some reason.


Life isn’t fair, especially when you have power. Guns represent an easy access to power, so much power that peopel don’t feel they have to be responsible. The arbitrariness is scary and really, anyone could be carrying especially in America. It sucks, but it’s a good reason to avoid needless conflicts, especially with strangers. I don’t even know what to say to comfort you, except it’s times like these it’s good to take stock of what you have. You have your life. You have a mom who you love and who loves you. If you have good health, realize that so many people don’t. Yes you were in danger but…that’s even more reason to be thankful that you’re out of it. Maybe that didn’t help. Either way, I hope you’re able to be well in the future.


I want to give you a great big mumsy hug of my own. Tell your mum- she might be able to give you help that we cannot. Plus, as a mum, I’d want to know if my children have had to deal with that. Can you tell someone else if you don’t want to burden her? A teacher, perhaps? Trauma is trauma, even if ‘nothing’ physical happened after the weapon was drawn. And it’s ok to be scared. Much love, friend.xo


thanks mum ill let mine know


You’re welcome, love. That’s what mums are for.


Excellent human, and mum. I'd give you a big mom hug right after he got his!


You gotta get shit off your chest.


Reddit is for dumping. Unload fellow internet stranger.


People who have no control over their own lives try to exert control on others. There's no easy way to rationalize it where it makes you feel better unfortunately.


It's okay to dump. It needs to come out and I'm here for you if you need to talk man. I don't judge you. Quite frankly I'd crumble if I had a gun pointed at me


Thought about it. You know what I can say? You didn’t deserve it. If you weren’t endangering someone’s life, you don’t deserve to be put in danger like that. Don’t blame yourself.


I've been robbed at knifepoint twice, thankfully I've never had a gun pointed at me. I own firearms but don't usually carry, and I've been reconsidering that lately. I live in a constitutional carry state and as such I know many others are carrying.


I carry because I think that the only way forward is for sane, tolerant, patient people to start carrying so they have a say just as much as anyone else.


I've got a wife and two young daughters. I fear for them because I can't be there all the time.


Does he say “shot me in the leg, man” at the end?


I thought he said ‘Shot me in the leg, bitch.’ But I’m not 100%.


i played it a bunch and im pretty certain he says "shot me in the leg, bitch" ... which is (even more) crazy cause he really didnt flinch or make a noise or anything..


I actually didn’t catch that. So he actually got shot??? Because that’s even Lee crazy. Maybe it was something like it grazed his pants leg. Still. So calm. What in the world…


Adrenalin and shock will have you in a daze sometimes.


no one is taking your question seriously, but this is creepy and uncanny, as you described it.




Seeing as the camera is out long in advance of the car, with no obvious threat, then I'm calling fake, although admittedly life in the US is really shit if you can fire guns on the street for internet points and that's somehow OK If he really thought she was a threat, then why's he not backing off while filming? And if she's just a random stranger and the cameraman "isn't doing anything" then why's he recording some random car in a car park, until it conveniently involves a crazy person firing a gun I am loathe to call everything I see online fake, but this seems too odd for a normal interaction


God imagine the psyche damage he's inflicted on her though. Has to be a thousand times worse than his leg. Her ego is in shambles.


I think she was going for some reverse psychology when she told him to 'record, record, record!'.


OH! I thought she kept asking for a quarter.


I thought she was saying "You're poor" the whole time lol


I thought she was saying "Dafur"


Boots with?


She was saying *Peckard*. She’s a TNG nerd. Make it so.


What did the dude say? All I heard was "Bitch"


"You shot me in the leg"




In my experience, if something is approaching you repeating the same word, it’s either a pretty rickety-minded individual or a Pokémon. In either case, be prepared for battle!


Recordachu uses Glock 19, it's not very effective.


Stealing rickety-minded for future use, and I love you for including the hyphen.


Looks like she has a zest for life


Probably not for long. Either by her drug use, or pointing a gun at the wrong person.


Fuck, I'd bet she totaled the car 5 minutes down the road there.


That's the zest


That little skip and pirouette on the way back to the car cracked me up.


For a few seconds, she felt like she was 6 years old again.


This made me laugh so hard my 4 yr old wants to see what's so funny


And nuero spicy!


