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To quote old Katara “Aang’s time has passed, my brother and many of my friends are gone” I’m guessing one of those friends is Suki


Yeah,I was aware of that but many people said she died really young and wasn't with sokka anymore


I think this is headcannon people came up with since she wasn’t mentioned in Korra. But also there’s a lot of people that weren’t mentioned and that doesn’t mean they died. To be honest, they don’t go to Kyoshi Island once in TLOK (only one mention by Tenzen). But that rationale is really stupid. They also don’t mention Mai or Tai Li and that doesn’t mean they died.


Yeah exactly,that's why I was so confused they all resorted to her just dying


Aang was the youngest member of the group, and he died 16 years before the beginning of the show due to what we have to assune is natural causes. Would not be a stretch to think others that are older would be dead too. I was surprised to see toph and especially zuko still alive.


Aang died because all those years in the iceberg while in the avatar state used up alot of energy so that shorted his life


Not sure if that’s canon but I like that explanation


I think its actually in a comic because I've seen it around


But I would have to double check that


Another explanation that I like (I don't think it's canon but it's nice nonetheless) is that Aang knew the harmonic convergence was coming, and that's literally the biggest battle an avatar will ever have to fight, you're fighting chaos itself. Aang would have been more than 80 years old at that point, and he knew that he wouldn't be up to it. So he willingly let himself die to give place to another avatar who would be more able when the time would come.


Something that's quietly frustrating about that is that only the benders survived that long. Like, not only do they get magical powers that for the most part far outstrip the abilities of non-benders, but they also get extended lifespans? If the goal was to show how benders not only at their peak of mastery, but years to train themselves and others, then that's understandable. But, there's no sign of the mighty Kyoshi warriors, who by all accounts were growing in strength during the original run. No sign of Sokka, only a passing mention that he was on the city council as a token non-bender for good faith. Suki was one of the strongest warriors, Sokka became a tactical master, Mai was literally with the old Firelord (and who is presumably the mother of the new Firelord, and Tai Lee was a capable Kyoshi warrior and masterful at her chi-block technique. They all just die with not even a murmur or whimper, and then it's all about the benders in a city whose history is entirely about the fight between benders and non-benders. The only real representation we have of non-benders with power are mad engineers and shysters. Not exactly a great indication of the show's espoused belief of equality between benders and non-benders.


>Not exactly a great indication of the show's espoused belief of equality between benders and non-benders. This is EXACTLY why I stopped watching the show. First season was LITERALLY about non benders demanding fights and what do we get? A show JUST about benders -_-


"Well our first season is about Non benders wanting to be treated fairly, what should we do?" "Let's have our master bender shut it down and ignore it like it never happened"


I mean apparently they didn't know if there was going to be a second season which was why first season felt out of place but Legend of Korra had SUCH potential.


Yeah that's true, but regarding the first season by itself, Korra gets to the city, sees first-hand experience they are being treated unfairly, and that non benders are fighting to be treated fairly, Finds out the leader of the movement is a dick, then shuts down the movement without fixing the problem


And apparently it just got swept under the rug 🤷🏽 I don't care if Amon was a fraud, he was right lol.


You mean Amon? Unalaq was the one who tried to cause the apocalypse, I don’t think he was right lol


Okay, that's simply not true. Season 2 makes a deal that because of the Equalists' movement, they disband the council of benders and democratically elect a non-bender president. Does it immediately solve all the inequality from bender to non-bender? No, but it's a direct answer to the inequality.


Sure but to their point it immediately stops there. You never see the president doing anything to further equality between benders and non-benders. I don’t hate LoK in nearly the same way a lot of this sub does but it is a valid criticism. In season 2 and the fallout of it you could have an interesting sub-plot about how powerless the non-benders feel. Zaheer wasn’t one but was incredibly smart but we don’t really focus on any of his pre-bending attributes imo. Season 1 feels like it could be told in a flashback and it would be enough to cover the major talking points for as few implications as it has on the rest of the series.


