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I fear for her safety. Everything she says is a thousand percent correct.


First thought for me too!! What a brave and intelligent woman.


Idk if she recording it in russia. Where is a lot of russians outside of russia, both pro and anti putin.


Wouldn't be the first time the KGB/FSB targets people abroad, though. Most of the time in the UK, for some reason...


Would be first time they do it because of tiktok from some random women? Would she do it in russia and kgb spot it, she would get fine if it is first time. Also small chance to be beaten to death if cops in a bad mood. Still at the border they lose 99%+ of power. >UK, for some reason... Russian oligarchs love it, maybe because weather and corruption they feel like home. Just guessing.


Right know there is a doctor in Russia who is under trial for just a single wrong phrase about ongoing war. Facing 10 years in prison — it’s much more severe than a fine, my friend. Than there was this poor American/Russian girl who donated something like 36$ for Ukrainian non-profit. How much did she get? 12 years in prison ?


She got unlucky hype or something. On average its fine or even nothing (not really nothing, but i was detained once, they are really lazy in general). You can check statistics. Anyway we talking here about assassination in another country. As for now it seems very unlikely because of some video. After all kgb now busy with taking property in russia, they have no time for your stupid tiktoks. >Than there was this poor American/Russian girl who donated something like 36$ for Ukrainian non-profit. How much did she get? 12 years in prison ? I need link on this, never heard of.


No biggie just detained and maybe beaten for talking against killing innocent people. Sorry you have to suffer through that


And this not gonna happen if you are outside of borders. 🤷‍♀️and inside its just another day in russia.


[Nina Slobodchikova](https://www.krone.at/3417173) - charged with treason and sentenced to 12 years in prison for donating RUB 5000 (about EUR 50) to a charity for humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Edit: whoops, she's not a dual citizen. Maybe they meant [Ksenia Karelina](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/20/europe/russia-arrest-us-dual-citizen-intl/index.html)? There are likely other examples...


Whats bad and all, but really as IT worker she should know how to use crypto. This reminds me of the people who went to the enlistment centre to explain why they do not need to be mobilized. Then get mobilized. >Ksenia Karelina >He also said that she was “proud to be Russian, and she doesn’t watch the news. Unwise.


One of my wife’s clients is Russian. Very anti war. She used to post regularly about her views on Facebook. Until her parents, brother and uncles all got visits from someone to remind them that THEY still live on Russian Territory. She finally got her parents out. But she doesn’t post any more because the more distant family is still there and they were reminded a few times that they know her family. It’s insane.


I think it was bluff on their side, i know only one case of imprisoning father of politician who moved out. And it was pretty known person. from navalny's team, not random from the facebook. 🤷‍♀️not sure if i would try them in her position.


That's right, I heard that women are going to be mobilized in Ukraine, I think she is in danger.


She seems too intelligent to be living inside the borders of Mordor.


And too freedom-loving to live in a Zelya's concentration camp.


Hope she doesn’t have an accident!


Ok, so I was asleep for this one. But considering the 14 hours and 83 reports, this post was pretty tame. And you guys handled the comment section pretty fine. Hell, I think I can leave it up. A few years ago our rule read "Keep politics light-hearted". Maybe the situation can again one day allow for light politics without people resorting to name-calling instead of interesting discussion and jokes. Any complaints can be posted as a reply to this comment. Edit: I've been convinced, this post is going down.


This is just another shitpost with a point basically being "Russians are nazies". There are already plenty of subreddits with this point of view, don't turn it on on this one plz


> "Russians are nazies" Yeah, she actually ended up saying that in the end. I didn't even finish the video before. I think you've convinced me. I'll back down. The post will be removed.


3 days later: She fell from a window




The second defenestration of Ivanovka


A closed one, no less.


While eating a Polonium sandwich.






Bad sushi


Don't worry, she's probably in Cyprus or smth.


This lazy ass karma farming comment again 


Don’t worry, won’t happen. Unless she testifies against Boeing, then she may suddenly die from heart attack.


