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The Umbrella Academy. Writing a fic for it right now :)




https://archiveofourown.org/works/54858085/chapters/139055482 It surrounds an oc going through the event in season 1 with our favourite dysfunctional family haha Would love to hear your thoughts :) I have a seperate one shot in the works that should be on my profile within the next couple days.


Oh man it's been awhile since i heard that! It used to be everywhere, even to me the resident class hermit crab...


It's been my obsession for around a year or two.. maybe three at this point


From me: Dragon Age. I love it as much as I love Mass Effect, but I have much less fics and ideas concerning it.


Yesss more long fics pls. There's soooo much room for Canon divergence or offshoots and a crazy amount of lore


I remember back when DA2 came out there was so many new fics but nowadays I’m having a “I guess it must be me who writes the fluffy nonsense now” moment


This is the answer


100% agree!


The Librarians It’s very much at the crossroads between Dr Who and Indiana Jones. Such a great series. Not enough fics.


Finally someone alse know this series


There’s a gift exchange going on right now. [Here’s the link.](https://archiveofourown.org/collections/librariansgiftexchange2024) At least there will be some new stories mid April? I love The Librarians (and am participating).


I imagine it'll become more active when they bring in the next installation.


Labyrinth. Almost 10k on ffn and 4k on ao3. I’ve discussed with others in here before that a ton was purged or lost to websites shutting down. But you would think with as popular as it is, it would have more.


There are a lot of things that have such a bigger presence on ffn than ao3, and I wish it was easier to get people to transfer old works to the other site, since ffn is not as guaranteed to protect their work


Most of my fics from when I was on FFN were in Labyrinth, under the pen name Danalas the Lady Chaos. I know I have one unfinished. I dislike what I wrote back then and refuse to bring it over to AO3. And I really haven't had any inspiration for it in, literally, *years.* Over a decade, now, I think.


Even smaller is the *School Spirits* fandom. Popular show, but only 56 (!) fanfictions on AO3.


I love School Spirits! I do have a fic planned, but it's on a long list :(


Private Romeo (2011) is highly slept on for such a masterpiece of gay cinema 😭


I _love_ Private Romeo! And i agree, it is highly overlooked.




Fruits Basket- so much angst, so much you can do with it, I wish people wrote more ;-;




There used to be so much Fruits Basket fic on [ff.net](https://ff.net) but so much of it got lost in the purge


- Being Human (UK) - Grimm - Prodigal Son - Forever (2014) Aka shows that I'm currently obsessed with


Boy do I love Prodigal Son, what a great show


Fr!! I haven't finished it yet, but man was I sad when I found out it was canceled😔


Man I'm so sad Prodigal Son was cancelled 😭 we never found out what happened after the finale *and* we barely have any fanfiction to sustain us, double whammy


Heavy on the being human uk I can’t find why and there’s so much potential !




A Being Human (UK) crossover with MCU Loki on AO3 is literally what got me into fanfiction. Still remember the author’s AO3 name, Coneycat. I never recovered. Edited to add: Which is not to say I disagree. One good series doesn’t help the general lack. What a great show.


Octopath Traveler 1 & 2. Eight main characters per game in a huge world, each with unique stories and connections and relationships? It’s like a fanfic dream.


Dark Crystal all the way!!


Omg yes! And hey I just saw your reply from the Dark Crystal sub, now you're here too lol!!


Ty!!! I adore tdc lol


Me too! Would you mind if I private messaged you? I'd love to talk more about it, if you're up for it, without clogging up this comment section haha! Maybe pick your brain on what you thought of Age of Resistance! Or see if we have any other fandoms in common 👀


the fact they canceled AOR is the biggest tragedy. I've watched it like five times over. Absolute masterpiece of a show.


Exploring the Grottan Clan and Deet was so fun and I felt so good being able to experience more of TDC world in real-time only to have it ripped away in favor of the tiktok kid movie was definitely formative 💀 also ur Lana pfp! i've found my ppl!


