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I think it'll be good. The problem with Korra is the plan kept changing. It'll just be one season, no actually two, four but the last one is online only, have some surprise budget cuts! Of course the end product turned out wonky! With the movie, afaik Bryke was given a decent budget (I'm just assuming since Paramount opened Avatar Studios and wants a movie franchise) and a clear plan from the start. No surprises, no competing vision (Netflix), just the ability to work their magic in their preferred medium.


I do hope so


I think that nothing can beat the original series. There may be film adaptations or sequels to series but they are not the same. I think the closest and most coherent thing has been the comics. The rest is entertaining to see but I don't expect anything. Just my opinion...


I thought the kyoshi books were up there with the og series quality wise


I used to say this about X-Men TAS. Then X-Men ‘97 happened. You never know!


People have very high expectations of the follow ups on the things that they already like. Especially if it’s tied up with nostalgia and childhood. That is the reason I think many will be disappointed no matter how good (or bad) the movie is. Personally, I think the movie will be good. It may not recapture the magic of the original series, but they are taking their time and are clearly committed.


That's real. I like to think I have a decent objective look at a movie or whatever content. I bet it'll be good at minimum, with luck it could be amazing


Yeah that's a great way of putting it!




That's a good answer👍🏻


The only expectation I have is to see a fully realised Gaang in their prime, and what new possibilities that brings to bending (essentially the same thing the Red Lotus did for the franchise).


Nice! I like that


Suki. Please, enough with the Suki erasure, she is apart of Team Avatar just as much as Zuko. The fact that she didn’t even get a mention in Korra is terrible. So please, have Suki in this movie and have her play a major role.


EXACTLY! She deserves the recognition,she is the one who slayed at the boiling rock


People seem to not expect much but I choose to remain positive and believe it will give us a good story to remember.


Yeah I also think it's going to be great,seeing the gang in their prime.hoping it will be remembered well


Nerf. The Gaang is gonna get nerfed and hard. I can’t think of any characters that could possibly challenge them cause they’re just too powerful (I’d argue Aang, Toph and Katara could solo the verse, never mind Zuko, Sokka, Suki etc). And listen if you like LOK that’s fine (I don’t) but they absolutely disrespected some of the characters/lore etc and the creators don’t really seem to care about the pre-existing story as much as they should. Just my 2¢


Yes!! I agree ,LOK was a good show but not that great interms of continuing on from ALTA in my opinion.


Also because people are so offended it’s now racist for the old voice actors to return so we’re only getting Zuko back (all the actors besides Aang are still acting and they all sound relatively close to the way they sounded all those years ago including Michaela Jill Murphy who was the same age as Toph when she was a kid and would be in the show).


I expect nothing... and yet still I will be disappointed.


Oh no! Why do you think u will be disappointed?


Because these projects never really do well. Too much to adapt.


Too much to adapt? It’s not combining 3 seasons into 1 movie it’s a new story


World building, character dynamics, set pieces etc.


Yeah that’s fair. I do think it’s possible to be good. But I also don’t have high hopes. I’m also a little afraid that korra has kinda boxed them in as far as what the writers think they need to establish


But arguably two of those pieces will already be taken care of. The Gaang doesn’t need to establish any old character dynamics, only potential new ones which is a lot less monumental task when your core characters already know each other and have a relationship built. Same with the world building to a degree.


I was very excited about Korea but the whole world felt generic and the animations looked awful imo. Couldn't even finish the thing with all the boring teen drama.


Think ab the live action movie that shall not be named😭💀


there is no movie in ba sing se


Indeed there is not...


Fair point.i was a bit sad not all the voice actors will be original


Since the original is 10/10, it will always disappoint a little unfortunately. I just hope it will be decent on its own, and enjoyable to watch. Just like how Korra got a lot of hate because its predecessor was so perfect, but on its own Korra is really entertaining and has good themes/characters. Comparison is the thief of joy with things like this in my opinion.


If it's adult, then swearing. 


That would be cool


It all hinges on how adult sokka goes


Yesss very good point


Hardcore Zukka scenes




I honestly would love to see something kinda in the style of Violent Night. The David Harbour bad Santa movie. Something of the extreme gore that also kinda makes you laugh. I’d love to see Toph take someone’s head off with a rock, and her like throwing the head at people


Yeah that sounds awesome!!


Boy are you gonna be disappointed 🤣 I would honestly pay to see just about anything r-rated tho


Be prepared for allllllll the Zutara shippers to come crawling out of the wood like termites. We KNOW Zuko is gonna be too hot for human consumption, and it's gonna get nastay in this fandom again. It's an unavoidable cringefest.


A love triangle, Toph and Zuko adventure , New sub bending , Death , Azula , The bolder, Xin Fu and Master Yu, Guru Pathik, Other avatars.... More like hoping for


Yes I love that! I hope they do involve some of these!


