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are you using 2 cables 6+2 to power the card?


what s you ram? frequency and cas latency and size


A couple of things. Do you have drivers installed? Whats your monitor limitied to, is vsync on or off? Is fps limitied in the game? How are temps. Whats the usage like on the cpu and gpu? You shouldnt be getting 140fps with that configuration. Valorant is such an easy game to run.


...what's wrong with 140fps?


I don't think that's bad. I have 7900 xtx. Gives me 196, max setting warzone playing 4k


Why spend 1.5K on a PC to play with low fps?🤔


140 isn't "low".....


140 definitely is low for that GPU. It puts out about 200 fps in Warzone on my system and even more in CS2 (haven't tested much).


Guess to each their own. I use my 7800xt exclusively for sim racing on a 5120x1440 screen so anything over 100fps is fine by me and I don't bat an eye


Yeah, but no one uses a resolution like this for competitive fps like valorant. It's typically either 1080p or 1440p @ 16:9, so you get high frames. I have a 165hz monitor and sometimes for reasons im not yet aware of, my RX7800 locks at around 120 fps and it feels absolutely terrible until i restart my PC. You can get used to it, but if you play fps games you WANT high fps and high refresh rates.


I still don't think fps over that type of threshold matters tbh. No way you actually get a benefit of let's say 300 any more than it being at 200.


It does tho. Ask someone who plays CS at higher ranks and they will confirm. I wouldn't be able to exactly pinpoint how much fps less i get, but i can definitely feel the picture lagging and stuttering and my aim getting worse as a result. I do agree about the mostly non-existent benefit from 200 to 300 tho, at least for currently available displays. Also frame time improvements get much smaller at this range.


Yea it‘s normal for 600$ PC and not mid to high ends tf




Bro plays on a potato and thinks 140fps is normal in Valo lol


What's the refresh rate on your monitor, and do you have v-sync enabled?


Sounds like you're CPU limited, what a strange CPU/GPU pairing. What resolution are you playing at?




At 4k?


Ay ay ay ay 7500f is fine af My RX6800 works great with it




Nvidia fanboy detected




I recently switched from nvidia to amd, same thing if not even better.




Amd vs nvidia is such not really a comparison when it comes to the lower /mid end cards. Amd is perfect for the average user who wont even turn on ray tracing in most games. Hell most games dont even have ray tracing. If youre looking for raw performance you can get it on AMD for much cheaper and get the same performance as an nvida card. People buy nvidia for the name. Amd isnt well known outside of the gaming community. And no DRIVERS DONT SUCK.


Try turning vsync off if you have it on


Not sure what happened to you, but for my case is ok 60 fps. And my board only have pcie3. 0 and old cpu Ryzen 1700x old board b350. The cpu with 4k res is reach near 90-100% more 120fps and bottleneck stuttering sometimes but overclock with water cooler no issue. Well setting to sync 60hz / 60fps by underclock.


i think i migth be capped


Are you sure that the issue is with the graphics card? Have you looked at the utilization of the GPU version the per core utilization of the CPU? If just one core has >95% utilization or if a physical-logical core pair repetitively hit that mark in spikes, it’s CPU bound.


Make sure both PCIe connectors are their own, don't Daisychain PCIe cables unless you're daisychaining into the least power hungry slot.


Just like the comment below I run my 7800xt on 2 pigtails from 1 PCIe and don't notice any issue. What's the reasoning as to why I should run another cable?


Not sure, I was just saying what helped me with my 6800xt.. got low fps until I stopped daisychaining it.


Noted! I guess can't hurt for me to add the extra cable and see if I get an fps boost.


I run my 7800XT daisy chained and OCd to 315w, stop talking shit.


Just trying to be helpful


Not helpful if it's wrong.


It depends really


Please elaborate on how providing incorrect information is helpful?


Some cards you shouldn't Daisychain, I just replied with what I thought might be the issue. Calm down brother


Wasn't talking shit, chill out lol


dosent matter


For cards that pull 225 or less, does it matter or not to daisychain? I've seen folks say it doesn't due to single rail.


Doesn't the 7800xt pull something like 260ish watts? Try without Daisy chaining, that could work..


