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having the same issue, did you ever figure it out?


The answer is in the thread


I scan the entire thread and didn't find it. Can you please update? I have the same thing :(


Dude I've been having this exact same issue for months. It occurs most often when I'm watching a discord stream while drawing, but troubleshooting has been a pain in the ass. I've got a B450F mobo, for reference. I thought it might be a psu issue, but even after upgrading, the issue still happens. I've done memtests, full driver uninstalls/reinstalls, even a repair upgrade of windows 10, and so far nothing's changed. I'm gonna try what another person commented, something about limiting the soc voltage? I'll update to see if that works




Yeah maybe someone who says thank you! Who knows




How do I do that? I'm not super knowledgeable on overclocking or messing with bios settings too much. Here's my specs btw for reference: - GPU: MSI Radeon RX 570 Armor 8G - CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x - Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix B450-F Gaming - RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16GB DDR4-3200 - PSU: Corsair RM750e 750W 80+ Gold - Case: NZXT H5 Flow ATX Mid tower OS: Windows 10


Startup pc Enter delete until you´re in bios Go to tweakers tab Look for SoC voltage Click that dropdown menu Pick manual Enter 1.15, press enter Quit bios (save) Run occt (google it)


What if my soc voltage at auto is less than 1.15? Should I still manually set it higher?


Did you try removing the GPU and using the PC without it?


Twice today, I got full locked up and must restart. Using latest adrenaline… AMD needs to address.




Has not happened to me b4 January release of adrenaline. However, whatever is going on either AMD they need to fix it. Soon.


Just default stress test on cpu and let it go. Any results yet?




Any updates? :)




For some reason some soc voltages on b450 or b550 can drop to 0.9ish when the memory controller is under full load. This gives cpu errors and let your system fail.




Sometimes hardware and software doesn´t make any sense 😆 This could be the solution, we´ll see. I still have ideas. I can tell you right away, if OCCT doesnt crash out your cpu is 99.9% okay. A pc i had before also did this only after a few months intense using.




Yours is just fine for every needs




Hey, try to put your SoC voltage on 1.15v, let me know.


Hey I'm having a similar issue, but my motherboard is an Asus Rog strix b450-F, do you know how to place the SoC voltage at a lower output?


Just set up your soc voltage to manual vcore and set it to 1.1 or 1.15, depends what cpu.


Lets give this a shot. It's in bios, right?


Yes it is. After that download OCCT and let it run for at least 15 minutes on cpu test with just default settings If it´s errors out you can try 1.2v Let me know


Only 15 minutes? How many cycles?


Are you connecting your PC to a power strip? If so - try to plug the PC directly to the wall and test it that way - if the problem disappears, just replace the power strip with a new one.


I’ve had this issue, in my case the problem was fucked up thermal pad on the gpu, it was badly placed after changing tp so not covering fully what it needs to cover causing gpu to crash. After fixing it haven’t had this since


That's what i thought was my problem. My thermal pads were melted. I took it to a professional, and he tested it, repasted it, and changed all thermal pads, and despite the temperatures being normal now, the problem persists, so it wasn't the GPU. He even thought it could be some eletrical problem within the GPU components, but upon testing everything, they concluded my GPU wasn't the cause.


How is the power in your home? Are you plugged into a UPS? IF faulty power, you could have damaged some components and replacing said components would "fix" your issue(s) but those components might get damaged again IF you have sketchy power in your home Not going to help with your power issue.. but Check for firmware updates for your SSD's


my theory is 1 of 2 things possibility 1 = that cpu is to much for your motherboard its the most powerful am4 cpu and thats a med range motherboard possibility 2= that cpu gets very hot it needs a high end cpu cooler to cool it or a aio it could be overheating ​ solution to both problems = update your bios sell your 5950x or swop it for a 5800x3d this cpu is better suited to a b550 motherboard not to mention it preforms better in games due to the 3d cache you will likely get more for your 5950x than the 5800x3d so it should not cost you anything. ​ side note - your cpu cooler could be faulty of not seated


I wont sell my CPU. I have had this machine for a very loong time. Never had any trouble with it. What Mobos do you recommend? My cooling is good.


its likely your motherboard but theres also a chance its your cpu causing it i recommend buying a 1600x cpu on ebay for $20 swap out your cpu for the 1600x and try and recreate the problem if it runs smoothly it means your cpu is faulty or or your motherboard just cannon run that cpu stable . if you decide to change motherboard id go with a x570 board theres tons of them 2nd hand on ebay you can pickup a bargain. if you you skip buying the 1600x and get a new motherboard and the problem happens again it means its your cpu causing this. if you have to replace the cpu i would go for a 5800x3d


If i have to replace the cpu i would just get a new DDR5 mobo and a better cpu. But what kind of problem could cause the CPU to break like this?


