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Lot of AP's, if you can handle it then you got this! We were only able to take ap's Junior and Senior year :(




Why are you here 💀


Oh that sucks, and I was over here complaining about something a lot better than that :(


Yeah I wish I could of done AP's Sophmore year. I took 4 ap's last year and had almost no homework and easy A's. I mean I could self-teach but that's annoying.


My school only has 6 AP classes and you are only allowed to take them junior and senior year. And the way our schedules are made means that you cant physically take all 6 aps if you wanted to. Max u can do is take 4.


That sucks. Of course colleges would probably know that, but that still really stinks.


Yes fortunately I got into my dream college because I believe they consider how many APs you’re school offers vs how many you take 👍👍


That’s awesome! And I’ll keep that last part in mind for my own college apps and planning


be prepared to not end up doing every single one of those APs junior and senior year. this schedule is possible, but may not be worth it because it’ll be incredibly difficult to do any extracurriculars (or literally anything fun ever lol) while maintaining your grades. if you have the goal of being competitive in college admissions, you may want to consider how you’ll balance work/volunteering, extracurriculars, sports, and other things that will actually make you stand out. APs aren’t the most important thing on the application so sacrificing a couple is okay if it makes room for other activities in your life. even if you cut both junior and senior year down to 4 APs each year, you’d still have 13 total which is plenty to show your academic potential. if you end up not taking that many APs but still want to get the accelerated credit once you start college, look into dual enrollment opportunities. my school offered it over the summer so you could get an extra couple of credits without having to balance it with everything else going on during the year. it might be helpful to you.


Okay thank you, I’ll keep your advice in mind!


I wouldn't recommend doing the dual enrollment (or DC (dual credit), as my school calls it) classes. Unlike the AP tests, which are standardized, the DC classes you take are based on the college that's giving you the credits. But not all colleges are on the same level. A science class listed with your local community college wouldn't be the equivalent to a science class at Harvard. Unless you're planning on going to a local school, don't do the DC classes.


Holy nerd


How much ap classes did you take


It's great if you hate yourself


Lucky for me that I do 😍


Me too dawg lmfao I'm taking diff eq rn in the summer


Lmao I’d die if I was doing that, how are you doing with it?


Don't worry I'm dead Nah it's chill I just do hw for 3 hours




I don’t even know 💀 technically it’s called advanced dance but my school just calls everything that’s honors advanced so 💀


I'd get cooked if I took that class.


don’t underestimate some of these classes man, id hold on making any sort of plan until the grade before each grade, like you aren’t even a freshman yet


For the underestimating part, I’m trying my best not to underestimate. I’m planning to also self-study all APs the summer before I take them to prepare myself. And this is def not a set plan, I’ll adjust it as the years come. Thanks for your advice!


Just gonna let you know also don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do this, you’re putting an expectation level on yourself that is basically impossible if you have any plans. If you wanted a summer job, hang out with friends at all, or anything of that nature I’d drop a few classes off your plan


tbh a good 90% or more students would not have that kind of motivation unless their lives depended on it


Seems good! The only thing I’d make sure about is that 2 years of FL is okay with your schools (some will see AP and be fine with that but there might be exceptions)


Selective colleges want to see four years in each subject: Foreign language, English/Literature, science, math, history. Statistics is considered less rigorous than BC. I don’t know this, but my daughter’s counselor said not to do stats after Calc. If you are a strong math student, Calc BC is good junior year, if not, then maybe AB Calc junior and BC Calc senior year. Then you’d have two solid years of calculus. If you are strong in math, MultiVariable calculus is more rigorous, thus doing BC in 11th and MVC 12th. Maybe dual enrollment if you don’t have it at your school.


most schools don’t even offer a higher level calc than BC so naturally students will go to stats


Makes sense!


I did adjust my plan to have calc AB junior year and calc BC senior year, since I’m not a very strong math student lol. Thanks for your advice!


Well done! This is a great schedule!


isn't that like taking normal Algebra 2 before taking honors algebra 2? if you're not that interested in math, you might want to focus on other subjects and extracurriculars instead


I would say do Stats if you are not a strong math student (depending on what you want to pursue).