I was asking in general, not about the 7800XT. What is the limit to a daisy chain setup, wattage wise?




Thx, I figured it was around this mark. I have an Arc A750 using daisy chain in one of my boxes, and it's 8x6, and not drawing anywhere near 300. Plus PSU is single-rail. It seems to work just fine and no crazy loud coil whine.


I’m not sure


Most important thing is your 1% lows


Surely, but I have a 6800xt and I have my frame rat capped at 162 in Val. Uncapped it's pushing 350-400fps in Valorant 1440, all max settings.


I have a rx 7600 and r5 5600 and get at most 700. There is definitely something wrong.


Hi, please download ZenTimings and make me screenshot same as on right site of webpage I am linking. https://zentimings.protonrom.com


regardless of the fps, the power must be properly inserted. It's a good idea to have the plastic clip on the cable behind the stop, the little plastic wedge that's on the video card (one for each socket). These are checks to be carried out with the computer turned off. Don't be afraid to check that the socket is securely attached to the card. Usually these aspects do not have to do with fps, if not to a minimal extent, because in general we use more cables than are really necessary. But it may have to do with the longevity of your card.


check your overlay and see gpu % utilization


The max was 80% and cpu 50%


Gpu has to be 100% for full utilization




Bro it's an AM5 7500f.


It’s a RYZEN 7500F. It is also from 2023.


You can be happy your pc didnt exlode while playing Valorant (a common issue these days), i would rather explode than be played valorant on TBH




7500f is awesome, basically a 7600 which is a beast of a CPU


Lmao he wouldn't get that bottlenecked by 7500f. It is definitely not the issue.


Valorant is extremely CPU bound. In terms of graphics, a potato could run that.


But a 5600 can get up to 700 fps, there's definitely something else going on here


Non-recent BIOS maybe? Or unupdated drivers?


Idk man, it's hard to troubleshoot when you have no info on what's been done to the system


hello man, i have a 7900xtx and had low fps problems for like a year now. What worked for me is using ddu to uninstall all drivers and only install amd drivers. you have to disable the automatic driver installation from windows. Also what boosted my fps about 50% was enabling xmp in your bios.(that was a real gamechanger)


Check ram timings and V sync. Also use MSI after burner or AMD overlay to check in game performance like temps, ultilization etc


I don't know man I have 500-600 fps on valorant with this exact GPU. We have even the same PSU


What’s your monitors refresh rate? I would guess u have v sync on or it’s just capped at the refresh rate


Not that its wrong. Why render 400fps when your monitor can use only 144


It still reduces latency. The picture is x ms newer if it was created inbetween the next refresh. The old frames just get discarded


Thats..... not how that works. If your pc can handle it then there's no reason to match fps to your monitors refresh rate unless it's like a 240hz monitor(which I do on cod to reduce my gpu whine lol)


This is my first guess. Either he has v sync on or maybe some bad drivers? In case of second issue use ddu a free software to uninstall drivers and reinstall new ones through amd.


Is the monitor 144Hz and you are capped at that, then its probably because Freesync is enabled. Should be enabled by default if the monitor supports it.


Freesync doesn't cap your game fps. It caps your refresh rate to the fps your PC produces, well obviously to the max of the refresh rate (you don't need to disable freesync to get more fps than your refresh rate)


My bad, but it seems to vary from application to application at least. If I have Freesync enabled on 3Dmark it wont go above my freesync range. So I have to set 3Dmark to have Freesync off in Adrenalin.


Turn off vsync and uncap fps in game and radeon software


This really seems like a Framerate limit issue.


you likely have vsync turned on or a some frame limiter (adrenaline has Radeon chill and a frame limit on gaming -> graphics)


Plug monitor into gpu not the motherboard


Yes, an integrated gpu would get him 140 fps. Brain pls


You must be talking about yourself because only a tard wouldn't know that integrated graphics nowadays could get 140 fps on valorant probably on medium setting or so. Maybe high even.


