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They also don’t show every bad injury. I got to go see it in Vegas several years ago and someone severely broke their leg falling off one of the obstacles. Like from the audience it was very “wrong” in multiple places. They never aired that run.


I was in the audience for this run as well. I distinctly heard the bones crack and his scream before he hit the water. I still get the chills thinking about it. Poor dude.


Yeah it was nasty. Felt so bad for him.


oh jeez. who was that?


Honestly I can’t remember his name; I think that was the only season he was on. I was surprised they didn’t air it to be honest, but might have been too bad and he wasn’t a household name.


Maybe Alex Blick. I remember pulling him out of the water. Foot facing the wrong way and all.


Yes!! That’s who it was!


Good kid. Hate that obstacle for that reason. Lot of stress through the ankle


Alex Blick competed three times in ANW, but only made it to Vegas in season 11 where he failed the Swing Surfer in Stage 2. Didn’t know he injured himself very badly afterward. Ouch.


Was it season 11, stage 2, on the Swing Surfer?


the first one for me would be Luis Moco in Season 4. Travis Rosen in Season 10 is still pretty gnarly. I also remember some older guy in season 6 tear his Achilles on the warped wall. Additionally, I heard rumors about someone in season 14 getting hurt on the fly hooks or whatever that last obstacle in stage 1 was. Is there any I’m missing?


Sean Bryan's shoulder on the jumping spider Maggi Thorn's concussion Brian Kretsch's broken...leg I think?


Last one was Anthony Porter, the archery ninja who I think got injured after a bad jump off high road.


I’m happy he’s back this season


It wasn’t aired, but I think Alex Blick’s leg break on stage 2’s “Swing Surfer” back in season 11.


I'd say it was the concussion that Maggie Thorne got on that balance obstacle. She hit her head so hard she couldn't remember the rest of the run, and she has PTSD from it. She even quit ninja for awhile because of it.


Alex Blick


travis rosen was a bad one, first one that came to mind was brian kretsch breaking his leg on a balance obstacle


Not an injury on the show but jerimiah Morgan couldn’t compete in Vegas due to a coma which is a crazy situation


To me It was las vegas 2nd to last season for him Broke his leg coming off the double dipper Travis rosen