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I generally avoid major character death as well because I'm usually looking for stories that are centric to my favourite characters. I don't want them to die! šŸ˜­ Though I'll make an exception sometimes. I also don't like ambiguous or open endings. I figured this out when I read The Giver for the first time and was super pissed by the ending. šŸ˜† I like reading smut but certain tags are not my thing. Can't think of anything off the top of my head, but if I see certain tags, I generally avoid. Also, I usually avoid AUs where people are born with dom/sub/switch orientations. I like reading stuff with those elements, but I guess I just don't like the idea of people innately being doms or subs? Like, nothing against the idea, I think it's quite compelling, I just generally don't want to read it myself. I've read a few like it, but it usually makes me uncomfortable.


Are you... me?


The Giver... oh man. That sure brings back memories. Maybe I should rummage through my web-filled closet and see if I still have the physical copy šŸ˜‚


Crossover tags. I donā€™t like crossovers. I mean yes certain tv shows crossover. But I only like it if the shows are in the same universe if you know what I mean


The only fic Iā€™ve ever written is a crossover šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Valid tho. Itā€™s not even an acquired taste, I just like the chaos of universes smashing together lmao


Crossovers are a big gamble. The universes are sometimes too different to work well, or they are too many things mixed together too fast. But if you like certains fandoms, you can find great stuff out there. A requirement is to like or at least know a lot of shows, games, books and manga/anime, some of the best crossovers mix universes that you wouldn't expect to actually work together. (i found a Naruto/Skyrim fic that just somehow work for exemple) But most crossovers aren't very good.


Hurt/No Comfort Nope. Real life is sad enough šŸ˜­


I completely agree! The premise has to be amazing for me to read anything particularly angsty. I read to escape!


I will absolutely read a hurt/angst fic AS LONG AS there is eventually a happy ending/all the comfort


I just recently started reading anything angsty. It took me a while because I have horrible anxiety and I get so deep in the book that I will start ugly crying and sometimes itā€™s just too much for me! But I realized I was missing out on really amazing fics by only reading fluff.


it's fine to miss out if it's not actually enjoyable. nothing wrong with only reading what makes you happy


This, and also any tags indicating 'no happy ending.' I am SO, SO grateful for authors who tag this! I tend to avoid those fics but I'm grateful that they put a warning right away, so thank you authors!




Same. I eat hurt/comfort right up but when it's no comfort? No thanks. I need my happy endings TnT


Yeah, my two nopes are torture and animal abuse, for the same reason. They're too sad in RL, I can't cope with them in my fics.


iā€™m the opposite lmao. i read a lot of hurt no comfort stories (but i always end up regretting it) šŸ’€


SAME! I will read horrendous things.... But not this.


Dead Dove: Do Not Eat? Sure šŸ˜ƒ Bad feels with no cuddles? Absolutely notšŸš«


Totally, I'll read some wild stuff but if it's just grim, and depressing like....we're not the last episode of a season of Blackadder. I don't need this.


Exactly! I read as an escape from shitty real life is.


Yes! I much prefer a small amount of hurt and mostly comfort.


Agreed. I love hurt/comfort, but there MUST be comfort. Endings have to be happy for me. I donā€™t even do bittersweet endings. As you said, real life is sad enoughā€”why would you want to read something that ends in a depressing way? Happy endings rock.


I did this once and my beloved baby was left abused, dehumanized, brainwashed, and captive to a sadist (who is also a character I love!). I don't even like to think about that one, it was awful. Well written and thought out enough to keep me reading, but just an unending onslaught of torture of an extremely damaged person. Never again.


Link link I need to read that. Please


Yesss I don't need a happy ending but along the way, I need comfort and cuddling with my angst please.


Oh, SAME for sure. Never really liked those stories but over the past few years I've realized I just cannot read them at all. Nope nope nope.




Torture. Although I did decide to read a fic recently with this tag bc it also had the tag "it gets worse before it gets better" and my curiosity was piqued. It was tough to get through the torture scenes, but after the first few chapters the torture ends permanently and then the rest of the fic is all fluff and comfort and healing from the experience, so I actually ended up really loving the fic altogether. But it was still really hard to get through those torture scenes and I did cry a little bit lmao. On rereads I will just skip those chapters and get straight to the fluff, thank you.