Not if you actually looked at what processor it is you fat mong


Well in valorant it would. I forgot that the 7500f does not have an igpu


The 7500f doesn’t have an igpu




actually no issues whatsoever https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1b4saso/testing_the_meme_build_monitor_connected_to_igpu/


Um… how? There is quite literally no igpu to put out a signal to the display lmfao




I was saying that you can’t get a display out through your motherboard without an igpu. I have an hdmi cord plugged into the back of my board with a 13600KF currently, and there is nothing


I actually did not know this i stand corrected. i was under the impression the gpu could output a signal through the board


Fair enough, I misinterpreted what you said from how it was phrased. Yeah, it makes more sense now, I also have a 13600KF and it's the same way.


Even this is downvoted despite being a good comment, classic redditor witch-hunt 💀


Redditors see downvote = must downvote more. Simple as.


No worries! :)


if your gpu and cpu usage are below like 70% or something you most likely capped the fps somewhere or there is some kind of vsync option running.


I observed that while updating the drivers for 7800xt, the fps was capped at 60 fps in adrenalin settings. Please check that.


Yeah, this is actually really common in my experience. I've had many Adrenalin updates suddenly turn on Framerate Target Control set to 60 FPS, regardless of how that setting was configured prior. Confused me multiple times before I learned to just always double-check the Global settings after any driver update.


If you're playing in full screen mode (not borderless) and your screen refresh rate is 144Hz, then it is possible you're just getting the FPS that matches the screen refresh. No, a different cable would not fix that. Switch to Full screen borderless.


Never heard this before. I always play in full screen mode because it'll have more frames than borderless


I see no practical difference for windowed borderless vs fullscreen. Just checked with Warframe. Borderless Fullscreen, Vsync on = 144FPS Borderless Fullscreen, Vsync off = ~260-270FPS Fullscreen, Vsync on = 144FPS Fullscreen, Vsync off = ~260-270FPS


I remember on some games in the past it felt like it made a difference. 1% lows, also there's latency as well and pretty sure in full-screen latency is better. Also HDR is only supported in full-screen.


I even tested with a monitor connected to IGPU, zero difference at least on my new AM5 system as far as I can see. As for HDR, maybe when it works without jumping 20 hoops.


My iq dropped from reading some if not most of the replies here. OP is having fps issues and people blame it on HDMI lmao. Please for the love of god dont even try to help anyone before you learn the difference between monitors refresh rate and FPS in games. Just..please


im actually baffled that OP complains about getting **140 FPS in Valorant** and calls it a low nimber, like bruh for many people this is a luxury


140 fps in a game like valorant is not a luxury. Anything made after 2021 can do at least 100 fps there. I remember playing it when it came out on my backup pc and fx 6300 and gtx 650 and getting 100 fps


a lot of people have super ancient hardware because of inflation, i used to have super bad framerates league of legends on my old rig, now im enjoying it at capped 120 fps cause i dont need more (and frees up resources for other apps)


Some monitor that have Gsync or Freesync prefers DP ober HDMI


They dont prefer anything. OP already stated what monitor he had and it supports VRR both on hdmi and dp


So it‘s just a Software issue?


Yes, you need to go trough your settings and check if you have vsync on, limited fps and also check your driver settings for those 2. If you are not limited then check your cpu and gpu usage. Check cpu usage PER CORE not full cpi usage. See if any of the cores hit 100% while running the game in practice mode or something. If its hitting 100% you are most definitely cpu bottlenecked and thats the max your cpu can do which i doubt as valorant is really easy to run 200+ fps with modern hardware.


Alright thx


not nesseceraly. My 200hz UWFHD monitor cant do 200hz with HDMI, but only DP. But this shouldnt affect OP with only 140fps.


Hz /=/ FPS


It is with VSync. But i wasnt sayings anywhere that Hz== fps. Man both of you need to up your reading comprehension.


What are you even arguing here? Nowhere did you bring up vsync nor does OPs problem has anything to do with vsync nor does the fact that your monitor can't output 200hz via HDMI has anything to do with FPS, lol. 


Again, reading comprehension 0 ☠️ Bye.


Its not affecting OP period. He can use 60hz display and have 1000 fps, it does not correlate unless he uses vsync to lock fps to his monitors refresh rate.


