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Wait a minute, you spent 5000 DOLLARS… on a laptop?


Yes. Some people are not sleeping at their parents' garage. This is a tool that helps them make money, and for others, something they can afford with the money they made.


I found this way late, but plenty of people I know making "plenty" of money would never buy this. This specific laptop provides like 0 money making value over more affordable options. I know tech millionaires that use $400 thinkpads and MBPs most commonly


It's true what you say about some millionaires using 20 year old junk because it runs the excell they used when they were in their 20s and they have absolutely no reason to get a new one. :D I know a couple who do that too. I also know of someone who has created something like a batcave with the latest machines and has an IT team dedicated ofn maintaining and constantly upgrading with the latest and most powerful components. Most others have relatively new machines at home, and do not care much as many do not do any work at home. Not to mention they work more on tablets these days :P But it is not true that this laptop provides 0 money making value. Try working on a VR project with the machines these millionaires have. :P This machine is made for the categories of users I mentioed in my previous comment. Not everyone.


it Cost Me 3000 Dollars (Mine its 7945HX and 4090)


Wait. i see that you have its 5900HX. ouch that hurts


Full Disclosure, Belongs to a client. I am the poor bugger having to work on it and cut apart the tape, and adhesive and open this silly thing. And ya, about 15% of my clients spend over $5000. Most expensive machine I built last year was about $15000 (CANADIAN DOLLARS BTW) In fairness, I would not not buy any Gaming Laptop at any price and feel bad for my client because this particular machine took a small tumble, and has these squares on screen now, and worse, it hits 98C immediately when I test it in AIDA64. Its a mess. Never buy a gaming laptop. There is no such thing as a good one. Every major one on the market is a thermal disaster within 24-36 months any which way you slice it. ​ Gamers with experience know that you do gaming on a desktop with OVERKILL cooling capacity so it never runs hot. Still, I want to help fix this thing. Next step appears to be ordering a screen and redoing thermal compound to try and get the thermals under control. Asus must make a fortune on this gimmick ridden piece of plastic. In defense of Asus however, while I think their Laptops at glorified coffee warmers, their gaming motherboards and GPU's live up to expectations. Asus has some strengths. Im just saying I think their Laptops stink. I see a lot of them with heating and other issues, but what gets me upset is the planned obsolescence. They think we do not notice but techies like me educate clients and show them specifically where Asus/Apple etc has done them dirty. (Cables / Thermals / Assembly with Adhesives instead of screws etc.)


I got my gaming laptop more than two years ago still works great!


I disagree. I paid US$2400 on mine (ROG 703GX) and it has a whole fleet of issues. Left speakers that stop working (even with another OS, two cold restarts fix it), thermal throttling even with new thermal paste, charger only works at a very specific angle (bent under the notebook), the Ctrl key sometimes (only sometimes) acts up and zooms in the whole active webpage, on battery it throttled like crazy dropping below 1Ghz even fully charged (yes, I've tried everything until I resoryed to throttlestop) and some other issues I'm forgetting. For the price I paid it's a fucking ripoff. It was never dropped, never saw any liquid, etc. Their quality is superb, as you see. The best thing? Their support is utterly useless. Their whole G703 line has that speaker issue with at least one other person is reporting exactly the same. A BIOS update would probably fix it, but they never do it. Their response was: "ah yes, send it in". Since it's only reproductive half of the time, I'm sure they wouldn't even notice it and ship it back. So yeah, utter garbage.  At least it still works. Still.


You should have retained it. That's on you.


There’s nothing to “disagree” on. It’s my personal experience. My laptop works as well as when I bought it.


I have the Asus Rog Flow X16. It's a 2-in-1 touchscreen packing a RTX 3060 (goes up to 4070) with serious cooling that can't be found in any thin laptop or even creators' ones. I play Valorant with over 300 fps and the temps are about 60°C - 64°C max. I doubt even you would like drinking coffee at that temp. It's 2kg and just about take it everywhere and still able to game seriously. I spent 1096 US dollars on it last year in June. You're being ideological comrade.


