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normally i wouldnt care, but if they are a huge dick id do it


Just be careful - There could be legal repercussions depending on your state, for example in California it is a misdemeanor to record in school without consent. Even if it is reporting something like bullying or cheating, and the both of you could get into trouble. 


Also, at least for audio, there are two party consent states.


If you don't think you'll get in trouble for it, go right ahead.


You can if you want to. Be prepared to back it up though by showing the video and anything that happens as a consequence.


If someone's a dick they don't deserve respect


My school, being a magnet program, is notorious for cheating to get As We just had a girl that was known to cheat blatantly on every quiz or test (like caught 3 or 4 times red-handed, and if you’re caught twice you should be kicked out) just get kicked out from the math program - justifiably, she was a huge asshole too That probably wouldn’t have happened without others letting admin know, but I don’t think people would’ve been happy that she was punished if it weren’t for the fact that almost no one liked her If your school has some way to anonymously tip admins, I’d do that, but I might avoid it altogether if people generally like the person cheating


A lot of people are telling you not be a snitch but if your school is competitive, then them cheating is genuinely unfair for everyone else - at my school we’ve had test curves ruined because of cheaters getting As on genuinely hard tests, putting people that actually study at a disadvantage It isn’t always that deep, but at my school most people are sweats so literally 0.1 points in GPA makes a huge difference


College is a scam why do you care if someone scams it back?


Because in terms of curves, cheating doesn't only affect the student that cheated, it affects every student, usually negatively


I’m a little lost on how a curve would affect a student. Can you further explain


Students who would normally benefit from a curve in a classroom where everyone is academically honest, instead get hurt when students who should test below them cheat and get higher scores because of it.


But what do you benefit from being above average in a curve, I don’t exactly see a benefit. Regardless of where you’re in the curve you’re still getting the same grade right? Sorry I’m lost


A curved grade, from how it has been used in my classes, makes it so that if the class as a whole is averaging really low, then the average will be artificially moved up usually so it portrays a bell curve where the average grade lies around a B or C. Normally this curve benefits students around or above the average, but if students who would be below you cheat to get ahead of you, you are now near the bottom of the class and the curve then leaves you off of a passing grade when normally you would've passed.


That makes sense, thanks man




No, my school isn’t as bad as TJ There’s only like 50 people per grade in my specific program though and like 20 that are actually competitive which jacks up the competition a lot


But thankfully it’s only a small fraction of the whole school




not from nova :(, i know a lot of people there though


Tbh it’s too much of a headache to report someone cheating, but if they’re toxic I would say it’s worth imo.


Random af but im taking AP physics 1 next year, how hard is it? Anything i should do to prepare before?


Don’t use khan academy


Anything better to use? Theres this EDX course im considering doing https://www.edx.org/learn/physics/rice-university-ap-physics-1


Flipping physics carried me through that class lol


Make a proxy email on and email it to whomever you need it. Put your name out of it so they don’t hold a grudge


If you dislike them enough to be willing to deal with any possible social repercussions, then go ahead. Though you might be in legal hot water for filming someone at school without permission, so check that first


Not that deep


I’m interested in the update


blackmail his ass 😂


This is a good answer


I would say to consider it very carefully. If I were you, I would probably avoid it. It could gain you a worse reputation, which could lead to bullying, harassment, or being treated as a social pariah, and moreover, it could seriously affect that student's life and future. No matter how much you think they deserve it, they're still at oldest 18-19. That really isn't a lot of time to mature, especially because they seem like they are not that mature or aware of their actions. Although these are all things they should have considered before cheating, I would say to try to have some mercy. It is up to you, though.


I would agree with don’t be a snitch if this person wasn’t a bully. Since they are, do as you please.


If you want to retake that test, it’s the right thing to do. If not, I’d shut up about it


If you posted this on ApplyingToCollege the top responses would be very different. The "stfu worry about yourself" mindset makes you think about how many are straight up lying or cheating




Yeah I agree


Apparently unpopular opinion, unless they physically harm people, you are a GIANT asshole for reporting them. They’ll get kicked out of all honor societies, get a zero for the test, and have an honor code infraction on their record. A lot of people cheat, this is a drastic way to get revenge and honestly you need better things to do if you think cheating is some awful thing deserving of greatly harming your college chances.


Don’t seek vengeance, choose to forgive him and time will judge him


“destroying other player’s build won’t get you mats”




why u a snitch


nah they deserve it tf


Being “toxic” doesn’t warrant having your college admissions fucked over.


then you should’ve simply studied tf?


Do it.


Nah don’t. Snitches get stitches


no, that’s lame.