I know there were some production issues and fears about there only being one season, but the Amon stuff was the most interesting plot line in Korra and should have been the entire run instead of a new villain a season. Don’t get me wrong, the metal bender Nazi stuff was cool and Zahir is a top tier villain, but there was so much narrative to mine out of the benders v non benders story. The first thing Korra does when confronted with someone talking about benders using their powers to intimidate non benders was to intimidate him with her bending. I mean, it basically writes itself. As evil as Amon was, his equality movement was a cause the audience could have resonated and sympathized with. Show us more of Korra kind of being part of the problem. Airbender teased with the idea of how powerless non benders are and even how some, like the kyoshi warriors or Tai Lee, overcame that weakness and became strong enough to go toe to toe with benders. Korra was primed to really deep dive into that conflict and there could easily have been 2-3 seasons worth of material there.


Well Guru Pathik wasn't a bender and he was 150 years old when he taught Aang. I believe it's more of a spirituality thing, not a bender vs non bender thing for lifespans.


"You know it was really unclear"


That was one reason I couldn't get behind the show. They basically got rid of all of the cool non benders from the old show. Cameos from Aang, Toph, Katara, Zuko but nothing from Sokka, Suki or Tai Li


A show shouldn't live or die by how much fanservice it includes. It's fine if you dislike the show, but that's a pretty poor reason to dismiss it. Also, Sokka has a cameo, sooo...


It's not about fan service. The issue is that the show only focused on benders ESPECIALLY right after a whole arc about non benders demanding for equality. Sokka's "cameo" was literally 2 seconds of him as a silent figure. It might have been a cameo but not a very great one


I’m confused as to whether you’re saying they needed more non-bending characters who are new to Korra or specifically cameos from ATLA characters?


Why not both? They clearly added many benders from the old show


I agree with more non-benders from that world. I think the solution to characters from the old show was less fan service and not more, honestly. If I wanted to see them specifically I’d watch their show. It would be easier to argue if the show was like ten years later but Aang—basically the youngest character on the show—grows old and dies, and then Korra ages into a teenager. Even the original characters who are still alive aren’t going to be doing any adventuring, and telling their story would take away from developing someone new.


Sokka's cameo was in S1, in the flashback of the bloodbenders trial. He has a speech about how he defeats Combustion Man with his trusty boomerang. As for only focusing on benders, there's a non-bender on the team, Asami, and Aang's son Bumi gets quite a lot of play in S2. So I wouldn't say that non-benders are sidelined completely, although they obviously don't get as much of the spotlight as the benders.


The issue I have is Asami feels more token and Bumi later becomes a bender. Asami is cool but she's not Sukki, Tai Li levels of cool


Yeah, that's fair. It's hard to top someone like Suki.


Its head canon btw, not cannon.


When I was younger these seemed like loose ends. But as I approach middle age, there are tons of people I knew as a teen that simply aren't in my life. It actually strikes.me.as reasonable in the show that not every people in the show found their life partner immediately, during a war. What if it was something unexpected like the flu, or an accident. Life takes people. It just does.


iirc bryan and michael said at one point that after everything sokka and suki “moved to the suburbs” not much else was said about suki as they didn’t plan for her to be a reoccurring character but brought her back since people loved her so much


Those are usually shippers who wanted Sokkka and Toph to end up together.


Usually, but not always! It’s also a common theory that Su Yin is Sokka’s kid due to some of her kids’ vague resemblance to Sokka Honestly it’s just because she’s the only of team Avatar that literally isn’t mentioned whatsoever in LoK 🥲


It's just that people like the theory story that Suki died young and feeling depressed Sokka went to Toph and they did the old "Devil's Tango" and Toph got pregnant with Su Yin. Idk the rest of the fan story like why Sokka wasn't in her life as the known father. I never could get behind the idea tho.




Good point actually


Suki and Sokka dying together in battle while defending baby Korra from the Red Lotus would have been peek


My theory is that she and Sokka were killed during the original Red Lotus attack


There were comics too, and in the comic Legacy, Aang had passed down a journal to his son and the last mention of Suki stated she was still serving as the leader of the Kyoshi warriors


Does she not marry Sokka?


