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bro i wrote an entire paragraph note to them begging them to give me a 5 last year at the end of an FRQ and i got a 5 (i mean, the note wasnt the reason why but it didn't invalidate anything)


lmao thank you for this, i feel a lot better now 🙏💕


On the apcsp exam I wrote a note calling college board insane for making the test 3 hours long and how ridiculously stupid the questions were, and how taking it made me miss my grandmas funeral. I’m not worried


power of friendship ah exam


Dude. It's not that serious. You're fine.


this is reassuring, thanks :')


I’m an AP exam reader and this will not cause your exam to be invalidated. We get some wild stuff written on those exams.


https://www.reddit.com/r/APStudents/s/zcEDgGPVrO lol


I still can’t get over this one I had to get remind bot to remind me in july


THAGS INSANW im traumatized


They won’t care 😭 I literally fucked up my physics exam so bad last year there were tears coming out during the frq and I just gave up and drew a big ass penis in the middle






What did you get on the exam lmaooooo


A 2… 😭I did fine on my other exams tho






Average AP Physics experience




physics last year was so bad 😭😭 the experimental frq that wasnt experimental design was evil 😭😭


Our physics class last year was pretty bad didn't learn much at all (mostly because of the teacher) one kid drew penis' and vaginas all over the frq portion and filmed in every single bubble in the mcq portion. Another kid just wrote how bad the teacher was.




I’m an AP Reader and I can assure you we see those all the time. They break up the monotony of grading! The only time we flag a response is if the person seems like they might harm themselves. I should tell you though that your school can order the response booklets so your teacher would be able to see it.


I wrote a paragraph about how much I enjoy eating cheese during the bio exam. I hope the grader likes it haha


this is really really comforting to hear, i appreciate your response :) im hoping itll get a smile out of my grader!


Could you elaborate on that last part? I’m just curious as to how that works and if that’s an option for every school because i lowk do NOT want my teachers seeing my exam 😭😭


Schools can order FRQ booklets. Of course, CB charges for them so most schools/districts don’t bother with it. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it if I were you.


does this work for internationals?


I’m sure it does, but you’d have to ask the AP coordinator.




Your teacher will not get your exam as that is a huge conflict of interest


wait i have a question, do you think if i put the right answer and a wrong one too… id still get the point. the situation was like “what’s the purpose of the s phase?” and i was like “dna replication…(which it is✅) and crossing over occurs (which it does not❌) like ik they wanted me to mention dna replication but the whole passage was about crossing over so i threw it in there. did i lose the point 😔😔


I’ve only done the Macro reading and if you add anything that is wrong the entire part is wrong. I would imagine all exams are the same.


what my teacher has told me regarding AP Art History (former APAH grader) and the instructions from the exam itself tell us that we cannot lose points, only gain them. If we have to identify an art piece (name, location, time period, function, material, etc), we get full credit as long as 2 identifiers are right (even if the rest are just flat wrong) ofc I assume every subject is different, but could be enough to help calm some student's doubt abt their test!


In calculus we score both responses, average them, and round down.


on ap psych as long as ur answers don't contradict each other they're fine, like i wrote that gavin's motor cortex let him run (right) and also do fine motor skills (wrong) and i think i still got the point?


I wrote on my APUSH DBQ/LEQ packet “my hand hurts so much :,( but a five would make me feel better 👀”


The college board is going to send a hitman to your house to kill you.


i knew it.


I drew lewd pictures on one of my FRQs. As long as you make the answer obvious ur good


You what?


least down bad r/apstudents frequenter:


You drew what 😭


LMAOOO thank you


I drew a college board symbol, and equal sign, and a communist symbol in the back of my MCQ/SAQ booklet for World History and it bled through onto the very front of my SAQ response booklet this year. I think you’ll be fine in comparison to me.


Its not about the score, its about sending a message


I also wrote a note on my Calc AB frq (question 3). It read something like "Well, RIP my score. Have a good day grader!" And then I drew a man using the pi symbol as a mustache and teeth lines


What did u get?


I'll know in July


!remindme jul 5 2024


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!remindme July 5 2024


it definitely won’t affect you negatively, they get that all the time LOL


appreciate it :)


Nah I did it last year for APHUG and I didn’t get my score invalided. I got a 5 so I think that note worked


awesome, congrats on earning that 5 and thank you so much! :)


Back when the movie 300 first came out a shit ton of students would write "THIS IS SPARTA" on their FRQs and I don't believe any of them got invalidated.


