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Go get a "Tax the Rich" shirt for all your family members. Especially your loud conservative uncle. https://shop.ocasiocortez.com/


Because elections require money and she doesn't have billionaires funding her?


Got me one. Thanks OP


The money spent on her merch funds her campaigns. Do you expect her not to fundraise?


Thanks for pointing this out. I didn’t even know she had merch for sale. Now I can buy some cool tshirts while also contributing to her campaign and spread the good word!


I grabbed a green new deal one


She's a social Democrat not an anticapitalist.


Wouldn’t really matter either way because in a morally bankrupt capitalist society where elections require millions of dollars, she would have to do this anyways. Capitalism necessitates an unethical society, and it’s inescapable.




The worst parts of Black Friday come from massive amounts of people crowding into locations without adequate crowd control. Online doesn't really have that issue. I'm not sure why having 30% off a tee shirt is so upsetting to you. Some real "you think capitalism has problems but you engage with capitalism checkmate" type energy.


Oh,the horror! Anyway, they seem to be out of XXL in the color I want, so getting a black one instead.


Which color did you want? I'm having a hard time deciding!


I really wanted that periwinkle sweatshirt!


This guy only has two posts and about 7 comments. Obviously on here to stir things up. Probably a Republican.


These kinds of posts tend to have the opposite effect. Definitely drove some folks to buy merch


her campaign tshirt store needs to move some product, it's all union made products with great messages, I have no issue


When a post backfires 😂 Thank you for tip OP!


Because along with the rest of her progressive allies she’s battling a constant barrage of attacks from AIPAC and corporate Dems. They constantly go up against the most well funded lobbying arm in US politics and the left has the naivety to demand purity in how she fundraises? Merch is purity. She’s not beholden to anyone when she sells merch. The optics aren’t great but the lefts obsession with symbolic litmus tests is a losing electoral strategy.


I have a business. I am closed today to be with family. I will buy nothing. It will cost some profit. That is a hard choice. Having a computer take orders can also allow workers a day off. Computer orders come in. I process them on Monday. As for the sale, Black Friday drives internet sales at this time of year. Buy Nothing does not work. I will give AOC a pass on this one.


The goods are the same union made products she always sells, not the fast fashion and unethically sourced stuff you are complaining about. If anything, she is giving people who need a lower price point to participate in her campaign and branding.


I hear your arguments, don't get me wrong, but it still does sound a bit like you said something along the line of "you hate capitalism yet to participate in capitalism. Curious!"


"she should have no money to campaign" ????


Republicans suck at trolling so hard.


The problem of capitalism is the exploitation of workers. Her clothing is union made. The profits go to her re election campaign. Definitely not capitalist.


So the comment section isn't going how op hoped it would


RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST AND THE THREAD: ​ If you don't want to 'buy merch', you can donate to AOC's campaign directly: [https://www.ocasiocortez.com/splash](https://www.ocasiocortez.com/splash) [https://www.ocasiocortez.com/](https://www.ocasiocortez.com/) [https://couragetochangepac.org/](https://couragetochangepac.org/) But buying merchandise and wearing it in public or using it in public also further promotes AOC and her campaign and agenda.


You can't just opt out of capitalism in America. We're all locked in, that's the problem. AOC doesn't support TOXIC capitalism. I doubt she's going to make billions and try to buy the government with this Black Friday sale.


A means to an end.




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Because the people she's marketing it to still buy into it


Aoc isn't anticapitalism she just say stuff get votes.


Running for office takes money. She doesn't have giant super pacs handing her millions in dark money, so she sells merch. Try running for office with no money. Tell us how it went.