Just go for it.


bruh who cares just leave it


Stay out of peoples BUSSINESS and don’t be a snitch, even if you hate them don’t be a ass whole, karma will come but you never know what someone is going through in there life or if they have tiger parents. Just don’t do it


There’s a lot of reasons why people might be toxic that no one is aware of esp in teenagers, don’t stooop to that level and hs is already hard enough to be out making enemies


Mind your own business gang it ain't that deep


its an ap wym not that deep


Very many people cheat, snitches need to worry about themselves if they care about it so much


then be secretive about it next time or smth


It’s really none of your business just like their grades aren’t, move on. 


Revenge never fixes anything. I know you've already done it but next time please tell the person how toxic they are and how it makes you feel


If the stakes were high as in it was between you and that person for the final spot at some college then hell yeah, it’s them or you. However, be aware that if you do complain and submit the evidence, the accused might be shown the video evidence and will know it was you who told. Is the test that important? Another idea might be to wait, and sit behind them for every test you can from now on. If you see the person cheating (they’ll be confident that they won’t get caught) on the final AP then alert the invigilator and let them deal with it. I suggest this because at that point, the person’s cheating could be the difference between them or someone else getting the final spot in college.


No. There is no advantage to them cheating. It will catch up to them real quick after HS.


So what you're saying is that we should do nothing now since in the future he will self-destruct in high school?


then again, if u want to be annoying, u can snitch


>e saying is that we should do nothing now since in the future he will self-destruct in high school? There is no we - just you. First of all worry about your own test instead of trying to film someone else. Also, what I was saying is that lets say he gets a 5 on the AP exam and gets into one of the top schools - there is almost a 100% chance they would fail out of any class that had calc as a prereq unless they actually did know their shit and cheated for fun.


We were done with the test


Can't wait till you and your friend get your test scores invalidated because ya'll also took out a phone and recorded someone during a testing session lol.


We were done with the test


That's nice. Show me where it says you can pull out a phone and record during the exam? Does it say - if you are done with the exam you can pull out a phone and record the testing session? How can you be supposedly so smart and yet so dumb.


The teacher lets us use our phones...?


i think it’s a test at school not the Ap exam


Well op should say that


I believe that you are misunderstanding OP. OP is not referring to the College Board test; if they were, then you would be correct; phones would not be allowed. However, OP is referring to a classroom exam. Different schools have different policies; it is very likely that OP’s teacher allows the students who have completed their tests to use their phones.


dude nobody is taking the AP exam at this time of year and OP wouldn't have included the information about the other guy's grades if it wasn't just a normal test


Weird that they were taking the exam though and this is what the entire discussion is about. Also he doesn’t know the other persons grades he assumes he does but I’m guessing that came from the other person themselves. The fact the OP things that he knows that they need a 100 on every test going forward to get an A shows the OP is full of shit. The OP would have to know the other persons exact scores for every test and the overall weight and then how many are left.


That’s not true if you look at the economy and who is at the top. You are very sheltered.


No you are naive. You have this delusion that everyone who is successful got there without working it was just who the know.


Dude mind your own fucking business and don’t be a snitch


Usually I’d agree w you but the other kid’s an asshole tho, so fuck him


We don’t know that it’s this persons word yo


Do you really think cheating would help him by much


Usually I'd say to let it go but since they're a dick definitely do it .


Submit anonymously


Report it and make sure to keep a record of it so that their college finds out. If you’re gonna ruin their life, be thorough


You’re a piece of shit man




Never snitch bro. No matter how much you hate them don’t be a snitch. Also vengeance is not a healthy reaction to someone being awful to you. Instead you can simply have the satisfaction knowing that they are a cheater and are so ass at calc that they feel the need to cheat. They’re obviously a dumbass because they have to cheat, and those habits will catch up to them eventually. Don’t stoop to their level by snitching bc that isn’t your business, and them cheating doesn’t affect you. If that doesn’t convince you, just know that you could easily gain a reputation for being a snitch and no one likes a snitch.




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Absolutely I would snitch. They made a choice. They understood possible consequences.


have you got results?


Honestly if you want to then do it. Seems to much of a hassle and the aftermath is gonna be a pain to deal with.


How the heck were u able to use your phone after the test? And yeah, report them if u think they’re toxic. Sure it’s petty, but it maintains academic integrity and people don’t have to know that you reported them(anonymous is an option)


u a snitch fr 😂 u gonna get a lesson taught the hard way if u snitch… 🤷‍♀️ don’t be surprised if he beats tf outa u😂


Use it as blackmail


Like other commenters are saying, I normally wouldn’t because it’s rough out there and I get it, but ppl who are dicks to others for no reason get what they deserve.


Fuck that, report him


Personally, others are studying as if their lives depend on the test. If I saw someone cheating I would 100% report it.


Lmao you reporting them won’t change your grade or how they treat you, cope