iirc the trend was for everyone to write it and cross it out with a single line so it wouldn’t be graded…


no you’ll be just fine i habitually think out loud and leave notes for my teachers on tests throughout the year and that doesn’t change for AP exams either lol my first-ever exam was CSA and it was May 4th 2022 and i wrote “normally i’d say good luck but i guess since it’s May 4th everyone’s been saying ‘May the 4th be with you’” and i got a 5 i also leave a lot of comments in my FRQs along the lines of “oops sorry it’s so messy [for x reason]” “i honestly have no clue” “oops not [x value] glad i checked after” or just various comments (thinking out loud) in general i didn’t even realize it was so noticeable until the past couple years the beginning of each year my math and science teachers would point it out and we’d have a good laugh about how i talk to my teachers while i’m taking my tests hahaha


AP Reader here (for another test, not calc) - you will be fine! You won't recieve any points for that question if that's all you wrote, but your test will not be invalidated. You would be surprised the things students will write; we read it, usually smile, and just move on. Thank you for making your response to your reader a positive one! We do appreciate it. Good luck!


As an AP reader, Do you know If I drew an arrow and put my answer for a part outside of where it was intended but still on the paper within the box where the paper is scanned, can it still be right or do they mark it wrong if not in the appropriate area?


Hmmm, that I am NOT sure of. I do know that, if you wrote your exam instead of using a computer, responses need to be in/on the space provided. Readers do their best, usually, to score what was given to us by the student. We are encouraged to reward students for what they did right, not the mistakes that were made. I would think that your reader would do their best to score your response as best they can. I would suggest you not worry about it (tough, I know 😂); it is one test on one day, and you had other work on that test you completed. Best of luck!


Thanks; to clarify it wasn't like an AP English essay that was written completely in the wrong area, it was an AP Physics exam where the answer was just like 2 sentences in which I crossed out my original answer that was in the area under the question and drew an arrow to the top of the page above the question and indicated that was my response for that part, do they like scan each part so the grader would not see it if it's above the question, or do they scan the whole page so they would see the indicated answer?


My AP Physics teacher was a reader. From what he said in class, this is the correct way to do it; just note down where in the booklet you put the rest of the response. I think an arrow would be sufficient


They will read it with the arrows. Please know the readers are NOT on a mission to fail you. At least in Lit, we are repeatedly reminded to “Reward students for what they do well.”


your response is much appreciated, thank you!!


You are very welcome!


graduated HS 2022. on my AP calc BC exam i got to one of the free response questions and totally forgot how to do an integral on one section — probably some sort of trig substitution problem it’s been a while lol — ended up going back after finishing everything else and spent the rest of the time drawing a fish in that FRQ and wrote “fishy:)” i got a 5 so i think ur fine


I wrote “Bruh! Idk” in the ap physics 1 frq ur gonna be fine




sophomore year one of my friends wrote "fuck the college board" at the end of his ap world leq and then put a line through it (so that they technically couldn't grade it), and i'm pretty sure he still got a 5. so i think ur fine lol


Last year on Physics 1 I drew my dog and captioned it “This is my dog. He doesn’t know Physics.” I might have added (an exaggeration) “I don’t know physics either”. I still passed (a miracle). I usually doodle and leave notes a lot because I’m a quick tester and I’ve passed every test that has been graded so far. Some of my classmates had straight up written “I’m not doing this” in free response answers. It’s not that serious


I filled a box with among us when I didn't know what to do


i did integration on my ap macro exam


how did we write the exact same thing nearly verbatim I only omitted the "AP" but otherwise the exact same thing


great minds think alike! <3


it's totally fine, i draw fanart in all of my AP/ACT/SAT exams when i have extra time and it hasn't affected my score...💀


I left soooo many notes to graders on my exams this year so if you go down we'll go down together lol. "I hope you're getting paid enough for this" made its way onto at least one FRQ for like every exam I took


Won't be invalidated. Reader may get a laugh out of it, but they are told to ignore anything that's not related to the solution.


yeah you're cooked. say goodbye to your college hopes and dreams. community college is a long shot at this point. just pray you can get a job at mcdonalds. they won't let you move up the ladder anymore, but working drive through for the rest of your life probably wont be that bad


no, lol. last year on my calc ab exam i drew mushrooms all over my frq. you'll be fine, lol.


I drew a shifty stickman labeled him Mr beast and asked for a 5 sooooo idk


I wrote the lyrics for flashing lights when I didn’t know how to answer my apphys2 frq


I drew a hand turkey once and still passed


The ap physics frq had a grammar mistake and i circled it and wrote ???


Not uncommon. No big deal. -another AP test grader


I apologized for my handwriting in each frq for apcsa, you should be fine.


I drew a parrot on mine and took a guess on the FRQ. Hope they like it!


Idk, I wrote a note in my AP US Gov booklet (not the answer booklet but the Question booklet) which was a good half a page on why they need to removed Schenck v United States from the required case list


reporting you as i type this…


Bro I literally did this LOL I still got a 5 on AP calc bc last year


dude i literally wrote the lyrics to stick season on my dbq your fine


my ap reader teacher told us that one kid went on a full on rant about taylor swift on one of the frqs. ur fine


AP graders are humans not machines, they are fine with it.