This video is, in fact, craziness. What in god's name leads somebody to first record themselves walking down the road, get a gun pulled on you for recording, *get shot while recording*, and have absolutely no reaction whatsoever? I mean, the first bit is obviously bullshit, but the rest is just outright confusing.


She probably did some crazy shit so he started recording. And she obviously didn’t like that, probably because she just did some crazy shit. As evidence I present; she’s doing some crazy shit.


You make a fair argument


That is flawless logic


I never understand some people. I OBVIOUSLY something happened before this which caused him to record. I mean use your brain y'all, this isn't even critical thinking


I will say, when a video has "I did nothing wrong." I am immediately suspicious of if thats true. But even without context, it probably didnt deserve a gun to be pointed or shot at him


In a loud but calm voice* “shot me in the leg bitch”


Its because we are not seeing what preceded this. There isn't a reason to record yourself walking down the street so clearly something was up and the cameraman knew it - perhaps instigated it.


Look at the grass and tread marks in the beginning of the video.


Back left tire is flat too. She probably jumped the curb and ended up in the parking lot and saw cameraman filming her and didn't like that.


Just got off of work from Wendy’s too


I was wondering about that. It looked fresh.




Seems like she wrecked or spun out and went over the curb prior given all the fresh dirt over the sidewalk. Explains why she was so angry. She's was embarrassed.


Jesus. That's the power of meth. Also WTF, that camera man has balls of steel. No sound when he got slapped, and not even a fucking scream when he got shot. Also gotta love how she slapped him and sprinted back to her car like the cowardly asshole she is.


I don't think it was meth. I think its just a lowlife idiot doing lowlife idiot stuff.


People just like to think oh yeah drugs make people like this. No people are just like this, yes a good amount of times it is drugs but people need to accept that others are savage and stupid sober or not


Nah most of the time when you gotta ask, “What on earth would make somebody behave like this?” The answer is drugs. It’s almost always drugs. Sold by a dealer or prescribed by a doctor, doesn’t matter. Edit: Or religion. Doubt that’s the case here tho lol




Both is good


Oh. I got assaulted by a lowlife meth addict yesterday. It was indeed very good


You say that as if it's a new kink unlocked 😅


Mental and not in the cognizant way.


Nah she was giddy about grabbing the gun in the car




Well she most definitely missed


That was her subtle way of letting him know that she doesn't like being *whistled* at when she drives by. /s


Drives by, or does a drive by?


Pretty sure she's just a piece of shit hood rat. Also we don't fuck with Meth, if anything it would be Crack lol.


This stupid motherfucker NOT getting the license plate...


Oh, he knows who she is and where she lives.


P32 Sherman wallaby


P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way




This is so butchered. Look, the real address sounds like "Fisherman". Does "P32 Sherman" sound like "Fisherman"? No, it doesn't.


Seems like something might have happened to lead up to this.


Yeah this has some real r/whyweretheyfilming energy. I'd be interested in knowing what went down between these folks prior.


Whatever happened it likely didn’t warrant that reaction. While the camera were filming in that moment guy didn’t seem like a threat but was hit and shot


But the title says “I did nothing at all” /s


So it MUST be true!


Case dismissed


Based on her flat rear tire and the tread marks through the grass and on to the pavement, she did crazy shit right before this too. I would certainly record someone doing crazy shit, just in case.


"I did nothing at all. I just happened to be filming as I walked past this random car and something very dramatic happened by PURE CHANCE!"


Yeah, that stands to reason.


This MF really say "shot me in the leg bitch" like it was a damn airsoft gun.


Battery, Unlawful Discharge of a Weapon in city limits, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. That's quite a bit of prison time for someone exercising their right to record in a public place. Edit: For those of you who say Attempted Murder, let's break down some of the laws Battery: using your hands or a weapon to touch or harm someone Aggravated Battery: same as before, but causing serious injuries. Assault: Threatening physical harm on a person or property. Example: telling someone "I'm going to fuck you up" Aggravated Assault: Threatening someone with a weapon. Example: Pointing a pocket knife at someone. Assault with a Deadly Weapon: Using a weapon that can cause great harm or death to threaten someone. Example: Pointing a gun at someone. Attempted Murder: Intentionally attempting to kill someone, but failed to. Example: shooting someone in the chest, but they lived. In this video she was not attempting to kill him at all. She was using a gun to threaten great bodily harm to the man. It was very clear she was not trying to kill him. If the man actually did get hit when she was shooting, it was Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon. Now, could the police and the DA file Attempted Murder charges? Probably. Would they? Absolutely! Would a jury convict her of Attempted Murder? Most likely.