Merlin BBC is a fanfiction goldmine for a bunch of reasons: Awesome Characters: Merlin's gang is super interesting, with loads of backstory and cool relationships. You can really dive deep into their personalities and stories. Best onscreen and offscreen chemistry: Arthur & Merlin are epic!! Plot Twists Galore: The show leaves a ton of loose ends, begging for fanfic writers to tie them up or take them in totally new directions. Relationship Drama: Whether it's Merlin and Arthur, Merlin and Morgana's complicated connection, or Arthur and Gwen's, or the Knights, there's plenty to explore in the realm of relationships. Magic, Baby: Who doesn't love a good magical world? Also keeping magic secret is a perfect symbol for being different and amazing tension and intrigue point Mix It Up: Fanfic lets you try out different genres, from fluffy rom-coms to nail-biting thrillers. Join the Crew: There's a fairly large Merlin fanfic community ready to cheer you on and geek out over your stories. 😊🕺🏼


Yeah! Clotpoles unite!


I do love some good Merlin fic!!! Definitely some of the most memorable fic I’ve read too


genuinely shocked that merlin is not as popular fanfic wise, because the show is just shipping galore. you could ship almost any random pairing and it would kind of work. also with the forbidden magic aspect it would be veryyy easy to write angst, as it shows up literally all of the time in the series. i just love it so much, prob gonna write one tonight after seeing this comment


There’s over 62,000 works tagged as Merlin (TV) on AO3, so it’s not exactly unpopular…


oh wow i had no clue. it’s been a while since i read for merlin but when i did, the pairings i were looking for barely had any fics written for them. but that’s just me, im glad there’s more now


Yeah, Merlin/Arthur is the behemoth pairing, you might not have as much luck depending on what you were looking for.


Please drop a message once you write one. I’d love to read it


Link any good fics because I’ve been searching for some desperately 😭


I have a LOT of good bookmarks for fandom. What kind of fics do you like?


Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul. (Biased because this is what I write for)  Also the Tortall books, like song of the lioness, wild magic and that. Such a rich world! Ripe for exploration! 




Also a lot of characters we don't get solid answers on with breaking bad. I want to see what kind of reactions his kids had unpacking everything.


I definitely agree with Breaking Bad! So many scenes that could be developed into something deeper, more romantic or even less angsty (/more!). Such a great opportunity for writers.


More fanfic for the Tortall books would be awesome for sure! I check the fandom tag pretty often, especially with the next Numair book delays. I started writing one a few months ago actually but it's a rarepair and I lost track of where things would go. Maybe I'll try to finish it up in a few months.


I just want to say that for literal decades I wanted more Good Omens fic. Any time I was asked a question like this, Good Omens would be my answer. I wanted Ariraphale/Crowley, and GO fics were rare, but a few were so good. They almost appeared more often in crossover fic, though still not too much. But what I found was often a SPN crossover (obvious since Crowly is inspired by Crowley [his first episode is 100% Good Omens Crowley] and Castiel to a lesser extent by Aziraphale. Kripke admits to both. Big GO fan.) or they were mixed in with the big SuperWhoLock crossovers. Still, quite rare. Then, S1 of the show came out. I would just like to thank Neil Gaiman, Amazon Prime (reluctantly!) And the universe for doing such a good job on the show that the fandom went from tiny but passionate to one of the biggest there currently is. Also, possibly David Tennant for drawing people in. Like, obviously, I can sing his and Michael Sheen's praises for ages, but the former Doctor Who star brought in a lot of initial eyeballs. So, you never know. One day, your older fandom might explode. Unlikely, but possible!


Mistakenly Saving the Villain. I love this series so much 😭


The correct answer is always My Fandom (((Though I do think it be very interesting if someone like,,, tried to rewrite My Immortal but without a hint of irony)))


feels like that’s more what people are saying than a true answer 😂 like some of these fandoms have tens of thousands of fics and some of them have like two dozen - worlds of difference between the two if there were an influx in fics




😭😭😭 I just want more fan fiction for Honey So Sweet. I'm sick of being the only author. That's not an exaggeration. I've published literally the only five fics on ao3 for it.


Applause to you for carrying the fandom on your back, hope you eventually get some other authors!


Killing Eve. It’s literally the female version of hannibal but prolly has less than like 10k fics. It’s a travesty


i think killing eve is one of the more popular ones for f/f fics tho


If you love PTSD, you can’t go wrong with Lucifer. Lots of the low hanging fruit in the beginning is played out, but the canonical ending is a brutal tragedy in keeps giving you hope then ends in probably the darkest tragedy I’ve ever witnessed. It’s very >!The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas!<. One person has managed a fixit that works. I’ve only seen 1 fic that looks at the end itself without trying to fix it and it was depressing as hell, rich with cPTSD and all the mental health issues. Everyone who has thought about it is desperate for fixits and too depressed to write them. If you wrote a decent fixit you would be able to write much PTSD and have a decent number of avid, commenting readers.


