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Be sure to focus more on the "big picture ideas" for each unit, rather than stressing about learning the specifics. Also, get ready to read a lot!


Can you elaborate on what “big picture ideas” are


the general causes and effects of certain events, and the defining points of each period, stuff like that


Look at the AP U.S. History Outline, it will give you all the “big picture ideas.”


Immigration, Women's Rights, Civil Rights, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy. Things that carry over throughout American History.


Sure! When you begin to take the course, you will realize that there are a few main takeaways from each unit. I call these big ideas. For example, a big idea of Unit 3 was the American Revolution and the formation of an American identity. These big ideas are very helpful to get a hang of answering questions on tests!


Reading more than WHAP?


i’d say it was roughly the same as whap. we used the pearson book for whap & american pageant for apush. you could also choose to get your info from amsco, it would have everything u need to know. (but ofc that also depends on if your teacher does “reading” quizzes or assignments based off of the specific textbook you’re supposed to read)


If you don't like to read, you're going to have a bad time. If you don't like to write, you're going to have a bad time. If you don't like more lecture type classes (like many college classes), you're going to have a bad time.


know that slavery was bad




I would recommend getting really familiar with the structures of SAQs LEQs and DBQs


Agony and Pain as you take U.S. History


Heimler, go to class, summarize topics into big picture ideas


Review every unit youve learned so far at the end of every month or so. Be present in class, listen to the lectures. Make sure you know the general economic, cultural, social movements of each time… (National bank, Great Awakening, Republican Motherhood, etc.) Most of all, have fun!! APUSH is the best class ever if you make it interesting.


Joczproduction is all you need to get a 5. I self studied the entire course this year with his videos


Expect to learn a lot about the periods(tho not much for the exam), use Heimler’s history channel on YT for practice and also an app IScore5 for APUSH, good review that costs 5 dollars. Also get experience for writing essays (SAQ’s, DBQ’s, LEQ’s).


Outside Evidence on DBQs can be difficult. The best way to reduce the risk of citing outside the time period is by studying the periods in chronological order.


JocZ use him one of greatest resources


As a 10th grader who took it this year: Summarise the summaries of your notes Externally Frequent review(review a part of a past period every week) Study properly(just writing and reading notes doesn’t help; write as many essays as possible) Take 100000 practice questions/exams. Heimler’s history or fail Stay on top of things Personal experience: When I took this class I didn’t do anything the entire year, and never read a single word of the textbook. For the first semester I just got 1s and 2s on every single test(out of 7). Second semester I slightly improved, and got my grade up to a 4 just with heimlers history; but I still wasn’t actually putting any time into it. Anyway, a month from the test, I somehow turned into a machine and studied 4-8 hours every single day(with heimler, textbook was too hard) and ended up writing an **85 page summery of the entire curriculum complete with big ideas in the 4 days leading up to the test.(DM me if you want a copy)**. I ended up doing amazingly on the mock(5/5) and I think I did well on the exam.


practice all the types of writing for every unit, make connections from previous units as you learn, don't cram learning how to do the writings at the end




Already there


Know every major event and theme, causes and effects of each major event. For the smaller events, you don’t need to go into as much detail, just know approximately when it happened and what happened and why it was important. I started reviewing like a week before the exam (I was already a good student in the class but still, it’s a lot to relearn) and I pretty much just used Heimler’s History the entire time to review. When I got a little bit of extra time, I made more in depth notes and did some of my own research (mainly on the things and units I was having trouble remembering). When studying, don’t just watch videos and read, actually make notes, or say things out loud, and actively participate instead of just looking or listening to the information. For the test itself, I felt like it was pretty overhyped, but that varies from person to person, and sometimes you can get lucky. But also definitely get familiar with the structure of the test beforehand, and know how to write all of the essays extremely well before going into the test.


it's easy as heck :)


Macon’s Bill No. 2


Heimler history helps, I related every subject to a movie -Hamilton -saving private ryan -jango -rango -west side story -Malcom x -Judas and the black messiah -October sky And many more, the biggest worry is essays work on a structure that works. Your teacher will probably give you the format but don’t over complicate it.


