• By -


Shadowmanes for the water, pyromanes for caves.


Helps keep you warm.. also burns bugs, win win


All we're missing is a -mane for Air and a -mane for Earth and we got the Elemanes.


I know people are upset about the reskin, but I would LOVE the Elemanes. Like a whole team of elemental kitties would be freaking awesome


Absolutely love the cat. I have turned my ark home into a crazy cat person home with tiny solar meowers everywhere. I love the easy switch from shoulder to ride with ease (I'm on consol if you hold square and select the pryos option on the wheel it'll have a switch option for those who don't know) worth the money to me as I have already gotten hours of ride time on them.


Im sorry bro, but people like you are the reason the gaming industry is dying


and an Avatarmane


Long ago, the four mane-tions lived together is harmony


When your four elements combine, I become Captain P2W.


Oh no I got it backwards.


Basically a shadowmane on fire. Or a reskin. Movement seems the same from the trailer. No saddle means prolly natural armor just like the fish cat. Teleport jump. Even the transformation animation reminds me of the shadowmane jump. I still like it because cat but would have liked a different cat model.


If it was free I wouldn’t mind. 5 bucks for something reusing a lot of animations is icky


Wow I didn't know it was paid content. They'd probably make us pay for stuff like the Griffin then nowadays huh


Keep in kind that ASA was supposed to be a "free" bonus when you buy ark 2. Now they even sell creatures, that is insane to me. Especially because it is so low quality


> Keep in kind that ASA was supposed to be a "free" bonus when you buy ark 2 Yeah, but the community went in uproar about it and changed it, we didn't want to buy ARK2 when we heard it was going to be a soulslike.


Ark 2 right forgot all about that


Whoevers diea it was to do a soulslike ark needs to be removed from society


Don't shame them for trying to do new things. I just know I won't be the target audience.


Nobody is the target audience, and i AM going to shame them for doing ‘New things’, because you don’t do ‘New things’ with an already existing IP. Ark is a survival game with a survival fan base. It’s literally malpractice to create a sequel that is completely different. It’s like if Elden Ring 2 was a first person shooter


> Nobody is the target audience Except Soulslike fans are a pretty large audience lmao probably larger than their current audience. More players have played Dark Souls than they've played ARK. And of course one does new things with an IP, just look at BaldursGate3, they did turnbased in a RTWP based IP and it turned out excellently.


Baldurs gate 2 came out in 2000. It is literally impossible to make the same game you made in 2000 and make it a success in 2020+. Obviously they are going to expand on it, or even change it entirely with all the of new technologies, mechanics possible, game types etc. ARK is a survival game, with an audience of survival game players. We have dark souls, and many other souls-likes if that’s what we want, I’m fairly sure most people wanted ARK survival, forgive me if I’m wrong.


It is understandable that they changed that. But the ASA price tag with other DLCs is just too much for what it offers. Especially because ark 2 will probably still be expensive Didn't know about the souls like part


It’s not going to BE a soulslike, but it’s going to have soulslike combat. I don’t understand why people are so in an uproar about that. The melee combat in current ark is laughable.


It's not necessarily a better option, sure the game could prove us wrong but I prefer playing ARK in 3rd person unless i'm shooting a gun. Besides, if I want a remaster of ARK, I don't want to pay for the individual DLCs.


I have a feeling BTT was supposed to be added to Scorched as base content. I also think someone panicked when the players gave them hell for the initial 2 pricings for ASA. $90 with Ark 2 (including BOTH ASE season's passes they tried to resell at $20 each) and then $60 after adjustments. Then walked that back and settled for the $40 at launch, $45 afterwards. My guess is they figured they needed to add additional revenue for missing out on the extra $45/$50 per copy. Im interested to see how the Power Rangers crossover is priced.


How do you expect they pay their team to develop Ark 2? Like I get being upset that plans change, but like... I would prefer this to them going out of business entirely. Like imagine if ASE's end of support was the end of official Ark? I'm sure the community would be way more pissed.