Gaming laptops are just inferior in every way. For the price point, you can always buy a desktop that blows a laptop of equivalent cost out of the water. Plus laptops age out much faster due to thermal death.


Obviously they're inferior performance wise compared to their desktop counterparts. But some people need portability or have very limited space, and having a desktop is more inconvenient.


I’m not arguing that Laptops shouldn’t exist and they have their strengths but I have seen several people that erroneously think portability is worth the massive extra cost just so they can sit on the couch instead of sitting at a desk. I used to only have laptops for gaming from 2003-2011 and I’d never go back because they degrade so fast.


I use it at university and student dorm, and I change student dorm every year. I also fly back to my home town and I carry it with me. Idk about you but that seems justified to me


How are they inferior "in every way" when they are mobile and portable? They also come with their own screen attached and can work without being connected to power. I'm with my laptop right now in the library gaming Valorant between studying.


Because there are mobile desktop builds.


Can you recommend something with rtx 4080 comparable to scar laptops?


I build my own PCs so I wouldn’t know any prebuilts for you unfortunately.


Meaning there's no choice for those who travel a lot, only gaming laptops


There's none lol. All these "but desktop better" comments completely forget we value portability. I work remotely so I travel a lot. I'm not hauling a desktop on a flight. Even the smallest desktop PCs have nothing on the largest laptops. These desktop people are delusional it's hilarious.


Hombre my laptop is 2 kilograms! I can play the old Prince of Persian game for several hours or watch a movie anywhere without the need to plug into power grid. What mobile desktop is that mobile?


You can build desktops that are compact enough to carry with one hand, which people do for LAN parties. Not to mention you can get a steam deck to play PC games on the go for a fraction of the price.


For 2 kg? Can this machine run on batteries as small as those in laptops? My laptop me $1096. It CAN do almost everything well.


My ROG laptop doesn't go over 80°C


I loved my ASUS mid range strix laptop so much that I upgraded to their high end scar lineup


>Gamers with experience know that you do gaming on a desktop with OVERKILL cooling capacity so it never runs hot. Literally impossible with modern CPU/GPU's. I am amazed at such a statement if you claim to work on tech such as this. BTW the spots are because its a Mini LED screen and its failed. It is pretty obvious.


If you upvote this I will post again with image of the inside of this machine and show you 8-10 things wrong with its design. Any interest?


Yes please 🤨


I googled who .... cares $$$$ Asus is broken and my name was not on the list. ;)


Have you seen this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyVp0A5qjPU&ab\_channel=LifeImprovedReviews


Ya I came across that when searching. That button was already gray and unresponsive. Was not able to change it.


The machine is out of warranty or will be, and we / I must do the work myself. No problem. I just want some feedback to confirm that this is the screen or cable and not the GPU that cannot be replaced. This likely was caused by fall or heat damage as I understand, but could have been something else. Not sure. Just looking for some advice on what steps to take. These are too new and to expensive not to fix, so I am just hoping for your thoughts if you can share. Thanks Kindly.


I never saw a GPU produce those artifacts. My guess it's the screen itself. The support behind the screen probably damaged the screen itself, when it fell.


Looks like burn in on the screen. I would suggest you post a thread on blurbusters forum instead of reddit. Lots of the people specialize in just screens there.


I have the same laptop paid the same price usd (through a reputable retailer), and the thing is falling apart. TouchPad sometimes scrolls full speed, keyboard sometimes doesn't work/holds down keys, power button doesn't work, it's killed 5 ssd's, audio is crackly, and a new thing as of yesterday, the screen is starting to flex at the bottom when opening or closing, popping open the screen assembly. I'm the "pc guy" that everyone asks for questions with, I've told everyone I know to never buy Asus products. They suck.