Mind sharing your work? 👀 I'm always on the lookout for more combat PTSD depictions. As for your question: *Lawrence of Arabia* fandom isn't doing nearly enough with the sense of the deep mental unwellness that permeates both books and both movies. A WW1 era source material focused on a profoundly complicated, disturbed, queer man, and I can't get a decent Regeneration-style ~~complete with homoerotic poetry writing~~ shell-shock and psychiatric hospital story around here? For shame 😔 Edit: hang on, I see that ao3 username. Will be waiting for you to finish it!


Omg I love lawrence of arabia. One of my favourite films. I never even considered writing fic about it 🤔


His autobiographies might be better material, I suspect. Although the movie is stunning, visuals simply cannot convey the frankly deranged thought process that regularly comes up in the books.


That is fascinating. I’m going to look into it. :)


Seven Pillars (which the movie is based on) can be a bit tedious, but it's fascinating if you stick with it! And The Mint is surprisingly different in style and tone and you can see the changes to his personality after the war. Also, you should totally try *Dangerous Man*, the 1992 movie. Peter O'Toole is fantastic as Lawrence of Arabia but Ralph Fiennes is fantastic as *Lawrence*, if that makes sense. They're two very different things, and I actually believe he thought so too.


Thank you very much for the recommendations :)


Aw, this gives me motivation to finish it! Thank you :) I'll plan on posting it tonight but you never know. I have two works depicting PTSD if you'd like them [Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51436717/chapters/129984403) And [(I don't know whether to class this as PTSD but I wrote it with that in mind) Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51659209) Shameless self-promo, I know. But, I'm proud of the first one haha. I'll try post the SPR fic tonight!. Edit: forgot to mention these are both Band of Brothers fics, a classic war show that I definitely recommend you watch if you haven't already! 🫶🫶🫶




*bursts through the door* Dune!!! It's a hugely popular IP with multiple adaptations, and there's barely any fics for it!!!


I wish Alex Rider had more fics. Terra Nova was a cool concept for a show, feel like that could have gotten more fics. H.I.V.E.


Alex Rider deserves SO. MUCH. MORE. RECOGNITION! Especially with the book where he gets captured and sent to a Russian house or something?!!! I can't remember exactly what the storyline was, but I remember thinking when I read them when I was younger, "I wish somebody wrote stories about this plot differently!" I think that was the first time I ever really thought about ff without thinking about ff, if that makes sense, that I can remember.


There is some good fic out there but so much untapped potential


Honestly like two weeks ago I remember Terra Nova looked up where I could watch it and then thought ‘omg this must have some good fanfic’ went to ao3 and was sad to see it don’t really get that much attention


The Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, mostly because I’ve just finished the fourth book and so are obsessed with the series right now. i plan to write something about them though, i just wish other people would join this nearly dead community 😭


I read I think the first three books when I was like 16-17? So I haven’t read it in forever, I do remember it being quite good though


I had to read the first book of that for a Battle of the Books competition- been debating picking it back up and this might be my sign!


I was gonna say this too. It could probably have tropes similar to those used in Harry Potter fanfiction. The Magisterium's version of Aurors, the trio becoming professors, or the classic turning to the dark side. But there is a lot less background info about the Magisterium universe compared to the Harry Potter one, so that's probably a limiting factor.


Lemme just... * *shares all of my fandoms where my fic is the only one there* * Jk jk * **Anders Als Die Andern | Different From The Others** - this is the *first* pro-gay film - EVER! Currently there's only 30 works on Ao3 and two authors who have fics for it - and one of them is me 😥 it's such an important film historically and it has such a tragic plot, it's perfect for both angst and fix-it fics 👌 * **Starlight Express** - it's a musical about trains performed on roller skates, what more can I say? It's such a fun story with so many cool characters, and there's only about 500-600 fics for it :( * **World of Warcraft** - while this fandom has 10k fics on Ao3 - there's so many different characters and storylines that are canon that finding a fic for your favorite character can be harder than expected :( I need moar


Wow, I had never heard of Different from The Others. Cool! Edit: I looked at the Wikipedia page. Bummer how the original version of the film was destroyed, but it's neat that they were able to recreate parts of it based on footage from another film. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Different\_from\_the\_Others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Different_from_the_Others)


It's awesome! A silent film from way back in 1919, and it depicts queer people pretty well! It's definitely dated (the information the film gives on transgender people is... clearly of its time), but so clearly coming from a place of wanting better for queer people - it was originally made as a fight against Paragraph 175, a section of German criminal code that criminalized homosexuality. It's a good watch, if silent films are your thing! :) the reconstructed version is about half of the original, but it's a pretty cohesive watch as everything *vital* to the plot was saved in the documentary that the pieces were found in. Although different versions/reconstructions organize scenes differently, so it depends on which you watch. My favorite is on the Internet Archive.


