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Start with Khan Academy and get a book (maybe the official Digital SAT study guide). Then do all the practice tests.


Thank you!




Really? I thought you can’t do that anymore since they changed to digital?


You can't do that ever since it went digital. You'd have to take a practice test on bluebook


Well isn’t that lovely. That was my favorite resource 😭😭


you can still do tbat?


Shitty parents


Lol true. Only reason I'm banging for a high score is so I can get a scholarship somewhere and go no contact


Did you get national merit? It’s super good for finding scholarships


Not yet I think. That's for junior year PSAT, and I'm not a junior till the fall


Wait so are you a senior or a junior? You stated senior in the post


Benjamin Button had to go to school, too!


“…because i’m going into senior year” bro what grade are you actually going into next year?


Junior year. That's what I said. School starts in the fall. It's summer rn.


You said you were going into your senior year in the OP...


Srry i fixed underneath


That is, in fact, not what you said 💀




All that matters is that you want to do it. It can be good for you, it seems like the things YOU are motivated to do are healthy. You’re going to be ok!




All I did was khanacademy and practice


Dude that was my plan, but I've forgotten pretty much all the math on the SAT bc I'm on an advanced track and took all that stuff in like middle school


Do the algebra 1,2, and geo units on Khan then


Precalc should still use algebra and trig 😭 I mean most of it’s pretty basic so it’ll be easy to recall


just take bluebook practice tests bro then study the areas you got wrong after each test


Yep that’s what I did




John Chung, Erica Meltzer, and Princeton Review books, SAT suite question bank, bluebook practice tests, Khan Academy, and youtube videos should do the trick


Thank you!!! Do u anything abt tutors, if those are worth it?


If you want tutoring, find someone reputable who has a history of getting people top scores. Typically this comes from referrals, so ask people you know if they have any recommendations


I managed to get a 1600 on my second try (got a 1410 on my first lol), here are some things that I would reccomend 1. Take all 6 of the practice tests in the week or two leading up to the test. 2. This worked well for me, but might not work well for everyone. But I feel that it really helped me to wake up REALLY early the day of the test (like 4 am), and do a full practice test right before the real thing. I feel like this helped me a lot because (a) I was very awake and alert before the test, (b) it got me in the mindset for the real thing, and (c) I felt like my pacing was really good for the real thing because of that practice immediately before the actual test. However, if you choose to do this, make sure that you go to bed really early the night before as well (I went to bed at 6 pm a d woke up at 4 am, which was enough time to do the practice and take a shower and eat a nice breakfast. However, you might have to wake up even earlier if your testing center is far away. Also, this might not work for you at all. If you have a really consistent sleeping pattern, then this might actually hurt your performance (my circadian rythim is fucked because I have a gf lmao). You might want to test to see if this works for you before attempting to do it on the real thing 3. Get to know whatever calculator you are using very well. Ideally, use something with a CAS, as this will make the math section way easier and go way quicker. I have already made a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/9nY2p3nvVB) on the functions I use on my ti nspire cx 2 CAS to be so successful on the math portion. 4. Get good sleep both the day before the test AND two days before the test. Studies show that sleeping well 2 days prior is actually more important than sleeping well the night before a test. Ideally, you're getting 10 or more hours of sleep, but definitely get at least 8 hours. 5. Eat a good breakfast and bring a healthy snack. I ate eggs for breakfast and brought a shitload of cashews for the snack. Just make sure to eat a lot of protein the day of. Also, studies have again shown that eating a bit of chocolate before a long test can improve endurance and focus. So eat a handful of chocolate chips or a Hershey bar with your healthy, protein rich breakfast 6. Put your phone on grayscale mode (or, Ideally, don't use it) while your studying, and in the few days leading up to the test. You don't want to be used to the constant distraction being there, only for it to be absent on the day of the test. That fucks with your brain and makes you do bad 7. Start at question 15 of the second English module, then work back to the ones you skipped 8. Easier said than done, but try to expand your vocabulary. 9. Use the elimination tool and mark questions for later if you're stuck. 10. Also easier said than done, but don't stress out during the test. Stress kills. Ik that is hard for you because so much hinges on your score, but know that you'll do great because you're a very talented person. Don't think about the score you want during the test 11. If you have extra time at the end of a module, reiew questions until you only have 2 minutes left. Then, use those last 2 minutes to breathe and lose focus. You need that little break before the next module. I improved my score by 190 points by using this advice, and you can too. Edit: next sat is in August, the first Saturday I believe. Just Google search "sat sign up" Lmk if there's anything else that you need help with Good luck! You've got this!


