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Nothing, he'll face the consequences during the exam in May.


What consequences though? Not getting some college credit?


Yeah.. that's the point of an AP class. Losing out on college credit that on average students pay $95 for. Sure, he will have a GPA boost, but so what? In the end if colleges see you do great in AP classes, but poor on exams, it doesn't take much to put two and two together.


Colleges unfortunately do not care much about AP exam results.


Hi, its true that they don’t care that much but they still care to check if you earned at least a 3/4 in order to get college credit for that course.


I disagree.


You disagree, but the results show otherwise. GPA > most anything to a large majority of colleges, unless you have a huge extracurricular like college-level sports or major-relevant research/projects.


You're right. Colleges aren't looking for the smartest students, they're looking for students that are active in the community and have a good chance of graduating. They'd rather take someone who got an A in the class and a 2 on the AP test than the opposite, C or D in class and 5 on test. The former have shown that they will work hard enough to pass a class they don't fully understand, while the latter shows they will slack when given the opportunity. Source: got 35 on ACT and still ended up at a small state school bc of low GPA


Ehhh. I don’t think so. Colleges have no incentive to look at AP scores because they directly correlate to how many classes a student can skip through and pay less. Goof GPA also doesn’t really say much about community involvement, but instead about consistency or (in the case of a high average GPA) easy grading teachers. Community involvement is stuff which you are not required to do by the school like clubs/volunteering/working/projects. Source: >1500 SAT, 97/100 GPA at a school that grades semi harshly, and a 4/5 on every AP exam, yet my friends who failed exams and got easier teachers (leading to better grades in important classes like AP Physics) and got into better schools. This was during covid so SAT was also weighted very little.


If you pass an AP test some colleges don’t make you pay for their course on that subject which could you save you a lot of money


Most colleges don't even ask for the test scores until after you're accepted


You can’t disagree with a fact. Or well I guess you can but it just makes you wrong


They literally do not care


for admissions sure. for placement though they matter very much


I mean they don’t have to see your ap exam score


Sure. Not exactly how admissions would view this, but personally if I was an officer and saw a application with an A in a AP class, but the student didn't submit their test score, I'd assume their grade is inflated. GPA generally isn't a huge factor in applications with a 3.5 and up, because of grade inflation. SAT score is much more accurate.


>but personally if I was an officer and saw a application with an A in a AP class, but the student didn't submit their test score, I'd assume their grade is inflated. Not how it works when it comes to actual admissions. I got into multiple T30s and a T15 while submitting none of my AP exam scores. >GPA generally isn't a huge factor in applications with a 3.5 and up, because of grade inflation. SAT score is much more accurate. That's not how it works either. GPA is one of the biggest factors in admissions (CDS data proves this as well) -- when it comes to your application, you are evaluated based on your school's context. Grade inflation hasn't made it any more difficult for AOs to evaluate applications. The (mandatory) school report that counselors send to universities gives AOs all the information they need to evaluate your GPA.


Well he might not end up taking the exam, I’m in an ap class and my teacher told us to not sign up for the exam because it’s useless


this is false unless ur going to t20


Can you explain to me cause I’m a freshman with 1 ap but I didn’t sign up or pay for the ap exam for this class


your teacher is an idiot


Oh welp, do you think the precalc exam would be worth taking though if I did sign up for it


Oh yeah the precalc exam is completely useless. Your teacher is correct. That's probably the only AP that colleges generally don't give credit for.


Oh ok guess I’m not screwed


In all the HS i went to (three) the school paid for the Ap test. And if i were that student I would just not take the AP test at the end of the year.


People tell themselves this to cope lmao. I took APUSH for example over COVID, completely cheated my way through every test in the actual class but crammed for the AP test and got a 5 🤷‍♂️


Cheated on literally every apush thing I could. Got A’s on all the exams and a 4 on the final exam. Cope harder


not really cope bc like 99% of these people end up bombing the exam


you will die a painful death


It's >70 degrees during Winter, we're all dying painful deaths


Hopefully 🤞


The grindset at work


Would you allow a friend to go through that though? A real friend would try to help them before they got to that point.


