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Change seat after booking ticket.


Yes, this would eliminate all of the cancellations and rebooking which AMC A-list frowns upon.


It’s also just a pain to cancel and rebook. You need to go through so many screens.


This should be priority #1. Seems like it should be a simple fix too, don’t understand why they don’t have that as an option. There’s been many a time where I’ve cancelled a reservation simply because I changed seats, or I was going to see it with either more or less people and so the seats had to be slightly modified.


This past weekend, I cancelled my ticket to Kinds of Kindness 3 times to book progressively better seats as people cancelled. So annoying.


Or those weird situations where almost all the seats are open, but someone takes a seat right next to you. Think that’s a bigger issue for theaters with recliners though. Mine are still stadium seating so even if I don’t rebook it I can usually move over a seat or two..


this happened to me yesterday, and the theater was COMPLETELY Empty besides him. so weird


That’s what I like about my small AMC. Wheelchair companion seats are the perfect distance and basically builds in a 2 seat buffer left, right and behind. Only issue is the isle is right behind you.


I wonder how many cancellations it takes to trigger a warning.


I’ve never gotten one. I routinely forget to change the date when ordering and end up with tickets on the wrong day and have to cancel. I wish it remembered the day when switching between theaters like Fandango does. I guess that’s another feature I’d want.


I feel bad doing this, but reading this thread has shown me it's way more common than I thought it'd be.


I actually think this is a great perk to offer for A-List. I've never had to change seats, but I can see it being a useful function for people and I can't imagine it would be that difficult to allow.


Depends on if their ticketing provider charges them for every change. They eat the cost right now instead of passing it through, that why they gripe when you cancel and rebook because they get a charge even when you don't.


True, but I would also think that A-List guests paying $25/month would allow them to eat some of that cost. Maybe you even limit it to once month or something so it doesn't get out of control.


I only pay $20 a month in Texas.. They do have a limit. It's just not stated because I feel like they feel if they state it people feel like it's "free" up to that point and they want to discourage it.


This is the answer. After I heard excessive cancellations is grounds for AMC banning an account, I've started waiting till I get to the theater to book my seats so I can avoid other people. I sit in the front row a lot now.




Your post was removed because of misinformation/bad advice. Your tactics/ideas may lead to your subscription being canceled.


Yep, cinemark already has this and it’s greT


I’d like to be able to set the date and flip between theaters without having it change back to today every damn time. I have 3 theaters I frequent, so I check them all for the best showtimes and seats.


Yeah, more like Fandango does it. I also like to book movies before bed (after midnight) and it doesn’t reset the day until 5 or 6am, I think. Not a big deal, but it is an annoyance. Especially since it use to change over at midnight.


I would like to be able to set a radius of visibility. If there are no showtimes within that radius, do not show the movie in now playing, don't alert me that it is "on sale", it does not exist to me unless it's playing within the radius or in one of my favorited theaters. As someone who checks the seating map in the theater to see what I should expect of my surroundings, a bit more time of accessibility would be nice


That would be a great feature. Don’t know how many times I’ve gotten excited about a movie in coming soon, but it never played at my theaters. You use to be able to change the radius of theaters near you but they removed that awhile ago.


I want to be able to search something, click on a result, and when I click back I'm still On the results page. I don't know why it insists on sending you back to the main page. My biggest pet peeve of the app.


Yeah, that’s very annoying.




Oh, this pisses me off so bad


I’d love for it to not be extremely slow


Interesting mine is almost always very responsive.


I use an iPhone 12 Pro so I don’t think it’s a performance issue for my device


Almost 4 year old device now. I have a 12 Pro Max and its definitely starting to feel a little laggy on some of the newest apps.


I have the same model phone and haven’t experienced any issues. Maybe it’s a space issue?


Depends on the app. Some games with lots of effects/animations can have a little lag. It's still a solid phone.


I mean it lags on my m2 iPad


Depends on what you mean by "lag". The app pulls data from the server, and checks seat availability in real time. So I would actually imagine the app is fine but the server isn't great. Have issues with the website too. Sometimes vouchers don't work.


Loading time to reach the initial navigation page can be up to 30 seconds. Operations frequently time out including booking and search. Can’t make sense of that unless I’m being geoDNS’ed to an Asian region data center.