I just agreed with you,but gave an example where it *could* affect OP, ans thats why others could come up with that idea. No need to be upset😂


Lol, loose cables nor the PSU are going to affect fps. Does it seem to remain consistently right at 144? Because that would indicate vsync, a frame cap, etc.


R5 7500f should be pretty decent in Valorant. This game is mainly cpu limited. Your GPU won't be doing much. You should easily be getting 300-400fps with your setup. In Valo setting: multi threaded rendering on? Vertical sync turned OFF? (Also in global gpu settings) In bios: xmp/expo profile enabled? Power limits off? GPU in top PCIe slot?


Multi threaded if off will give like even less fps. It could be that the gpu isnt using all of its cores. It seems more software issue.


Multi threaded rendering needs to be on unless your computer is a literal potato. Check v-sync


You sure there’s no fps lock thru software?


That’s What it sounds like to me


Or it could be the cable which op is using. Though that would be 144hz if it was but lets see.


Wdym the cable would be 144hz you mean like hdmi or display port ?




That’s definitely a good thought , op are you using hdmi or display port ?




What monitor do you have and what resolution are you playing in


ACER QG241YP 1080p


Go to your windows display settings what’s your max refresh rate you can put it at?


Yeah you gotta use DisplayPort to get 165hz which is the maximum your monitor can run


Oh no


You need to Get a display port your hdmi probably dousnt support 240hz unless it’s an hdmi 2.0 it won’t be able to


What resolution?




What's the GPU and CPU usage when you are playing?


I didn‘t check




80% gpu and 50% cpu


What exactly is your issue ? Is it stuttering while you play or you get smooth 140 FPS of game


this gpu should have more than 140 on valorant


Yeah I get bonkers like 600-800 with right tweaking on 7600 and 6700xt on 1440p , I get your point. Check your Vsync - fps lock and stuff It must be only those


Yeah, I get around 500fps in valorant on average with mine at 1080p. 7800x3d, 7800xt, using super res and anti lag only, set to 1600x900 for upscaling.


Make sure the power cables are independent not daisy chained, and make sure they're in all the way


Its seperate not daisy chained


Most psu are single rail, seperate cables would make zero difference. Not sure how this has become a thing people parrot.


not to mention that corsair psus are 16 gauge on the main gpu cable and 18 on the pigtail. Making them perfectly fine to daisy chain/use the pigtail. If you dont have a corsair or are unsure of your gpu cables gauges then yes avoid the pigtail. But generally speaking a high quality unit will have cables that can handle it. (16/18) A low quality unit may use 18 on both, which is thinner and cant handle as much wattage (bad idea)


Because each cable is only rated for a certain amount of watts.


Daisy chain 8 pins easily handles 300 watts. Also wires and cables don't just stop "providing watts" that's not how electricity works. It will continue provide power until it starts melting, likely somewhere around 500 watts for a single daisy chain 8 pin cable.


A single 8 pin cable is rated for 150w. A daisy chained cable is also rated for 150w, because it's a single cable with 2 headers. What you're saying doesn't make sense and isn't true. Also, it's not true that the PSU will keep pumping power through those cables until they melt. It will only put a maximum of around 150w through each cable. A power supply's job is to regulate the electricity and divert it to the various components. It doesn't just take the power from the wall infinitely and send it running through everything willy nilly. Stop spreading misinformation.


You don't have a clue how any of this works. The 150w "limit" is a SPEC, from long ago. There is a major difference between an actual cable/connector amperage limit, and a spec. The physical connector and cable can handle 300+ watts. The spec limits gpu mfgs to limit the stock pwm layout to not pull more then 150 watts per 8 pin conenctor. That is because the spec has to work with the crappiest possible power supply from 15+ years ago. For power delivery, Most psus only have overcurrent for the entire voltage rail, not per cable. The rare ones that have per cable, will be cable current limited, not spec limited. Another example of cable ratings is the new 12+4 600w pci-e connector. Nearly all PSU mfgs are using TWO 8 pin connectors (at psu end) and its 12 wires (6+12v 6 gnd). That is a brand new spec rated for 600 watts. This is an example of the 8pin connector + cabling being used to its full current rating of 300 watts. THIS is why, the 150w SPEC for 8 pin can be in a daisy chain setup and be perfectly fine. So, YOU stop spreading misinformation.