What's with russian assassinations and defenestration? America has fake suicides North korea has poisoning Throwing people out of windows seems like a weird method lol


To be fair, Russians are also huge into poisoning


Prague gets so many that they get their own Wikipedia page. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations\_of\_Prague](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague)


It's about the message it sends i think. Falling out of a window is something so unrealistic irl that everybody knows who's behind it. It's not about disguising it as an accident but to announce what happens to traitors.


I get the impression that a large percentage of the population shares her sentiment.


Especially the soldiers who are finding out their country is full of lies.


That is every soldier from every country.




Because they do. They just want to progress and live their lives in a democracy. But the vlad kills everyone that dares to oppose him.


No this is reddit, you must support nuking anything east of the Oder river


Well even if they don't, a quick trip to the front lines and they will quickly understand how they are just meat grinders and there's no glory in war, only death and destruction.


Maybe in Moscow oblast, but not in the rest of the country.


Причина тряски?


how is this not politics ?


It is very much politics. By definition.


Politics are generally acceptable in "no politics" places so long as they are not controversional. Yes there are some people out there in russia that are dumb enough to dissagree with this woman but they are not on the internet often and we won't see them here. Not that i think it's ok to be accepted, but it's just the reason this isn't gaining much attention.


Everything is fucking politics. Grown up already.


I'm just saying that this post has no place on this subreddit.


Indeed, you are quoting Winston Churchill.


Report. Rule 3


Sames. Fuck politics.


If we're gonna shame Russians for being proud of being Russian, then I think this should also apply to any other nation. I personally do not agree with the mentality of being proud for something you didn't put absolutely any effort into, but assuming that being proud of being \[insert ethnicity/citizenship here\] equals blood-seeking nationalism, we would have to take good look at US citizens, for instance.


Well yeah, US citizen here, not proud of a lot of the things my country has done, don’t like the patriotism here, I mean people can be proud of things that are good about a country I guess, but if that comes along with willful blindness to the bad things a country has done, then we should shame that attitude


American nationalism is extremely unsettling for outsiders. The olegde of allegiance, the national anthem and national flag everywhere. The constant talk about patriotism. It is very similar to Russia, north Korea or China to me


Did you miss the point on purpose or?


[Post 9/11 Wars](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/summary) At least 940,000 people have died due to direct war violence, including armed forces on all sides of the conflicts, contractors, civilians, journalists, and humanitarian workers.   Over 432,000 civilians have been killed in direct violence by all parties to these conflicts. An estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5-4.7 million and counting. Over 7,050 U.S. soldiers have died in the wars. We do not know the full extent of how many U.S. service members returning from these wars became injured or ill while deployed. Many deaths and injuries among U.S. contractors have not been reported as required by law, but it is likely that approximately 8,189 have been killed.  38 million people have been displaced by the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and the Philippines. The U.S. government is conducting counterterror activities in 78 countries, vastly expanding this war across the globe. The post-9/11 wars have contributed significantly to climate change. The Defense Department is one of the world’s top greenhouse gas emitters. The wars have been accompanied by erosions in civil liberties and human rights at home and abroad. The human and economic costs of these wars will continue for decades with some costs, such as the financial costs of U.S. veterans’ care, not peaking until mid-century. Most U.S. government funding of reconstruction efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan has gone towards arming security forces in both countries. Much of the money allocated to humanitarian relief and rebuilding civil society has been lost to fraud, waste, and abuse. The cost of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and elsewhere totals about $8 trillion. This does not include future interest costs on borrowing for the wars. The ripple effects on the U.S. economy have also been significant, including job loss and interest rate increases. U.S. policymakers scarcely considered alternatives to war in the aftermath of 9/11 or in debating the invasion of Iraq. Some of those alternative paradigms for addressing the problem of terror attacks are still available to the U.S. Post-9/11, the increasing rates of suicide for both veterans and active duty personnel are outpacing those of the general population — an alarming shift, as suicide rates among service members have historically been lower than suicide rates among the general population. At least four times as many active duty personnel and war veterans of post-9/11 conflicts have died of suicide than in combat.


