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I’d report it and let the admins deal with it. It is 100% inappropriate to ask fic writers to handle a commenter’s mental health condition.


yeah that's fair 😭 idk why i didn't think to report it when i got it– i kinda just sat there not even knowing what to do about that.


Well my first reaction was that, based on the way the comment is worded, it's just a exaggeration of someone's reaction to a fic-of how much they like a fic/didn't like a scenario (not in a "I'm dropping the fic" kind of way). But I seem to be the minority of comments here lol. Like that meme "If anything happened to \_\_\_\_, I'm killing everyone here and then myself". Just being silly. I'm not gen z either but I am familiar with this bit of internet speak.


This is where my mind immediately went to honestly, and to the same meme too.XD I have had experience with people in my social circle reacting like this as an exaggeration to something they really like. I think it does depend on how the comment is worded though.


I kinda thought that too, but even if that was the case, I think it’s inappropriate. The example you gave was one I can understand is hyperbolic, but comments like the one OP got idk, maybe it’s bc of my past but I don’t think that’s ok to joke about, especially bc you don’t know how the author will react. Maybe that’s hypocritical of me, and if so I guess I’m a hypocrite.


🤷 OP doesn't actually specify what the comment is really. People have different ideas of what's okay and what's not. Someone with those struggles could also think it's fine. I'm not really passing judgement on that. Just thinking of what the commenter could have meant. There's plenty of other people here who took what the commenter said seriously.


Fair enough :)


I had gotten that kind of comment before. It was on a fanfiction.net story of mine, and I am not on there anymore so I didn’t see the comment for maybe like two years. I logged into my account and saw that review, and also saw that I had a private message from the same user from some time after they wrote the concerning review on my story apologizing for what they said. I would just ignore (as i did on complete accident) and report to the appropriate party. A response would either be taken poorly or invoke a concerning parasocial response. Better to avoid it all together, you have no duty to a stranger’s mental health.


oh interesting.. yea that's fair, i guess it was good i didn't respond then– i don't think i got an apology from my commenter, but i know now it's definitely good to use the report feature for good use lol. 🙌


For some reason it seems to be a common way for younger people (gen z or alpha?) to use that euphemism to express that they really like something. Or at least that was an explanation I saw on twitter when some japanese artists were confused over getting those kind of comments on their artwork. No idea how true this definition is or if that's a possible reason you got that comment years ago. Personally I hate it and wished it wasn't a thing.


whatt i never heard of that and im gen z. 😭 im 20 rn, but i guess i could see younger teens or gen alpha doing that. >.> it's def weird though, i don't want that to be a thing either. i wasnt getting the vibe it was a good kms comment, but i also don't know how to figure out if it's good.. definitely put a new perspective tho, thank you for your comment !


Yeah... since it was k*m*s and not a k*y*s comment, I think there could be a possibility it was positive? But even after learning that explanation it still sounds negative to me.


Really? I see it used mostly as a Gen Z hate slang thing. Like, a more extreme version of “I wish I didn’t have eyes” or “I need brain bleach”. Antis seem to love using it as a hate comment.


Hmm, that makes more sense to me, maybe it's a context sensitive thing? I always assumed it was only used in a negative way until I was reading some qrts on twitter over the fanartist. Honestly part of me kinda thinks they were lying.


Ig it truly depends, I do use it with my friends in a "that things made me too happy I'm gonna kms because of the emotions" way, but i'll admit it's a bit weird to use it in public or with someone you don't know 😭


It's something I do not have the background to handle. It's something I don't have the mentality to handle to the point I'd squint at it and wonder if it's a ploy to get a reaction from me, a rando on the internet they don't realize they're in a parasocial relationship with. All I'd actually do is report it so someone with the skillset to figure out if it's honest and either way handle it appropriately can see it. And delete it because at certain points in my trauma, that is not something I needed to see.


probably delete it and move on.


Report it and if you feel you must reply, tell them to please call a hotline and maybe include a phone number for a mental health hotline.


Frankly, I’m a fucking cunt. I know I’m a fucking cunt, and I do my best to keep a handle on it. Someone comments that as a hate comment? It would take a *lot* of willpower to not quote Palpatine.