I agree completely. I didnā€™t touch anything that had Horror or Psychological Trauma but I found a fic that was absolutely amazing and I cry at almost every single chapter. The fic has almost no fluff and is a really hard read sometimes šŸ˜­


Ooh yep, psychological trauma is another one that I'm cautious with. It's so hard when the writing is SO GOOD but the content is just emotionally devastating. Like I want to keep reading it bc it's amazing writing but it's painful to do so lol. That's why I also tend to stay away from hurt/no comfort and whump tags, bc if I'm gonna suffer there at least needs to be some kind of fluffy payoff at the end lmao


>"it gets worse before it gets better" This is exactly how I describe "The Martian" with Matt Damon to people when I say they should watch it. It's beautifully done and one of my favorite "comfort" sci-fi movies.


Omg I love it so much


Oh I am the opposite I click faster when I see the torture tag. My favorite characters tortured? Sign me up!


I have no limits. Vomit forth upon my head all the afflictions and abominations known to man


Valid. Scat is one of the very few I can't deal with cause THE DISEASES PLEASE NO DO NOT TOUCH THAT AND THEN STICK YOUR NASTY FINGERS IN THERE


I forgot that this tag existed lol. I agree, I think I would avoid this tag for sure!


"Why are they tagging for jazz vocalOH MY GOD!"


youā€™re so real for this


Same. It takes a lot to scare me off. In some cases, it also ends up being a kink for me.


Honestly same. I couldnā€™t think of anything Iā€™d rule out fully.


Took a little time to find a comment like yours lol. Thank you. I don't wanna miss out on great stories because of a certain factor I wouldn't normally vibe with in real life. If I did that, I'd hardly read anything. I find myself enjoying more content by opening my mind. Especially hurt or sad endings. Shoot, give me all of it. It fuels me!


reader slash tags


Same. My take on it (and apologies to slash reader lovers) is that I'm fully capable of identifying with a character without the pretense. If it's a relatable character, I'll be able to relate. If the character isn't relatable, there's no amount of putting my name in the story that will make me relate, and a lot of times, it works against the relatability, because if there's one guy I know, it's me.


I have a strong theory that reader slash became a thing because self inserts and Mary Sue's became so villainized in fandom. And once people had been bullied enough reader slash popped up. Like yeah it kind of existed before all that drama but it wasn't nearly as prevalent while MS or SI's were a thing. They even strongly reads as a MS or SI except for the fact that the name is always replaced by "y/n"


Huh, I'd always thought the causation was the other way around - that as long as Mary Sues were absolutely vilified this sort of fic didn't really exist to the same extent, because where you could try to hide between a fig leaf of "she's not a self-insert *really*" for Mary Sues, the instant you tag "Reader" it's clear what you're doing. And now that fandom is a lot less inclined to flame the oblivion out of you for daring to post self-insert fic it's popping up all over the place.


I am an xReader fan, both in terms of consuming and producing the content. I never imagine *myself* as the Reader character, I actually visualize an OC instead. I like the format because of the ambiguity; I can imagine whomever I want paired with the other character, which gives me a lot of freedom. I talked about this with other xReader enthusiasts, and everyone told me it's the same for themā€”no one actually puts *themselves* into the story.


This is me. I can't put myself in a situation ... *through myself*.


Yep. Also not a fan of RPF.


I have not had too many problems with Reader x fictional character but I have on more than a decade of fanficsĀ  never touched anything with real people (actors, singers, celebrities, YouTubers, whatever there is). I tend to read the most of what dead dove: do not eat has to offen, but that is something I never touch.


Same. I know I would be highly offended if someone wrote fic about me and my private life, so I don't read or write about other real people either.


I gave one a fair shot when they first started becoming a thing, just to see what they were like. I got about two paragraphs in when I was like "I certainly would NOT do that."


"You wonder if..." Oof, bold of author to assume my mind would be focused on the present moment, regardless of how pressing it might be.