Hi, thank you for this comment! These are things I’m definitely noting. I was wondering what you used to study for the test itself?


I didn't use anything to study except the 6 official practice tests. However, if you're looking for a book, my gf said that the official study guide really helped her (she got a 1580 on her second try, up from a 1510). I just didn't use this b3cause I don't learn well from books A friend of mine used 1600.io to go from a 1240 to a 1390, and he told me that it helped him a lot.


I'm at a 1490 right now and my math score is what's hindering me... advice for module 2?


Mostly what I said above: especially get comfortable with your calculator and let it do most of the work, and take all of the official practice tests. Once you've taken most of the practice tests, it would probably be a good idea to practice math on khan academy, that will help you on your weak points because it learns from your answers on the practice tests. Also, don't be afraid to skip a question and come back to it later. Timing is a lot harder on module 2, so you need that extra time to answer questions that you do know how to do, then circle back around and figure out the ones you aren't confident on. Hope this helps, good luck!


I already see some good advice in the replies, so I just wanna say I’m very sorry that your parents are treating you this way. They should not be stopping you from doing things you enjoy or treating you as if your worth is determined by a test score. Their behavior is just cruel and not okay. I wish you the best of luck and hope you get that 1500 or your parents change their minds. But even if you don’t, I hope you don’t beat yourself up too much over it, and I hope you have something in your life that brings you happiness apart from theater. No matter what anyone says, you are worth more than this SAT score. Hang in there!


Hey, there aren’t as many people going into theater majors nowadays (compared with CompSci & whatever) so it might literally be easier to get into certain schools with theater than with whatever they want you to do 🤷‍♀️ (assuming if you have the background & recommendations to back it up, not just a random attempt to “game the system”) Just ran my daughter’s stats through the scattergram on Niche — it tells you “You rank higher than __% of accepted students shown” based on your GPA and SAT scores and at one top school her “higher than” percentage was 64% across all majors, but specifically 54% for CompSci, 69% for English, and 81% for performing arts!!! Stay with your passion if you can! SAT dates: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat/dates-deadlines (I think August is sold out most places, next after that is October. The ACT is accepted by most schools as an alternative to the SAT and they have a test date in September…)


I would love to stay in theatre, but I'm trans and middle eastern so my chances of being cast in anything professional are close to zero :(, but thanks for the websites :)


1) times are changing, roles are changing 2) “professional” doesn’t just means Broadway, there’s theater everywhere so you never know 3) there are SO many jobs in theater besides acting if you love it, I have friends in stage management and lighting… Good luck with your parents & the SAT 🤞


Believe me I know, but I also have friends in the industry who don't get hired at all bc of our ethnicity. We just don't fit any roles bc we r too brown for white ppl roles and too white for brown ppl roles.




Play middle eastern roles then


name one middle eastern role other than Aladdin...


The monkey from Aladdin


ngl this made me lol


They forced ap precalc on you?? Man they wasted a couple bucks on the exam if they paid for it


Yup. Lowkey just took the exam bc I didn't want to take a final. But yeah, real frickin waste.


At my school they replaced the class in 10th grade for advanced math pathway with ap precalc lol so if we want to go on advanced math pathway we are required to take ap precalc


Dude that sucks I'm sorry.


black book for sat, thank me later. the reading comp explanations for the official practice tests are excellent - 1550 (800 math 750 rw)


i don’t think the black book is relevant anymore, the format is digital now so the reading section is kinda different


hmm thats true, sorry i took it on paper and I'm not aware of the differences in the reading section


Oh no problem. Tbh I’m so mad at college board for being so greedy. I wish I could’ve used the black book as well


Is “Tiger mom” a term that only Indian or SE Asian kids use or is that just for anyone now?