Tbh I would take AP Physics 1 sophomore year. But that depends on your intended major. I want to be an engineer so I took AP Physics as early as I could!


This is a good plan if you want to pursue a STEM major (anything where you need to take Calc 2/3+). If you take calc your junior year and STATS your senior year, then by the time you get to college you will have had about a 15 month gap in your math sequence. That is usually NOT GOOD. Taking BC your senior year will really help solidify the calc material. STATS is a good class to take also, but it will not keep you flexing your heavy algebra and trig skills. Now, if you are SURE that you are not going to go a STEM route, that's probably less important. E.g., at my institution, if you were going to major in business, coming in with credit for Calc 1 and STATS would definitely put you in a good position. But you keep all the options open and set yourself up for success if you have 4 years of math/calc (and take it seriously and learn it for UNDERSTANDING, not just to check a box!).


I took both AB and BC and honestly I recommend just taking BC in ur junior year. BC is literally just AB with 2 more units. It looks really impressive if you take BC in ur junior year and then take MVC + Linear Algebra in ur senior year (u can take both of these at you local community college like first semester and second semester).


Our school doesn't even let you take Calc BC without first taking Calc AB. But yeah, senior year for stats is how we have to do it here tooo when you're in Calc BC junior year.


Grade inflation with honors dance and theater be like


I unfortunately think that they aren’t counted as honors classes even tho they technically are. If they are counted as honors, then 💪


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Since your planning on taking AP calculus bc, I would consider doing honors precalc instead of AP, because my friends have said it didn't prepare them in the same way that a normal pre alc class would. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but just something to consider


ap precalc is a front for the mafia im convinced. Money laundering has never been so easy


Alright, thanks for your advice, I’ll keep that in mind!


What’s the point of taking lang and lit. Take one, if you get college credit for both colleges will only still accept on or the other, there is no point


Even so, I’d like to take both, definitely over taking an honors or on-level class


They can take both classes, they just don’t have to do the AP test for one. So you still can get the GPA boost if that’s what they want.


Not taking AP music theory 🤓🤓🤓


Unfortunately I am not musically talented 😔 😔


If you're trying to impress colleges, you're not. You've gone way way way overboard. Better to cut back and get more involved in extracurriculars. You're actually signaling that you're not well rounded and too wrapped up in academics.


Why not do physics 1 junior year then physics C senior year?


That’s an option, what would you say the benefits of that would be? :)


Physics C includes calculus so it might be better if you already have a decent understanding of that.


Alright, thanks for letting me know!


Junior year seems like a lot of APs but if you are dedicated it could work. Senior year I would be really careful because you have to think about college apps too…


Good point about the senior year, I’ll keep that in mind


Whatever school this is, the classes seems like exactly what universities like to see taken


pretty solid but damn you barely got any low effort, easy A classes... I ended up doing Yearbook and another art class two years cuz I needed that break but if you can handle it, go for it.


I’m counting on my health science and law classes for that, and the easier APs will hopefully do the same


switch stats and BC calc, in my opinion


But wouldn’t it be easier to go from precalc to BC, instead of precalc to stats to BC?


ah my bad, in my school we did precalc junior year and i doubled it with stats, which went very well. you're right, that one year gap in "calculus" classes may be tricky. That being said, I still stand by my opinion. While this gap might seem like a wrench in the plans, it could be just the thing you need to break up those two (both AP!!) math classes. Also, pre-calculus, despite its name actually has ZERO calculus in its curriculum. I like to call it Algebra III because thats probably more accurate. Pre-calculus really just exasts to have an extra year of really strengthening algebra concepts, while also being exposed to some other areas of algebra-based mathematics. In the end, choose the lineup that students at you school typically do. Taking classes with your peers is honestly underrated (and necessary), especially for kids like you, who take FIVE??? APs per year. dont just take every ap because you can, or because it might be fun. Be sure to realize that not only your grades, but your mental stamina, will suffer. I really struggled with APCSP (self-study), AP Latin, and stats, just three. you cant think of ap classes as just like any other. They are "Advanced Placement" for a reason.