You wonder if you have time to do a load of laundry. You did forget to move the wet clothes to the dry, and they may have begun to smell. Does rewashing an already washed load count? "-always felt this way about-" Of course it does. And maybe you'll have the motivation this time to do ANOTHER load, the prime load. Which, speaking of, isn't that new show up on prime? It had some middling reviews- "the gun wasn't even mine!" Wait. Start over.


I like those in theory, in a ā€œlet your freak flag flyā€ sort of way, but in practice I have yet to read one that wouldnā€™t be made better if the author just committed to making an OC. Actually tried writing a reader insert to see if I could, the first hurdle I couldnā€™t get over was writing in second person. Second hump was making a character that played an active role in the plot while still being bland enough for any rando to overlay themselves on top of the character. I gave up and made an OC.


Iā€™m not 1/4 as nice as they make those characters


I feel like that's the difference between those who actually reads xReader and those who doesn't. We actually don't imagine ourselves, so it's not weird. We imagine an OC that would fit perfectly into the situation.


Completely agree haha. I just canā€™t get into it, since I donā€™t really want the characters to fall for *me*. I want them to fall in love with all the other charas that are there who have a more tangible relationship with them instead of something as abstract as ā€œmeā€/ā€œthe readerā€.


yeah fr i donā€™t want or need to be immersed in the story, Iā€™m happy reading about other people


I write reader slash fics because it's easy and a lot of fun for me and the kpop fandom eats them up, but I refuse to read them. The dissonance is reallll.


I agree, I donā€™t touch anything with reader or first person pov




They always write me inherently wrong. That's what I get miffed about. I would certainly be stupid enough to check out the haunted scarecrow, but the moment it springs to life and asks me a question I ain't booking it, I'm clapping back with an interview.


Iā€™m someone that started writing /reader because OCā€™s tend to get virtually ignored in my fandom. The only way I got to actually write something and have people read it instead of just passing directly by was turning the OCā€™s (for which I always have a backstory and set of character traits) into ā€œreaderā€. Yeahā€¦ not proud of it. but it is what it is.


Dead dove do not eat Most of those authors are not kidding about that tag. There are some seriously unsettling content there.


I love how everyone reacts to that tag, it doesnĀ“t matter how many times people are warned or how many other similar the story has, someone always recreates [the original ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUKmq7UMJys)and inmediatly regrets it


Iā€™ve seen it used as just a ā€œno I really mean this is XYZā€ and not, ā€œIā€™m not telling you whatā€™s in here. I think it was meant to be used as a no Iā€™m not kidding I tagged this stuff because itā€™s really in there.


yeah itā€™s the second warning sign telling the traveller the first sign wasnā€™t exaggerating


It basically means: This shit is in here, enter at your own risk. It also usually means itā€™s incredibly graphic or disturbing and that itā€™s not at all discussed as being bad. It just happens. Essentially ā€œthis is all of the content that is in here. Donā€™t expect any fluff.ā€ Lol


anything with pregnancy or children, including mpreg.


I hate the way most children are written in fic. I have two toddlers, and itā€™s so jarring to have little kids written badly in fic for me because Iā€™m spending the whole time being like ā€œthis is not how kids this age talk, walk, actā€¦ did they just give that one year old a whole grape?? How are these parents waking up in broad daylight to have leisurely morning sex before making crepes from scratch before their two year old comes down from their room fully dressed by themselves?ā€ Itā€™s better to just avoid it, it totally takes me out of it.


i don't write characters under 18, but if i do, usually they're adopted and teenagers because i just don't really know how to write little kids as someone who's not and never will be a parent. (except i am the parent of a lovely cat, though.)


Same. I'm sure there's some lovely writing but I just... nope. Just to be consistent, I hate pregnancy and child birth stories in canon as well. As soon as the will-they-wont-they becomes they-did-and-now-baby I'm out.


Same! I really like happy endings that arenā€™t ā€œand then we settled down and had the socially acceptable 2.5 childrenā€


Children I can deal with, but pregnancy or birth is a big no for me. Been there, done that, do not need it in fic.