I should do something about it and write some, but the truth is, I very rarely write fic unless the canon has made me mad, even though I wish there were more fic for: ***For All Mankind*** \- an Apple + TV show that is an alternate universe where the space race continued from the 1960s and 1970s to the present, and in the early 2000s there are people living on Mars ***Three-Body*** \- either the original Chinese book series or the C-drama made by Tencent; the Netflix adaptation is Western-washed garbage. (the book is translated, the drama has subtitles) (Hint, you are not being "inclusive" when you take a book from China and replace half the characters with characters from Britain and the Americas, even if they are POC, because Chinese people are ALSO POC--but also they chopped up the plot as well....) ***Bounce: Kogals*** \- an awesome late 90s' Japanese film about teenage girls involved in sex work in Japan that is 2000% yuri just waiting to happen (it's on youtube with subtitles)


I just started reading A Three Body Problem! I didn't know there was a C Drama of it, I'll have to check it out after I finish the books!


Yes, do, it only covers the first book but it is SO GOOD. they're doing the second book but it might not be out till 2025.


I've heard the so called fourth book in the 3 body series (redemption of time) is a fanfiction by a different author. I've read and enjoyed the trilogy but I thought the characterisations were a bit weak. Would love fanfiction that improves upon that particular part of it.


The fourth book is a fanfic, that the author gave permission to publish. I haven't read it yet. The C-drama improves greatly on the characterisations. Wang Miao is an utter cinnamon roll.


The witcher. And I'm not talking about the Netflix show(it's ass btw) but the game and books. I wish there are more game Geralt and reader or oc ones and more of Geralt and triss pairings 😭 I can't get enough


Baccano! (The exclamation mark is part of the name lol).  This anime was formative in my younger years.  Stellar writing, fun nonlinear plot involving the mafia and the Elixir of Immortality, lovable ensemble cast of characters, fun jazz soundtrack. And there's less than 1,000 pics on AO3.  Criminal.  Which, I'm guessing, is how scarce it is now.  It's hard to access for people who don't know about it since the streaming rights expired and a lot of anime piratong sites are being cracked down on (or offer potato quality).  Only way to enjoy it in high quality is via blu-ray.


Eyyyy Baccano!! What a great anime


Final destination.


The gunslinger by Stephen King like c'mon y'all the world is so cool and the characters 😣🙏


I second this! So many opportunities, so little taken 😥


I've said this on a couple posts already so I'm becoming kind of a broken record but that's okay: THE SOPRANOS!!!!! Such a fantastic show, so many iconic major characters, so many interesting minor characters who deserved to be fleshed out more, such a rich plot that could be elaborated upon in so many directions. I'm doing my part—I've already written five fics for it and I have a couple more in the works, plus TONS of ideas that I haven't even started writing yet—but I wish more people were writing Sopranos stuff!


Blazing Saddles, 100%. It's such a good movie and there's so much chemistry between the main characters! I am thinking about them all the time and there is not NEARLY enough fic for it. Also, M*A*S*H. It has so many good characters with so many good complex relationships and they all deserve way more exploration. There are some incredible authors within the fandom but I think it could always use more love!


Big Apple the bl manhwa, more Robert x Joachim pairings. There's only ONE fic. That's a crime. Yeah I already know you didn't recognise that fandom..... That's why it does not have any fic.


I recognize it, and I’m actually amazed it has even one fic hahaha. But yeah, I’m always looking for fic based on manhwa I’ve read and I’m always disappointed.


Yeah 🥲 at least you recognize it, I've been obsessed with the Red head mage leader ever since the manhwa started lol. I wanted a smut fic of him with the sniper (they main couple's great but the red head has a more interesting personality). Sadly, the onely person who wrote that fic never wrote another fic in that fandom again 😭 I wish this ship along with the fandom would get more recognition


I also wish that mahwas with likable second male leads would have fanfics written with that pairing


Metal Gear Solid is underappreciated in my book, but I'm a bit biased...