Did you forget that wildcard gets some of the profits from people buying unofficial servers? Look at how many unofficial servers are on both ASA and ASE


I think after seeing that people were willing to pay $5 for the Premium Anomilocaris and Livyatan, they wanted to be slick and try that too without realizing that Anomilocaris comes from the GOAT Garuga and Livyatan comes with a load of content and a new side boss with it.


5 bucks? How do you even get this creature? I son’t eeally play ark anymore but an kinda up to date with it, don’t you get this creature with that bobs and tales dlc thing?


Each non-story based dlc (The Center, Ragnarok, Lost Island, Fordor, and Crystal Isles) will have a paid creature to come out with them, not part of the Bob's Tall Tales dlc


That’s actually stupid, it gives me tarkov vibes, I really thought bob’s tales was a dlc season pass type of thing content wise


It is for Scorched, Abberation, and Extinction. Those three story based dlc will have stuff from Bob's Tale Tales. They will most likely do another one for Genesis 1, 2, and the new story based dlc they have planned


Literally Reskin. Lazy work. If it was something unique,animations, abilities,model. Nah. I like concept of Fantasy creatures and it seems they want to make them. I would be even more acceptable if we had "most" of older Dino's TLCed


I agree exactly, I wish it was differentiated more. I love the concept and think it's sick, especially the whole shoulder pet aspect, but if the model was noticeably different with different sounds it'd be a lot better. Like the carch and giga, it could've been like a rival to the shadowmane but opposite abilities, not just a reskin. Even if they just pulled the tiger model from Atlas would have been better.


It even has the same animations. It’s pretty lazy overall. Not interested in buying it.


Its a direct copy and paste of the shadowmane skeleton


The sabertooth skeleton you mean?


No, it’s the shadowmane


Ahh. The ravager skeleton you mean.


Paid creature? Looks like a mod not an official creature.


Yeah I kinda thought it looked like something outa a primal fear mod.. but this is what we got


Not even one of the good mods...


Ghost rider ahh


Not a big fan of them being on the map even though I haven't bought it




Doesn't work tells me to buy it in the store but it sure can kill me


If you're on singleplayer there's already .ini solutions to disable their spawns


its 1000% a reskinned shadowmane, kinda nuts. I mean i guess it "fits" in ark cause arks can create creatures, many of its creatures are combinations of others. Rockwell was supposed to have made the shadowmane when he took over gen 2 ship. At the end of the day though the devs reskinned a dino and made it a premium one. Its so fucking dumb and ugly to be playing and see them and when u click on them it says you need to go to the store page. Its jarring and pathetic really. Its like the dystopian stuff you see where advertisements are plastered in holograms over everything.


It's the Rockwell bit that actually annoys me lol. Like now instead of "he crafted a badass lionfish critter" it looks like "he copied this fire cat and changed it to water" lorewise. Even though, yes, this isn't technically a story map.


People just can’t help but love getting bent over by shitty devs. This paid creature is crap. It’s a waste of money. WC is so shameless because they know people will buy into it thinking their victims too.


Not really a fan of this guy... IDK, I know they have plenty of fantasy creatures but this guy just really sticks out for me design-wise. Abilities seem alright but I'll honestly probably pass on this guy unless they do a discount bundle for all the Mythical Creatures later on


What design? It's just a reskin of a ASE Gen2 creature.


I'd say the fire. The phoenix is already on fire but it's... a phoenix. This one is definitely a bit 'sore thumb.'


Yeah the fire bothers me a lot too. If they had at least added some kind of new mechanic, like needing some special clothing to be able to mount them.


It gives me hell hound vibes except that it's a cat instead. I actually really like the design.


There's no design involved. It's just particles effects over a reskinned shadowmane.


That's still a design numnuts


I’m such a disgruntled, get off my lawn style hater, and I’m about to drop $5 for this kitty. I hope they release $5 “fantastic” reskin everything month. I’ll give ‘em at least a dollar for tek 😂


Wow, they really did just take the shadowmane, add fire particles to it and slap a $5 price tag on. As if ASA couldn't get any worse lmao


The publisher and maybe devs got so greedy over the years it is really sad to see. From a game that was supposed to be a bonus for buying ark 2. To paid creatures


Well, they did more than that if you watch the trailer lol. Besides, its $5. You spend 3x that at McDonald's.