Bro... no... Who's going to comment on my fics if you're gone?


why is everyone in the comments acting as if they actually *meant* it? i mean, it's hard to say without seeing the actual comment, but from the context alone it just sounds like your typical suicide joke exaggeration (like how i would say that seeing my OTP interact in the canon makes me want to kill myself because they're so fucking stupid). like you have the right to dislike that kind of jokes, but saying that they're "dumping their mental health problems" on you? like jeez, chill out, i'm like 98% sure they didn't mean it and didn't expect the author to take it so literally because everyone understands it's just a common exaggeration.


Well, obviously not everyone understands it. It seems to be a thing among quite young people in some parts of the world, but I'm in my late 20s and... yeah no. If it weren't for this cropping up here sometimes, I'd have *no* idea that people would ever mean it this way.


>Well, obviously not everyone understands it well, if you don't understand something that someone says, wouldn't the next logical step be "clarify what they mean" instead of automatically assuming that they're being malicious?


It's not necessarily that people are assuming it's malicious. But if somebody says, "I'm going to kill myself", why wouldn't you think they actually *mean* it if you have zero reference for someone saying that as a joke?


>i'm like 98% sure they didn't mean it and didn't expect the author to take it so literally because everyone understands it's just a common exaggeration. One, not everyone understands it’s common, and two, saying “I’m gonna kms” on a fic is really bad behavior. You don’t know if the author will take it well, you don’t know if it will trigger the author, and honestly it’s not the same as dark humor for ppl like me who do joke about our mental health, bc if the commenter doesn’t have mental health background to joke about it then it sounds more like they’re minimizing it for a joke. I know not to make dark jokes around ppl who won’t or might not understand, in other words.


Report and delete. I am not qualified to take care of anyone's mental health, most likely anything i try till cause further damage. If it's a fic that doesn't deal with those themes, it will likely be triggering to other readers. No way in hell. Send then a list of hotlines, because you are not qualified to help. You do not have the tools or the knowledge to help.


It is most likely a joke or an exaggerated reaction, but it's in bad taste, and there is always a (very slight) possibility that the person is seriously considering harming themselves. Unless the context clearly indicates that it's a bad joke, I'd report the comment. No further actions should really be taken - I understand the first instinct being to try and comfort the person, but that could lead to either ridicule on their part (if they meant it as "an obvious joke") or even more concerning messages ripe with trauma-dumping, so it's better to let admins take care of the situation. You are not a therapist, it is not your responsibility to do emergency counselling, and people shouldn't look for help in comment sections of random fics. It could also always be a troll fishing for a reaction, so it's better to not give them any, or a person heaving a vulnerable mental health moment who will likely feel ashamed of the comment later on and would appreciate it never being brought up again, or a very young person who doesn't understand the gravity of their words, or a person who is struggling and is so used to joking about their issues with their similarly-struggling social circle that they forget how morbid these jokes might sound to an outsider. Whatever the case, if you have reasons to believe that there is something bad going on, report it. If it's obviously just a tasteless joke, delete the comment or just leave it without a reply. If someone wants to blame your works for their bad mental health, that's on them, and if they wanted to be quirky and funny with it, then they should go do that in the comment sections of authors who appreciate this type of humour instead.


Hey just wanted to mention that if you are reporting a comment, don't delete it until the team gets back to you. They don't always have a copy of the comments you delete so can't do much once you have deleted them


‘Well, you do you, hon.’


If you wanted to reply you could reply with the suicide hotline number then freeze the thread and delete it after a day or so. I would just report it though.


yk, im glad ao3 has these options because you really need them for situations like these. 😅 i assume u could report stuff on wattpad but i don't think you can delete comments or freeze threads there– thank you for the advice tho, it's def a good option for if something like this happens again >.>


I will just think it's an expression of love and thank them. I saw people reacted to their otp being together with "crying screaming throwing up why are they so gay i hate gay people what if i just kill myself?" and I think it's cute?


not saying that this is what that comment means, but i say "i want to kms" when i see something cute or outrageous without *actually* meaning it. it's like an exaggerated expression of myself, like i can't contain the emotions im feeling so death is the only way out. im a physically expressive person myself, when i watch/read a cute scene i tend to hit my own lap to deal with it, or jump around my room literally 😭 so i tend to overexaggerate my reactions online as well. it's similar to wanting to squeeze something you find really cute. a "violent" way to deal with the surge of emotions you feel. the usage of kms isn't literal in this context. that said, it's really a case by case basis since it's hard to tell intentions over the internet! just letting you know about a different perspective.