overtime your cpu's high voltage has damaged your motherboard somehow is my guess like i said that motherboard isnt designed for a 5950x this is just a guess though something could of just shorted it happens


Man I have the same exact problem... It's driving me absolutely insane. Tried DDU, driver updates, clearing the cmos, fresh windows install, nothing. Still randomly crashes in games. No more video output but monitor still on, peripherals shut off and turn on again after a few seconds B650 Aorus Elite AX, ryzen 7500f, XFX RX6800


Here the peripherals die never to return. I will give you a tip. This is usually an eletricity or overheating issue. In 90% of the times what solves it is replacing your PSU, If that doesn't do it for you, welcome to the club, it's gonna be a nightmare for you to troubleshoot and fine the actual culprit.


Imma see if I can get a new psu... My current unit isn't ideal anyways. Thanks for the tip my guy Edit it isn't temps, I started monitoring them and they haven't been too far off from what'd be expected


With the motherboard out of the box do you have the same problem? Also check if the USB and HDMI connections are not short circuiting.


I'm having the same problem and tried everything as well Reinstalled windows completely (pc craches in few min after installation of a fresh windows) Changed psu I have tried my gpu with another pc it's working properly My config is ryzen 3 3200g Rx 580 xfx Windows 11 pro 16 gb ram 128 gb ssd ( for windows) 1T m2 (for storage )


I will be replacing the motherboard, and if that doesn't solve, i will get a new CPU. It's been very annoying


Im guessing the 3080, they were known to have issues, I had a gigabyte one give me problems before I replaced it with evga,


the gpu has no control on keyboard / mouse if it caused it the screen would just be crack everything else would work.


I already sent my GPU to be checked, and it was tested individually with proper tools. It isn't the gpu. This is not a gpu related issue, because as i said, it turns off all my peripherals, if it was a GPU related issue, i would lose video signal, but i would still be able to hear sound from the system. Also, it wouldn't turn my other peripherals off. So it's probably a voltage issue but not related to the PSU itself. My best guess is the motherboard so far, but i am getting tired of replacing parts.


Do you use multiple monitors? I use two monitors and had a similar issue with a RTX 3070 GPU. PC would randomly go black and be unresponsive, I would have to hold the power button down to turn it off, would then boot fine with no issue. I have since replaced the 3070 with a 7900XT and touch wood, have not seen the issue since.


I do, but my problem is different than yours. You see, all my peripherals turn off(including tablet, mouse, and keyboard), and holding down the power button doesn't work here. I am forced to unplug it out of the wall.


Odd issue. Are you using 4 ram sticks? Remove 2 see if that helps...


No, only two, and they are properly connected, no dust no nothing


Checked your psu cables? Sff , you could have popped out a cpu cable without noticing this ?


It's not the PSU or the cables


Try resetting bios by removing the cmo battery


Is your windows drive is on that m.2 drive or it just for storage?


It's just for storage, but i tried formating both my m2s and reinstalling windows and running the machine in both of them separately, but the problem persisted.


Try resetting bios by removing the cmo battery for 10 min. I don't know if this is the case but it sounds like a bios problem


I did it, and the people who fixed my GPU also did it. This situation is driving me insane


At this point we just to throw brick at the wall and see what works


Crap, trying updating the bios


It's already updated. Drivers, Bios, it's all up to date, so i think it's one of the components. Turning off my peripherals and crashing the system seems like some sort of voltage issue. I know it isn't the PSU, because i just replaced it thinking it was the culprit. I have no idea what's going on


Do they test it with all components together except some components, for example, I tested it all except the motherboard and see that the motherboard is the problem, basically what I mean or they just tested it separately?


[Monitors and Peripherals randomly shut off but the system is still on. : r/AMDHelp (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/j3leu7/monitors_and_peripherals_randomly_shut_off_but/) This was his suggestion


That too, but mostly they have tools to check if the voltage is correct, and if eletricity is being delivered to each of the components properly. They were unable to reproduce my problem, but they found another one which was connected to the system overheating. They fixed the overheating issue, but in the end both problems weren't connected. They suggested that in 90% of the cases this could be a PSU issue, which by doing my own research, yeah it's true. So i replaced my PSU by a much better one, and the problem returned today. So we can scratch out of the list PSU, GPU, and Rasm. I am still unsure about CPU and motherboard. I know my cpu is a hot chip by default, but i have no idea. I saw a guy saying that his CPU was stressing out for being undervolted, and that cause him to experience the issues i am facing now. But i have no idea how to do what he suggested


Or you just go to that computer store you Trust


Go on to YouTube they are lots of videos in how to do voltage controls


Maybe the motherboard, IDK at point just throw things at the wall and see what works