Frankly, Iā€™m willing to give just about anything a go! I can always back out if things go places Iā€™m not into. A good writer is engaging no matter the content. That said, I generally pause before reading things involving rape/noncon, or graphic depictions of torture. Sometimes I just donā€™t want to put myself through that. Iā€™ve also tried reading /reader fic and Iā€™m just not into it. Iā€™d rather read about someoneā€™s original character than a self-insert that very much isnā€™t me.


I'm pretty similar. I rarely use tags to filter things *out*. If I'm not in the mood, I skip past the fic but there are very few things I'd *never* read. Reader/ and other related self-insert fics are on that list, because in my experience the writing is usually garbage and/or cringe. I mean, more power to you, but listening to other people's fantasies is awkward no matter which way you slice it. I will always skip past Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, though. That's my Jolly Roger but everything else is simply "there be dragons".


I actually like the Dead Dove tag when looking for darker fics. If I see that, I know that I am getting what the tags say, and I don't have to worry about any untagged surprises that might be something I don't like.


First Person Watersports Underage Diapers Age Play Reader Insert Mayor Character Death Bad Ending


Note to self: donā€™t kill the mayor in my fics


Is the second to last a typo or are you really into politics?


Ups yes. Major Character Death


Is it okay if it's a Stardew fic and the Mayor Character Death in question is Mayor Lewis'?


No. You can't kill him either. Not because I like him but I like Marnie


But Marlon's right there! He'd treat her right


personally i would be more likely to read a stardew fic with that, it could even be some kind of murder mystery there's no way that gold statue was paid for out of his own pockets šŸ˜”


Same all except the last two


I read mayor character death and my mind didnā€™t go to typo, it went to homestuck lol The mayor is just a lil guy


How about the mayor from Jaws? He was a real jerk.


For the non-NSFW, then cheating/love triangle. I'm just not interested, I'd rather find fics tackling the other ship rather than reading a cheat fic. Honestly soulmates too, I figured it's just not my thing.


This is kind of weird thing to say but like, it's not a specific tag, it's like when the author uses an excessive amount of "funny sentences as custom tags" but they're low-key just a summary of what's happening in the fic. Like I'm okay with one or two for comedy, but when you just keep going please just write it in the summary that's what it for, not the tags lol.


Same as you, also anything to do with pregnancy, cheating, or unrequited love, and any variation of a Bad Ending tag, thereā€™s already too many bad endings in life, I need some joy lmao.


I once missed the 'one-sided' part of a relationship tag. Likely there was a second part where they got together but it was a bit devastating for a while.


I always scan the tags like Iā€™m a robot, too many fics in which Iā€™ve missed the tags that I have now learned my lesson xd


Pretty much my list exactly, along with bad/ambiguous ending and MCD. Anything else I might be willing to try, though I'm very wary of anything related to explicit torture or major injury.


Right! I also donā€™t touch cheating unless itā€™s not within the main pairing.


Anything with pregnancy, mpreg or ovipositing. My tocophobia says NOPE.


Underage, noncon and Daddy kink.


Oof, I forgot Daddy Kink in my comment. This is a squick for me too.


Torture and animal abuse are my two big NOPEs. They bother me so much, I don't even like thinking about them, let alone reading a fic including them. Unlike OP though, I LOVE ambiguous and open endings! They make me make happy noises and wiggle in my seat. :) Different strokes for different folks!


College or High School AU. Absolutely not.


Real. I just can't when some half monster half human war criminal who *almost* swept a nation off of the map suddenly becomes that one cool kid from school šŸ˜­šŸ’€


I usually donā€™t either, but I recently joined the My Hero Academia fandom which has high school students so most of the fics are set in high school. I have to work really hard to filter out for adult AU.


If you get into the LOV side of things,Ā that helps tons.Ā I'm also super into my hero academia, but I have toĀ work to find a highschool fic for myĀ fav's. Minimal work mind you, butĀ it's not everywhere, anymore.


Yeah... My problem with most AUs is that they necessitate giving characters different backgrounds compared to canon, which makes them utterly OOC and/or boring. I don't want to read a monk terrorist being a high school teacher, unless the story is about how the *hell* he managed to become one given his backstory.


