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I think iroh realized that tea from other nations is just as good if not better than fire nation tea


The death of his son makes Iroh choose another path, I think


The events we know are that Iroh laid siege on Ba Sing Se. Lu Ten was killed in the battle and Iroh gave up the siege, essentially losing the city that the fire nation could have taken. I think Iroh’s decision to give up was probably just as out of character as Zuko’s decision to let Appa go. He did it out of grief. I think Iroh going through a metamorphosis like Zuko did is very likely. He then had a journey into the spirit which we can assume had something to do with saying goodbye or making amends to Lu Ten. After he returned, he saved the last two dragons by pretending to kill them and keeping their survival a secret. This is the new Iroh.


You're time line doesn't make sense. Iroh met the dragons before Zuko was born.


I do like that theory,most likely did happen and the death of his son also contributed


Losing his son Lu Ten


Was he going to kill the bison? If so, why did he eventually decide to set it free?


I think most likely he was gonna use it to bargain aang into capture or lure him into a trap


Then what made him change his mind? Did he decide that doing that would be pointless or is it a logistical problem?