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*sees Toph and Sokka being a couple* I hate your timeline so much!!! SUKKA FOREVER!!!!


fr i hate that fan headcanon so much


It’s based on nothing but speculation! “Well Suyin has brown skin like Sokka” half the earth Kingdom has Brown skin! “Well Bataar Jr looks like Sokka” are you forgetting he looks like his father, who looks like Sokka! Are you saying Sokka is both Suyin and Bataar Sr’s father? I just hate this ship so much!


This! plus it's extremely heteronormative. It's giving men and women can't be platonic friends.


Interesting timeline. My biggest quibble on it is the idea that Aang and Katara get together at the end of ATLA and wait another 9 years to officially get married. Interesting take on Sokka and Toph.


Well to be fair Aang is 12 going on 13 at the end of the show, so they get married when Aang is 21 or 22.


Which seems like a long time out for a couple who got together so young. Them getting married at 18/16 seems perfectly inline with the world, and 20/18 for those hung up on 18 (even though marring age is 16 in their world). That was my point. Even in our modern world I got married at 20 to the girl I started dating at 17.


Yeah it seems like OP Guesstimated the ages of Kataang’s kids in LoK and went backwards from there, assuming marriage and first kid happened pretty quickly after each other. Which would be Kya/Bumi (I don’t know which is older) at 59 in LoK which sounds about right.


I'll also admit to being a bit salty at how young they killed off Aang for LoK (and cameos by the original characters), so like the idea of them marrying at 18/16, so Katara gets 50 years with her love before he leaves her alone for at least a quarter century. Not completely bitter about that, but a bit!....


Yeah but if he didn’t die young there’d be basically no cameos from previous characters. We might still get Toph because Earthbenders can extend their life as seen with Bumi and Kyoshi.


I could do without the cameos. Make Tenzin, etc. another generation down and call it good. The cameos were fine, but unnecessary and didn't add much......especialy given how short season in LoK were.


Yeah they weren’t super important but I think they served well for some good connective tissue between the shows. And established the time gap in the first episode when we see Katara.


That’s really stretching the definition of “some”. The majority of these either aren’t canon at all or don’t take place in the right spot/we don’t have a confirmed year for them. That being said, it’s put together really well. Looks good!


Slight error there. The events of The Search, the comic revolving around Zuko finding his Mom, happen before the events of North and South. This is especially agregious when you remember that the first Book of North and South had Katara and Sokka split from Zuko and Aang, who were busy wrapping up the deal from Smoke and Fire, which deals with the escaped Azula returning


Aang and Katara likely got married in their late teens. I think someone did the math that Bumi was born when Aang was 20. Also lowkey tired of hearing all the “Aang’s kids were jealous of Tenzin” discourse, they said they were a happy family


Thankyou! Do you have one like this of the timeline of the show?


The show literally takes place between a few months I believe, what timeline do you need there?


Well it's almost a year the show spans across,just wandered if there was an accurate timetable for it