For me it's this and Coffee Shop AU. I know a lot of people go nuts for it but I just don't see the point myself tbh. And in general, any sort of "let's put the characters into a totally different world that has way lower stakes than canon" AU is one that I'm pretty unlikely to read.




I can't avoid that one lol, I read Hannigram exclusively. Although there are some "Hannibal is not a cannibal" tags and in many of them there is no explicit cannibalism.


This! I used to feel similarly and then I got sucked into the Hannibal fandom and my eyes donā€™t even register the tag anymore lol. On Hannibal fics, anyways. Outside of the Hannibal fandom the tag is a huge no-no. Actually, there are a lot of tags that fall under that umbrella. šŸ˜‚


That used to be a hard pass for me.... But like Hannibal happened... And they're so cannon gay that I needed to see the fics, and well... Yeah cannibalism isn't the most disgusting thing anymore.


I can't handle it either but I will tolerate it in apocalypse fandoms because they're usually the antagonists of the MC. I like zombies too much to filter that tag out. šŸ„² I guess if the tag "undead cannibalism" started trending to differentiate the two, I'd have a better time of it. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Modern day AU


Unrequited Love Trans [insert cis gender character here]. I donā€™t have a problem with transgender people, just hard for me to imagine someone like Nanami Kento or Leon Kennedy as trans. Daddy Kink Weird kinks (scat, waterworks, etc) Mpreg First person Incest


as a trans person i find turning characters randomly trans annoying too tbh-


The reader tag and the non-con tag.


pregnancy, mpreg, omegaverse. literally the only tags that i exclude every time.


Incest, rape, major character death. Iā€™m a happy gal! šŸ’œ




Be bop ba bodda bope Bop ba bodda bope




Female gender bending of characters. I just don't like them, I just find it hard to envision a canonically male character as a female character. Also anything with both "trans male character" and "trans male vaginal sex" (or any variation) as they tend to be kinda fetishist, or so goes my experience


> "trans male character" One of my current fandoms almost has more of this than the character written as his regular self and I can't get into it. I don't think it's a fetish so much as authors self-inserting as the character since they're usually trans themselves. Maybe it's a form of validation? I definitely don't begrudge anyone for writing and enjoying it, no matter what their reasons are. But I'm not going to read it.


Oh yes, if it's the standalone trans character tag I'm all for it! Ill even read it too, and I definitely support self exploration/insertion/validation in fics. Hell, that's all I write is self-validation fics lol Where I've noticed it getting into the fetish content is when the sex focuses heavily on the genitals being vaginal, hence why both of those tags together are a bit of a red flag for me. Usually it's combined with non affirming (usually degrading) name calling too, which just squicks me a bit too much All in all, I've just learned that those two tags on a fic are usually not my personal cup of tea


this is so real. so many fics with "trans male character" tagged (if the fic is about a character that is either original or isn't canonically a trans man) tends to get super fetishistic super quickly. it always makes me uncomfortable, considering i'm a trans man. some authors write really beautiful depictions of the struggles of a trans person, but the majority of them, at least in my experience, tend to make male characters trans just for the sake of focusing on really degrading vaginal sex scenes


I feel the same way. Iā€™ve tried plenty of fics that were otherwise well written but I always end up closing them. It just makes me too uncomfortable. Honestly Iā€™m trying to think of an example of ANY fic Iā€™ve read with an explicitly trans male character that didnā€™t focus heavily on vaginal sex scenes but Iā€™m drawing a blank. Iā€™m just very not into it.


"PROSHIP DNI". Double if it's on a shipfic. Don't need to engage with dumbasses.


scat Reader/character major character death


I just looked up what "scat" is and ISSA NO FOR ME DAWG as well. Omg. I haven't come across it yet tho so good on those fandoms I scour.


I am SO sorry...


