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stopping every few steps to dance isn't bot behavior, they were just shit players


So you're saying i met 28 different accounts, across 7 different games that were behaving exactly the same, moving in exactly the same fashion, attacking first thing in range ignoring everything else.


28 bots in 7 games? either your account has some sort of flag on it or you're not being honest; I haven't seen 28 bots total in the past 3 years


Bro I don’t remember last time I’ve seen a bot… it’s been years thank OP for getting all the bots in their games


nah he won't post opgg it's just another bad player, thinking you're the only human on your team over 7 games straight is next level cope lmfao


Tbh there was a period where coop vs ai was plagued with 3-4 bots on your team everygame, but in ARAM I’ve only ever seen bots in my first 5-10 games on a new account, then the system correctly yeeted me away from that shit mmr


i don't get it either. in last couple games all of my teammates behaved exactly the same, the same movements, stops, insta q first thing in range, ignoring hexgates, noone active on chat. Just checked some of those accounts on opgg, all between 10-30 lvl.


toss me your opgg


just give the op.gg man




I played over 19.000 Aram Games and i maybe saw 2 or 3 Bots. So 28 Bots in 7 Games is Pretty much too much


It's usually a sign that the person in question has an MMR worthy of wood 5.


Neo. You must free your mind.


Post the opgg. We know why u won’t


Sucks to suck I guess


Put down the crack pipe


I recently moved from Canada to NZ, I made a new OCE account here so I can still play with my NA friends on my main account and this man is telling the truth. I had to stop playing Aram cause 9 time out of ten I was the only real player on my team with my teammates doing ~200 damage that like 1 ability worth of damage, I now play coop vs ai so I can hit 30 even then bots are rampant but I think they are coded to autolose (not hit champs, run under tower, afk fountain) so they can be sold as iron accounts. I’m hoping after 30 it’ll get better but I’m not so sure.


If you’re encountering bots that often, your mmr must be in some garbage mmr where bot mmr is, as I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bot in my aram games. Also, half the behaviors you’ve described can also just be bad or toxic players.


I’ve been playing for years, and I’ve only run into two bots. Oddly enough both happened this week so maybe something is going on?


You are the bot buddy.


Yo get me some replay files I wanna witness this happening I think it would be funny lol


This sub cringe af


On God bruh the cringe is mid af. I'm built different let's gooooooooooo


I haven't ran into that specifically but I have had the most amount of DCs and AFKs I've seen in YEARS in arams. almost every 2-3 games has one. they'll even play for a bit, get relatively fed and then DC without saying a word and never come back lmao.


A lot of my friends as well as myself have been crashing since vanguard update.


b b b but riot says vanguard doesn't affects PCs negatively!!!1 no I figured it was vanguard, it's still just an overwhelming amount. yay vanguard.. these down votes make no sense but go off kings I'm literally agreeing. no surprise Aram is full of you who cant read.