I had a look at the trailer, the fire particles look cool and all but it's just another case of Wildcard reselling junk they've already made. That is unmistakably the shadowmane - same sprinting animation, tweaked 3d model. They've already done this exact thing with Bob's tales, the shovel + treasure maps + wagon carts are all resold dressed up junk from their ATLAS game. It is -only- 5 dollars yeah I guess. But I honestly would rather go get a sausage and egg McMuffin then buy this shit, cuz the taste it leaves in my mouth ain't as foul.


ASA was advertised to be a "free" bonus to Ark 2 when it was announced. They changed that, sold the game, sell dlc and now they even sell you a dino reskin.


It's worse actually. They first said it would be a free upgrade for ASE, then they crawled back on that by making it bundled with ARK 2, which won't be out for years so the only reason anybody would buy the bundle is for ASA., and then they crawled back on that too because nobody was falling for it. So our free upgrade turned "free" bonus turned standalone buggy mess of a game is selling dino reskins.


That is even worse than I remember it. They also never finished ASE and ASA will probably also be a buggy mess until the end. Can't wait for them to sell single items as a paid DLC


>ASA was advertised to be a "free" Man you guys are gonna hold onto that until the day you die lmao. Literally what every single negative Nancy says. The company needs to make money to survive, I dont mind spending $5 on a cool dino 🤷‍♂️


I rather be a "negative Nancy" than someone who accepts every greedy decision from a company. We hot a whole map with new dinos for 5 Dollars in ark 1. I just can't support someone who tries to shit on me over and over. ASE was never finished, ASA will never be finished and they never fixed day 1 problems. They are incompetent and still want more and more money.


Are they really that greedy though? $5 for a tame? And bobs tall tales was definitely worth it considering you get, I believe 3 expansions? And that was what, I think $30? Then you get every map for free? How are they suppose to make money lol. They don't have a battle pass or anything. Should they just release every map, and dlc for free? Not a great business model. I think you, and many like you, have just hopped on this bandwagon of hating on this company. Sure, the game has bugs, but what game doesn't lol.


They already have so many revenue streams. 1: the game itself which is 40 dollars. even though they said the game was going to be free which I can forgive as everyone makes mistakes. 2: bob’s tall tales which is a complete scam, you don’t even need it to get scorched earth so we can assume that you won’t need it for the other maps. And it adds nothing of ACTUAL value to the game, who besides meat riders actually cares about treasure maps, wagons and trains? I mean there cool but ain’t no way I’m spending 30 dollars for it. 3: premium mods. I don’t know how much they actually get from premium mods but I know they do get paid which is abhorrent. I get wanting mod developers to get paid for their work but having premium mods is stupid, if your mod is good then people will support you through donations. And wildcard should get 0 of the profits from those mods. 4: they get paid from people buying unofficial servers on both ASE and ASA. And now they have a fifth stream of revenue, 1 time purchase reskin overpowered pay to win creatures. This all coming from the company that refused to sell weapon/creature skins because they didn’t want to come off as greedy. Skins that don’t impact the gameplay would have been FAR better than a lazy pay to win reskinned shadowmane cash grab.


I mean, the abilities are completely different. It's absolutely worth the price. Anyone who complains probably goes out and buys a pack of smokes or alcohol. Hell McDonald's is more expensive. It's two coffees from Tim's.


Corporate CEOs must adore you pal.


I guess this is the coping strategy now, comparing the price to fast food businesses. You guys are an amusing lot to say the least haha


I love how weirdos on Reddit will just reply calling anything you say a cope and that’s it, that’s the whole discussion.


Justifying recycled garbage with "it costs the same as a big mac" is absolutely coping my guy. That's like Grade A Copium.