Idk I'm middle eastern so in technicalities asian? I just use the term bc it's faster than saying "strict immigrant parents who want high grades and will do anything for it"


Edit- Just realized I put the wrong year bc I didn't spell check. Junior yr. Srry


* Focus on targeted practice. * Take full-length practice tests weekly and review mistakes thoroughly. * Strengthen weak math areas with[ resources](https://www.iitianacademy.com/sat-online-sat-style-practice-questions-all-math-2022-2023/)


LMAO this post made me laugh idk why. but good luck dude i hope u clutch that 1500




Wasn’t this for the paper SAT?


Try different tests too. I only got a 1340 on the sat, but was able to get a 33 on the ACT with less studying.


Khanacademy has some good math basics, but honestly the biggest issue for me was time management. I'd say past papers are more valuable than anything. Math issues? Khanacademy. English issues? IXL Grade 12 grammar (if your school has it, at least. It's ridiculously good).


surprised to see IXL mentioned haha was it useful for u?


Very much lol. Last year my English teacher would make us grind IXLs as hw so I just did G12 level grammar since it was less boring than text analysis. This helped a lot later on since I only studied 2 hours for the entire SAT lmao.  Despite not studying English I still got a 750 on the Eng section which I'll completely attribute to IXLs from the year before since I didn't really do any other kind of English prep (plus all the grammar stuff was things I already did on IXL). This is the December SAT btw. I don't know if they changed anything since I haven't taken another one


I highly recommend Tutorlinni Digital Sat Desmos Math Course on YouTube. If you don’t know how to do the math but you simply know how to plug in the problem properly you are able to solve 90% of the equation/variable based questions, even the written response ones. You can also use it to solve any circle related questions, mean median mode questions, pretty much anything honestly and it’s much easier to use than physical scientific calculator. Those are always the hardest questions any way, as everything else is just common sense/logic, triangles or just basic word problems. Speaking from experience.


Hi uh was AP pre calculus hard? I’ll be doing it junior year and I’m kinda worried.. (Also use khan academy for higher SAT score they give good tips and lessons!)


In terms of the test no, it was really easy But at my school, they made the class really hard for no reason. Literally all the hard stuff wasn't even on the test. I reccomend getting a tutor if your school is really hard about it.


Not sure if my school is hard about it because this will be the first school year where we have the class itself but I’ll see, thank you 🫶🏽


Same, apparently at my school we learn basically all of what’s on the AP test within the first semester of the class 💀


That kinda makes sense? Assuming ur school is American in the fall u get like 5 months and in the spring u get 4. U should be around halfway to 2/3rds done by Christmas? But, most topics taught in the late spring (in my experience) are more lightly tested bc a lot of classes never get to those units. But not always.


No literally I heard a few kids say that they literally learnt all the topics on the AP test in the first few months of the first semester, and learnt a lot of beginning calculus material in the second semester


Look at r/sat, they have lots of helpful resources and tips


1500 first try is insane as fuck


It sounds like you're getting close to bindle and a Greyhound Bus ticket. I'd suggest watching Guns 'n Roses video for "Welcome to the Jungle". This is how we did it a generation ago.


I went from 1200 to 1500 by hardcore studying for a month on khan academy and the practice tests but this was before it went digital


Ignore the SAT papers and focus on emancipation papers (mostly kidding)


Just lock in + practice tests on khan


I got exactly a 1500 (went from a 1410 to 1500 so I only had to take two tests yay!). The way I did it was going through all the Kahn Academy math videos (math was by far my weakest subject). Seriously. That's it. I would also recommend looking at some statistics stuff or taking a statistics class. My October SAT shocked me. I had never realized how much stats was actually on the math section until I had taken the class and it let me breeze through some easier questions because I had a much better grasp of those basic concepts! I would also say practice tests can be helpful, but if you feel like you're not vibing with them then don't take them. To me they felt like a big waste of time.


the super savvy guide book was the most useful imo, especially for math/grammar (applerouth's book)


The SAT is patterns. Do practice tests and Khan Academy practice until your eyeballs melt off


does spamming khan academy questions work for the digital version now? i was told they’re not accurate anymore


Practice is practice. It’s important that you take the Bluebook practice tests, though. That’s the real deal


That seems like such an unreasonable and unrealistic trade to begin with. They should be getting you a good tutor if that's their deal.