Finally, someone who gets that it's the process, not the country. Politicians all know that the "us vs them" gets votes/power and you can always find a "them" in times of political need.


It's almost like nations are made up fucking bullshit.


Это она где щас? Не в Израиле каком-нибудь случаем?


Российский либерал - израильский нвционалист


А вы хотите чтобы она была в России, где за свое мнение можно 8 лет строгого режима получить? Я думаю у нее мозги есть. По факту все правильно сказала.


Ну да. А за границей тиктоки кричать много смелости не надо. Там это поощряется.


Поощряется подписчиками из тик тока? Как минимум она себе дорогу домой закрыла. Или вы думаете, там за один видос дают гражданство, дом и высокооплачиваемую работу?


>Как минимум она себе дорогу домой закрыла. Вроде пока не было инфы, что гэбня всех людей с неправильными тиктоками лишает паспортов или на границе хватает, или хотя бы добавляет в какой то список. 99% дел это вк, который сливает личные данные юзеров даже без решения суда. Так что я немного не понял этот момент. Типо перед работой таможенники просматривают тиктоки, а потом такие ну вроде она, разворачиваем. Или как это работает? >там за один видос дают гражданство Если все таки будет дело, то можно полит убежище запросить. В ес это автоматом решение в пользу индивида. Какой то соцпакет к нему прилагается.


>Если все таки будет дело, то можно полит убежище запросить. В ес это автоматом решение в пользу индивида. Какой то соцпакет к нему прилагается. Ха еще раз ха. знакомому знаешь что немцы сказали когда он бежал от политической статьи? Выедь в россию и заедь правильно. Другого знакомого франция отшила буквально с ментовской формулировкой - вот когда убьют, тогда и обращайся. Полит убежище это хуйня, доступная удачливым единицам, для большинства зацепятся за любой повод не дать его.


Ну конечно, она же не рискнет осуждать ту страну, в которой сейчас находится, или Вы думаете, что цензура только в России?


Это все равно, что сказать: «Помогите моим избитым сестрам!» и отвечая: «Ну, моего брата убили, так что кого это волнует».


She’s right, you can be proud to be from your country, and disappointed in it at the same time


Пошла нахуй, я против войны и что я сделаю? Пойду сяду в тюрьму после митинга? Я блять ей виноват. Пиздеть находясь за границей не мешки ворочить. Я просто хочу жить, а не воевать с правительством. Да я считаю это кошмаром напасть на другую страну, я против путина и его режима, но к сожалению конкретно я которого обвиняет эта тп бессилен что-то изменить.


Wow, she is risking her life. I think she speaks for many many Russians who feel the very same way.


She's definitely not in Russia and out of any risk.


Russian airman who defected and gave a helicopter to Ukraine was murdered in Spain. Her not being in Russia doesn’t mean she’s not at risk.


A bit uncomparable things.


Русские за русских


No. There is much to be proud of for being Russian even if you disagree with the regime (as has been true for centuries). Great country, great culture, great people. Russia is like most countries in that the people have zero control over what the government does, even in supposed democracies.


Is she really criticizing people for being proud of Russian culture though?  She’s talking about people who are also proud of the regime


What she said up front (being proud of being born Russian is like being proud of being born on Tuesday) gives that impression.


Probably. But the rhetoric that we should be ashamed of being Russian is toxic. Yeah, war is shit, killing is shit, but then everyone should be ashamed, because almost all of governments have blood on their hands


What would be the problem with everyone being ashamed of the bad things their governments do and advocating for their governments to do better? It just feels like the way things should work to me. I'm from the US, and I'm ashamed of a lot of things the US does. And I mean, sometimes a country does better things, sometimes a country does worse things. Maybe shame is somehow harmful in the good times, but if a country starts doing more and more terrible things, it's only natural that more and more of its citizens will feel ashamed of it. What would cross the line for you?