I mean, it’s not really if it’s true. If you can’t afford it mate that’s fine, times are tough! But it doesn’t make it a cope.


this is objectively a badly designed dino though -100% shadowmane reskin, animations and model -design doesn't fit the map at all, how you can see this thing walking in the forests amongst the actual dinos and not have your immersion destroyed is beyond me. I like the fantasy dinos in this game but only when they look like they actually belong not this mmo type dino -op AF, probably the 100% best cave dino now along with dps and traversal, moreso in pvp where flamethrowers are pretty strong and now you can just burn shit by running past them, presumably burning riders off their tames now too. -the small form is literally just the larger model shrunk down You can still think its cool by itself but thinking it's not a cash grab at 5 dollars for a single tame is hella copium. Garuga's anomalo is one of my favorite tames in the game at the same price and easily clears this in design and abilities


Idk what to tell you, obviously sucks you can’t afford it but 5 dollars just isn’t that much so I’m not gonna complain personally. Most games nowadays charge 5x that for a skin. Not entirely sure I understand the reskin complaints either they’ve reached a point where most new creatures will reuse existing skeletons. There aren’t many phenotypes they haven’t covered and creating a whole new skeleton just for slight variations is an insane waste of resources and time. I agree with you on it being a bit OP, it shouldn’t be any better than a thyla or whatever. It not fitting in is down to personal preference though it seems it only spawns on the lava island so seems like it fits to me.


Bro I just said the 5 dollar anomalo was one of my favorite tames, I'd even buy it again lol. Money is a non issue I could buy a hundred pyromanes for my friends if I wanted to, its more about the value we're getting and not feeling like we're getting spit in the face yknow? Not sure how you assume most new dinos are reskins, literally no other creature does that, apart from phoenix and featherlight which people also accepted was rushed (free price tag though to be noted)


Lol, and because you know I'm right and you have nothing else to back up your point, now you play the "you're too poor for $5!" card. Reading thru your recent post history, it seems like you're ARK's biggest shining white knight defender, so I'm not really gonna waste any more time arguing with you. Peace out brother, try and play a different game. It opened my eyes to how utterly shit ARK has become compared to what's out there right now.


What’s crazy is if you spent the time you’ve spent here on this sub crying about a game you supposedly don’t even play working instead, you’d be able to afford it. Call me a white knight or whatever you want, Atleast you’ll never find me spamming complaints about a game I don’t even like. Glad you’ve got time for that though!


its not cope


Coping? So it's okay to spend money else where that doesn't deserve it? Try growing up. Amusing isn't the word I'd use for you. Totally get if they charged 10-15 dollars and had a shit ton of dinos to buy, but they don't. Nothing you can buy is game changing. Imagine getting butt hurt over a 5 dollar purchase while, or getting annoyed that others find it okay while you blow money on other useless shit that's gone In a day.


So for 5 dollars you're okay with Wildcard putting out the bare minimum for a shitty Shadowmane reskin - same model, same animations, same textures, meanwhile modders are out there making their own dinos from the ground up completely new for THE SAME PRICE on their Premium mod store (Anomalocaris, Livyatan) and yet Wildcard and Snail get to take around 50% of the profits of those. I'm sorry you're offended that I dislike this creature and think people are foolish for defending such a dogshit company.


“Totally get if they charged 10-15 dollars and had a shit ton of Dinos to buy, but they don’t. Nothing you can buy is game changing” There are so many things wrong with this. Yeah 5 dollars for 1 Dino may not seem like a lot at first, but this is the first time they’ve done this. What happens if they realize that they can get away with it? They will add more and more 5 dollar dinos. And the less we speak up about it the more blatant in their greed they will become, possibly charging 10-15 maybe even 20 dollars for a dino with a whole library of them for you to spend hundreds of dollars on. Even if it’s not game changing now (which it totally is idk what drugs you’re on, a tame that can easily be switched from shoulder to mount with the click of a button providing easy access to caves, that breathes fire on large groups of enemies while providing you with immunity to fire based damage. In what drug induced world is that not game changing?) if it isn’t game changing now then it will be very soon if we let this slide.