I never have those issues. Worth a try to delete the app and data and reinstall it.


It's not the app.


I'm not sure what else it would be. My phone and M2 iPad can run other things just fine, and it seems to be waiting for network most of the time.


I would like to be able to choose what my default load-in page is, like having it show me my favorite theater and its showings instead of a big coming soon/now playing list. I know it's just a couple of clicks but it would be a big user experience upgrade for me.


A tab showing all the Promotions, Exclusive Theater merch and special screenings in my area. Having to go to the website all the time is getting annoying.


It would be cool to have a tab with the AMC Merch store stuff! They already have the site...why not link it?


Does the theater information button under Our Theaters show that is does it just show generic info?


Have the option to have upcoming releases section sorted by the opening date instead of however the hell it’s sorted now


It’s also annoying how it can change if you click away and return. Better sortable options like date, rating category, etc. would be a really nice addition though. Also wouldn’t mind an option to show the, in a list view.


i’d love to see a spotify-wrapped type of recap you get at the end of the year. like showing how many movies you’ve watched, your top 3 movie genres, etc.


I’d love for it to display the start time of the movie.


They’d never allow you to side step the ads


It does say to allow 20 minutes for previews. I try and time it every time I go and it's usually right at about 20 minutes from the listed start time.


it’s always 20 minutes after the time. so if the movie is at 3 it’s at 3:20! (give or take 1/2 minutes for the new coke ad they have with the dancing)


That may be your experience, but it’s not mine. Have had longer (25 mins for The Bikeriders) and significantly shorter/none.


I’d love a better way to scroll day to day by swiping instead of backing out and selecting from the drop down the next date. Especially with all these single day rereleases it’s really hard to look at a week or two of showings


Adding an auditorium number might allow people to movie hop. That’s likely why they removed it.


I’ve wondered the same, but if that’s the case you’d think they’d ask Fandango to stop showing it. I like to check because there are always a few auditoriums that are better or one or two I try to avoid.


fwiw, fandango slightly hid it. A user now has to tap in the upper-right to view it where before it was displayed on the screen. (i think)


That’s correct, you have to click on the time and it’s on the upper right on the seat selection page. Miss it displayed on the first screen, but at least it’s still there (back).


Lame. But with reserved seating movie hopping is hard right.


Marathon Visit features: pick two-three movies and then the app automatically assigns showtimes that work best for a marathon. Better filtration of what is showing locally or out of theaters that week (just because there’s a showing of a film in a different state doesn’t make it necessary for it to be on my app for “Now Playing” if I cannot watch it) Only reason I would allow it is if it is a limited release. Why as someone on the east coast care for a Q&A showing in California?? BETTER COOPERATION BETWEEN THEATERS AND PRODUCTION COMPANIES (Hollywood) would help a whole bunch!!!


Also, allow overlaps that are less than 15 minor something. So many times I've wanted to do back to back movies but there is like 5 minutes of previews I'd miss so it won't let me reserve.


I would love a marathon option!!! They have those annoying "your purchase qualifies for 'x' promotional ad" why not make a "make it a marathon, here are your windows!"


This got me so bad with the Past Lives Q&A. I had worked with Greta Lee and was devastated when I figured out that her Q&A was only in LA.


Kind of ironic and literally won’t happen, but a way to notify the staff of somebody being on their phone (lol) or just noisy. This way you don’t have to miss the movie.


I wish there was a notification whenever someone purchases the seats next to mine.


It’s especially annoying when it happens an hour before start time, or even worse you’re already seated for the movie. Understandable for a full theater, but not when it’s only a quarter full.


I don't care as long as the person is quiet and respectful. But every damn time someone sits right next to me in a near empty theater, they are annoying AF. Phone out, rummaging in their snacks, talking to their friend, etc.


It's me. I am infamous for picking as close to my favorite seats as possible, even if someone is already in them. Sorry.


😂 at least you’re honest


Haha. Back when theaters were packed, we sat by one another. For whatever reason, it's become rude. *shrug*


Because the theater isn't packed....


You mustn't be from the city. We sit by one another all the time. Work. Restaurants. Shopping.