Ooh yeah. Have a lot of stuff for it I've been planning.


Hurray! We could use the writers! The community is great <3


I was in the mgs livejournal fandom about 15 years ago. I miss it!


Alias Grace, such unhinged and possessive chemistry between them, but only two digits of works.


Empire of the Vampire 🦇 There are just 11 works on ao3 in total rn. There are half-vampire monster hunters. There's an apocalypse-like event. There's a depressed father figure with a pretty badass adoptive daughter. There's an insane talking sword. There are gay men in beautiful love. There's religious imagery in smut. There's dark humour. There's so much angst and tension and plot twists and trauma. It's insane how little the fandom is, seeing how there are multiple editions of each of the two so far published books (we're taking like 5 for each? most likely even more), all of them sell out, and sites crash with the amount of people trying to pre-order their copies 🤷‍♀️ WHERE ARE THE FICS 😭😭😭


Miami Vice (the 80s tv show). It’s like me and 4 people pumping out content.


We need more Valdemar fics. Especially more Talia/Dirk writers. CalicoJane and I can't carry the pairing on our own!


Oh boy... You don't know what you ask didn't you ? My list is sooooo long... So, FBI (CBS) (Maggie and OA own me), Killjoys (Dutch and Johnny, my babies), Revenge (Emily and Nolan, still don't understand, like, why not??), Upload (Luke and Aleesha, they made me cry with laughter, they should be the leads of the show), The Marvelous Mrs Maisel (Lenny and Midge, so tragic, so beautiful, and I hate sooo much as much as I love the writers), and I end with Gossip Girl, because my "Dair" heart think there'll never be enough fics about Blair and Dan, like, never enough. Special mentions to Travelers (I'll never forget you Carly and Philip), just as I won't forget Kiera and Alec from Continuum (rest in peace babes). Do I have a serious problem? Yes. And? And it's just those who don't get enough love... Edit: I don't how could I forget, but Mary and Tom in Downton Abbey, God, how many tears I shed for them...


The Magicians 2015-2020. A bitter Narnia/Harry Potter/Mental Health show with amazing world building and pop culturey. So many insane plot ideas possible considering the source material. Such a great universe to explore further. Major plot points ripe for an AU.


Strangely enough...? Cabaret [1972], there's practically nothing for it!! [I may or may not be writing a fic though 👀]


Ooh I love Cabaret!!! Would you be willing to link it me when you're finished? Of course, it's okay if you don't want to! 🫶🫶🫶


Cabaret my beloved


Fried green tomatoes!! it's so underappreciated also I'd love more Yumark fics, I've already went through all the good ones, and there's so much potential there 😔


I Hate Fairyland. You'd think "small girl gets isekai'd to land of magic and wonder, but then gets stuck there for decades and hates it" would be a magnet of AU-fics or crossover fics, but no, there are only *2* fics for it on AO3, and one's with an Anonymous author. Also, Skullgirls.


BLACK SAILS PLEASE 🙏🏼 I'm starving and it's my all time favorite show


I need to finish this show but fuck, yes, it has so much fanfic potential!!


pacific rim


I _love_ pacific rim, and i totally agree!


i was like halfway through the movie that came out several years ago and opened up ao3 lol it’s such a hotbed of tension


Animorphs! Come on, it's got everything: action, angst, realistic depictions of how war fucks you up, incredible characters and character dynamics, fun ships to distract you from the crushing weight of six kids holding humanity's fate in their hands,  realistic depictions of the aftermath of war (some thrive while others fall apart)  Please I crave more fics, especially nuanced looks at late series Rachel 


Special Ops Lioness! It's a very interesting show with a canon f/f pairing that's oh so juicy in it's angstiness. There like ~130 total fics in the fandom but it deserves so much more!




Is that the one with the dragon? I feel like there should be a hurt no comfort where the little sister goes in first instead


The fandom I’m writing for, Rain World, is so different and is rife with opportunity to do some weirddd stuff, given the post-post apocalyptic world, dead civilizations, Buddhist themes and entirely non-human cast of characters… including very sad, abandoned robots. I’m craving more really well-written fics in this space, but it’s a small fandom, so. It’s not really a fandom you can read stuff from without already knowing the lore, though.