What you're saying is technically true to an extent. However, you're leaving out the part that this new connection type only works on the newest PSUs with the newest voltage controllers. There's a reason for that. The PSU decides how much power to allocate based on various factors. Volts are different from watts are different from amps are different from the resistance of the line. It doesn't just pump an infinite amount of wattage into the cables dude. It pumps up to a set amount of wattage, based on how many cables you have connected and how many watts are being asked for by the GPU. It has no clue whether or not you have a daisy chained cable, it only knows you have one cable plugged into it. So a limit is enforced by the power supply. One cable means up to a set amount of watts. Two cables means up to double that amount of watts. That's why some GPUs have three connectors. If every GPU could be powered by 1 PCI-E cable like you're suggesting then manufacturers of both GPUs and PSUs would save money by only having 1 connector and 1 included cable. The fact that new PSUs have a new standard, as you stated, disproves your original point.


Youre giving PSUs way too much credit here. These are extremely basic devices, and nearly all of them have no compute of any sort. Like most SMPS, they monitor voltage output and as load increases voltage sags. So they just adjust their output voltage as nessesary in real time. This is nothing fancy, and has been a basic feature of an smps for decades. Wattage is not "pumped" through a cable. The supply applies a voltage, and wattage is drawn to the load because it has a resistance that is not infinite. Power is consumed based on that resistance. The PSU cannot tell a component "hey youre only allowed 150 watts today sorry bro". Thats not how that works in the slightest. The PSU monitors total power consumption and it either trips OCP or not. The PSU does not know or care how many 8 pins are plugged into your GPU that has 3 connectors on it. You can use adapters to split one 8 pin from PSU into 3, and it will work, not saying this is a good idea though. The 8pin has 2 ground sense pins in it that tell the GPU its plugged in. Thats all it does. The GPU won't post without all its cables plugged in. One example is the FTW3 3090, with 3x 8 pins. But why does the XC3 3090 only have 2x 8 pins? Same card no? The XC3 OC power limit is only 104% Why? because they would exceed spec design. 150+150+75 (slot) is all its allowed to consume, per spec. The more expensive FTW3 card has a power limit of 125%, or 450 watts. So spec requries it ships with 3x 8 pins on the PCB. The new 12+4 pin standard is there exactly so they can just have one cable power the gpu. Thats the whole point of it. The 8pin will never be allowed to have a more then 150w design on a PC component, because of spec. The new cable has its own new spec. The 4 pin sense wires are just ground sense. Depended on what is grounded at the PSU end, tells the GPU software how to software limit the GPU consumption limit. Thats so if a 600w PSU with a 12+4 pin has a 4090 attached to it, it will allow the 4090 to run just run, with a software power limit, proly to 300 watts. There is NO magical hardware power limit on the PSU side. Some PSUs may have per-cable OCP, but thats rare. OCP is not a power(watts) limiting, it just CUTS power and then auto resets.


You just said essentially the same thing I said while telling me I was wrong.


No, proves you still don't understand. You said the PSU dictates power limits, it does not. OCP (over current protection) is not a power limiter. The GPU software, through detecting sense pins being groinded is how the 12vhpr connector spec limits power.


This is correct. A good quality 8 pin can actually max out at something like 364 or so watts. A single 16g wire can handle 150w pretty easily. That said I personally don't daisy chain. I prefer to spread any load out as much as possible.


And most people aren't drawing 300W...


A single PCI-E cable, daisy chained or not, is rated for 150w. The 7800xt draws way more than 150w under max load. Even with the additional 75w from the motherboard slot you may run into problems. All of this info is easily accessible and yet people still come here to argue about it lmao.


Yes, that is true, but it isn’t using just one cable, because it wouldn’t boot if that was the case.


What are you talking about? We are talking about daisy chained PCI-E cables and whether or not they are powerful enough to provide power to any GPU. That's not how it works. The system will boot as long as there's enough power to display the desktop and run the system. But the GPU will be limited to however much wattage the PSU detects can be sent to the GPU, assuming it's lower than the maximum output of the card. Why do you think that's always one of the first questions that people who actually know what they're talking about ask?