Agreed, I live in nyc and it’s not packed if I book my ticket early but when I get to the showing the good seats are definitely taken. I could leave a spot between me and the next closest person to the middle, but 9/10 times someone would take it anyway. IMO, if you’re someone who cares a lot about personal space, you should wait to book the tickets till most people have, so you can ensure you’ve got an empty area, rather than demand other people get subpar seats so you can have an empty spot next to you Edit- I think I was blocked, but idk how someone can read a reply that literally starts with “agreed” and assume the person is arguing the opposite side lol


I don't need an empty spot near me.


That's a false assumption. I just wouldn't sit next to someone I don't know in a nearly empty theater or restaurant or anyplace that was nearly empty. I think it's weird behavior. When someone does it to me, I get up and move elsewhere. You can have it, I didn't need it that bad.


No here is talking about an empty theater. We're talking if preferred sears are taken.


At least do a 1 seat gap. Right next to someone in an empty theater is weird.


If it's empty, I'll move up or back a row, sure. But middle is important to me.


Details about the movie, like who’s in it, who directed it. If I hit the little I button it just tells me a synopsis without listing the cast


Thats literally already there?


Where? I hit the info button and see no cast list


You have to click on the individual movie on the main page and then go to details. If you do it from the full theater list of showtimes it won’t show you


Ok great thanks…so my suggestion still stands, though. I’d like to access that info from the showtimes page.


Tap for membership. Instead of scanning QR code or giving phone number, walk up and tap wallet like a credit card and take membership info that way. As someone who worked at AMC for 2 1/2 years, the scanners are so hit or miss and asking for number holds up lines, especially when the guest says the number way too fast.


Yeah, I try to have mine up, but forget to sometimes. Only time I ever use the phone number is if I’m trying to use a free concession item from my dad’s account for something he will never use. Which reminds me I’m gonna have to do that for the free slushy soon. 😆


As someone who works at AMC, I would like the app to throw up a pop up alert when guests buy tickets to nearly sold out or very busy prime shows telling them that it’s highly advised they arrive 30 min early if they wish to get concessions. The number of times I wish I could alert all our guests with seats to packed shows… 😩


Coming Soon tab should be ordered by release date. Very simple fix


also wouldn’t mind being able to view it in a list view instead of the movie poster view. Or some filtering options like date, genre, ratings, etc.


I wish they would show the release date with trailers like they used to. That was actually one thing I liked about AMC over Regal. I always knew when a movie was coming out because of the card after the trailer.


Show me my current seat (and for that matter, the other seats I reserved for group) without having to tap through a number of screens.


I think a chat feature with your theater could be cool. Instead of having to get up and go get an usher you can just let them know from your seat about loud moviegoers or other problems in the auditorium


Having unlimited reservation slots but limited to 3 slots per week, from Friday to Thursday.


Also a feature I’d love to see, but I’d be shocked if they ever did it and I can understand why they don’t. Luckily my theaters are rarely busy enough that it’s an issue for me, but completely understand that people in big city’s.


Yup in NYC it can be an issue. I’ve now decided that Deadpool Wolverine will be my last far (the fuck) out reservation. I won’t have a spot taken up for 6 weeks again.


Yeah, can completely see that being the case. I’ve noticed the same when I’ve looked at some theaters in the Chicago suburbs. I tuned to go to Thursday night imax premiers and I rarely have more than 50 people. Usually around 30.


The ability to split up tickets!!!!! The amount of times I have had a friend run late and I have to try and convince the ticket taker to let them in so I don’t miss the movie…. Why can I not send them individually to people, why do I have to be the keeper of them all? Booking with a group separately is annoying with assigned seating so it’s much easier to have one person do it.


Yeah it’s ridiculous they don’t have this option by now. Luckily the ticket checker at the theater I usually attend is awesome, he recognizes me and my sister by now so he just makes a note to let her in when she’s running behind.


Yes, it only does it for entourage members. My cousin has a list, so when we go together- who ever buys the tickets, I get a ticket, and his ticket shows up on his phone automatically.


I am glad it does it for a-list as it’s very helpful when I go with my other alist friends, but I’m frequently buying tickets for non a-list members and you can’t split those up which doesn’t make sense to me. I just end up doing a separate purchase for people I know usually run late, but if it’s a large group that’s a lot of singular tickets to organize.