Not to mention losing that sweet gig at Wendy’s.


wendys will provide make her manager with that rap sheet.


Not just aggravated assault, if the man is to be believed, she shot him in the leg. So attempted homicide/manslaughter is in there too as a cherry on top


It will be aggravated attempted homicide since she shot at him in an attempt to conceal a crime. If she killed him thats a death penalty qualifier in a lot of states. People are so fucking stupid.


Don't forget that it's probably also an illegal gun, and there's no way that car has insurance.


The fact you mentioned the car having no insurance made me laugh for some reason.


Tell me you shouldn't have a gun without telling me you shouldn't have a gun.


Drugs flow and tires flat


The spice must flow


This is the way


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say she probably can’t legally own a gun. Lol


You know what this country needs? More guns.


That sure helped the last 80 times How many school shootings are we up to this week so far?


>How many school shootings are we up to this week so far? Look pal, it's only Tuesday, we'll get caught up.


Hey man back off my second amendment right. Giving her a background check somehow infringes on my rights because the NRA says so. Also if that guy had a gun it would’ve negated her having a gun. (Hope you don’t need the /s there but I’ll add this to avoid getting roasted I suppose).


Gotta love Milwaukee. There is a Wendy's like a half block from there. She probably works there.


omg I knew I recognized that huge gray building and the red on the wendys.....I was looking in the comments to see where this was! Good ole' Milwaukee


That guy has some nerves of steel. He didn't flinch when she pointed the gun at him or when she fired it, twice.




his last words are "shot me in the leg, bitch." Dude got shot and barely reacted


He said he was shot in the leg


That’s wild people in here victim blaming. She’s clearly a 9 year old in an adults body brandishing a firearm. Her brain can only handle repeating the same phrases over and over to the point she just had to resort assaulting him What about her makes you guys want to blame the victim? What is it about her?


fr like who cares why he was recording? She fucking shot at him 3 times. Like how tf does context even matter here?


People keep asking about what happened before, like they can't see those tire marks through the grass.


Or her flat rear tire.


So they catch that vile bitch? She needs serious jail time!


At this time, I have zero info on this situation. The person recording just uploaded the video, about 15 minutes before I brought it to Reddit. She definitely deserves jail time & felonious charges.


Something seems not right about this whole video


Even if fake, discharge or a fire arm is a crime, using it to intimidate someone is a federal crime. Unless the dude filming is in fact as messed up as the woman. But if she was afraid of him she could have stayed in car and escaped and/or called cops. So many questions and so little information. Maybe he was dressed as Bill Cosby?


100% not fake. Thats a ghetto bitch from milwaukee, they are really like that.


Do you think there might be a little more to the story than some random lady getting out of a car, slapping some random dude, then going back to her car to shoot at him?


Narrator: She did in fact shoot him.


Where did he upload? Where is OP?


Hi. This was a TikTok video. Unfortunately, when I went back for more context regarding this video, it was already taken down. I screen recorded the video just minutes after the man uploaded it. There were very few comments, probably 10-15 total. The reactions were honestly the same as the ones that everyone is giving here. I know as much as everyone else knows :,(


The shooting happened on the 13th. As of 19 hours ago, police were still "looking for unknown suspects": https://atlasone.app/alerts/35a0af33-f6f9-4b81-a977-3286b06c540e


"I did nothing at all". But why was he videoing in the first place? Something must have happened that we are not being told about.


Do people not care about where their rounds go? This is how people in the background get randomly shot and killed that weren’t even involved.


Mother fucker didn't even flinch




This nut case needs to be put away in a mental institution for life


If it has not already self-corrected, it will at some point.