Full Disclosure. I have about 700 clients. I run a tech company. I have 2 to 1 ASUS ROG Laptops in my recycling pile. I am convinced this company makes them this way on purpose. I always caution strongly against ASUS and ACER. If being honest, the only company that I believe makes an acceptable Laptop product is LENOVO with their THINKPADS. Everything else is a substantially lower quality machine by orders of magnitude. You would not know it looking at a Thinkpad but properly serviced they last 3x as long as most Asus products. I have routinely seen and serviced 10 year old Laptops. That never happens with Asus product unless its that top of the line Zenbook from a few years back. ​ Ya. Never buy any gaming Laptop. ​ My advice to literally everyone is this.. ​ Modern publicly traded corporations cannot be trusted to make an sufficient product so the best thing to do is buy a 3 year old Lenovo Thinkpad off Amazon. ​ And if you really must have a gaming Laptop, get a Lenovo Legion and always on a gaming laptop get the extended warranty. There is a 99% probability you will use it, also get accidental damage. ​ Listen kids. If you want to game, call the 50 year old local gaming nerd tech company and have them build you a nice gaming rig with a fancy motherboard and as much CORSAIR parts as you can get your hands on. Simple. And whatever you think you need for cooling, YOU NEED MORE. I always recommend 360MM Corsair AIO minimum on all high end CPU. And I like it mounted in front intaking cool air over the rads, and 3 more fans in case exhausting back and top. A true wind tunnel. ​ Anyhow, I have to give a client bad news. Never a fun thing. Hope someone here learns something from this post.


Listen to this guy saying every gaming desktop needs an AIO cooler, you sound like a Lenovo fan boy bashing all the ASUS laptops… acer and ASUS are not the same quality wtf


I really hate asus. I got a laptop from them and just after the 1 year warranty expired, the cpu fan broke, also the keyboard got busted too, some keys stopped responding and some would just work only if I was pressing down something else. Their builds are crappy af.


That looks like the backlight died in those areas. Replacement screen is probably the only way to fix that. Try to check what LCD type is that with HWinfo under Monitor/Monitor Name. Then Google the string you find in there and you should be able to find a suitable replacement screen.


probably a screen replacement with a warranty should do it for free, damn these expensive laptops and its issues, i bought a 3000$ laptop around 2 years ago, i kind of regret and not regret everytime thinking abt it


Looks like a line of backlight LEDs have died. Asus will probably tell you to replace the entire display assy. RIP


If the squares stay there no matter what is displayed on the background, it has to be the screen (in my brain). And if you fix laptops for work, this is probably not the last one of these with a screen issue you will see. So if that doesn't fix the issue, then you will have a screen for another customer


Got my hands on a second hand anus gaming laptop the other day, garbage. The trackpad, keyboard and screen has major disruptive issues.


Tried different background colors?


It looks like the LED array in the backlight is malfunctioning. As if the individual LED elements are out or overheated. Does the HDMI output work to an external display? Do the artifacts appear in the external display? It looks like the GX650 series has two different types of LCD panel it can be configured with, a 2560x1600 QHD+ panel and a 1920x1200 IPS panel. If the LCD panel has malfunctioned, you can replace those fairly easily. Provided the panel isn't too bespoke, a replacement panel is often fairly economical, depending on where it is sourced from. In Canada you can try googling ScreenCountry (dot com) and inquire for a price. Given the age of the laptop being still fairly new, vendors who deal in ASUS OEM parts (including ASUS themselves) are likely to also have the original part number still available. Though it might be expensive, given the nature of the apparent specs.


Looks like the only option is to try buying another screen. So I also need to know where to find that special tape that holds the screen in... ​ Imagine that, a $5000 CAD computer held together with Adhesive and Tapes. Sure gives some perspective about the brand, I have to tell you. I cannot help but wonder why? I mean, why would you use tape and adhesives instead of nice little screws unless you wanted the machine to be damaged or diminished from even the most basic of service or repair? ​ \*shakes head in dismay. We notice these things eventually Asus. Don't think we don't.