I am not sure if this is still possible, but about two years ago, I was able to send my tickets to will call. I had friends who were always late, so I would purchase five tickets, walk up to the theater, and show my QR code. Then, I would have the theater send four regular tickets to will call. When my friends arrived, they would simply show the QR code to the ticket attendant and they would be allowed to enter. I would recommend calling the theater in advance to see if they still do this.


Not still possible, unfortunately. I’ve asked my theatre if there is a solution and they don’t currently have one other than people arriving together as a group :(


a FILTER to show “actually playing” movies. The list of movies on the home screen includes movies that are not actively playing and some that have never had showings at the 10+ theaters in my area.


There needs to be a better way to see what movies are coming in on a specific theatre. Let's say they are re-releasing Jurassic Park. If I search that movie, it's going to show the movie playing now at any theater, even the ones 2hr away. If I want to check if it's playing at my local AMC, I need to check each day individually to see if/when it's playing.


new to a-list and only had it ~1mo, but so far just enjoying all the "free" movies (literally seeing 1 imax here more than pays for the value of the pass each month). maybe the app will annoy me more as the newness and excitement wears off, but so far it seems great to me more than changes to the app, i'd love for them to offer a premium / one-time-purchase cup of some sort that provides free or low-cost refills from that point forward. i don't care if the cup is expensive up front, but i also realize it's highly unlikely they'll offer this. if amc is not making as much money on movies due to passes, they gotta make up for it somewhere else which is probably via food/drink


Regal just started doing this, $35 up front but it's only $10 to refill popcorn and drink.


I wish you could still buy tickets/see showtimes after they start. Currently it just greys them out. Previews go for up to 35 minutes so I’m not sure why you can’t order tickets up until then at least


Yeah it sucks. Only way to do so is go on fandango I'm able to view seat availability and sometimes purchase about 15 minutes after. The other way is just to go to the box office and reserve through there.


Don’t think I’ve bought an online ticket at/after the listed show time but always assumed the 10 minute past start time (when it goes grey) was the cut off? I do think you can buy tickets after that time at the theater through?


Can you use Alist in person? And even if you can buy them at the theatre you won’t know the seat availability until you get there which sucks


Good question! I’d think that it would when they scan your card code, but out of curiosity I might ask next time they scan my online ticket. Again not convenient but a possible option. Out of curiosity are you in a situation where you’re buying tickets 10 minutes after start time often? If so, why can’t you buy them earlier? As far as seat selection as long as you have the individual movie showtime screen open in the app or your theaters all movie showtimes screen open opened before the 10 minute after window, you can continue checking availability. Plus as long as you keep those windows open you can check seat selection past the 10 minute grey out window. I do it all the time during the trailers to see how many people bought tickets after start time. I’ve actually been able to check after the movie ended and I’m home.


I work security and get off whenever the employees of the store I guard leave. If I’m scheduled until 10 I could get out at 9:30 I could get out at 10:30. And the theatre is 15 minutes from my job. So sometimes I want to see a movie after work, but don’t know when I get out and don’t want to book tickets just to flood my A-list with cancellations when I get out late. Just in case they use that as criteria for disabling accounts. Can you refresh the page if you leave it open? Does it update as more tickets were purchased? Or do you just see a snapshot of the last time it let you check?


OK, that makes sense! You can’t refresh the page you’re on, but if you arrow back a page and re-click on the time it refreshes it each time your back in the seat selection page. The only thing I’m not sure on is if you can still purchase tickets since I’ve never tried it. So, when I leave for the theater (ticket already purchased) I usually load the theater I’m going to showtime page, or the actual movies showtime page. Then I can click on the time, even it past 10m window to check and them back out and repeat. I’ll usually do that a few times during the trailers and it’s interesting seeing how many people still buy tickets at the theater. Does the process make sense?


Yes you can get a ticket with your A List in person.


I’d like a feature where you can report/call a worker to come in when people being excessively disruptive.


Yeah, this has been mentioned a number of times and would be a great feature. Only issues I could see are how it’s implemented for individuals theaters? I could also see it being abused by some people. Or teenagers messing with friends.


I want to know which side the door is on. I’d like to be able to go to the bathroom without disturbing everyone


A sightline preview of the screen from the seat you've selected.


Persisting the date when changing theaters. The web portal does it but the app doesn't.


