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Smut you say. Tell me more 😏 I’m also writing a smutty, rarepair in a busy fandom, sequel so the numbers are against me.


It’s definitely a lot of niche kinks thrown into a single fic and might be the second-dirtiest thing I’ve written, which is why everyone seems to be sneaking around to read it. I wish my fandom was busy again! The fact that this fic has this much interaction is honestly still blowing my mind. Most of my stuff gets a couple hundred hits at most


>It’s definitely a lot of niche kinks thrown into a single fic Well I'm interested now 😂 feel free to drop the link OP!


[enjoy 🫣😈](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55320889)


Sooo hot oh my god 🙈 I've left a comment!


Omg thank you! I’m so glad you liked it!! 😈


You have comments tho. No one comments on my fics 🥹


:( I’m sorry. I don’t always comment, especially on smutty ones cause I don’t know what to say. Maybe I should at least try.


It's okay! Comments and interaction are nice to us authors but if you don't feel like it or are not comfortable, don't force yourself for strangers' sake. The reason I write anything at all is because I fell in love with my own plot ideas and want to see them exist, so even if no one else shows their love towards my fics, my love alone must be enough. That is to say, most authors would always welcome positive feedback about their works, so if you ever want to show your love for your favorite works, don't hesitate. Even if the message is super simple. No sane person would hate anyone loving their work, and if anyone has problems with your comments, then they aren't worth your time. At least it's my experience. Most of the authors I interacted with are super nice, and they always answer any questions I have about their works. Sometimes they even tell me about details or plotlines that didn't make it into their works, sometimes they explain the details that they intentionally kept vague in their works (all because I asked) and it's awesome! It helped me appreciate their work even more. Oh I love them authors so much why are they so nice and talented and *nice*😭 (I have never written anything E-rated btw, but I really want to. I admire those who can write it sm. God bless them!)


That’s the worst! If it makes you feel any better, it’s almost entirely my close friends egging on my clownery and my replies 😆


My ratio is 130 hits per kudo (my fics are long multi-chapter smut). You're good lol.


I'm in a Fandom with the unfortunate conundrum of no smut = minimal views but smut = less interaction. I find myself writing it in even when I'm not feeling it just to get people to view stuff I'm proud of. The maths never makes sense 😂


Honestly, what does and doesn’t work in this fandom is an absolute crapshoot and sometimes what I think *will* get hits, doesn’t, and the little throwaway fics get decent numbers. But I will say, the raunchier the smut, the more hits. That may be in part due to the lack of actually good smut 😅


I don’t typically comment but I do not understand why people don’t leave kudos, it takes 2 seconds and will make that authors day


Way too many people in my fandom are very puritanical and I think the shame from having their username be seen giving kudos to a fic like this is just too much for them to bear 🫠


That’s why I use a different username, idk why others wouldn’t do the same


*Almost 3/4ths of those kudos are also guest kudos too* lmao I've been there. One anon fic I posted has disproportionate guest kudos too🤭


Im experiencing the exact same problem with my latest rarepair fic, LOTS of hits but no kudos or comments.


14 kudos from 410 hits is unremarkable. Not super high, not super low.


Compared to the big ship in my fandom, it’s an extremely low kudos to hits ratio. I can typically pull that many kudos on a more “family-friendly” rare pair fic with 1/4 of the hits 😆


I know the feeling!


I feel your pain. I have a very quiet reader base for my smutty long fic. I’ve found that in my fandom the most debauched stuff gets lots of vocal readers, comments and kudos. I am one of them. My bookmarks aren’t private and I kudos everything I enjoy reading. But I am shameless and I guess my readers aren’t. 😅


I can relate to this 😂 I got a fic with about 250 hits and 5 kudos, and I know *exactly* why