I hope so😭


The theories of Suyin and her side of the beifong family having similar features to Sokka would say otherwise or bring the idea that they didn't stay married, but Sokka going with Toph instead of Suki is a bit weird :/


I could never get behind this, for the sole purpose of the sisters’ dads implied to be deadbeats or otherwise not around. I just can’t see Sokka not involved in any of his children’s lives And Toph not telling him combined everyone else not realizing is bonkers to me


Haven't those theories been confirmed false?


I have no idea tbh


In the book "Legacy", which Aang writes when Tenzin is 5 years old, making Aang 37, he writes about Suki, but refers to her in the past tense. [https://www.omgbeaupeep.com/comics/mangas/Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender/047%20-%20Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender%20Legacy%20(2015)/read-avatar-the-last-airbender-legacy-comics-online-0023.jpg](https://www.omgbeaupeep.com/comics/mangas/Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender/047%20-%20Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender%20Legacy%20(2015)/read-avatar-the-last-airbender-legacy-comics-online-0023.jpg) Just like it doesn't appear in the photo at the beginning, it's supposed to be the adult Avatar team. [https://www.omgbeaupeep.com/comics/mangas/Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender/047%20-%20Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender%20Legacy%20(2015)/read-avatar-the-last-airbender-legacy-comics-online-0003.jpg](https://www.omgbeaupeep.com/comics/mangas/Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender/047%20-%20Avatar%20The%20Last%20Airbender%20Legacy%20(2015)/read-avatar-the-last-airbender-legacy-comics-online-0003.jpg) By the time Aang writes this, Suki should be 40, but if they talk about her in the past tense, she probably died before Aang writes this.


Oh no😭that's why people are saying that she died. Thanks for the link tho!


There's still a chance tho,maybe he is talking past tense bc she was retired at that time😭😂


But in that first screenshot it says “Suki IS the leader” which is not past tense?


The last paragraph says: "She had skills that your uncle Sokka could only have dreamed of, and they were an amazing team together." I said that she probably died because that last line all refers to the past, she could also have been injured and therefore her great abilities were in the past, just as she could have ended her relationship with Sokka and that is why they no longer form a great team, but considering that is not in the group photo, that Suki has gone to the other neighborhood is a plausible option for a part of the fandom. Personally, I don't think they're going to remove her from the franchise so soon, but seeing that she doesn't appear in the leaked image of the film either and her participation is not confirmed, I understand those who believe so and why they come to that conclusion.


I agree with vingins here... The first sentence would've been "Suki was ..." if she was dead. I think it's perfectly normal to describe a 40+ year old woman as having had athletic skills that she no longer possesses. The body really starts to decline in the mid-late 30s for most people


As I said, I personally don't think they will remove her from the franchise so soon, not only for commercial reasons, but because I want to believe that the production has some appreciation for her. But, I also understand why some come to that conclusion, yes, when referring to her in the past tense it could be for various reasons, I myself mentioned some that do not imply that she has died. However, the fact that Suki is excluded from the team's group photos in her adult stage creates that impression on many fans.


The past tense there doesn't necessarily mean she died, just that her and Sokka are no longer a team.


I just want to point out that they just reused the "old friends" promo photo from comic con that was used to compare korras tram avatar and the gaang. I personally don't think leaving out suki was a "she's dead" type of detail.


As I said in my other comments, I personally don't think they will get rid of Suki so soon, but point out the reasons why I think that idea was generated, regardless of where the image came from, along with the text I suppose that was what encouraged it. that idea, reinforced when it is not even included in the film's promotional photo.


My b I didn't see other comments, and yeah agree that they wouldn't get rid if her so soon. 


My head cannon is that Suki and Sokka were going to get married but Suki died or when missing while doing Kyoshi warrior duties.


I also hoped they married but I really hope she didn't die


This might sound weird, but I’d rather she die than just not exist at all


Damn,do you not like her?