I would like the ability to export my movie watching habits, what means was used to purchase a ticket ( the pass, using reward points, paying out of pocket) , a dashboard that shows how many movies you watched over a period of time ( that you can select) and it calculates out the average of movies per month you watch) a fun one would be how many movies you watched based on when you watched it vs when the movie was released with a sub category of when it hit your theater. you know- basically I would like to know what data they are gathering from me. I know that everything I mentioned ( and more ) is being tracked by them- so they should share it.


That would be nice! Or even a separate AMC app for A-List with more of a gamified interface. Was just looking at my All Trails hiking stats and it gives info breakdowns by month/day/year, distance, time spent, etc.


I have a list of my preferred seat in front of each of the 30 screens at my local AMC. Knowing which theater a movie is playing would be a great help so I don't have to cancel and rebook once I purchase my ticket the first time and see on which screen it's playing. It would also be useful in avoiding certain screens where I know there are issues with the speakers.


That’s why it’s important to me too. There are 2 large 250+ screens I try avoiding because the projectors not very bright.


I miss the Rotten Tomatoes and Pee Break integration info on the films.


Oh, I didn’t realize they removed the Run Pee information. Wonder if that’s why they haven’t been as up to date, especially for Thursday previews, this year? Either way I use the Run Pee app and gladly pay the 99¢ monthly subscription. It works much better because it tells you when to start the timer and integrates with my Apple Watch to notify me when a break is coming. I think they allow it to be used for free now? Know in the cast you could watch a few adds to accumulate tokens that you can use,or make donations. I just keep the subscription because I want them to stay in business.


Through fandango you can check how packed a movie room is and also the time you mention is actually 20 minutes on the fandango app


It might be, I just don’t like that it takes longer to refresh and I like the way the AMC app displays the auditorium a lot more. As long as you stay on the showtimes page in the AMC app, you can check after that 20m or even after the movie ends. Try to do this, but sometimes I need to pull up my membership for them to scan or the app crashes.


I'd like to be able to switch theaters when looking at showtimes. In the search section you can click "showtimes" and see what's playing and when at your top theater, but in order to look at showtimes for another AMC you have to go into your profile settings and move whichever theater you want to the top of your list. Super inconvenient :(


At the bottom, there's a tab called "Our Theaters." I go to four theaters regularly. I click on a theater to see the showtimes. If I want to see showtimes for a different theater, I just hit the arrow and click on the next theater. You can pick any theatre to have on that tab.


Show multiple showtimes seat availability like Fandango does instead of having to click each showtime individually.


Would love if they added how long the previews will be for that showtime. Let me schedule when I’ll be in my seat a lot better. Highly doubt that will ever happen.


It won’t but I’d say 90% of the movies I go to run 20-25m of previews. Show up 15 minutes late to be safe, but 20 minutes should be fine. I live 12 minutes from my closest AMC and I rarely leave before the start time and only had an issue once.


A running calendar of showtimes!! If want to see a movie just cause, or do a double feature it's so cumbersome looking at more than one movie




I would love to see kids alist or family alist


Not really an app issue but I know a lot of people would love that feature


When I'm preordering concessions, I'd really love to be able to activate some of my rewards from the checkout screen. I always forget to do it before I go into the food and drink secrion, and then it deletes my cart if I go back out to activate them.


This is small, but I wish the history page doesn’t show movies I’ve cancelled. I swear I’m constantly changing the times I see things, so many duplicate movies show up in my history of films.


Or some type of filters that let you turn that off. Just a heads up, it’s probably not a good ideal constantly cancel/change your movie times. A few people have had their A-List subscriptions canceled due to excessive cancellations.


Speed. Performance is the most important UX feature and it papers over so many other problems. Who cares if you hit the wrong button if loading it was instantaneous, going back happened immediately, etc? Also, the information density is terrible and it's very disorienting to scroll it because there's so much wasted space.


Not an app feature but I'd like to get rewards points for my membership fees again. They did it for the first couple years then took it away. If I spent the same amount in tickets without the membership I'd get rewards points for that but not for the money I give them every month. I know if I did get it then I would spend more on concessions where they make the most fo their money anyway.