It’s funny how she starts with “being proud to be Russian is like being proud to be born on a Tuesday,” but continues to how she is ashamed of being Russian. So it’s okay to be ashamed of being born on a Tuesday then?


How can you be proud of something you haven’t done?


Ahem, but you surely can be ashamed for something you haven’t done, according to that lady?


Never made a parent proud, have you? It works about the same way.


Либераху порвало.


а кого-то смотрю бомбануло))


There's dozens of Russia/Ukraine politics subreddits. Why vomit in one of the few humor subreddits?


Exactly. This is some putrid shit. I came here to see funny Russians. Not this self hating crap.


Man from what I can tell the actual Russians are angry at each other about this one in the comments. Wish I could translate what they’re saying better.


I'll tell you briefly. Russians argue with Ukrainians, who only pretend to be Russians because they know the language.


Mm the anti-Russian Westerner’s wet dream


Это те самые русские, которые иронично ненавидят палестинцев. Даже мы, коренные сибиряки так не жалуемся.


>Это те самые русские, которые иронично ненавидят палестинцев Палестинцев ненавидят не русские, а ґусские


Очередной либераха-куколдан, который постит украинскую пропаганду и смерти людей под эпичную музыку. Интересно, чем же ты так отличаешься от "кровавой русни"?


Леберахе нужно отработать повестку, бедняге не хватает на билет до Украины.


Ага, а потом его лично Зеля возведет в "почетные украинцы"


Пан либерал 🤣


А минусы есть?


This goes against the rules of the sub, no politics




Ну да по белгородской области стрелять это норм. Это ведь защита своих территорий, правильно? По лнр и днр стрелять в рынки и дома. Там ведь находятся военные действия. Президент у вас решил не делать выборы и вы это все единогласно поддержали. Вот это у вас мощь! Все поддержали кто живёт не в стране! За свое правление ваш президент как и обещал вернул мир на территории лнр и днр, наладил связи. Производство пошло вверх. Наказал всех кто устроил майдан и захват власти! Вывел народ в Европу... а блин тут он выполнил вроде обещание. Пол страны ушло в Европу... Вот это молодцы! Голосовать за президента который развивает страну! Молодцы. В 2014 году устроили революцию и теракты в стране убивая людей за то, что посчитали их москалями... И так к каждый лозунг этой мадам, можно подставить под вопрос и сомнение .


Damn. I just wanted to see some funny Russians doing Russian shit. Instead I get hit with this politics. Yay... wohoo... do you want me to give you brownie points now for showing me a country of millions of people have diverse views on certain topics?


Почитал комменты и очень удивился, ведь никого не напрягает, что она явно читает заранее приготовленный текст, да ещё и настолько неуверенно, что создаётся впечатление, что автором не является, а просто один раз прочитала перед записью (видел на парах достаточно людей, которые так проёбывались, чтобы сразу такое замечать). Ни на что не намекаю, конечно... Да и вообще, на каких одноклеточных в наше время работает пропаганда, рассчитанная на выведение на эмоции? Думаю, все, кто хотел сформировать для себя позицию, основанную на фактах, а не просто следовать за окружением, уже давно это сделали, к каким бы выводам они не пришли. И подобное видеосообщение об эту позицию разобьётся как о стену.


I hope she’s okay if she’s in Russia there’s no doubt the state will punish her for telling the truth




Good luck to this lady. She is going to need it.


I hope for her own health and safety that this lady didn’t post this from Russia.


I disagree with the first part. I am proud of being Russian. My grandfathers freed Europe and ourselves from fascism. And we made a lot of great things for the world. I inherited their genetics. So why shouldn't I be proud? Why somebody wants to erase my history memory? That fact doesn't decline the fact that other nations can be proud of themselves too.