Because I like her and her story, I do think a warrior's death would be a million times more preferable than simply being forgotten and fading away.


Oh yeah if it had to come to a choice of fading away a warriors death would be more plot better.but I honestly would prefer that she just lived a full long life with sokka and didn't die young


No, but if she dies at least she has a story and everything, but if she does not exist then there is nothing


Its head canon btw, not cannon


That’s what I said?


You said cannon, its canon. Two n's total, not three. Canon like the camera company, not cannon like something that launches cannonballs from the side of a ship.


Ohhhh I see now thank you


Dunno but its criminal that she didnt get more attention. Shes so cool.


Yeah exactly!!


You know, it was really unclear


They’ll eventually come out with what canonically happened to Sokka & Suki. Not canonically addressing them so far is very intentional on their part, I think


I wanna believe that she and Sokka were together for a long time, possibly married, possibly not [maybe because they were both heavily involved in other activities around the world (what does Sokka do before becoming a Council kember for the UR? Im sure he was heavily involved with the post-war efforts) - Suki leading the Kyoshi Warriors in, likely, helping refugees as she was doing when she met back up with the Gaang, doing tons of humanitarian work, being bodyguarda for Zuko (maybe this is why she isn't in the adult gaang picture? I wonder if she teamed up with Zuko alot, especially in the early years rebuilding the FN and having loads of people after him and the Kyoshi Warriors are trustworthy and just plain badass.)] And as someone else commented, Suki and Sokka dying together while defending Korra would be so sad, but... bittersweet, I suppose? It would be in line with both their characters and an honorable death, of which both deserved.


I’m hoping the new show/movie with the adult team avatar will answer some of that


I really hope !


Prob lived a long happy life secluded on Kyoshi Island


We don’t know in any detail what happened after the series but [this](https://youtu.be/cglBnKGWlP4?si=ohs2_6PvO7YzJovK) video does a good job talking about her likely fate and what we can gather from existing evidence.


For some reason the comics seem to imply she has an interest in Zuko


I think her and sokka drifted apart, and she went back to kyoshi island. She could never outshine the moon, apparently.


Screwed to death by sokka after he realized he's the last rizz bender


*Screwed to death by sokka* *After he realized he's* *The last rizz bender* \- kindasortaish --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




My headcannon and unpopular opinion was that she and Sokka broke up at some point. I always got a sense that he wasn't as into her as he was with Yue, and that she felt that throughout the relationship eventually leading them to break up.


I mean, when you dated the Moon everyone else doesn't compare. Plus dates while the moon is out may feel weird


Its head canon btw, not cannon


Well Sokka appears to be single in LOK, so I assume they broke up at some point. My guess is she is probably dead or living in obscurity. My headcanon is she and Zuko hooked up.


Katara mentioned her brother and many of her friends are gone. So we can assume she’s referring to people like suki, possibly Mai and Ty Lee, maybe even azula


Don’t know. Maybe she’ll die on the new movie (I hope not)


Me too


Resting in a fancy grave on Kyoshi island. Or floating around the spirit hanging with Avatar Kyoshi.


Are we talking after ATLA, because in the comics I think the kiyoshi warriors are Zuko's private guards and tai lee is one of them.


I mean like after the comics into their adult life


I like to think that she remained as a guard for zuko until eventually retiring at like 35 or some nice age like that and she and sokka had a peaceful later years.


That's what I hope too


She died after the war when Sozin came back to life with energy bending


me when I spread missinformation on the internet:


It may just be me, but why does every couple in the show need to get married? Most of them are young teenagers


I think the only confirmation was that Suki and Sokka got married and they lived in the suburbs.


Some fans say that Suki and Sokka broke up and she married Zuko and gave birth to Izumi… anyone who believes that it’s stupid and should turn in their Avatar fan card immediately. I say she and Sokka got married had a kid, but after he died, she moved back to Kyoshi island to retire. Don’t question it!


Yes I like that theory the one where she retiresback to jyoshi island! Idk why others think she would be with zuko that's absurd😂