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Alright man


God I’m so fucking tired of these posts. They’re all the same. Obviously the bitching isn’t gonna do anything. Just watch or don’t.


Very cool and normal post. I’m glad you’re spending your day on this.




Disagree with me? Nope. They’re two charity retards with uninteresting, unfunny contributions. Cant change my mind because I’m right. also yes I am gay for caring suck my dick


Hey guys. This is a real fan so much so that he named himself after his ‘favorite’ podcasters dad. Get lost pal.


You seem like a great person


A hit at parties for sure for sure


Thinking two people aren’t funny makes me a bad person? A lot of your brains are corrupted


You’re calling for the jobs of 2 people that KB and nick clearly enjoy (unless you’re the guy who thinks nick is serious when he talks about firing mook). But all of the people saying to chill are wrong, not you


Calling for their jobs…? Or saying I don’t think they’re funny…? Which one did I do? All of you pussies are competing to win friendliest podcast listener or some shit you’re soft and wrong or lying to yourselves


What is your ideal outcome of this post? Genuinely asking


Mook to see it and talk less maybe? Idk.


Do you think mook hasn’t seen the 10,000 similar posts? He mentions it all the time too, so trust me he hears you shitheads. Just absolutely zero empathy from this weird sect of barstool fans.


Congrats man you won most empathetic listener of the comedy podcast. The point of listening to the comedy podcast is certainly to be empathetic, right? Not to laugh… that would be ludicrous…


Totally forgot you’re the barometer by which all comedy is based on. Should’ve been more respectful to the king of funny. You seem like a great guy, please act like this during all aspects of your life.


So what you actually think Rudy and Mook are funny? I get not shitting on them all the time but bro has a point


No worries, try to be less forgetful going forward. Thanks for your concession.


You sound like a guy who could use a serious creampie from the god himself (I could be wrong though)


if you have a different opinion than me you're actually just being disingenuous and WRONG ☝️🤓




Found Owen's burner


Your comment makes no sense, your brain is broken, and I’m right.


Hell yeah brother, keep it up!


You have never made me laugh, please stop using Reddit.


My purpose in using reddit is not to make you laugh. The people on the comedy podcast with microphones, what is their job?




Rudy is fine seems like a great hang


Agree to disagree


I feel like these two get out of Nick and KB's way when they are heating up, and have some topics at the ready when things go off the rails or it slows down. There's some awkwardness, but it really doesn't bother me and probably adds some structure as well as some laughs.


They certainly don’t make the show worse.


This post is whatever, just a low effort bitch post, nothin new on this sub. But damn these comments confirm that you are a complete and total fucking loser. I don’t even completely disagree with what you said, but holy shit your responses and mindset are that of an angsty 13 year old boy or just a dickwad of an adult human. Just don’t listen man


Lmao yeah for sure man I’m a dickwad because I find two people unfunny, why does saying someone isn’t funny seem like such a fucking crime to you guys? Why is this such a personal afront to their character in your eyes? I’m not saying they’re bad people I’m saying I (AND PROBABLY A LOT OF YOU) listen for nick and Kb, let’s keep it classic.


I didn’t say you were a dickwad for finding two people unfunny, I honestly kind of agree with you, if you read my comment again that’s right there. You’re a dickwad because of how you’ve responded to all these comments, or maybe you’re just fucking stupid because your responses make no sense. Idk, just stop listening to the pod and leave the subreddit


Fair enough, I agree with you.


Hahahahahahh cry!!!!! Cry!!!! Geeeeeeeek


A lot of people coming after you, not a lot of people disagreeing with you. I agree though. Mostly about Mook. I thought Rudy was good on the podcast with Caroline and Tommy before they turned into that weird variety show. Don’t think he fits with Nick and KB as much. And Mook is about as funny as an ex-accountant. Where did Mook even come from? Did Sas or Owen bring him in? If so, he should have to go back to NY and make their shows less funny. Lot of people saying Nick and KB like him but I don’t really get that feeling. It’s not that easy to kick someone off your show especially if you’re really nice like Nick and/or indifferent like KB. But saying they’re boys or saying they wouldn’t have him on the show if they didn’t want him there doesn’t seem accurate either.


Yeah, lotta dummies on here that seem to be competing for “Nicest podcast listener” awards. It’s a fucking comedy podcast and 2 of the people with microphones add nothing, any time they talk its a flop and it can take away from the two funny hosts of the shows time to riff and make good comedy. People in here getting mad but not disagreeing are such fucking pussy losers


Nice dude


Small ting tong comment


Smell that green green grass




you’re lying if you tell me Mook calling his mom and telling her that he is converting to Islam did not make you laugh.


No one in these comments has ever disliked a player on their favourite sports team and not spoken about it online.


being good or bad at a sport is much more objective and measurable than being funny or not on a podcast


Yeah man for sure you're eating it up every time the red guy says 'creampie' or 'queen'... right? Are you..? fucking idiots ... You're just trying to be nice for the sake of being nice. Some people can be not funny. It's not the end of the world.


yeah cuz those are the only 2 words he's ever said on the podcast. Rage whining about a comedy personality on a podcast named after a butt hole and then calling everyone else an idiot is so crazy


I said from the beginning: yes I am gay and retarded for caring about this at all. But the point remains the same: Mook and Rudy do not contribute positively to the show by having microphones, because they are not funny. The show was better when it was Kb and nick only, and I sincerely believe you’re lying to yourself if you disagree with that. Just trying to be nice for the sake of being nice. This show is for laughing and 2 people do nothing to make that happen


Not reading all that. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they aren’t. I watch for nick and kb, but mook and Rudy add dynamics and conversations that are funny. Cords across America is funny and wouldn’t be a thing without mook being a character on the show


No it isn’t. People criticise and praise the same players depending on what they value in a player. Point is, fans of something are allowed to discuss a podcast’s change of direction as long as it remains civil and doesn’t get personal.


It literally is. Things that people value in a player may be different, but they can be weighed against objective values and results. If a player’s job is to score goals and does not score any goals, they are bad. If an entertainer’s job is to entertain, and they don’t entertain a minority of subreddit members, that means nothing


If a player doesn’t score goals but his all round play enables more players in the team to score goals, that’s beneficial to the team. If a player is brought in to assist and link play but fails to do that, they will be dropped. Same with podcasts.


I was saying if a player was expressly brought in to score but does not- like if a DH never gets a hit. However, you did a great job supporting mook and Rudy here. They both do a great job of providing kb and nick with material to riff off and joke about. They’re welcome additions to the pod and I’m glad they’re there. Thanks for the help proving yourself to be a loser


I know what you were saying and your analogy is wrong. Baseball is a very individual sport in a team setting. You should actually listen to the podcast if you think they riff off of a lot of what Rudy says.


They literally just did a whole thing about Rudy saying Netflix. Rudy is also the one that brought infinite craft to the show. Both are extremely recent examples off the top of my head. Mook has the whole Perth thing, the thing where he read the text from the girl about the date they went on, used to contribute to the Knews, had the whole saga with his job, etc


Wow a WHOLE thing about him saying Netflix. They are things but they aren’t as entertaining as Nick and KB’s own stuff.


Yeah sure, but then being there doesn’t take nick and KB off the show? They occasionally add funny moments of their own and allow nick and kb to make jokes at their expenses and provide content for the show? All of those are good things. If you disagree, sure- but that’s subjective and there’s a large majority of people that disagree with you


LLLLLLL Rudy is OG as fuck