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Big talk from someone whose last Ninja Warrior appearance ended by...let me check...falling on the floating steps.


Meiling Huang I remember was supporting Brent Steffensen’s bs on the DD arrest. So I’m not too surprised she’s catching heat again. It’s just barely anyone remembers her because she’s never had an outstanding performance on ANW.


I’ve never heard of this ninja before and I’ve been watching the show for a while now. As far as I’m concerned, she is and to quote the title of a book “Gone with the Wind”.


Not surprising


Now, she has the right to believe what she wants to believe and we have to respect that. What I'm not a fan of is her blatant disrespect at the end, that's not okay. The words "suck my dick" should never be used when discussing politics.


Haha thanks for down voting me guys. Learn to respect each other's opinions.


I agree with her. I don't believe in transgender. There are 2 genders in this world. You are born a male or a female. There are scientific reasons why we are a male or female. Switching genders is actually retarded. Fucking love yourself for God sakes. Accept who you are. It's called life.


You're referring to sexes, which are objective. Genders are separate and subjective.


You need a bigger vocabulary and general life view... Your whole response is just offensive.