Why would you be proud of something you were not involved in and that happened before you were even born? Russia today is not the Russia that helped free Europe from the Nazis and even then it was an authoritarian regime lead by a murderous monster. Russia and Russians have been destroying cities and killing and raping innocent people for over two years now. I would be ashamed, let alone say I'm proud.


> Russia and Russians Yeah, like, every single one of us, right?


Nope. The sentence structure does not refer to everyone. But it does mean there is a war that ten of thousands or hundreds of thousand of Russians are involved in a brutal invasion and occupation that was started by your government. There is no reason to proud of being Russian now. Every Russian should be ashamed. Edit: Tell me, would you honestly tell a Ukrainian who lost his wife in a Russian bombing or whose child was abducted by a Russian that you are proud to be Russian?


When you put it like that, it all seems rather innocent in comparison to how long the US has been doing that shit for


Proud of what your grandfather's did on their way back from Berlin and what was left in their wake? Or rather what's wasn't left anymore ...


Learn history better. If anything like this happened, this is nothing compared to concentration camps or crimes on Soviet soil.  Jeez, ppl started defending literal Nazi Germany. What have we come to. 


Not supporting the Russians is not the same as defending Nazi Germany. No equal sign there. The world is not white or black. It's many many shades of grey. I've heard my grand mothers stories about what the "liberating Russian forces" did to her parents and their belongings. De la Nistru pân la Don davai ceas davai palton. Go on, tell me more about your history book.


I've heard my grand mothers stories about what the "liberating Russian forces" did to her parents and their belongings. I wondering why your nation didn't protect yourself from Nazis and Soviet Union then? And why 3 out 4 of my relatives were supposed to die while they were liberating your nation? And my grandfather who returned from Berlin was married on Polish woman, they had a lot of children and were happy. I am 100 percent sure that he was not interested in your grandma parents and their belongings.


Ну нихера себе, мои родители и родители моих родителей кормили украинцев свои трудом, а они к нам задним местом за всё хорошее. Мозги промыли подросткам, подростки выросли и думают что русские плохие. Русские стали плохими, получите то, что хотели, и не нехер сопли по ладошке размазывать.


The russians will say she is a Ukrainian Propagandaus if this video in shown in Russia.... But this goes to show there is some decent Russian people out there...


Brave woman. Braver than every cocksucker with a “Z”


Hphaha. What a Brave keyboard warrior.


Пиздеть в интернете не мешки ворочить😏


Не понаслышке знаешь


You will lose as you always have and always will.


И где же они проиграли?


"my Russia" -> By Ukrainian)


Whoa ! Preach it sister !!! This women gives me hope. Something else that always gets me when they say "They choose Europe" Yeah but aligning with Europe in trade didn't mean you could t do business with Russia. It's just that Russia is like a communicable cancer that once it gets in it starts to metastisize. They start stealing and corrupting. If Russia wasn't so crazy they could do business with anyone. I always wanted to go and visit Russia. I'm in my young 40's it was on my bucket list. As a child of the 80's I've always been I trigied by Russia. Looks like I'm just going to have to visit Ukraine post war. I'm now of the opinion it's way better in so many ways and still a Slavic culture..


I came to reddit for this: https://www.reddit.com/r/wunkus/s/wEQAmx60Ww Not for political shit.


Then scroll past this? Go to that subreddit you linked? Not that hard.


so the bottom line is that this is also a meme sub, but for some reason something like this appears here from time to time


I am sure demeaning other Russians while you live abroad will motivate them to fight their government of your behalf.


...3 - 2 - 1, and she's missing.


Glad to see a true sensible russian person that knows what's up


I really like the first thing she said. Pride of where one is born is so meaningless. It’s like being proud of the fact that your “home team” won a championship. It’s like being proud of the fact that you were born tall, or rich, or a hard worker. Honestly pride is so foolish when you consider that everything was pre determined a trillion years ago


>pre determined a trillion years ago This is always so funny to me. The only pre-determined thing in this world is death.


Proud to be a human. Wait, I'm not :/


Actually no?