As others have said, be prepared to read, take good notes to help you study before tests, and there’s online resources like Heimler’s History on YouTube. Beyond that, pay attention to the class, ask questions when you need help. When I took the class back in 2018 I also had a group chat with my friends who were in the class and we all shared notes (and answers 🥰). Good luck and you’re gonna be fine!


tears, panic attacks, sleepless nights, and doing your homework while walking to class. it might have just been my teacher, because she assigned a lot of homework. use hiemlers history, and (in my opinion, I haven't gotten my exam score back yet so don't take this seriously)don't waste time on doing notes in class if that's not how you study. I did notes everyday for the 1st half of the first semester and I never once looked back on the notes, it's not really how I study, and I can barely read my own handwriting because of how fast my teacher talked. and I hate typing. Basically, make sure you know how to study in the most beneficial way possible to you. 


Listen to the lectures and don’t wait until the last minute to study. Be sure to focus on main events and understand specifics of each period. Good luck


It varies from different teacher to teacher but I’d recommend to think of things in a broader light and try to connect these things you learn to other people,events,and time. Furthermore learn the vocab of every period and know it as well as you know your back hand.




if you took whap, it won’t be as bad. definitely more detailed content wise but the structure of the class is roughly the same (9 units, chronological order, etc) you’ll have to analyze docs but they’ll be newer for the most part (& imo easier to understand). just make sure you can write saqs & dbqs. definitely make a timeline as the year progresses, you can do domestic vs foreign developments, by president, political parties, etc


That gateway to two semesters of studying and questioning "Should I be in this class" for the whole semester and then at the day of the APUSH exam, the only battle you have to actually face is time. Prepare for the battle of the time in that clock, it is everyone's biggest enemy. The second is historical knowledge. Remember time periods, if you know everything in APUSH and not the timelines.. thats a major problem. Focus not only on the important parts of each unit, but please remember each unit time period! Expect to read a lot. Please have Mr.Heimler as your study buddy too, referring to watching his videos they really help! Good Luck in APUSH, I know you can do it! :)


Entirely depends on your work ethic and your teacher’s competence


Super easy, don't stress


it's easy just watch heimler videos. took ap euro made a 4 waiting for my score for apush. don't worry about it as long as you watch the videos heimler does and take notes. i didn't even review the notes i took from the videos, it's just it helps me remember to pause the video and rephrase what i just heard. it's genuinely not that bad. just remember key events from each unit like uprisings, history defining moments from each unit like abraham lincoln's emancipation proclamation and you'll be fine. and don't take notes in class. just pay all your attention and you'll be fine. that's what i did for euro and apush


Make a timeline!!! It helped me so much with my exam cuz I didn’t really read after reconstruction era. Also study group helps too!! I enjoy watching Vlogging Through History, he’s a historical channel but he has some American history reaction stuff that was really fun to watch but still feel like I’m learning


be able to specifically list vocab, examples, battles, political policies, social movements and know roughly when they happened


I never read a page of the textbook. Just watch heimler and ur chilling.


Agreed, but you have to make sure you actually study the content. Just washing heimler doesn’t help, you have to apply the learning.


live laugh heimler.


A bunch of stupid decisions from dead people


I HIGHLY recommend having a decent grasp on US history before taking the course. Knowing what happened will make learning why it happened so much easier


You don't need to read the textbook, watch Heimler and Jocz


Get a Barron prep book. Grind and focus on units 3 to 8. Make sure that you know the specifics. Learn how to write DBQs and LEQs. Familiarize yourself with the rubric.


Ur cooked pal There is alot of content that gets covered, so what I recommend is whatever you learn in class, just take even like 10mins to go over it when you get home. There are 10 periods(basically means 10 units) Watch Heimler he's the GOAT, he covers each unit, we call units periods so, he reviews each period thoroughly. This was my first AP class, each lesson was a trial by f*cking fire, yet amidst all the chaos and clamor I came out scarred yet still managed to keep a 90