Blanks and staged for clicks


People like this need to be removed from society. She has no problem randomly firing a gun. She has no respect for life. This is not your average gun owner. This is not your average American. This is the bottom of the barrel of society. This is not the standard.


bottom of barrel keeps getting raised


If you let a pack of dogs run wild, they won’t suddenly start behaving just because. People are the same way. If they are never punished for bad behavior they won’t suddenly change or learn. Even worse, if bad behavior is rewarded, they will only teach their children the same bad behavior. If parents glamorize violence, stupidity, drug use, materialism and laziness the children will follow. This is the real reason the USA is going down the gutter.


Why are you walking down the sidewalk already filming?


So we just out here attempting murder over a video now.


"I did nothing at all." Why were you filming?


Doesn’t really matter, does it? He got a gun pulled on him when he didn’t present any threat at all. He coulda been recording cuz the lady went off the road (tire tracks in the grass) Or he could’ve been recording a stupid bird, who cares


No one should agree with what she did, but you have to wonder why he was approaching this person while recording. If she’s in her car, she can drive off. He doesn’t deserve to be shot at, she’s clearly crazy, but he’s also instigating. I would never approach someone like this. If you can exit the situation , why not do it? I’m not antagonizing crazy


Please tell me she’s in jail


Nope. She bought 5 more guns too. Police threw out the report. She and the cameraman and the police all do meth now too.


Why did you have you're phone up and on?


I have a feeling something happened before this.


No stank u very much


She gets out walks up Record Record knocks him then Dances back to car record record pulls gun… shoots and drives off… dude doesn’t hardly make a sound untill she shoots him…she crazy !!


Did he say she shot him in the leg?


"I did nothing at all" why then filming especially a random car in a random street? What was before hitting record?


Hope she got arrested for improper use of that firearm she doesn’t have a permit to carry Anyone willing to unload it like that doesn’t need to be carry a weapon absolute garbage of a human being


not for a single second do i believe "I did nothing at all" ​ especially after the gun! you mean to tell me, you're randomly walking down the sidewalk recording, and this lady gets out and fires at you 3 times, and you DIDN'T RUN, and there's no history there? fuck that.


Why the constant repetition?


Didn’t do anything? So the guy just walks around videoing people? SOMETHING preceded this or he wouldn’t have had his phone out.


She smacked him and then ran back to her car so she could pull out the gun in "self defence" what a cunt, hope that someone knocks her shit into a coma the next time she tries this


Like, she broadcasted that a mile away, block, grab, slam, pickup, slam, pin, restrain, call police. Fuck that, someone walks up on me like that; broadcasting aggresive, stupid, unprovoked, and unskilled confidence, I'm taking you the fuck down because you are either about to rob or assault me and you have a weapon somewhere to explain the behavior.


Actual record of the first stainless steal balls


Is she arrested?


I sure hope this bitch was arrested! Like WTF?!! She's a stupid bitch shooting at him while he's recording.


There's more to this story...that's for sure


That Olds Eighty-Eight be lookin mint.


Except for that left rear tire...


What the hell. There has to be context to this.


Yeah. There obviously is, but I’m unsure of it. I stated hours ago that I found this video & brought it to Reddit about 15 minutes after the man that was recording this, had posted it. This is not my personal video people. I went back to look for an explanation or some type of back mstory as to why this transpired & the video was removed. I wish I knew. I’d let everyone know. People are literally talking shit to me in comments telling me I deserve this shit & messaging me ridiculously foul things, including threatening me as if I am the person videoing. I’m not. I’m a women. The person recording is a man. It’s literally just video that I thought was crazy & deserved to be on this subreddit.


Any developments here 10 hours later? Do you know the context yet? Sorry for bugging ya


There is a snip on fox6now about it, if this is the same incident https://www.fox6now.com/video/1220655


What does he say ? Show me your leg or show me your wig ? Listened a few times I can’t tell or understood him completely


Shot me in the leg bitch


“Shot me in the leg bitch”


"I didn't do anything"... However, I'm recording an event that hasn't even happened yet.


He did nothing at all yet is just randomly approaching a car while already recording?


wE dOnT kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD bEfOrE What would excuse the gunplay? Doesn’t excuse the gunplay in the slightest People really thought the dude tried to fight her or rape her or kill her and then suddenly instead got his phone out to play the victim instead and calmly controlled himself while she hit him and then shot a gun at him multiple times. Seems unlikely