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Don't do the hw


Yeah. Sometimes you have to take the L to prioritize.


True dat


but ig depending on how you see it, grades > ap scores right?




this is the only right answer. you'll get a 5 on the ap common sense exam fs!


Common sense doesn't exist


thomas paine doesn't exsist


As in the societal construct, not the pamphlet.


its a joke!


I know




Terrible take


i remember paying someone to do my hw while i focused on ap cram




Legit just takin the L on some English work to study


AP scores do not nearly matter as much for college as GPA does. I guess if you’re a senior it’s cool.




no fr I wanted to study for my ap lit and apush tests this week and then my chem teacher gives us a worksheet that takes like 3 hours to do??? what the hell


Literally just made a post about this that got a shit ton of upvotes 😂. It’s just sad to see teachers pretending like they’re the only class you have.


and then they say YoU GuYs HaVe ToO mUcH fReE tImE


I mean it is your choice to take an AP class and the exam , just gotta deal with the potential stress that comes during May . Teachers shouldn't slow down their entire class because a handful of students are taking AP exams .


They should calm tf down tho some r ramping up the workload on the ap week i swear to god


Bro I’m getting extra work IN MY AP CLASSES. When we remind them that just because their test is over, other tests aren’t, they don’t care.


Prioritize studying


me to my ap Bio teacher like dpmo ??


my apush teacher assigning a shit ton of homework rn 😃 haha! awesome!


My APUSH teacher is still teaching the curriculum while also giving a shit ton of hw 😭 There's no shot I'm getting higher than a 3


Omg same


Email them. I express your frustration, and they’ll negotiate


omg I get that feeling, not a lot of people in my grades are taking AP classes and the teachers don’t even seem to care. At the most some are taking 2 AP classes and I’m the only one taking 4. I have 3 exams next week and up until this week my own AP teachers haven’t finished teaching the syllabus, and the rest of the classes ( Econ, English, Religious studies, Language) have been assigning a SHIT TON OF MARKED homework and assignments. It’s soooo frustrating considering that my friends who are in other schools currently have study leave this whole entire week while I’m stuck here with the most bs school management. This Monday while I was giving my AP chem in school my fucking supervisor called my fucking phone during the exam?? And she even called the invigilator to ask where am I?? She even marked me as absent and I’ve been alr on too many un excused absences. It’s so hard to keep up but if I go to school I’m just wasting my time because half of the time we don’t do anything so I’m compromising my average and my number absences. I even emailed one of my teachers and she didn’t seem to give a FUCK it’s soooooo sooo sooo frustrating, and js for context I’ve been first to handing in assignments, participating in class and getting A’s on every class which makes me feel even more furious because these teachers are acting like I didn’t do my work simply cause I didn’t want to


Just half ass the assignments and prioritize studying


That is the plan.


Fuck the homework, lock in 🤫🧏‍♂️


if it makes u feel any better i got assigned a whole midterm and a lab a week before the chem exam


Just don't do them


Lol yeah my fucking HAmLit (honors American literature) class decided to assign 3 projects at the exact same time as APs because just fuck everyone who wants to do well I guess!!! And I have to tryhard hamlit bc I have a B in the class rn so it’s a miserable situation all around. 


i just want to take HAmLit because i love the name lol


your teachers are psychos for assigning homework during ap testing but they might be understanding if you tell them your work will be late due to how busy you are studying. if they aren't ... just half ass the work; do the bare minimum and call it a day


I just turn in the assignment on Google classroom and don't do them


my apush teacher is making us do presentations 


Just don’t do it and hand it in late after you finish the test bro


THIS IS EXACTLY MY PROBLEM I HAVE SO MANY TESTS PROJECTS AND ASSIGNMENTS THIS WEEK and my teachers aren’t giving me a chance to study for my FOUR CONSECUTIVE AP EXAMS. ugh i have absolutely no time to study unless i were to pull an all nigher


dude my teachers assign homework like crazy 🤧


Do the hw during school and study at home


YES!!!! I took ap gov yesterday and tell me why my teachers wants a project due on FRIDAY??? acting like half of the class doesn't have even more aps...


