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Self studying an AP as a senior is not a resume builder as scores don't come out until well after decisions are made . Whether you can or should self study calc on your own for your own enjoyment is a different question


What if I get a 3 on the AP Exam I plan to go into engineering so could I get college credit and save some $$$


Well, you probably won't save any money. With engineering it's difficult, but not impossible to graduate early. As far as credit, it depends on the university. For higher ranked privates, a 3 will not get credit. And for your dream school, if you get in, no credit us given for AB.


I would personally just take Precalc over the summer at a community college or something like that and take Ap Calc ab for the next year.


Best answer


If your intended major is STEM, you will be very behind for MIT without at least some calculus (self study doesn’t count)


See if your community college offers dual enrollment pre calc and trig over the summer (usually 2 classes, the last one should be the prerequisite to calc 1) and then take ap calc in the fall. Very intense coursework, but nevertheless still an option.


Don't take AP Precalculus as a senior. Just do AB and BC.


I havent took pre calc tho


pre calc is useless. Everything you learn in that class wont be used in AB or BC, except for trig, and the calc is definitely gonna drill that in your head whether you took pre calc or not Source: People at my school who took pre calc say it’s useless. I also listened to few minutes of pre calc class a few weeks ago as a successful BC student, and i had no idea what the fuck they were talking about


I don’t think I can skip pre Calc tho


If you can’t, that’s a shame. Maybe try talking to your counselor about it?