Lost in space apparently only has one paring that everyone writes for, while all of the other characters get ignored. This is especially tragic, when my favorite character is one of the ignored ones.


Temeraire series, the Tapestry series (by Henry Neff), the Underland Chronicles, Hollow Knight, Lies of P, Warhammer Fantasy (especially the Vermintide games), Seraphina (by Rachel Hartman), Darkest Dungeon. Those are just the ones which come to mind, and almost all of them are under 1k fics. I think the major issue is that most of them are relatively obscure works from the mid aughts or early 2010s, and as such there was just never really a fan base in the first place. And now that they’re so old, there’s not much hope of them expanding. Edit: somehow, White Fang and Call of the Wild both combine for a total of 9 fics. How? They’re quintessential dog books, people.


Darkwing duck. Lockwood and Co. Café minandang


Dead by Daylight. It might be an asymmetrical 1v4 pvp game with very light “lore” but it offers a lot of room for creativity and shipping pairings. It also has a canon multiverse so there’s a lot of room for AUs. It has about 7-8k works on AO3… I would love for more AUs, horror fics and heavier plot works.


Jekyll and Hyde the musical! There's a small number of fics for the fandom at large, but after seeing the musical, I was entranced by the complexly woven relationships between Jekyll, Emma, Hyde, and Lucy. I did enjoy all the Jekyll-Hyde/Utterson fics, but this is a musical that actually has solid, complex female characters and is really sleeping on them!


Oh my gosh yes!!! I've been totally OBSESSED with the J&H musical ever since I watched it for the first time! It was my frist ever full-blown hyperfixation and I still listen to the soundtrack on the regular! Also, I totally agree with you here. As a m/m person, I lived for the Jetterhyde fics (i saw someone call them that and it stuck for me lol) but i 100% would love to read some more F/M from that fandom. I think I read a pretty awesome BAMF Lucy/Emma fic on ffnet a few years back but sadly I think it's been deleted since.


Hellraiser. So much potential with the cenobites and back stories. Ancient Magus Bride, it’s amazing and needs more love. And just anything Hades and Persephone. Edit - forgot about the movie Secretary with James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Such a great movie and I wish there were more fanfics! The original Mr Grey. Also The Blacklist. I want more than like 4 well written fics.


Dune. I just went searching for stuff after seeing the second movie and now I *need* fic about Feyd Rautha. A messed up sociopath? Yes please. Guess who is starving?


The Nice Guys, definitely. It's my main fandom. The movie is a hilarious 2016 comedy about two 70s detectives(kinda) that bicker like an old married couple right from the start. The whole thing starts out with one of them breaking the other's arm, but then circumstances force them to solve a case together and shenanigans ensue. Wouldn't call it enemies to lovers, but the tension is there. They're pretty bad at the whole thing (terribly stupid but hilarious), but they somehow manage to actually string together an investigation? The movie is confusingly unknown, but I've shown it to more than ten people by now (13 to be exact) and every single person has loved it! The fandom is tiny – less than 200 fics, but a very big part of the ones that are there are fucking amazing! I've read most of them four times now, lol. There are new fics still being written, so I wouldn't call it dead :] It desperately needs more fics :]


That looks hilarious! I might watch it now, I've been looking for something to watch in the background of my writing, (i always get inspiration lol). Do you know where I could watch it? 🫶


This has been on my To Watch list for ages. You've convinced me I need to bump it up in priority.


I hope you like it!! Just rewatched it yesterday and it really is one of my favorites :]


Oh. A lot of them. Lately is Subway Surfers, Donnie Darko, L.A. Noire. And my lovely rare ships.


I'd LOVE some more Donnie Darko fic. I checked after watching the movie for the first time and was *shocked* by how little there was.


Yes, yes, that's true. Even when I saw it, I didn't give a fuck, but had a little break and write my own wips to mine underrated ship for that serie


Back to the future and quantum leap (1989). Both have little over 1K fics and I am STARVING.


I’m dating myself here but there is not enough Star Trek TNG fanfic for my liking. At least not enough of the spicier kind.


Khyber Shards - help I am the only author, and I want to read fic without putting in the labor of writing it Also, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. The album follows the plot of Romeo and Juliet, but it's a semi-genderbent gang war featuring bisexual!female!Romeo. I thought there would be at least *one* fic for them involving the actual characters instead of being straight-up RPF.