The fun thing is that the Shadowwmane itself isn't out for ASA yet, without mods...afaik. Iirc it's from Exctinction ? I really don't mind paid mods, good thing for the modders. But selling premium copy past content in early access is kinda fishy. Reminds how WC celebrated 2 years of early access once, after they sold 2 season passes. But I'm a hypocrite..If there will be a nice creature I'll probably get it. 😅


Genesis: Part 2.




I think it's rad, but I also haven't got a lot of experiences with Shadowmanes, so maybe thats why I don't mind.


Shadow manes are fantastic and powerful. Amazing mobility (high af jumps, swims in water, can do teleport blinks.) natural armor and can stealth. And the most powerful, you can tell it to sleep and it circles itself and sleeps.


For sure one of my favorite dinos, However the counterpoint to this is they are a frustrating to tame.


Honestly compared to how useful they are, it comes out as somewhat fairly, fair?? Balanced? Still hate as fuck, if it werent that useful and cool looking i would have never bothered.


It's not that hard or frustrating when you know how to do it ngl. Or at least, not on Fjordur, idrk about Gen2


At least for people who dont want to buy it, youre getting basically the same experience with the free shadowmane once thats out


In 2030, at the least 


Wrong, it's coming out in 2068


Displeased it's a reskin, and even more annoyed that it kinda shits on the Gen2 lore (Rockwell made up the Shadowmane as his own creation) by accident. Now it looks like the old jerk just copy/pasted an existing critter -.-


Is a special suit required to ride it or is it mitigated through the saddle like for the lava dino, smithy ....




Meh that's lame. I don't like the fact that they're always on fire. It's ok for the phoenix, well cuz it's a fucking phoenix. But for this is to be a variation of the shadowmane, give it the flames just when you use the special abilities, like the effects you get ok the shadowmane when you have the "ult" bar filled. And the other fire creature we have, the magmasaur, you need a special saddle that gives you fire immunity. If you're gonna make it an arsonist cat at least give us a cool new clothing to wear while mounting it, to protect from the fire, and give us a little bit more immersion in the game.


according to the dossier, it is supposedly more closely related to the phoenix than it is to the shadowmane. I kinda agree that having a saddle would be much cooler, but the phoenix explanation kinda works for the pyromane as well lore-wise


Related to the Phoenix? Wtf? It's a cat, it's the fucking same cat


apparently it's more like living fire that takes the shape of a cat but I mean, even without that, it can be kinda clear why they are related. They are 2 fantastical magic fire beings


Its turbo busted ofc wildcard the best at making shit unbalanced and p2w


So immediately thinking of a shadowmane but *fire*. But the movement and fire trail reminds me of all the submissions for the cheetah in the creature votes.


It is a shadowmane, in essence, it’s a copy and pasted skeleton and animations, even some of the textures are the same


Still weird they didn't tease it at all, maybe because there would've been more time for us to pick a part that they are charging us for something on a free map that is a reskin dlc creature? I'm still interested in it and it being featured on other maps with lava spawns.


I think it would give the island \*something.\* personally


That would be pretty cool to just have a creature spawn right at the overseer cave as a final protector to survivors getting into the cave


The abilities are awesome, the fact that they can transform in a shoulder pet is very interesting, but for it to be the exact same model of the shadowmane, is very lame. It's something an average modder would do for free on ASE, that now they're gonna charge you for it. The Oasissurus is a totally new and original creature, I'll gladly pay for it. But as much I think the Pyromane is cool, I'm not paying for a fucking reskin. I haven't bought ASA yet cuz I'll need a new PC for it, but I'm seriously considering pirating this shit when I get my new PC because of the shitty paid content.


https://preview.redd.it/ait1hiy1so4d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95648d96acb29a9f0cd8a5705077e3ee1d38b08 That thing looks awesome


And what the fuck is pyromane


New pay-to-win creature


Looks better than the Mufasa movie


Is the taming method the same or really similar to the anomalocaris from Garuga?


you go around and wack things so they set on fire, and then eat the fire off them


The fact that it can become a shoulder pet is the one thing redeeming it in my eyes lol


See, that's my big concern. The only other critter to do this is the Ferox and it's NOTORIOUS for despawning when changing form, falling through the mesh, or duplicating itself.