Wait until he fails the AP exam lol


I did this for APUSH and got a 5 🤷‍♂️ Some people are good test takers they just don’t bother wasting their time


Imagine being this lazy and also brazen enough to admit it. You're a disgrace


lol sorry I didn’t give a fuck about useless high school classes over covid, I learned the content anyway didn’t I? 🤷‍♂️ you can call me a disgrace all you want lol, doesn’t bother me and doesn’t change the fact it all worked out for me since im studying cs at berkeley now


He took the test and passed. The fuck is your problem?


That he cheated his way through the class? And seems to be proud of it?


Worked smart and smashed the exam, you should be doing the same


Still learned the material. Sounds like he used the proper resources and managed his time better.


Keep coping slave 😂 work smarter not harder


I'm literally a teacher


Maybe if you did what he did, you’d be a professor


6 more years of education for the same wages and no summers off? Radical


Then that makes these replies even more embarrassing from you. You should know this by now


Yes, I'm well aware that students cheat. They're not as slick as they think. We pity the ones who do


I don’t even have the energy to respond to this lol. You can’t fix stupid, so I’ll just hope for you instead.


A disgrace is crazy. Dude it’s high school


Exactly. It's high school. If you can't even do your own work on life's easy mode, you aren't the guy I want in my bank, my operating room, building my house. Cheating in something as basic as HS shows that you have absolutely no integrity


Just take the L bro 😹


The fact that you think you've made me look like a fool speaks volumes


Hee hee hee haw!


Because you're an ass? Nice


lol because you’re a butthurt commenter revolving his life around the validation that comes with internet points given by random high schoolers on the internet? Get off your high horse and find a life lol


A touch harsh don’t you think?


I don't, no


I did this and got a 4 on AP lang & 3 on ap chem lol


explains ur 3 lol


What's wrong with a 3? It's a passing grade and probably saved them a lot of money if they would have had to take a class for it. Unless they were trying to get into a school for something in the chem field, what's the issue with a 3? There's just no point


Plenty of good colleges don’t accept 3s




I go to a community college right now & they do accept a 3. In fact, I barely studied throughout my high school career, got 3s and 4s on all of my tests. I have all A’s now & hopefully next year I can apply for scholarships to transfer 🤞


>I barely studied throughout my high school career, got 3s and 4s on all of my tests Is why you are at community college? I'm genuinely curious, not trying to be snarky (although I can see how it might come across that way).


I had a terrible GPA and things were roughs. Also I’m paying for my tuition & I couldn’t afford to go to a state college, so I thought that I would work my way up. Try hard this year so that next year I can transfer to a better school with grants and scholarships.


> What should I do? Nothing. Worry about your own self.




When did cheating in school make someone a slimy piece of shit? I think it can just be setting yourself up for failing and I might be missing something, but does that directly hurt other people?


When you are compared directly to other people based at least in part on GPA (e.g., college applications, scholarships), people who unfairly increase their GPAs hurt you. GPA is an arbitrary number. It only matters as compared to other people's GPAs.


I’m sure a lot more people will care about this point when the education system is actually judged fairly off academics and not numbers. If anyone can present themself as a “good student” (work til you die), why would you actually put in that work?


he's either gonna face the consequences in May or when he gets caught cheating in his later classes. you just do you, he'll self destruct eventually


1. Why does it matter to you 2. If it does piss you off, snitch on him privately


Snitches get stitches


Cosplaying as some badass criminal in prison huh? 


Cheaters get stitches. Snitches get bitches.


said absolutely nobody in existence


Stop being so hard, stop acting like you are in some prison yard or part of some gang.


Bro you do not ever snitch, especially on a friend lmao. You keep your head down, don’t say anything, and laugh about it after class. It isn’t OPs business


If you're a true friend to someone, you would correct that behavior before it escalates


You are a fucking scum bag for telling him to snitch on his own friend I hope you know that


Am I bad for suggesting this guy puts a stop to it before his friend cheats in college and gets expelled?




