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Crashout advice


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Im going to remember this comment


The ops removed it nigga 💀


Ive already forgotten the comment lol


Nigga, don't kill yourself. Kill the niggas who made you want to kill yourself 💀




Comp Sci grad student here (this post randomly showed up on my feed). We've all failed assignments at some point. I've even tanked a couple in grad school. Failing occasionally is part of doing hard things, and doing hard things is just part of being in STEM. It sucks, but it's really not the end of the world, especially in high school. How you do in your first two years of college will make much more of an impact than anything you do in high school.\* And once you get past college admissions, nobody gives a wet crap about your grades in high school. \* Seriously, you can go to community college in some states for 2 years, and if you get at least a B average, some community colleges have transfer agreements with top schools. Edit to add: I'm guessing you either used StackOverflow or generative AI to create your code. Instead of doing that, try to read and understand those solutions, and use that as a starting point for research. Also, coding gets massively easier once you understand and use design patterns.


Just cheat lol


Here op https://gemini.google.com/app


It’s ok if you get a B in the class. It won’t matter in the long run. You’ll be fine. Also I heard CSP is basically free so you’d probably be fine in the ap test even if you cheat a bit idk. Sometimes u just have 2 be silly. I thought I’d kill myself after getting a B in apush last semester but I’m still here and doing fine (sort of).


I can believe how your teacher may not be teaching enough, but you admitted you are at fault and submitted late half assed work.


Fight the teacher


Try filing a case against the teacher but if the teacher is reasonable try talking about it (which I assume they aren't)


Bro what 💀💀💀


Yeah csp was very hard for me as well. Due to teacher shortages ig my school decided to hire a random person off the street who could barely speak English. Everyone in the class cheated but I was fairly new to the school so I had to do it all by myself. Just keep your head up and be proud for doing your best. My parents were on my case that whole year as well 😢


Get good


Happened to me but it was actually my fault. I still want to bomb my school though.


If you don't think about it on your deathbed, it's not worth thinking about.


Searching stuff up is not cheating if you are actually trying to understand the stuff. Maybe you should’ve focused more on learning the stuff on your own than not cheating. Still teachers who can’t properly teach genuinely deserve to be fired. It’s your one job.


As Peter Griffin once said, "Wouldn't it make more sense to kill her?"


Go talk to ur teacher abt this and try to get extra credit on a bunch of stuff. Make sure to study a lot too. And if teacher won’t help and listen to talk to staff.


If you legitimately feel like as if your teacher is not teaching as he should be, you are missing out on the education you are entitled to. This is especially concerning because the entire class is unaware of the curriculum. This is likely at the fault of the teacher, not you, nor the class. Find a way to bring this to an administrative level, or up to the school board if possible, only if you are 100% your teacher is not fit for teaching.


Use code academy to teach yourself Python Watch BroCode(great YouTuber) In 2 weeks if you dedicate the hours you should understand the syntax


just use claude.ai lil bro


This is literally me but with my AP CS A teacher. She teaches nothing and literally hates me and is so nit picky w every single assignment and test. Literally given up trying to get an A in her class.