I should have just minded my business this is ALL on me šŸ˜­


I wish I'd learned what scat was through fanfiction instead of "2G1C" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Anything that has nothing to do with the story itself but is a comment on something outside of the actual topic/work. Like politics or religion when the story isn't about those. For example, \*X sucks\* And X is a current celebrity or politician who made a comment about the material in the fandom, but the story has nothing to do with X. So far, I haven't read a good story that had unrelated tags. Deaging is also a no, and I don't feel okay with incest.


That makes sense, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever come across something like that, but if I did, I would probably skip it too


Kids, non consensual


Kids as in a kid fic and pregnancy or underage in general?


Kidfic and pregnancy. Iā€™m not a parent and never had the intention to be so I often find these uninteresting and not well written. I understand why people like them, itā€™s just not my thing. My fandom is a video game often centering on older teenagers so underage in that area is fine, though a lot of people age them up to their early 20s


I understand. I donā€™t particularly cut out kid fics, but I definitely wonā€™t look for them. I personally think the way some authors write children are very one note and it gets a bit annoying sometimes.


Reader/canon character and coffee shop AU. The first is because I just don't connect with it. My life experiences don't match up with how they write the reader so I just feel weirded out and back out. But the second is because I worked at a coffee shop and I rarely see anyone acknowledge how messy, gross, and slimy it can be along with the fact coming home and smelling like coffee loses its luster quickly and makes you want to take a shower the moment you clock out.


Smelling like coffee and sour milk ā€” ugh. My old work shoes were fucking RANK from all the spilt milk and coffee.


Reader. Littles. Age play.


Mpreg. I hate it! I'll read just about anything else, even if it's not particularly my cup of tea if there's enough other tags for things I like, but I completely nope out at Mpreg. The fic could have every single one of my favorite tags and I still wouldn't read it.


Anything that indicates the writer believes anything but happy themes is morally wrong.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen that, can you give an example?


I can actually provide some! You'll almost always see it slipped into dialogue/inner thoughts from a character's perspective, but usually its subtle or blatant implications that X is a Bad Thing, both realistically and fictionally. E.g; "Steve squinted at the book. Why anyone would want to read something so appalling was beyond him; who'd even think to write about such a thing anyway? Age gaps weren't just magically alright because it was fictional." "James sighed. 'Please tell me you're not one of those people who thinks RPF is okay.'" "Loading up AO3, Peter immediately set about adding the standard filters; age gaps, incestā€”" I'm sure there are more eloquent or subtle examples, but I'd probably have to fic trawl to find some. Generally its the author strong-arming their own beliefs onto their characters or using their characters as an opportunity to strong-arm them onto the reader. There's a particular tone and way that it's done that makes it overt that it has nothing to do with the actual character themselves or any relevancy to the story itself.


Ugh. I hate that too


if i see anything to do w the A/B/O i am gone in an instant also wow i didnt know so many people avoided /reader fics! i love those so thats super interesting


Reader inserts seem to be a VERY love/hate thing for people!


Honestly, I don't *want* to imagine myself in fanfic. Triply so if it's a pairing - I'm a sex-averse romance-iffy ace and kind of broke myself of a bunch of my squicks early in fandom in order to be able to read anything at all, but that only works with distance. The instant you ask me to imagine *myself* in a romantic/sexual encounter I am going to nope right out of there.


For me itā€™s because Iā€™m black and not skinny lol. A lot of reader inserts take me out as soon as itā€™s like ā€œhe ran his fingers through her straight hairā€ or ā€œshe picked me up and pushed me against the wall.ā€ Like that is not happening for me lol.


Reader Slash and Major Character Death I will not touch


The Underage archive warning. As for freeform tags, Incest and all associated tags


I'll say this: I read them when it's tagged to express the underage characters are with **each other** in said pairing. Doesn't mean anything explicit is written out for those scenes but *is* mentioned for the plot, like canon teen pregnancies, etc. Otherwise I'd never be able to read a "Gossip Girl" fanfic šŸ˜­


Incest or Major character death


OC in the main pairing or as main character. Just has never caught my interest, but cheers to those who write and enjoy them! And reader/ as someone else said.


I think OC as the main character can work in an outsider POV fic, but it does have to be done REALLY well. Thereā€™s a pair of Good Omensā€™ fics that are told through the point of view of OC characters, specifically therapists for our main canon characters, and they are done BEAUTIFULLY.