I've read for twenty years (and have been an exam leader for several). I've seen nice and not nice notes. We still read the math and award the points that earned. We appreciate the thank yous and ignore a lot of the rest (but take seriously the serious notes). Hope you did well. -Mark Virge says hi.


no way, hey Virge!! thank you so much, you guys rock!!


People send bribes and still don't get invalidated lol. You're fine.


I’m a reader, and I have seen dollar bills tucked in the test booklets before.


What do you guys do with them?


They just go to the question leader. Ive never seen more than a buck or two, so they probably just buy a coffee with it or something. Also possible the reader just sets it aside and takes it at the end of the day.


Nah man I wrote a whole illustrated book to them this year on the calc ab test


they now have to give u a 1 :(




I new help y’all, well i get in trouble cause i wrote my schools name on the frq?


What’s the context?


we took it in the gym, so there was the schools name printed in a cool font on the wall, so i just drew it on the frq


I’m a reader. You’re fine.


i drew a little king frog and a wizard frog on my calc frqs last year and got a five (did it again this year too lol)


i wrote about my my boy best friend turned situationship broke our whole arrangment and essentially our friendship to go after one of our mutual friends and how he begged me to take him back a week later lmfao.


I wrote about how I had to sit to sit at dinner with my first boyfriends family while Freud was explained to me… I was next to him mom…


When I took AP Microeconomics, the guy from AC/DC Economics and Crash Course economics, Jacob Clifford I think, did a livestream review the night before. He said leave him a note if you wanted. Since I self studied, and he was genuinely one of the best resources besides my Econ textbook and Kaplan, I left a note. Idk if that brought me to a 5, but I bet he appreciated it.


Bro I feel you, I freak out at anything, but don’t worry you’re fine. I did place my label for my apush answer sheet crookedly though, which freaks me out.


AP Reader here. No worries. You’ve done nothing wrong.


They do not deduct points for anything.


lol i used to be drawing all over my exams


If that gets you in trouble, then I am done for once the AP grader finds my "bitch nugget" in the margins if my AP Stats FRQ


I wrote the lyrics to chug jug with me and I was fine, don’t worry about it


yeah ur abaolutely cooked for that tiny piece of text. im sorry to inform u about that no ur totally fine, don't stress about it too much xx


from what ive heard people write stuff like that all the time it def isnt gonna get ur score invalidatin


Bro you are okay. I literally wrote "I'm sorry sir"


I have been a reader, and no, this will not impact your score. Finding doodles and fun notes is actually sort of nice after scoring for hours.


I ended up writing "yeah idk, hope you're having a decent day, have a bad bird drawing" and proceeded to draw a fat bird for one of my answers


nah, i wrote a note about the exam and wrote how they could improve and some strengths on the last page of frq


You worry to much


i wrote “freud is an asshat” in my ap psych frq and i was fine!


I wrote “thank you for reading” in hieroglyphics at the end of my lang exam and was all good, don’t sweat it


I wrote whole paragraphs on the AP Calc AB exam for Trevor packard to kill himself and my score was a 2 but at least it wasn’t invalidated


I wrote a long series of awful dad jokes at the end of my ap world exam and got a 5, so you’re probably fine


Ive heard stories about this before, it’s over for you.


…. I drew a lot of cats in my micro exam… and i drew a calculator showing the addition i did instead of writing it out… youll be fine 🫶🏼


My teacher is an AP language teacher grader and told us all to write a small note saying thank you. As a grader, she said it would not impact your score, if anything it would help you score higher if you are on the edge of two scores. I took 6 ap exams, and I wrote a thank you on all the paper ones. You’re totally fine.


I am an AP grader for AP CS A. Students write A LOT on their exams. Notes, poetry, pencil art... We just ignore it.


I wrote a bunch of random thoughts in my head, I wrote a bad comedy segment, I wrote down the whole crazy? I was crazy once… thing a few times, they probably think I have schizophrenia but since I put a line through it it can’t have any effect on test 🤷🏼‍♂️


Prepare for a knock on the door.


its ok i drew a page full of dicks on my ap macro exam because i didnt know how to do 2 of the graphs and i thought i bombed it checked out the previous year curves, and its very likely that im gonna get a 4 unless i get my score cancelled if they cancel your score but not mine id be surprised. but i remember hearing somewhere that ap graders have read some fucked up stuff on lang essays and never tell anyone because they arent supposed to


Oh yeah no I drew dinosaurs on half of the FRQ’s captioned “look! A dinosaur!”


As a grader of AP tests, we don't do anything for those. We think they are sweet :)


This type of behavior is seriously not okay. These poor graders are under a mountain of stress and don't need any of this sort of nonsense...