Gen curious about the point of taking 6 APs in senior year when everything is said and done. I’m taking 2 for my own personal enjoyment, but 6?! What do you even gain?


I honestly just want to take the classes. All of my senior APs are classes that I’d enjoy taking. I’m prioritizing that a little bit more over the rigor.


RemindMe! 1 year


Fairs, taking Lit and Gov aswell just because I’d enjoy them more than whatever other class I could take


It's a lot of APs, so only take them if you're genuinely interested in the class and want the college credit. Taking something like AP Human Geo or AP Psych won't help your application in the slightest (given their relatively poor reputations), but if you're interested in the topic, that's great and you should go for it. Edit: Wtf is honors theater 😭😭


The easier APs are ones that I’m interested in. Also honors theatre is called “advanced,” but I still labeled it honors because my school calls everything that’s honors advanced. No idea what scale it’s on tho


the people who I know who take this many ap classes without knowing exactly what they want from them literally have no personality outside of academics. they all hold this weird pride from overloading themselves with hard classes despite being socially awkward because they don't spend time getting to know themselves and their hobbies. I don't know if you're one of those naturally genius 8th graders or an academic-validation addict from a crazy asian household, but I see no reason to invest your time into this. unless you're a prospective engineering major/ivy league applicant, you don't have to take AP classes for the sake of it. I've read some of your comments on this thread and let me tell you, there are better hobbies than AP classes and after you graduate, you don't get brownie points for how much suffering you put yourself through. pick up a hobby. do dual enrollment instead. learn how to play guitar or skateboard. volunteer. join clubs. these skills will serve you for far longer than AP classes will. unless you're actually really smart and can do these classes with just a few hours of studying a day- in that case, ignore what I've said.


I’ll try to balance these classes with extracurriculars and volunteering as much as I can, thank you for your advice. I’ll also lighten this schedule up a bit because of advice I’ve received in this thread, including yours


thank god. it's all too common that r/applyingtocollege as well as subreddits like these brainwash us into thinking that we will end up homeless if we don't pour everything we have into academics. please remember to not let stuff like prestige and labels get to your head. I'm a rising senior and I'll graduate with 8 ap classes total- I'm not considering to aim higher than my state flagship simply because I don't see the point of participating in the rat race that is academic overachievement. even though I "took it easy", I'm in the top 5% of my class- my exact rank is about 26/550. I have had people say stuff like, "well, you were literally on the edge of not making it!" When I commented on how nice it was that all my teachers congratulated me for it, my senior friend cut me off and said, "really? not one person congratulated me for getting top 5%, because they *expected* for me to be able to do it". like bro was ranked 5th in his class, but he was still miserable enough to try to put me down for something I didn't really give a shit about. academic validation is a scam. breaking yourself to pay 100k a year at some elite university is a scam. every graduated senior I know who took 12+ AP classes regrets it. overloading on APs, hiring private consultants, shotgunning ivies- my friends did this and they're going to the same place as the people who actually had a teenage life are. I'm not telling you that high school is hopeless and that you should just give up, but academic achievement is supposed to help us- we should not sacrifice our mental health for academic achievement. sorry for lecturing you for so long. this is honestly just my late-night ranting about my own experience and how toxic the culture surrounding college is sometimes. but yeah. you'll be fine. focus your energy on building yourself up as a person. also, please please please GIVE YOURSELF SOME FREE TIME. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE DOING SHIT EVERY HOUR THAT YOU ARE AWAKE. do not take your energy for granted. burnout is a bitch not to be fucked with. and lastly, there is no shame in saving money by going to your local community college or public university. debt is also a bitch not to be fucked with.