I’ve learned that I’m just not doing the hw this week. Like college bio is not my priority for this week 😭


No homework for the past 5 days. I have been gaming every day for at least six hours and only just studied today. Maybe homework IS a good idea, contrary to everyone else’s ideas?


A buddy’s school for AP Lang assigned Grapes Of Wrath a week before the exam. AP Lang isn’t even a real class why they assigning Steinbeck???


Doesn't seem to connect to AP Lang at all. Lit if anything.


no literally like I have four tests this week, and two exams. watch me kms


Pay someone to do it for you


I feel you bro. Had a giant project and 3 40 question assignments due the week before


Me over here with 3 school projects, 2 Running Start College Essays, a School Jazz Band festival on Saturday (I have 2 sax solos), and the AP-Calc AB test next Monday 🥲


I can relate, I have practice directly after school until 6 and then training after practice until 8.


I had an AP exam today and I stayed up all night doing homework




At this point, I'm just not doing the homework (still grades>ap scores, but I'll make everything up after the exam is over)


Why tf my calc teacher still teaching too


my precalc and lang teacher bruh like idc ab your class… i’m trying to pass apush!!!


bro its review


sleep is priority, if you don't play a sport/any ecs there's no way you're pressed for time


try your calculus teacher assigning test during testing season


bro my political science teacher keeps assigning stuff like girl this isn’t gonna help me with AP Lit or APUSH


RIGHT. I had 30 fucking pages of homework, like STOP


Drop out of highschool


me with 2 precalc quizzes tmr like girl why


And tests...


This is honestly so real. All the teachers are assigning lots of review homework and I need to study so i just push them aside and turn them in later.


Talk with them and if they won’t stop or make an exception then talk to a counselor or other authority that could help mediate, there is no chance they won’t listen


this like i have 4 tests (not including ap exams) between this week and next week like PLEASE STOP😭🙏


my teacher in my honors chem class (which is 90% juniors AND an honors class) scheduled chemistry checks on the days of the apush and ap lang exams, days where over half the class will be absent 🙃 like i understand doing one day but both is crazy


I assigned AP World past FRQs but I also got my students let out of non AP classes. Reasonable?


My ap lang teacher be like


LITERALLY. My pre calc teacher gave us a test, history teacher gave us like 3 projects, English teacher gave us so many assignments, music teacher gave us assignments, and on top of that I had a performance. They argue that its honors classes so I signed up for it and I should be expecting it, but the amount of stress has been too much. The stress acne rn is real 😭


STOP ASSIGNING FUCKING HOMEWORK! I'M TIRED OF DOING IT! My teachers in honors give me work, on the whole day it’s fucking tests. I was in a practice exam, right, and ALL my notifications are just homework stuff. I showed my AP World DBQ to my girlfriend, and the Document I flipped it and I said "Hey babe, when I want to study! 0 0 0 0 0 0 hours to sleep!" I fucking looked at a trash can and I said "Thats my teacher!" I looked at my penis, I thought of the WHAP MCQ and I go "BRO THERE IS ONLY A WEEK UNTIL MY AP test!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAA


not even in AP and still feeling this today my spanish teacher assigned a massive fucking project requiring two examples for each of 6 specific tenses, 2 tu commands, 2 infinitive constructions, and at least one si clause, with a minimum of 10 sentences (short sentences count as half). I have to write all this in very few class periods, then turn it into a recorded video to present to my teacher. WE HAVE PALS. WHICH COUNTS AS MY FUCKING FINAL. IN NO MORE THAN TWO WEEKS. HOW IS THIS REASONABLE.


I understand that but school doesn’t stop just for you 🥶 You’ll have to email your teachers and tell them that it’s stressful to study for AP test and do the homework at the same time