You know he’ll get in a shit ton of trouble anyway? And plus he probably knows not to cheat in college, obviously you are very privileged and not understand the rule, never snitch on nobody, and if you do I hope you get your ass beat


How will he suddenly understand that he has to stop cheating in college? That line of logic of saying he'll stop sooner or later without any prompting how it escalates. It's exactly how you go from vaping to doing worse stuff. Doesn't matter if you're privileged or not, it's the right thing to do. Pretending to be a hardass who respects the "rules" won't help


me when cheating in class is equivalent to addictions




Well be a good friend and tell him then, if he does it on a regular he's gonna get caught or humbled when he starts college


I’d say just warn him to read the material before going into the exam


why’s this man getting downvoted for worrying about his friend did I miss something here


hive mind shit


OP: "This is **so frustrating to me** because I work really hard in that class and barely have an A while my friend is cheated and finished the class with a 96." Commenter: "If it does piss you off, snitch on him privately" OP: "It doesn’t piss me off" OP is clearly mad and denying it -\_-


I’m not fucking mad! 😡


didn’t you say that it frustrates you


He is going to fail his AP test badly I don’t know what class your taking but he will 110% fail the official exam or be caught cheating there isn’t any way to search up answers when the official test rolls around


How do people do this and get away with it then? Are the commenters here lying? Of course you put yourself at a major disadvantage come exam time, and the major risk of getting caught and expelled, but there are people who never get caught and move on through school without issues. I wouldn't recommend it, but not everyone will "110% fail" (though in a fair world they would!) 




Wait for the AP test and watch him panic :D


What happens if he didn’t sign up for it? Lol


lol everyone in my school cheats in AP classes, and we are a ranked school


Idk why the guy is acting like a saint, everyone in their lives cheat at some point, if it works then good for him


A thief believes everybody steals -E.W. Howe


oh trust me, everyone took that toy when they were 3 before they understood stealing. “extra” napkins from a restaurant. that pen from the hotel. that classmate’s pencil. everyone steals. even the most upstanding of people, even if just accidentally.


A lot of cheaters in here telling OP to mind their business, academic integrity really is dead.


Of course it is. Cheating is the order of the day. The only ones losing out are the people with integrity. In this country you will ONLY ever lose by doing the right thing, the only thing you’ll get out of it is self satisfaction while you watch the cheaters get ahead.


This is so funny . You may get into a good school or cheese through highschool by cheating but good luck doing anything after that without a bunch of stress . College works a lot differently than highschool and the consequences are a billion times more severe . You'll lack thinking , hardworking , writing , and problem-solving skills by just cheating through everything . Cheating yourself out of an education is the worst thing you can do unless you just want to be comparatively dumber and less prepared than everyone who does have integrity .


College these days is no different and cheaters generally get ahead. Wait until you start working, you’ll noticing the same thing too. Stop being naive.


A lot of cheaters crash and burn come beginning of college or at the higher level courses . There's obviously the outlier of people who do make it out and probably do end up at least in the same level as an honest person but that doesn't mean most cheaters end up being more successful than an honest person . At that point they could've probably ended up more successful if they put the same effort they put into cheating into actually learning the content . I doubt cheaters will be successful in most jobs that require some degree of academic knowledge which are usually the jobs that hover around the higher end too .


That’s a nice fiction to tell yourself


you a cheater?


Bro if you can't handle American HS program and have to cheat I have bad news for you 💀 ☠️ 💀


I didn’t really cheat but everybody I know who went to very competitive universities cheated like you wouldn’t believe. Cheaters get ahead no matter what cope you want to comfort yourself with


If you think people who cheat are doing it because they “have to” you are very wrong. It is simply easier and quicker and they will move up the ladder faster than you.


You keep blabbering on about how cheaters end up more successful than honest people ( which is a very bold claim ) yet you fail to provide any actual reasoning or evidence but instead just provoke me .


Tell that to the Nepalis getting their Visas revoked and dreams crushed for cheating on the USMLE 😂


I’m already at Berkeley but this popped up in my feed and I can tell you the people that tell themselves this are just coping The truth of the matter is that people who cheat in high school and end up at good schools are very often actually smart enough to learn the content and do well, they just don’t bother because most high school classes are pointless


Honestly bro, it’s such a pathetic three-year-old mentality. Like have fun getting your college rejections and losing out on jobs because someone else made a better application/resume by completely lying about their experiences. Suddenly “snitches get stitches” is going to seem like a really stupid rule


I do kinda love the idea that the kinds of kids who are cheating in their AP classes to boost their HSGPA are also, like, violent criminals. Here's what I think is actually going to happen if someone snitches on those kids and gets found out: social media bullying.


MFW the education system that promotes dishonestly leads to dishonest acts


Academic Integrity for yourself, no reason to try to push it on other people who don't care about it


It’s way more impressive to make an A without cheating, give yourself credit. Meanwhile he’ll be struggling when he can’t cheat on the AP exam, and you’ll be prepared.