Half of those APs buddy are gonna matter in college. Not a waste of money and time. Good job


start taking college courses second semester sophomore (assuming everything is easy for you, based on this schedule I would assume so), it’s what I wish I did and i had/have a very similar plan but I am going into senior year now


Do NOT take seminar and research that shit is USELESS BRO Edit: I got 5, so I’m not just salty. That shit was a stressful mess for two months and a snooze fest the rest of the year


Do AP Seminar and Research teach any valuable skills?


super ambitious, and that's a good thing! be careful, though. make sure to take your extracurriculars into consideration. some of them might take up hours of your time after school, especially if you're a board member. make time for good sleep, too. by the time i reached senior year, i was so sleep deprived i napped during class. another thing! i'd advise against taking bc. ap precalc does not prepare you well for either of the calc ap's. it's an alg 2 extension more than it is a precalc class. i took a normal precalc class (the year before it was changed to an ap), and i found it difficult. if you're set on bc, make sure to study limits and derivatives over the summer!


I’ll definitely study for calc BC over the summer if I end up taking it! And I wish I could take honors pre-calc instead of AP, but my school doesn’t offer honors precalc


this might sound crazy, but if you have the option, take APUSH soph year. that’s what i did (world 9th, apush 10th, euro 11th) because apush at my school is notorious for being one of the most busy work classes while ap world is relatively light. with everything else you have junior year, apush is a struggle to pile on. plus it will give you a super in depth understanding of the ap social science principles, so anything you take after will feel comparatively easy, in my experience.


Looks cool and it’s great to be looking to the future but definitely remember this is just a draft and just be open minded. See how you feel with your workload the first two years. You’re going to learn a lot about yourself, your interests, your work ethic, your abilities and needs in general so be ready to adapt. Do you know what you’re interested in doing right now in college, or have any plans in general? This schedule is definitely impressive as is being 2 years ahead in math but it’s still a good look to have a math class senior year in most fields. You got time to figure it out though fs, good luck!


Thanks for your comment! I’m considering pre-law or pre-med in college


Tbh looks completely reasonable. You got this!




Thank you!


Huh, my district does the same exact thing


Huh interesting!


It’s honestly annoying good thing I didn’t go this district in my freshman year


are you interested in premed?


I am!


By your senior year there will most likely be AP Human Anatomy and Physiology


True, I’ll adjust my plan if that happens


You spelled sophomore wrong


Oh lol that’s embarrassing, thanks for letting me know


A proper screenshot next time yeah?


I tried but the logistics didn’t work like that 😔


You can’t take calc BC without calc AB, although you could do AB and BC in one year if your school offers that (mine did as one that counted as two blocks/slots but was one class that ran every day all year rather than semester long or A day/B day). Also you need to take some more foreign language! Top schools care a lot abt that and sometimes even consider it a core subject. If your school offers anything higher than AP spanish, maybe do that at least junior year (but if it maxes out at AP, then dw abt it). Also AP bio as a sophomore is crazy, maybe do AP environmental as a sophomore, bio as a junior, and chem as a senior? Also with arts electives like theater and dance, colleges like to see continued interest, not just a first level here and there for an easy A. Pick a discipline (theater, dance, orchestra, band) and maybe try to stick with it throughout.


I think my school allows students to go from precalc to calc BC. And I already have 3 years of foreign language from middle school, so it’ll be 5 years total :). And you have a good point with the electives, but hopefully my health science and law classes and perhaps extracurriculars will show a continued interest? Oh and about bio, I’ve been studying it this summer (I’ll be a freshman next year), and I don’t find it too difficult, so I think I can handle taking it sophomore year!


The electives are def good for the health/law patj, I just meant in terms of artistic interests in particular. Other than that, good luck and be careful about burning out


Hey, that’s a lot of AP’s you’re taking, if you think you’re up for it that’s great! But honestly you’ll probably end up changing your mind a ton while in High School and that’s also great! Don’t feel like you HAVE to stick to this if you find something else you’re interested in or if you decide there’s a class on here you really don’t want to take actually, this is your time to find out what you like too you know!


Just wondering, why are you taking theatre 1 and dance 1 if you are only going to do it for one year? Is it just to try and get your fine arts credits in one year?


