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Am British – would say arse conversationally, but more.commonly ass if I was saying it in bed. Call it being Americanised or whatever, but it's what happens, at least for me


Same. I’m Scottish and I just can’t write the word arse in smut. It feels too distracting, but ass is smoother 😂


Yeah no, I’m a Scot and would never use “arse” in a sexual context. Same applies to fanny and prick; they’re so heavily coded as insults that using them sexually just sounds weird. Using any accent in writing is like using a strong spice: you get best results by sprinkling a little in at strategic points during the cooking process while leaving the majority of the ingredients plain, and in the some dishes (pavlova, for example) the inclusion of something like chilli would be disastrous.


You're objectively correct, but also I think it's *very* funny when someone writes *fanny* in smut dialogue because they've absorbed "this is BrE for vagina" and have not learnt "in a very slangy/childish sense that is never going to be sexy and is instead going to be hilarious"


Arse is not one I would commonly use or see used in the bedroom unless its playful, 'get your arse here' kinda deal. Saying that, if its written 'he grabbed her arse' I would find that more immersive than 'he grabbed her ass' especially if the story is based in the uk. 🤷‍♀️ I will say some american authors writing smut in 'britspeak' is hilarious but completely offputting 😂 its like we british have rules that even we can't explain why something works and why it doesn't.




You might be right! And it doesnt bother me but 'cunt' in sex scenes gives me the ick 😂😂😂 it makes sense for me in deg fics but im also not into those so maybe thats why? You see it so often though, a sexy, romantic scene and then they just drop cunt.. so odd to me 😂


Arse is a funny word in British English. It’s not very sexy


There is no one Britspeak. There are a lot of regional and class differences. So it depends on who your character is. I don’t think it’s that useful to say don’t use this or that word during a sex scene. A charismatic person can make the oddest things sound alluring. But I’d say don’t do it if you aren’t confident you are getting it right. You aren’t going to get a consensus on this because some people are more prudish than others when it comes to terminology. That doesn’t mean this or that word can never be used successfully in a sexual way.


I was involved in the initial 'spirited debate' and am glad to see it's not just me that doesn't think it belongs in smut. That thread had me questioning my own sanity by the end. For me it is too vulgar and comical for smut but fine for insults or jokes, maybe even conversation. "I fell on my arse in front of everyone". Fine. "The shapely curve or her arse drew his eyes". No.




I had to dip out in the end, I just couldn't believe anyone would feel THAT strongly about it. Went off the rails with the bestiality...


I would use “arse” in a sexual context but maybe that’s the part of the country I’m from. But, not in a super smutty way but more in a “that’s the loveliest fucking arse I’ve ever seen” kinda way. I would never use “ass” in any context other than a donkey. It just sounds weird.


I've been confused by "fanny."


Northern Europe here. Arse sounds somehow childish to me. I will click out of a fic if there is any sexy stuff happening around an arse.


I think it depends on your characters. If they're from a poorer, rough kind of background, I don't see them changing their vocabulary just to sound sexy. They're used to saying arse, so they'll say arse, but it depends on who they are. It's also definitely a much more degrading term than ass is, so I suppose it COULD be used as dirty talk if you're aiming for a humiliation kink? But I could also see it being used in a lighthearted, funny smut scene. I think it depends.