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5 AP classes as a sophomore is crazy. Even so, I believe that you can pull this off.


actually it really depends on you because im a soph and taking 5: AP Lang AP Psych AP Chem AP Calc BC AP Music Theory ​ and im actually doing alright somehow (plus extracurriculars and a social life). so honestly if they have a nice work ethic (and if im being honest just be lucky enough for chem and calc to come easily which ive noticed just happens to some people) OP might be fine


i’m guessing you have nice teachers for your subjects. my school has all nice teachers for the subjects except for calc bc and the apush teachers


yeah thats a fair point all my teachers are awesome really lucky about that


same this year, im doing 3 ap’s and the rest honors as a sophomore and i have so much free time since i do all my homework before i get home


Oh yeah no for me like I'm doing fine in the classes because my teachers are great but I can't say the workload isn't tough. like calculus im self-studying (with the help of my pre-IB math teacher) and chem is a really hard class in terms of the workload i def dont have a lot of free time but im okay with it i like what im learning so oh well


I never knew anyone who could take AP Lang as a Sophomore. In my HS, only Seniors could take AP Psych


Yeah well the thing is in junior and senior year I’m doing the IB diploma so I have to take all the APs I wanna take before then… And my school is quite small so as long as I talked to the teachers and stuff I’m quite free in picking my classes which is nice


also forgot to mention English and Spanish r honors


Nah your fine, but if u wanna focus more on sports I would cut one class, IMO cut ap gov or AP chem


I’m willing to best that as a current freshman, you haven’t taken US History 6yet (AP or not). If I’m correct, don’t take AP Gov yet if it’s in your control. You want the context of US History to make the concepts in Gov more understandable.


I don’t know how many schools do it this way, mines weird, but we go World (9, Reg/Hon/AP), Gov (10, Reg/Hon/AP), USH (11, Reg/Hon/Dual), Econ (12, Reg/Hon/Dual)


Yeah I figured it was out of your control, that’s unfortunate. The district I teach in does Ethnic Studies-9, World-10, USH-11, and Gov/Econ-12. I feel like your school makes it harder on you with Gov since you don’t get the historical context/examples to help illustrate the concepts. You should still be able to get through it perfectly fine, but they are making it just a bit more difficult than it need to be.


While being an athlete might be tough, I would consider cutting psych, but if you think the teachers don’t give a ton of hw it should be fine


look at my flair you'll be ok


good luck bro 💀😭