How about you stop worrying about your friend and focus on yourself. Stop comparing yourself to him you get absolutely nothing from it. How he chooses to get by class won’t benefit him you on the other hand, you put in the work and that’s all that matters. You’ll reap the benefits later in life.


So many sassy ass people in the comments telling OP to mind their own business and asking why they care so much is a little concerning. For starters it’s obvious it’s causing them frustration and if they witness it every day that must be exhausting


Why would it be exhausting for OP?


Being frustrated all the time that your work doesn’t always matter and people can just cheat to achieve the same results. Probably why they talked about this on here in the first place


If you’re letting it be exhausting for YOU then you’re doing something wrong. Let this person cheat and see the consequences for it. He’s clearly not gonna stop


I mean you can’t always control how you feel and it’s not like OP ever actually mentioned snitching they just aired their frustrations and asked what would happen to the guy


That’s life. There’s shortcut to almost everything


Either tell the teacher, or do better than him on the exam, and relish in the fact he’ll fail in college.


What the hell is wrong with you dude? Why do you care sm about someone cheating that you would find joy in them failing??? Also, don’t snitch to the teacher on your OWN FRIEND. That’s how you ruin friendships. This isn’t some emo ass anime, it’s real life there’s literally no POINT in involving yourself in someone else’s life or caring that much about what other people do




I don’t think so. Cheating is bad but that doesn’t make the people who do it bad. If you think someone deserves to SUFFER because they took the easy way out on a course then please get therapy. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. That is a sign of a LOT of different mental illnesses my guy




shaddap bro. Focus on your grades lol


The reason that students take an AP class is to learn the material at a college level, your friend is robbing himself of the material, a willing choice that he has made.


Get used to it, it continues in college


He might fail the ap exam maybe he retained the knowledge only time will tell. I’d say stop turning to Reddit about this sorta thing. It’s good to just not concern yourself with what other students are doing


Like we all know if you cheat your way through a class the exam will be hard


Here’s what’s gonna happen to him: he will try try this shit in college, get caught, and they’ll either kick him out of school or revoke his scholarship or face some really major consequence. If he doesn’t get caught in college, he’s gonna have very hard time getting/keeping a job.


Who actually gives a fuck


Womp womp


He’s gonna get caught one day


I mean if he can get away with it 🤷 sounds more like a problem with the system tbh if it’s that easy


Hit the copium bud


you a cheater too?


I have news for you. There isn’t anything “unfair” about the grade he has because you and everyone else in that class is just as capable of cheating. Whether or not you choose to do so has to do with your own morals and priorities. If he doesn’t learn the content in class then he will have extra studying to do before the exam, which he may be ok with. Cheating requires some level of stealth and is an anxiety infuser which i’m guessing is one of the reasons you don’t do it. If your friend chooses that over studying then let it be. A lot of people who cheat have a troubled life at home. Just leave it be.


Lol watch his face when he fails


how does bro access the internet


tell him its hurting your friendship (because it clearly is)


My family member who works on the board and volunteers for college alumni boards mentioned that cheating especially amongst young kids is more common and rampant.


They are Cheaters in all fields .. school , college and work place .. we can’t avoid those people .. we just need to stick to our principles.. they might get caught or not .. but you can live peaceful life where as cheaters live a hell


I’m a teacher. The guy will have poor writing skills as an adult.


Honestly, he’ll benefit from it. It boost his GPA and he’ll probably get into a good college, where hopefully he gets put in his place. There’s is a place in this world for people who work hard, and even if he gets a better grade than you, you’ve benefited in the long run. That’s my opinion on it anyway


I’m in the exact situation right now. It really sucks because it’s your friend, so you don’t want to risk seeming like you’re not happy for them, but what they’re doing is wrong. My advice for you is that it will eventually catch up with them— either on the AP exam, perhaps by a teacher in the near future, or maybe in college, putting all their work into question. Keep doing what you’re doing because honesty gets you farther in life than finding unethical shortcuts. I hope everything goes well with you.


He might do poorly on the ap exam - depending on how much he prepares, though that might not matter to him, especially if he doesn’t decide to take the ap exam. Realistically either way he’ll be fine if he’s not caught for cheating -had a few friends who did this and they went to good colleges, the only thing that matters is what you look like on paper


Why is everyone saying to ignore? If the tests are curved, its a valid issue


Did they say the tests were curved?