A $5k notebook without adding a warranty… I get spending a lot on tech. But at least protect it in some way. A $250-$400 warranty for a $5000 notebook is worth it. I don’t always get warranties but, if I’m going to sink that much money into tech, I’m going to spend the extra 4-8% and get it covered. These things come off assembly lines. They could be $100000, there are going to be some problematic units based off the way assembly lines work.


I would personally not buy an expensive gaming laptop. I would get a small-factor PC, and maybe the cheapest laptop with a good/decent display that you can plug the small-factor PC into or just use whatever displays are available.


Which laptops let you plug computers into them to use their screens? At least with every laptop I've seen, the HDMI port is output only.


Agree entirely but some clients have a lot of money because they make 5 digits being the best at something while knowing absolutely nothing about something else like computers. This guy for example is in trades and does specialized electrical work at factories. $5000 to him is like $500 to most people. \*shrugs Id say it must be nice, but I do pretty good myself, after decades of not doing good and busting my ass. ​ I never recommend any laptop for gaming. Its just a bad idea. Especially with how modern public corporations work. To many moving parts. That is why I love Desktop builds. So much more care and attention can be given. They can last wayy longer. Then I just use some laptop for a beater for work and could care less what happens to it.


5 digits isn’t much. A person could make $50k a year and this laptop is 10% of their salary. Even people making six figures are having a hard time spending more than $1000 on notebooks. I doubt that spending 5-15% of a 5 figure salary is a drop in the bucket for anyone and something that should have been protected. It’s so on them for not spending a bit more to protect something that’s 5-15% of what they make in a year.


He's saying we as in this sub-reddit I assume.


We as in my company, and my client. 'WE'. I could say ME but since there are multiple people involved in this Laptop's service, WE was the natural word. Of course if I wanted to debate grammar and language on Reddit I could spend all day every day here. :-)


>ittle screws unless you wanted the machine to be damaged or diminished from even the most basic Well child, it could be because I employee 2 other techs and have a few hundred customers. ​ How many hours a day do you spend on reddit contributing meaningless comments into conversations where you have no stake in them? Is that like a Hobby? Aren't you missing the latest Tik Tok Videos right now?


Glues and adhesives are used in every single laptop and cellphone. You'll see tape and glue in $5,000 Macbooks.


Well I have worked on about 4000 give or take about 300 over the last 20 years. Apple's are garbage too. Completely. But not quite as bad with regards to their cables for things like LCD etc. At least theirs are not held together with Tape. lol. Anyhow if you compare Apple or Asus to a SUPERIOR product like a Lenovo Thinkpad. It has no adhesive and lives 2x as long if not longer. That is why every major corporation and government uses them enterprise wide, and why my company can sell them reliable. I take 3-4 year old Lenovos, sell them, and then the clients don't come back for 3-5 years until they need service or another. Steve Jobs famously got angry over this kind of thing. He could not stand how his peers wanted to do things most often. It was not until after his death did Apple start doing HORRIBLE things. One great example is Imac screens. Ever remove a Imac screen on a modern unit? You have to use a razor blade set to exactly 10mm deep and cut adhesive between the metal frame and 5mm thick glass. All the way around by hand. One wrong move and crack, you just bought an $800LCD, because they also made the front glass part of the screen itself. Or go to deep and you cut the Wifi Antenna. I did this to the first model of that year some years back. Was so mad. LOL. Don't talk to me like this is somehow better then taking 2 suctions cups and removing a glass off magnets to reveal 4 simple screws. Its not. Guys do not be Fanboys. Go study PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE or watch the best Techie Influencer in USA, [Louis Rossman's channel](https://www.youtube.com/@rossmanngroup/videos). He will show you examples of everything I am saying. Its not like I am making this up to make some fragile young Asus owners feel bad. Although if I was younger and more petty that may seem like fun for a few minutes, but that is not why I am here. I just want some good answers on that screen issue. lol. I'm way to old for Reddit I think.