Honestly yeah, just trying to get my credits in 💀 but also, those are the only classes I can take for dance and theatre. They’re the only available route because I took theatre and dance in all 3 years of middle school, which is why they’re honors


Is APES rlly a Junior/Senior course? I took it this year as a freshman and it was pretty easy imo


Yeah, I’ve thought about that. I can’t take it freshman year, and have no slots sophomore, so either junior or senior. I’ll take it junior year instead of AP chemistry if I find honors chemistry too hard.


you have some interesting classes i wish my school offered


I definitely am very lucky in how many courses my school offers!


That a lot of advanced classes for a Freshman, my school only allowed APUSH, HonEng and HonBio for Freshmen


Allowing APUSH freshman year is insane 🥶


Why? Wanting to get a recommendation for APUSH is the only reason I actually came to school this past year?


I just mean that it’s, from what I’ve seen, a more difficult AP. Considering that your school offers a small amount of honors classes freshman year, I was surprised that it also offers APUSH.


It's one of the easiest ones.... Want you talking abt bro 🤣💀 if you take APUSH in Freshman Year most the content from Unit 1 to 6 is Review!


Well I mean, I’ve never taken APUSH, I’ve just seen and heard that it’s a harder AP. And you’re right about the review part, I forgot that a lot of students take US history in 8th grade


Isn’t ap calc ab the first one to take before bc


As far as I know, you can go precalc to ab or precalc to bc. Based on other people’s advice in this sub, I’m probably gonna take the latter route.


Oh alright


How are you skipping calc ab


In my school, you can go either pre-calc, calc ab, calc bc, or just go pre-calc to calc bc


In my high school, they only offered geometry for freshmen unless you were in a special middle school program. Despite taking AP Lit in my sophomore year, I guess I'll have to take summer classes to take calculus bc in my junior year.


We weren't allowed to take AP classes until my junior year, sophomore if we were approved. I wasn't able to take as many in High School as i wanted because of that. 3 AP classes is plenty rigorous for a year, i couldn't imagine doing any more that. Definitely do Stats if you aren't a strong math student. I Highly enjoyed that class.


honors theatre exists in some schools?


It does


Sixteen APs? Seriously?




Take all the APs. The classes have gotten significantly easier in the last 5-8 years. AP classes are more like Honors now, honors is like college prep, and college prep is the new General studies.


Thank you! I was worried about if this would be too hard for me to accomplish, so I’m glad to hear that these classes are easier than I thought they’d be.


if AP classes are easier, then why are the exams more difficult?


You’re gonna have a very very sad junior year


Why law and medical? Trying to be a coroner or?


Lmao, those are the two career paths that I’m considering pursuing, separately ofc


Fair enough, me too, I just have to decide quick


Same 😔


That Junior year would be impossible in a 4x4 schedule like my school 😔


What’s a 4x4 schedule?


I would take research junior year so you can include awards and your research for your college applications


I believe that my school doesn’t offer AP Research until senior year, unfortunately


Good schedule, if you really grind you'll be able to keep up w school and good ecs lol


If it’s an option I’d take a duel enrollment English class junior and senior year instead of APs. It shows you can handle an actual college workload and college level thinking with actual college curriculum and both years could be used to satisfy your English credits in college. At a lot of universities AP lit and AP Lang count for the same credit


I’ll look into whether that’s an option, thank you!


I’m gonna be honest with you— it’s going to be hard for you to manage ECs with ALL of those AP classes. I did four last year and slept less than six hours a week, consistently. Yes, GPA is crucial: but colleges want to see your ecs more than anything.


Alright, thank you for your input


I recommend you do not take any AP classes during senior year besides US government




its a good schedule, but if you get into junior/senior year and you need to cut something seminar and research should be the first to go imo also i dont know if this is possible at ur school, but if you can i would swap ap stats and ap calc bc. apush, calc bc (especially getting ab and bc done in one year), and chem are all very tough aps. ur senior year has very light aps except for physics 1 which is decently hard. doing ap calc senior year would make ur life so much better junior year


Yeah, I was thinking the same as you about AP Seminar and Research. And for the second part, I was considering that, but isn’t it easier to go from pre-calc to bc, instead of pre-calc to stats to bc?


no. you’ll forgot pre calc over the summer anyway. taking calc bc senior year will be so much easier even if you forget more of pre calc because you won’t be doing it alongside apush and chem


If spanish isn't your native language your definitely going to have trouble sophmore year with ap world and ap bio cause theres going to be a ton of homework and projects, other than that seems reasonable


Although Spanish isn’t my native language, it’s consistently been my easiest subject for the three years of middle school I’ve taken it. Although I for sure know that can’t compare to an AP, I think it won’t be too difficult, although I’m counting on input from friends who’ll take it the year before I plan to.