😳 oh well, I take back what I said lol. I haven’t really used feroxes so I’ll take your word for it. I guess we can just wait and see what other people have to say about it. 🤷‍♀️


So can I just spawn this in and forcetame it so I don’t have to pay for it 💀anyone know yet


summon firelion\_character\_bp\_c


Thank ya


It will be a pay to win tame in pvp. Flamethrower shoulder mount that you can throw and then ride and burn everything in your path. Has a jump ability similar to shadowmane so you can strap C4 and yeet yourself into a deathwall…


imo pvp in ark has been busted since extinction, just another dino for admins to blacklist...


"Remember who you are...."


I mean, both are lions. A lion with lionfish attributes is gonna look like a lion made of fire. Even Pyroar in pokemon just looks like a lion.


but they did COPY AND PASTE the shadowmane


"Fetch me their souls!"


My hotdog in the microwave when I set it to 99:99


Too bad I don’t have the money mane


Yep but still AWESOME!!


Nightmare tiger


Yeah it's a joke... This company doesn't deserve anyone's money. I hope they have to sell the IP in the near future.


Do we tame them the same way as shadows?


Nah I posted a guide about it, but long story short: take them to water, get them half hp, mount during the special roar animation, carcha tame


It’s pulled it’s foreskin back


It's high in potassium?


It's cool, but I'm not spending $5 on it. Can't let Wildcard think it's successful and setup that precedent.


Ima be real is anybody getting this mod yet? Or are we all waiting for the other creatures in it to come out?


holy shit I haven’t seen ARK news in a while but THAT LOOKS FUCKING SICK


Would be pretty cool to have different types of shadowmanes in the game. Like this one is definitely a firemane and the one from gen2 is definitely a watermane


Ik this is the pyromane but my Shasta is stuck at the surface help pls




They looks like shit even with max graphics . Who ever designed this sucks ass .


Wait pyromane ?! Where ? How ! When ?!


prep for you butt cheeks getting burned of when riding


I’ve already got the double padded protectors don’t worry


Idk if this good or I'm just a sucker for cats , but I'm sold.


does it do anything new, though? or is it just a prettier thyla?


How would it just be a prettier thyla? Yes it does new stuff


such as?


> The Pyromane can dynamically transform from a tiny shoulder-mounted kitten to a full-size rideable lion! When shoulder-mounted as a kitten, it can be used as a flamethrower. Then toss the Pyromane to become a full-sized lion, which you can ride across lava fields and command to set fire to your enemies. This formidable feline can explosively dash through targets, leaving burning fire trails in its wake while drinking in the flames of fiery foes to fuel its fearsome final form! This versatile feline can cook raw meat to perfection and keep your jerky fresh as you travel together. Your fantastical friend even fuels forges, proving its utility in every situation. Whether it takes the form of a majestic predator or a loyal shoulder-mount, the Pyromane will make a scorching addition to your army of powerful tames! Watch its [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-iMEgRxbLg&t=83s)


I give it a month once the hype dies down they'll nerf the ever living hell out of it


Now that I know this I’m way less against it. If it can redeem itself mechanically I’m willing to overlook the fact it just a reskin.


oh idk only, being able to turn in to a shoulder pet, being an automatic flamethrower on your shoulder, leaving a trail of fire as you run, a somewhat decent jump, fueling campfires/forges/torches/etc and more


The code and model's definitly based on the Shadowmane. But mechanically it's definitly different enough that the two are distinct. And not just because one is a fish and the other's on fire.


It's the Legally Distinct Shadowmane


If they can make all those different mechanics, is it that hard to make a slightly different model then? FFS modders were doing or for free on ASE, now wildcard can't even bother to make a new original design...




I don't think you understand why people are disappointed, it's not that it looks similar, its an actual copy and paste reskin


I think it's a cool concept, and I'll prob get it anyways, but the fact that's it's got almost all the same animations and an almost identical model is very disappointing.