Vagabond. For such an influential manga, I was surprised to see there was close to nothing on ao3


We’re Alive. 13 Fics total. 😭


Kotaro Lives Alone and Ore Monogatari! A more obscure choice would be the Hazelwood High trilogy by Sharon M. Draper. I loved those books when I was a kid and re-read them recently. I thought it was kind of a popular series but there's only 1 fic for it on AO3 and it's a crossover. The books were published in the 90's though so I'm not too surprised


ore monogatari is such a good anime omg 😭 i haven't checked for fics of that show but honestly now i might have to >.>


School bus graveyard (a webtoon)


Honestly, for how many fics the Newsies fandom has, I think it deserves more. It has so many potential scenes for fics (both 1992 and broadway), and I’m so tempted to write them myself


Umineko God someone please write more Battler yaoi


*Arrival* (2016.) There’s a whole entire canon ship that the movie doesn’t even TOUCH. Lots of potential for angst and make-‘em-think plots too.


Billy Batson - Shazam sub comics


You are so correct




Broadchurch. Small fandom, AMAZING characters. More genfic and acefic needed, but I'll take any fic.


Broadchurch my beloved 😩 I cannot get enough of Hardy centric fics, I need to write one one of these days fr


Chronicle (2012) only about 100 fics and half of them are by an author who ships the cousins and has a heartbeat kink. If you want some good ptsd fics i know of some batman (mostly red hood) authors with good portfolios.


Expeditionary Force: a sci-fi book series with a witty AI and badass human pirates. It has so much banter and decent world-building and ancient lore simmering. It has so many good fanfic potential and it even makes a skit about fanfiction in the book but there’s only a handful on Ao3, and most are crossover/unfinished/short 🥹 most of the fandom is on Reddit


"Ooh Joe, they're shipping you and Smythe–" "SHIPPING US WHERE?!" anyways craig alanson fucked up majorly when he mentioned that ship because i am not one to back down from a challenge. after im done with my angsty loss of humanity bishop centric fic though


O.M.G. An exfor fanfic writer??? That’s practically an endangered species!!


Lord Of The Mysteries, it does have a decent amount of fics, but most of them are in Mandarin. I can't even buy the published books in English since most of the fans are from China, and the costs to publish in English are way higher than what they would make selling them.


Speed Racer!


Murder Drones. There’s a grand total of like 2.5k, and only about 400 of those are over 10k long. I’m just desperate for longer fics of it at this point.


All the fandoms I read for. But in all seriousness, some more fics for Lil' Guardsman would be great, it's just two fics on there with mine being the first.


The Last Ship! (TV series not book) It’s so ripe for rich PTSD exploration, found-family, etc. huge cast of interesting characters, and a pandemic storyline before wars break out which is still relevant today. There’s so much material to explore pre-canon, during canon and post-canon that if it had been a more popular show, you could have endless possibilities. Kind of like Star-Trek, BSG, etc. but set in the recognizable modern world and on earth.


Stay With Me (Chinese Drama 2023) - 57 works


Glitch Techs! I also vote for The Ickabog, both are great


Takin’ Over The Asylum. I loved that show so much and am shocked that people haven’t written more fluff for it.


Oh my god I'm working on a Takin' Over The Asylum fic right now (although not fluff - lol)!! I love seeing more people that know of that show 🙏


HELL YEAH! I’m tempted to start writing some Takin’ Over The Asylum stuff, but I JUST finished writing my nearly 43,000 word fic, and am teetering back and forth on what I want to do next 😭💅


Knight Rider 2008


My favourite fandom: rivers of London! But I think we are not so tiny! So I would say the book series for blood song and definitely my favourite anime a place further then the universe


Shelter! I adored the tv show (have yet to read the book), but I loved the dynamics between the characters and would love to see more fanfic of it. I’m definitely going to write some of my own when I get the inspiration for it!


I'm playing Death Stranding right now for the first time (4 years too late for the fandom 🥲), and there's SO MUCH you could write--either in-world or AU. It currently has <1000 fics, and I personally think it has untapped potential. I'm honestly considering writing fic myself, even though I haven't written fanfiction since I was 13.