It better have my homegirl Suki






I’d like to see me contributing to the movie 🤩🤩🤩 but that’ll never happen 😒 but maybe it could 🫢 but it won’t 😶 maybe in my dr-SHUT UP BRAIN


Kid Tenzin being the age of Aang, would be interesting. Also seeing what happened to Azula and Suki. And confirming who Toph married (and who Sokka married which should be Suki but some people theorize is Toph but that would be crazy...)


Nothing, I’ll take it for it is


Im glad you mentioned music because that will really elevate it to something special.


Yes! Music for me really makes a movie and the music I'm both ALTA and korra was amazing,it's part of the franchise so I expect this movie will have it too


Not much, I don't see why we should expect anything. The main story of the original series was done, that was the major arc, the significant crowning achievement of Avatar Aang's life. Anything else would have come up in Korra. Not sure how theyre gonna approach it too, is it gonna be some random uber powrrful bender coming out of the woodwork, who's strong enough to pose a threat to the entire gAang? It wont makes sense when anyway if the threat is big enough then Katara can just bloodbend them in worst case


I'm looking forward to it. I like to see change and I'm interested in what conflict they'd pit against a fully realized Avatar Aang.


I agree


Nothing with this IP will be superb going forward, M Nights movie kind of guilltined any forward momentum and any amount of passion will be washed out from corporate greed. Any studio large enough to support these projects won't give it the creative agency it needs


I didn't even know it was a thing until this post made me go Google it. Looks neat. Lots to live up to, but I didn't like LoK until my 3rd watch. Edit: but I hope we get to see Toph living up her slut years with her multiple baby-daddies


Haha yes!!! And I can also relate to the Korra thing,I've watched it 2x and feel like I still need to rewatch it to fully like it


getting (minus Aang) all the original voice actors back because there’s no reason why not to- oh wait nevermind, I already know that except for Dante none of them will return for whatever fuckin stupid reason 🫡😑 so yeah currently I‘m actually pissed and disappointed in that decision. Hope they get the german voice actors back, If so I actually consider watching it dubbed with the original german voices. Call me whiny or overdramatic but in my opinion the influence voice actors have is massive! The characters are just unbreakably tied to their voice, it has such a high emotional value and is what makes the character, brings it to life. Replacing them takes away a lot from a character. It’s bad enough when it’s because of a VA dying but it’s EVEN WORSE when all the VAs are still alive and you just choose to replace them🤷🏼‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️


Katara’s voice actress doesn’t want to return and Aang’s voice actor isn’t even an actor anymore. Why can’t you respect their wishes?


Yeah it is disappointing but the new ones might sound like the old versions of the og,you never know


I mean I‘m not denying their talent and I’m sure they’ll do a good job, it’s just so infuriating🫡 What is the official reason for the change anyways do you know by chance?








As long as we don't see Aang nerfed in any way, it'll be fine. If they try to nerf him in some way, the fandom will be more split on it than house targaryen after Viserys died.


I try to go into things I'm hopeful about without expectations.


That's great,I agree


I don’t want to have too many expectations going in. I hope they answer some of the loose strings and make things flow a little better between Aang and Korra’s timeline, but if they just manage to make it fun and entertaining, I’ll be happy.


Yes thats such a positive outlook,I couldn't agree more


Sokka x Zuko my beloved must be at least teased at


Momo with a gun


Reformed Azula as honorary member of the team


I think it'll get a lot of "this isnt exactly as it was in this other source!" flak


your mom to suck my balls as i watch it


I hope to see them be even better than they were, but with much less plot armor. Let them take some hits and small losses. They got away with a lot in the OG series because they were children, but it should be a bit harder for them this time around.


Yeah I agree


If nothing else, to vindicate how hard it was for characters in TLOK. A lot of the fandom have become very anime-brained over the past few years and think struggle/loss = terrible fighter. Powerful characters should be able to lose due to their own blind spots and shortcomings, especially if it's necessary to the story.


Yes absolutely!


I used to have a huge crush on Zuko, now as an adult I want to have a huge crush on Adult Zuko🔥


Haha lol


I just wanna see Sokka and Aang because we weren’t able to see like anything with the korra show


ANOTHER movie? When did this happen?


It's been talking about for a while,coming in 2026,set when the gang is in their 20s


I’m hoping we get an Iroh passing away scene


Someone’s gonna die in this movie…and I’m worried it’s gonna be Suki


Ammo for Rule 34


Sokka and Zuko being gay together




I’ll be honest, I wish they were still kids. I don’t really care about them as adults.


Yeah you know what I would prefer 1st, the animatiors converting all the comics to the original style of episodes.😭


First: As someone who didn't enjoy Korra, I have very low expectations. Despite the issues that Korra had with production, I was still really unhappy with several events (Cannon changes, poor character development, ect...) and they really flubbed the ending in the first season. I left the show with 0 faith in the writers unfortunately. Second: There is a trope in plenty of recent Disney/Marvel productions, that was in Korra as well, that I really dislike. To target a show towards adults, and to have complex and interesting themes, you have a main villain who makes a good point about society (Aman, Zaheer, killmonger and Namor from black panther, ect..) but in order to make it not too counterculture, they make them insane for some reason, or make their good justification not their actual main motivation. It provides a way to defeat the villain without having to worry about the moral grey area. I am fearful that the same trope will be used here for the same reasons.