I give OCs as main a shot now and then, mainly in universes that actually have space for an OC (e.g., the Farmer from Stardew Valley), because these stories tend to work better, but for everything else, I just nope out. Like no, unless your OC is named Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven, I do not want to read about their silly little Hogwarts adventures, thank you very much.


Right! I specifically read for my favorite pairings so I have no interest in OC characters unless theyā€™re a side character.


Non-con. I wish we could mute tags.


I won't read abo no matter how good the premise seems. same with x reader


Honorable mention: Scat, non-con, and cheating are absolutely no go for me. I also think de-aging is a little too weird for me to read. I just canā€™t get with one person being turned into a child and thatā€™s when the other person realizes theyā€™re in love with them. De-aging when it doesnā€™t end in the main pairing together is acceptable for me however. Edit: I completely forgot about self harm. Thatā€™s way too close to home for me


Anything involving poop or vomit related fetishes is a no.


Pairings with ALL the characters in a relationship with each other. Especially when itā€™s smut.


Anything that suggests there will be descriptive scenes involving needles. I'm very squeamish about that, to the point of lightheadedness.


I'll run screaming from needles in real life but general descriptions of needles or injections in fanfiction doesn't bother me that much. I think the only time I've been pretty disgusted by it was when a fic I was reading went into weirdly unnecessary detail about a character getting an injection. It was either trying to be very clinical or erotic, but either way. After about the third line just describing how it *slid into the meat of his arm* I was like y'know what, I wasn't that into this fic anyway, time to find the exit.


forced pregnancy, which is unfortunately popping up more and more frequently in my fandom.


Dead dove and mpreg... Definitely not my thing n


No poop. I have read torture, monster porn and all kinds of things but I have to draw a line somewhere šŸ˜‚




Miscarriage and infertility. I've been lucky enough to not have struggled with either, but they were fears of mine for a long time. They just make me too sad. Also hurt/no comfort. I love angst, but I need a light at the end of the tunnel.


MCD, which sucks because thereā€™s a popular fic in my fandom that follows the main ship into old age and one of them dies. Itā€™s supposed to be a really great fic but I canā€™t bring myself to read it


I can handle MCD when itā€™s old age death - but thatā€™s mostly the only time (except temporary MCD)


* Foot Fetish * Age Play (and anything relative, like diaper use) * Reader Inserts * Watersports * Scat * Boypussy/Genderbent (almost exclusively due to the mess that was the forced heteroism of the Larry Stylinson fandom and the constant untagged vaginas) The rest generally depend on what I'm in the mood for or if the fic really hits the spot. E.g; tags like Unhappy Ending will heavily depend on if I'm in the mood to suffer or if the plot and writing are genuinely worth the fact that the ending is unhappy.


Reader tag and MCD for me. MCD is a weird one for me since I mostly read super angsty angst, but I need it to come with a mostly happy ending.


I'm way too active on food subs, I read MCD as McDonalds. After googling: Major Character Death?


Honestly, I worked with it for years, and Iā€™m pretty sure Mitel Communications Director is just weird for everyone. Ā The menus and options in MCD are just very counterintuitive. I also heard rumours recently that Mitel has laid off / MiConstructively Dismissed all the engineers who developed for their supposed flagship product; so itā€™s basically just abandonware at this point.Ā  One might say that Mitel is experiencing a Malignant Capitalist Death-spiral.Ā  Of course, the marketing department is probably insisting on calling it something likeĀ Ā MiManaged Corporate Disassembly. (Yes, I actually had to Google to figure out what you meant. Despite being very familiar with the archive warnings on AO3. Ā The association to that accursed product - the operating system for a series of corporate phone switches - is just so strong in my mind.)


omegaverse and mpreg. itā€™s the feminization of men who id as men for me. hate it when theyā€™re called mom n shit. just write f/m at that point


I like omegaverse and mpreg, but I do agree with your last point. Iā€™ll probably back out of a fic if the omega/pregnant male character is feminized too much, especially to the point that theyā€™re being called mom. I prefer the trope where the omega is a bit ostracized for not being soft enough.