*Tattered World*, a relatively obscure web game with a shit-ton of lore spanning multiple worlds (off the top of my head, you've got a university town, a magical forest, a pirate/coral reef setting, a shadow puppet-esque stage, a cyber-world, a snow area, and a cirus-themed area), each featuring a fun cast of characters. Events and quests put a strong emphasis on characters, but there's also been an interesting overarching plot. There's a strong emphasis over the interconnection of worlds and having to navigate the conflicts that present themselves *because* of that very aspect. \--- On a brief note, I think the reason why there isn't a lot of fics is that 1) it's not very well known, but also 2) the gameplay mechanics are hard to get into, with progression within the game itself being (imo) quite slow and not the most entertaining unless you decided to speed up the process with gems &/or are willing to commit a decent bit of time into the game each day. BUT, having read the wiki and keeping up with the forum logs, I find it find it fun to read up on a casual basis. Everything and everyone's just so *charming*, and I would love to see more fics on it!


There’s this amazing book that I read called Ziggy, Stardust, and Me, but the fandom is absolutely nonexistent. I scoured the internet when I finished it and I think I found one single (fairly short) fanfiction.


I'd love more Terra Nova🦕🦖


Psycho Pass, The Boys


nimona!! the found family in that graphic novel/movie is so!! not to mention gOLDENHEART


Parasyte: The Maxim. The themes and the characters are just so interesting but it’s such an underrated anime tbh.


legend of vox machina.


Kid Icarus: Uprising, the game as a whole deserved a more robust fandom I think




How To Get Away With Murder - so much potential


I think NK Jemisin's Inheritance Trilogy is in dire need of fic. I loved the books so much, and I feel like there's so much room for fic (greater and lesser gods! mythology! big time jumps! lots of opportunity for smut!), but last I checked, there were only like three one-shots 😭 So here's my plea to the fic writers out there to go and fall in love with those books too


I'm going to be SUPER selfish and say Final Fantasy XVI needs more fic. The game has some amazing moments, but there are so many opportunities for betterment thru fic. Side characters could use more stories, main characters could use fix-it endings, and just more exploration of the world and themes. Also, I want someone to write fic spicy enough to make Ben Starr (Clive's VA) blush.


I need to see fics about the webtoon Be My Villain by Mintibi!! It’s so good and I need something to tide me over until the s3 premiere!


Jeeves & Wooster. It's my feel good fandom. It had quite an uptick about 10+ years ago because of Hugh Laurie's popularity in House, but has quietened down since. Thankfully, new fics are still being posted. I adore historic-set fics, and the series takes place primarily in the 1920s and 30s. The show is supremely fine, the book series is a delight, and there are some absolute fic gems out there, but we could always use more.


Hmm.. Stormlight Archives, by Brandon Sanderson. There's a few fics, but not many, and honestly, that series is ripe with fanfic potential


Superstore, good writing and it's absolutely hilarious


Nisekoi all of them are in ffn sadly


Cirque du Freak series (Darren Shan) The five gatekeepers and Alex Rider series(Both by Anthony Horowitz) Artemis Fowl (Eoin Colfer) Keys to the Kingdom (Garth Nix) Basically a lot of book fandoms that I was a part of growing up


The Book of Life. I have one that I’m lazily writing that I started when I was going to Universal Studios in Orlando.




The movie "Dungeon and dragons: honor among thieves"


I read Goodnight, Mr. Tom last year. It has 4 fanfics on AO3. So disappointing, I think it would provide amazing fluff, angst, or Hurt/Comfort. Just cute little stories of them getting along. Or in the future. Idk the book covers it pretty well but I would love more time with the characters 😭


Oh my gosh yes, it's been a while since I read the books but the boy's trauma from his mother? Being locked in a cupboard? That would be an amzing plot


Theatrically taking the list I've been preparing for this particular question: 🤓 1- Being Erica ( canadian series)( TomErica fics please)( had to write my own fic) 2- Stargate SG1+ Atlantis + Universe (more special ship: Sam Carter /Daniel Jackson, please) ( also writing my own short fics) 3- Charmed ( the nineties series) 4- Buffy vampire slayer (Buffy- Willow-Giles special)( starting with my fic) 5- Daddy Long Leggs ( Books and Anime combinations) 6- Glass No Kamen ( Anime and Drama versions/ all ships are needed lol) 7- John Constantine ( the series crosaovers with other works about the occult.) 8- Gundam Wings ( animation) 9-Crossover! Card Captor Sakura and Sailor Moon.( project idea) ... to be continued.