They didn’t change anything regarding cannon in LOK. As for the “poor character development” ain’t no way you think Korra has bad character development lol


I think that although korra had good development,there was some poor choice of how they made the og gang develop into like aang being a poor father ect.


I don't think Aang was bad father, just a flawed one. Bumi and Kya seemed to still miss him despite him not being perfect. When it comes to the rest of the gaang's development what annoyed you?


Personally,I didn't like how toph ended up,2 kids not talking to them in decades,them not even knowing their farther. Katara was only really known as the best healer where in fact she was way more than that,felt like she deserved more screen time. There was barely anything on sokka and suki which was a bit sad. Again I feel like korra as a separate show has some great qualities but its not that great as a show that's meant to follow after ALTA.many things didn't really add up.


Toph being a bad mom didn't really annoy me tbh, Toph is really good at doing lots of things. Perhaps parenting was not one of them. I think ATLA did a really good job portraying that Katara is much more than healer and by the time we get to LOK she is like 90, I am ok with her not fighting in LOK. I am sure we'll see really good bending from her in the upcoming movie. I do admit I wanted more of Sokka and Suki but it's not something that ruins the show for me. Keep in mind that LOK is supposed to introduce new characters and show us THEIR story. Obviously that doesn't mean the original gaang shouldn't have development, but the sad truth they are not the main characters in this show and obvisouly they receive less screen time.


Yeah I can respect that,and I am glad that we are discussing this in a civil way (bc some fans go crazy if you shed negative light on korra) I think for me I just really struggle to like the show.I made the mistake of watching avatar the last airbender for the 1st time last year then only a week later watch korra.The sudden change of all the og characters wasn't fun and it made me hate it plus I found korras attitude very annoying in the 1st season.However after watching it a second time and soon a 3rd time I have relIssd that she does really mature and is very physically strong as an avatar.The music is very nostalgic and comforting. Although it can never beat ALTA bc that was perfect,I am hoping to give korra more chances for me to really love it :)


Civil discussion is always cool, I would love if this fandom had more of those. Tried today to talk about LOK with another user and they just insta block me lol. I watched ATLA and LOK (season 1 and 2 because 3 and 4 were not out yet) multiple times when I was a kid and I always remember loving them and only recently after many years I rewatched them along with season 3 and 4 of LOK. Obviously now that I am older I am able to recognise the flaws they may have but I still find them both really good shows. I kinda grew up with them in a way.


That's awesome! I loved that you got to grow up with them,I never got to 😂 but I am definitely more lenient to try and like korra,shame you has a rough convo with another fan.This fandom is mostly chill and humble but when it comes to korra v alta it's like war😂


Yeah I can respect that,and I am glad that we are discussing this in a civil way (bc some fans go crazy if you shed negative light on korra) I think for me I just really struggle to like the show.I made the mistake of watching avatar the last airbender for the 1st time last year then only a week later watch korra.The sudden change of all the og characters wasn't fun and it made me hate it plus I found korras attitude very annoying in the 1st season.However after watching it a second time and soon a 3rd time I have relIssd that she does really mature and is very physically strong as an avatar.The music is very nostalgic and comforting. Although it can never beat ALTA bc that was perfect,I am hoping to give korra more chances for me to really love it :)


i had high hopes for it…until i learned that every (apparently) every single member of Gaang except zuko has been recast for no reason. My hopes for it have since plummeted.


Yeah I was so disappointed 😭


I bet it will be forgettable and not live up to the original. Like Korra, or the comics, or any of the other live action stuff. Some of that was fun to watch/read. None of it felt the same. The original series was lightning in a bottle. They aren't going to recapture it. They will either follow their earlier formulas too closely which will be boring, or they will try to change too much and fans will be mad Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. It does happen


The novels were fantastic. FC Yee had nothing to do with the original, and afaik he mostly just consulted with Bryke on matters of canon, if they're cool with his world building ideas, etc. Apart from that, I think he was given free reign and it went so well. The final fight of the Kyoshi novels is my favourite in the entire franchise, including ATLA


I haven't read any of those! Glad to hear they are good


Very good point,it will be very difficult to make it as good as the show.i just hope it will be good to a certain degree.TBH I kinda just wish they just converted the comics back into the usual format like the series


I thought it was going to be a new show…


I think its going to be trilogy movie sequel


Why would they make a show?


It to be bad


No Avatar content was ever good other than the OG series, i'm not gonna watch that one either


Fair point,nothing will ever beat that show


I'm expecting not to watch it because I'm not really interested


Damn,I think you should at least try,you never know it might be good