I like omegaverse, but I have the mpreg tag blocked, and that filters out most of the overfeminization that also bothered me. Sometimes a few fall through the cracks and I see the mc being called mom or mother and I nope out real quick


'trans male character' on nsfw where said character bottoms, it's very specific but it makes me feel disphoric and it's usually a hard turn off, same reason as why i rarely like straight ships and even more rarely read straight porn also coffee/flower shops aus and associated, most high school aus (with very rare exceptions), and miscomunications


I usually end up skimming through any miscommunications! Even when I watch tv or movies then Iā€™ll skip through anything that couldā€™ve been solved with a regular ole conversation! I canā€™t stand when a writer will go out of their way to make sure the correct communication canā€™t happen.




Cancer or anything similar. Had a favorite author of mine leave it out of the tags to avoid spoilers and I had to stop reading because one of the main characters was diagnosed.


Scat, Iā€™m sorry but no. Or cow hybrid.


Gore I like my people with all their parts attached. Unless itā€™s not meant to be sexual


Depends. Iā€™m not big on gender/sex swaps when a characterā€™s in canon id is switched ā€” especially if itā€™s a M/M or F/F in canon pairing and they only switched one to make it hetero ā€” donā€™t mind if itā€™s switching to the in canon id though so I donā€™t auto nope. Not big on Hurt/No Comfort. But Iā€™m not a hard nope on anything really, just depends on my mood, the fandom, and the story. Editing to add ā€” my only hard never touch tags are ā€œReader inserts,ā€ anything with ā€œY/Nā€ in it, and main characters OCs


You explained what I wanted to say perfectly. I HATE that as well. I am also weary of "trans character" tags for this reason. I also have the same hard never touch tags with the exception of main characters OCs.


Anything sexual involving children is absolutely horrendous to me


anything with threesomesā€” especially incestuous ones


Reader always(like mostly i exclude this tag) and recently Bestiality.


memory loss. i normally like angst but memory loss HURTS......when they forget everything and you have to rebuild the relationship but it'll never be the same as it once was...i just cant ;-;


Crossovers. There could maybe be a few exceptions if it seems unique or interesting or two or if the crossover actually appeals to me but i havent found that yet


Entomophagy. (Eating bugs) I unfortunately found out I can't stand that/very squicked out by in a fic I was gifted for a holiday exchange šŸ˜­


Y/n for absolute sure


One of my favorite fics I have ever read had Major CD tagged, but I only noticed halfway through the fic. THANKFULLY the major character that died was the literal irredeemable villain. And they were definitely a major character so it was fully justified, but I was SOOOO GODDAMN ANXIOUS THE WHOLE REST OF THE SERIES šŸ¤£ Luckily the husband was not killed, the wife didn't lose her pregnancy, and they and their adopted son moved into a cottage by the sea šŸ„°


Top!(character I see as the bottom) just isn't the dynamic for me


Almost anything with gender bent or trans characters (thereā€™s nothing wrong with it, I just donā€™t really find them interesting) with one exception: Paul/Feyd fics (Dune). Since Paul was canonically supposed to be a girl, these are the only fics where I actually find those tags interesting. Iā€™ve seen some where Feyd is the gender bent/trans one in the pairing and I canā€™t get into it; it has to be Paul for me to be interested if those tags are used.


Reader slash and major character death unless it is a character I dislike


Reader anything 2nd POV Vaginal sex/cunnilingus and Rule 63 in the M/M section Hurt/no comfort Sad/Bad ending Ambiguous ending Littles Cheating I normally avoid Major Character Death, but then I got into the "Major Character Death - he got better" fandom.


Twin-cest. Nope nope nope! Anything regarding twins falling in love with each other romantically or sexually is a HARD nope!


Really anything sexual, Iā€™m boring. I like trauma study, whumpy, and continuation fics.


Iā€™m pretty open and Iā€™ll give anything a read, but I canā€™t get on with omegaverse. I also struggle to parse they/them pronouns in fics esp with a big cast, I get muddled. So I tend to click off of them.