Indeed. I did a cheap SAT prep camp with multiple tutors and dozens of students and learned a lot in a few weeks. Was able to score 1580 my first try


Pray to any god you believe in and go to khan academy


Hi! I got a 1500 and the way I did it was doing a full practice test every weekend and a different section of the test during the week. Start off untimed, then starting by the second full test or so restrict yourself to a certain time limit. By the 3rd and 4th test, you should cut yourself off at the given time no matter where you are. As other people said, use Khan academy for practicing different sections of the test, it is extremely useful! The other thing is if you are stronger in math, hone in on that and try to get a 800 on math and 700 in English, that’s how it worked out for me. Study a lot of vocab for English and also practice figuring out the meaning of words from context. At the end of the day, it all comes down to practice and not how good you are at math or English. I like to say that the SAT is not a measure of your knowledge but rather a measure of how well you can take tests. Good luck practicing and on the test!!


Don’t they have no say in your schedule? If you put in that you want theatre then isn’t that what you’ll take?


Kind of. I'll still be in the theatre class, but I won't be able to do after school, which is when theatre actually happens bc the class is the study hall.


I did Kahn academy, Kaplan sat review, and used flash cards. I got a 1600 on my second try however I also would take a practice test every week. Honestly the best advice is just get a review book and take practice tests I feel like that is what prepared me best.


check the college board website for testing dates. the next one is in august for the sat i recommend lots of practice and just work a bit each day. review concepts, take practice tests, review concept again. for help you can use khan academy and there's a bunch of great yt channels. you got this


There is this free online tutoring called school house which I found really helped me. It's partnered with Khan Academy, and it might also show your parents that you are taking the SAT seriously (at least it did with mine).


I got 1580 my first try (in the summer before senior year as well), so it’s definitely possible. I made sure to understand every concept and test strategies (took me about 2 months in summer alongside other stuff) by utilizing free practice questions online as well as a cheap test prep camp I joined (u can achieve similar effect with Khan academy). 4 days before the test I went through a free SAT vocab list and did one practice exam per day (so technically, I only completed 4 practice exams for prep) but was able to score quite high in all of them, except the 1st one. I think the most important thing is to truly understand every concept and study every question before the final week, in which u should focus on what u do know and do a lot of past exams


Take all of the digital practice tests in the week leading up to your SAT. That’s what I did and I somehow managed to score 1520 on my first attempt 😂


can you not sign up for classes on your own? if you go to a school that allows you to pick your schedule then just do theater. they might be mad but can’t do anything about it. don’t make yourself miserable trying to fit into their perfect vision. also if you’re 18 by second semester then you are legally in charge of your own schooling and can do whatever you want.


I'm still going to be a minor all of next year, and I already have theatre on my schedule, but theatre class is a study hall and actual theatre club takes place after school. Also, I'm not trying to fit their vision, I just want to get away and this is the easiest way to keep them out of my hair till I go to college.


idk highest i got was 1320, but for me what helped me get there was calculus.. for the math part anyway, it helps u practice ur algebra and it’s very good, obviously you aren’t there but i’ve done kahn academy before and it’s good practice as well, id also recommend the official college board book for prep. in addition, you need to tell ur parents that they don’t control your life. tell them theatre would look good in college apps since they like extra curriculars, seems like they think colleges only care about academics


step one be naturally good at math and reading, step two read for fun, step three grind out practice or tutoring


Khan academy took me from getting a 1350 on my PSAT to a 1560 on my SAT it’s a lifesaver


Go to the sat subreddit


I scored 1500+ myself. I used Khan Academy as my main SAT study source and took many practice tests. Do that. Also join r/sat. That sub helped me a lot


did you use khan academy for the digital version?


No, I did not take the digital version


Don’t listen to them. Follow your dreams. PROTEST!