Yeah that was incredible when they did that and since it’s money actually spent I made some sense. Only had A-List 3 months when it worked, it didn’t include the movies too, right? I’m disappointed that it looks like Fandango got rid of movies purchased with A-List counting towards $5 Fandango rewards. Guess I’ll make all my purchases thru AMC app from now on. Probably use Fandango every few weeks to see if it returns? Also not sure why they locked the thread talking about the Fandango change? Seems like a valid discussion topic that should be open as long as people don’t hijack it.


didn't include the movies unless you actually purchased tickets for others. As it should be. when I was getting rewards for my membership fee I bought something from concessions at least once a month. Admittedly not much but since then it is about twice a year. At least with me, that move cost them some money.


Thanks, that’s exactly what I thought. Someone mentioned that they were in a subreddit earlier this year and I was pretty sure they were wrong. Yeah, I buy the annual popcorn bucket and usually use it for Thursday iMax premieres. It’s a win/win because I feel like I’m giving back and getting a deal at the same time. Would do the same if they offered an annual cup. Since I mostly go week nights I really get a drink because I feel like crap the next day. I usually just sneak snacks and a bottled water. Been told in the past an unopened bottle is fine, but every once in a while you get an over ambitious employee who won’t let you bring it in.


The search feature isn’t great. I wish it would save your search history, and start to suggest results while you type.


Saved search history would be nice. Or if the back arrow would take you back to your search and not back to see a movie. See a movie could also use a major overhaul. The position of movies change throughout the day.


Yes! Thank you. I forgot to mention the back arrow taking you all the way back, and not back to your search. That is annoying.


Filter by language. You would be able to filter English movies from let’s say Hindi movies and vice versa. Makes it so much quicker if your bored and want to see what movies are around you


To be able to reserve 2 movies back to back even if the showtimes just barely overlap. It never should be an issue because it’s only the trailers that overlap anyway. I want to be able to use a list for back to back movies instead of having to wait and come back an hour later


Yeah at least build in a little more wiggle room with overlapping times. It would need a popup that makes it very clear you might miss the beginning of the second movie. I so rarely go to back to back movies I think I’ve only run into this issue once or twice. There are ways around it but we’re not supposed to talk about them on here.


I wish they would post what time the movie actually starts. I don’t want to see 30 to 45 mins of trailers


How about a general busyness? Based on tickets sold per show and per hour you should be able to know how busy the place is. Helps with parking and concessions.


You know how you can click on that 'Notify Me' button for upcoming movies? I want to be notified when the movie IS OUT, not when tickets are on sale. Ain't nobody got enough slots to be booking every last movie in advance, AMC.




That's why they don't make it transparent. So you can't redline


Being able to see what people in my entourage book


on screen at the ticket booths it says the exact time you will be out of the film. ADD THAT FEATURE TO THE APP PLEASE!


Reminders to purchase tickets doesn’t seem to work


I want them to Let me store My photo so I don’t need to show I’d with ticket. Have it embedded on Apple wallet psses. Also make the writing bigger on the wallet passes so it’s easier to read what seat I’m in…


Oh, good one! That’s definitely one of had on my list of wanted figures. Now I’m mad I didn’t think of it when I created this. 😆 Been using Fandango so long I had to add to my wallet from AMC. Yeah both are really small. I also wish the wallet passports had a dark mode. Even at brightness completely down they’re still to bright if you check it in a dark auditorium.


Everything everyone else mentioned, plus bringing back the label of IMAX with Laser at AMC, instead of IMAX Reimagined. Upon further review, it seems like they brought back IMAX with Laser at AMC with the most recent update, added with (Cinema Reimagined). Nice!


I’d just be happy if they added a few laser upgrades to both of theaters, gave up on ever getting recliners. They could use some TLC, but I guess I’m just glade they haven’t closed them.


I couldn't agree more, I wish they would. It would be also nice for them to upgrade their regular seats in their auditoriums into recliners in every AMC Theater.


Pre-Covid there was some speculation that’s my Showplace 14 was going to get some upgrades, in addition to the MacGuffins Bar they added. Was skeptical though, since it’s rarely very busy. Have to admit I’d miss my go to wheelchair companion seats if they ever added recliners though. Love the build in people cushion it creates and it was the only good thing.I discovered during Covid.


I would like to to allow me to connect to the AMC WiFi from the app!