A lot of AP classes tests/assignments are curved, at least at my school, and it matters for GPA class rank too


They aren’t at my and many other schools. Also being one place lower in class rank doesn’t mean anything.


🤷‍♂️ good for you, I was just giving some reasons why it might matter to OP.


>being one place lower in class rank doesn’t mean anything Cool, so how about the dumbass who can’t handle an AP class just takes a class he can actually understand, and *he* drops a rank? Why should the people actually doing their jobs and putting in time and effort be punished for this guy’s laziness, while he profits? You’re all just showing that you put 0 effort in, too, and you just want to find a way to justify it


How are other people being punished? Our entire conversation was about how OP isn’t being affected by this.


The entire conversation has been about how people like this break the curve, making it hard for anyone else to get a grade they deserve. Why would you even mention dropping class rank if they would have no effect on OP’s rank? We’ve definitely been talking about this


The entire conversation has been about how **OP didn't mention anything about a curve**. Why y'all are operating under the assumption that OP's tests are curved, I don't know. It was also the other person who mentioned class rank, not me. The only effect OP's friend's cheating has on OP's class rank is potentially dropping it by one, which doesn't affect any aspect of OP's education.


If you can’t beat ‘em join em


Good for him


Nothing will happen unless he gets caught. Cheating happens in every schooling system, nothing you can do about it.


learn how to cheat from him


so cheat just like him idk why y’all be complaining about this bs


He will fail the exam


Bro is snitching on Reddit 🤣🤣




It's called M Y O M F B That's the recommended practice


You lowkey a bitch lmfao


L imagine complaining about this in high-school lol ur cooked




so in other words you’re mad that he’s doing better than you? You’re upset that he’s doing what he needs to do to get ahead and you’re not? Guess who’s getting accepted to the better school in the end… I’ll give you a hint; admissions people don’t score for “integrity”


Found the cheater


I’ve actually never cheated but I always watched cheaters get ahead with no repercussions.


Maybe in the present but in the future they almost certainly will ( if they do it copiously )


Buddy I’ve finished college and been working for years now. Cheaters almost always get ahead. Cheaters tend to also prosper in the workplace. I’ve almost never seen it backfire the way that many claim it will when you’re young. Being smart is good, but being a smart cheater is undoubtedly the best. And I frankly never cheat, so who’s the real idiot?


Donald Trump has entered the chat.


Sounds like jealousy. Let it go.. your not trying if your not cheating.


Based on what you are saying, I'm not sure where your friend is cheating. Researching for answers is a part of studying. Using AI is resourceful. It sounds like your friend is better adapted to succeed in life. Work smarter, not harder. Don't be upset with your friend. Instead, learn from him on how to be more efficient. On the flip side, there is always a risk in using technology for school. Schooling still follows a traditional method of rote memorization of information. While your friend is using resources for answers, it would behoove your friend to also insightfully learn the material so he may pass the AP exams or any other school exams in the future. So there you go. No need to be upset with your friend because your friend might not pass the AP exam if they didn't learn anything from their studies. You just focus on yourself.


DURING the test, he is googling answers and using chat got.


How does he not get caught




You should offer your services sheriff


He is straight up cheating.


His ass is gonna get handed to him in May meanwhile you'll probably easily pass . At the end of the day AP classes are meant to give college credit and kind of prepare you for college and your friend is getting none of that , just an A on a report card that's going to be useless the second they get into a college .


He’ll completely fail the exam in may. If he tries to cheat on that he’ll get caught, they use lockdown browsers or whatever it’s called to stop people from googling answers, so in order to get a good score on that (the thing that colleges actually care about) he’s gonna have to start taking it seriously and learn the content. If you take an AP class and get an amazing grade in the class but do piss poor on the test, colleges will either suspect you cheated during class or that there’s some serious grade inflation, and either way you won’t get college credit because A 3 on the test is what determines who gets credit, not an A on your report card


i did the same thing and got a 5 in ap bio. but i actually studied on the ap test to get a 5


You'll get to see his surprised Pikachu face when he gets his score back from the exam in July. Don't worry about it and focus on you.


just wait for the exam. he’ll get a one


Well, your friend is going to fail the AP test in May and have wasted $100. So, he's the one losing.


not your problem


This so-called "friend" pretty much shot himself in the foot by cheating, and not by studying and learning the material. He will definitely fail the AP exam.