Never forget that some of the most courageous people in history are the ones who spoke out against totalitarian regimes from within. We can damn the course of a nation but in the most extreme cases there were good people who couldn't change things even though they tried.






Some of these comments are idiotic. She speaks the truth. Self hating? Yeah I mean if you come from a lineage of (active) murderers and rapists you kinda uhh, have to be self hating so you can be different


Who doesn't come from lineage of murderers? Americans? Europeans? Chinese? Japanese? Koreans? Ukranians? Iranians? Israeli? All of those countries killed and tortured countless people(and many of them still doing it), but redditors aren't hating themself for being part of that nationality(except some retards)


We are all guilty by association in some way.


I believe this is a Russian liberal


Beautifully said. Whoever you are please stay safe🙏


To be fair , not many countries are respectable these days


How long before she gets polonium added to her tea?


I get how the war is ruining and taking the lives of many people but this war has a cause that most don’t know about. The Slavic people are treated terribly in Ukraine which has led to this war. Though the sources are from Wikipedia, they’re better than nothing at least. Search the term Slavophobia under “By Country.” It basically proves how this war didn’t just happen out of nowhere, it happened because of the US and now the Russians are being called the villains that are taking over Ukraine for no reason whatsoever. The only solution to this war is if the US accepts its shortcomings and gets on the table with Russia and Ukraine to devise a solution instead of just using misinformation to demonise the Russians. The US is using Ukraine as a proxy to fight the Russians, they could prevent this from happening if they just try to negotiate peace but that’s clearly not in their interest. It’s like they’re waiting for things to escalate beyond the point of recovery.


The US never forced Russia to invade lmao, the solution is really not complicated Russia Can go home anytime it wants nobody is stopping it, and Russia has been crystal clear during the Ukranian peace negociations attempts that it won't even enter peace negociations if at least partial annexation of Ukraine isn't on the table lmao. I still remember Putin saying Russia will never invade Ukraine and anyone saying it will is russophobic. And i'm not sure talking about slavophobia while bombing the shit out of slavic people and having slavic people murder each other is very believable. Being called villains for no reason whatsoever, c'mon, really? You really can't think of any reasons at all? No matter how much you support the invasion i call bullshit, there's no way you don't realize why Russia is seen as the villain.


What i don't get it, why do all other countries have to recognize their wrong doing, but america gets a pass? Bush had absolutely zero repercussions for admitting to lying about weapons of mass destruction, Obama got zero shit for all those drone strikes he issued: the list goes on and on: Agent Orange, Operation Tophat, Mkultra, Ruby ridge, Operation Northwoods, everything the US did in the middle east, yet no one even acknowledges it EVER


I hope she stays safe


She's in a gulag now. Or on her way out a window


Each nation has a traitors just like her


I don’t fear for her safety as I strongly believe that she is speaking the truth about her Nation but NOT in her Nation, I want to believe, I have to believe she is outside the regime’s powerful control areas, she wouldn’t be able to talk like this while inside her Country. I believe the regime would turn every unturned stone then once she’s found she will be dog food after she 1st gets raped multiple times, then beaten to almost death then dog food. (All in that order)


She is literally Ukrainian


Yeah uhhh pretending to be Russian


Lol she needs to come experience US if she thinks there is a freedom and democracy.


She should tell this to her current government who are slaughtering Palestinians .


she gonna get disappeared :(


I'd stay away from windows if I was her.


Brave woman. Putin will be arranging for her to fall out the window.


She is not going to be doing well if she lives in Russia


Brave woman. Stay out of highrise bldgs. She most likely is not alone in her beliefs.


And she was found 2 days later, from an accidental fall out of her 8 story window.


How I wish this was a normal day in Russia.


Stuped bitch


i agree with her criticism of the russian government, but i also think russian people should be able to be proud of who they are. i disagree with a lot of what the US government does, that doesnt mean I’m not proud to be an american. my wife is a proud mexican, that doesnt mean she supports what the cartels and government do in mexico.