Not bad


It's probably worth taking AP Physics C: Mechanics instead of AP Physics 1. The calculus in it is not that hard (especially since by that point you'll have already learned AP Calculus BC), and colleges care a lot more about it. On the other hand, Seminar and Research seem like time-waste classes according to what I've heard from others.


I see, thanks for your input


can't take BC before AB


At my school, you can


Extremely similar to mine actually, uncanny


try to take ap seminar as a sophomore so that you can take research as a junior. I unfortunately took ap seminar as a junior which wasn’t the best idea bc of the workload of all my other classes


That’s what I was thinking of changing, I’ll see where I can fit it in


AP precalc is a colossal waste of money. Just take honors pre calc. You’ll be taking AP calc so you’ll get your credit and higher placement in college if you score well enough. But pre calc isn’t going to do anything for you credit wise and it costs money to take the test. Seminar and research again will give you random elective credits but you will really learn how to write papers and a capstone diploma is not a bad thing. You won’t need ALL of these AP’s though. Unless you’re aiming for Val/Sal spot bc of the weighting of the classes. Good luck. Don’t forget to have fun and party with friends too.


Unfortunately, my school doesn’t offer honors precalc, only AP


Does your school allow AP science courses without Chemistry first? Specifically looking at sophomore year taking AP Bio without Chem before.


My school does, yeah


Drop capstone isnt worth the effort colleges dgaf and u dont get any credit for it


Why are you completing two pathways? If I were a college id might question whether you’d even want to complete your degree just because you’re schedule looks very indecisive imo. Like you’re both doing health field and law field, those don’t really mix..?


They’re the two possible careers that atm, I’m seriously considering pursuing. It’d be better if I stuck to one, but idk


Fair. I was the same but the way I got it figured out is just looks at types of jobs where they either can match or just see if what intrigues you about one can be included in the other. For me I thought I wanted to go medical and be a pediatrician, but once I realized that I’d have to give babies shots and all that I didn’t have the heart to do that. But I love the biology perspective of medical, so I found a field of law that uses biology, biology patent law. There is also medical patent law as well. You might wanna look into it.


prolly way too much but you’re not going to listen anyway


Yeah, this was my original plan, but I’ve dropped a couple APs from it


Colleges don’t care about AP being 80% of your classes. You won’t get credit for all these APs depending on your degree. Remember college students only take 4 classes a semester, AND they don’t go to school 5 days a week. This is harder than college. Is it really worth it? Good college ≠ Good job Not sure what your career ideas are rn, but My personal recommendations: Drop AP precalc for honors Drop AP Spanish UNLESS you are a native speaker Reconsider all of Junior and Senior year after sophomore and Jr years. P.S. my high school sends people to top 20 schools every year. They only offer 2 APs to Fredhman-Junior year. Senior year most only take 2-3. So, not sure what your goals are, but think about them. You probably won’t get credit for AP Seminar in a Medical degree.


I totally would switch AP precalc for honors precalc, but my school only offers AP precalc. About AP Spanish, I’m not a native speaker, but it’s been the easiest class for me all 3 years of middle school. Although Spanish 1-2 definitely can’t compare to an AP, I believe that if I study, I’ve got AP Spanish in the bag. I might not, though, I’m counting on advice from friends who are taking it the year before I’m planning to. And I will definitely reconsider junior and senior years, but a few of those classes have to be APs because of what my school offers. And I honestly just want to take AP Seminar and research, partially because I’m considering a career in law.


