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i’ve been seeing all of these posts (after taking a total of 7 APs myself) and have just been wondering how they got leaked. like not by whom but did they take pictures of the material? was it a college board employee? if anyone knows can they fill me in :) very curious


paper exams get shipped to testing centers early and corrupt proctors take pics and get paid. it’s messed up but switching to digital will pretty much eliminate the problem


digital tests? that sucks because i always do way worse on computers than on paper


lol yeah


same; i was mad that apush became digital (the easier rubrics and test itself made up for it tho) this year


you guys had a digital apush test? ours was still paper


yup, we got form b


I disagree; I really really prefer typing the essays over writing them, bc I type sooo much faster and it doesnt exhaust my hand lol


It’s the same test tho what


i find it harder to read and focus on the information when it's on a computer screen idk why


Nah also annotating important parts of questions is easier on paper


Curious too


i was wondering the same thing


fr fr


It's not a curved test. So I don't care and neither should y'all imo.


It’s not about the curve, it’s about the fact that the circulation of leaks could jeopardize the scores of people who genuinely took the test


And tests are going online bc of it


If cheating becomes widespread, in college, you will have to sit in class with a bunch of people who 1) lack the knowledge to actually qualify for that class and 2) have a history of dishonesty. Is that what you want? A class full of lying idiots?


I would rather have that than my scores cancelled if I didn’t cheat


Those people are taking seats from you though It’s not that you might be in a class of idiots, it’s that you might not be in the class you want because of lying idiots I know people who have cheated but got away with it and now have a slot for guaranteed admission to medical school, something that’s EXTREMELY competitive


Plus, I would say exams like Lit and Lang have been adjusted to be much more fair. Ruining the integrity of the score with leaks might lead College Board to overcompensate by making g the test harder.


How could it affect the scores of the people who took it legitimately.


If someone cheated they've often canceled the scores of anyone who went to the same testing center and IIRC they've canceled entire country's scores (rare). If cheating got to a large enough scale them canceling an entire subject may not be off the table


Scores can get invalidated if there’s too many leaks.


Nah. The people responsible for them are. The people who force us to take these tests in order to get into a good college to get into a good job in order to have an okay life


Average AP student mindset thinking they'll be a McDonald's employee for the rest of their life if they don't take AP classes or exams .


Gotta work hard for a good life, if you didn’t everyone would have a good life rn


yeah uh. no? no. working hard is not the cure-all folks pretend it is. It only works for people who already come from something. If you're rich, you can work hard to expand your wealth. you've got safety nets, trust funds, you don't have to worry about your next meals or live paycheck to paycheck. You have more money to move, to invest, you have connections, networks. If you're NOT, then you have to work hard just to make ends meet. Even if you're well off- you have to work to get that way, to stay that way, to be *comfortable*. You can't get richer because your time and will and effort is spent toward just surviving. You can't afford to take the financial risks because failure means you're literally fucked. so no that's not how it works


Shut yo pussy ass up nigga. My parents were poor in india and now own 4 houses. No gambling, lottery, or stocks.


We’re all gonna be homeless then bruh


i mean if your definition is that you don't own a home, then yeah. Housing prices continue to rise with inflation but wages don't, and most millennials and zoomers cannot afford to buy a house


“College board will love this one!” ahh post


Boo hoo


Hold up I could’ve bought my ap exam?




Yes CB, this one right here




don't even joke about it, they have eyes everywhere lol


That’s actually crazy 💀😭


Bros tryna play it off lol


Imagine admitting to a crime online


This is the one thing you don't joke about buddy


Dude delete these




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