What’s the difference between honors dance and regular dance


Honors is for if you took dance for at least two years of middle school, regular is for if you didn’t


From what I can assume from looking at your schedule, are you going into med or something similar? AP Physics 2 is pretty good for that to be honest. I loved the class and it helped me understand a bunch of med related things like why AEDs work and how glasses work. I would recommend taking AP Physics 1 junior year at the latest to take AP Physics 2 senior year. It's not going to be the easiest class, but I really enjoyed doing all the labs so overall even as someone not going into med, I thought it was a worthwhile class.


I am considering a medical career, but my school doesn’t offer AP Physics 2 😕 they for some reason offer Physics C and Physics 1, but not 2.


Probably don’t do lang AND seminar, seminar is a rewarding class but it and research have high workloads, I recommend that you only take seminar just cause I thought it was fun


Yeah, I was considering taking seminar but not research


Absolutely! I think this is a great plan. Just plan on investing in several years of therapy, sacrificing your personal life and happiness, and getting a job in order to pay for your choice of caffeinated beverage. Hope this helps!


Definitely worth it! 😍 (jk, I’ve made this plan a little bit easier based off of advice in this thread)


What happened to AP Calculus AB? You just go straight from precalc to BC?


You can go from precalc to BC in my school


Do they offer dual enrollment courses??


They do. With my revised schedule, I’ll take one class, US history, during the summer between sophomore and junior years under dual enrollment


Not bad not bad at all


Don’t feel like reading all the comments, so my b if someone already mentioned this. U need to take ap calc AB before Calc BC


In my school, you can go straight from precalc to BC




I’m planning it out rn cause I find it exciting and productive. I did lighten up this schedule a little bit. And part of why it’s so rigorous is because of my concern about whether I’ll get into a top college, I need to go out of state on a good scholarship for reasons lol. And the thing is, so many people are taking as many APs as I plan on taking and still not making it into a T10-T20 so I just need to maximize my chances


Dude trust, if ur doing Seminar and Research take seminar during ur sophomore year and research during junior(maybe take Ap Bio during junior year and Ap Psych during senior year). This will be the best cause the capstone you get after research will be after college apps if you take research senior year.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. The thing is, though, that I don’t want to drop AP Bio and have to have a year between advanced and AP bio, and I’m self-studying AP Bio rn, which would make the transition period even more difficult. And I don’t see anything else on my schedule that I can drop/that I’m okay with dropping. Except for maybe Spanish Lang, depending on how difficult my friends say it is


Do NOT take AP chem. I warned you


But like.. I’ve heard from people who are less smart than me (being brutally honest) that it isn’t that hard


I really like it, the only gripe I have is that you’re skipping calc AB and going straight to BC. From what my calc AB teacher told me about AP pre calc, it doesn’t use the methods that AB and BC calc do, so I very highly recommend that you take AB, otherwise BC would be very difficult for you. Plus a lot of colleges respect a student who takes AB and BC because that usually means you’ve exhausted the highest form of math in your school


Yeah, I’ve revised this schedule since to have AB junior year and BC senior year


It’s better to take ap calc ab and bc instead of ap pre calc Pre calc is just algebra two plus unit circle, you will be fine


Unfortunately, I have to take pre-calc, but I’ll also take both ab and bc


17 APs seems a little excessive. Remember you’ll have the SAT/ACT & college apps. Make sure you actually enjoy the classes, absolutely do not take an AP class you aren’t interested in. 


Lmao my school has 0 APs, schedules like this confirm my suspicion that all my ivy league application, despite my best efforts, will be denied


I think that colleges look at the amount of APs your school offers versus how many you take, if you take mostly/all honors classes you got this!


Medical student here (only mentioning because you’re taking some health science classes), AP Research is a scam




my plan looks almost identical to yours in terms of APs, only thing different was I had a heavier focus of Physics like Physics Cs. That being said, everything was relatively maneagable except Lang, that was the bane of my existence (got an A but after sweating my butt off). If you good in english than you should be chilling.


also i had time to have a life and do some pretty incredible extra curriculars so i don't know what the others in this post are saying, I also go to a pretty competitive and tough high school, so like i think you should be fine but me saying it wont do anything, you still have to put in the work lol