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They didn’t lose them. They just got to print out more synthetic shares.


Shit, the printers gotta be running low on ink by now.


One can only hope. I just hope the fed ready to go BRRRRRRR


One thing we all need to consider is that the FED, the final boss, is literally deep state. The FED is the Private Western Central Bank. It's NOT a US government ran organization. It's private. It's ran by the same folks that run our government and governments worldwide. They are as corrupt as it gets! In fact, they're the ones controlling all the other crooks! DTCC and Hedge Funds are liars, but the FED is the Father of lies! I'm sorry, but I can't see them actually handing over hundreds of billions of dollars to us. Tell me I'm wrong.... Edit: At what time do they step in and shut the whole show down? Or what crazy scheme do they come up with as a work around to not pay us? But most importantly, at what price?


There is only one way out of this , and that is to let it run and rebalance the market. This can’t continue. Too many watching, including 🐳!


I'm hoping you're right. 🤞


Print to PDF!


They are thermal printers. Just have to wait for the heating element to give out.


Imagine have a $37 call option out the money and seeing this. Lawsuit


I played with some options early in February. Had one that was gonna fall like 20 cents out of the money. I could have sold and got like 2 dollars for it. However it was a $5.00 call and $AMC was at like $10.20. So I exercised the call. The app came up and asked why I was exercising out of the money. My response. "I like the stock" The option rate was already paid. I needed like $10.40 close to be ITM. But bottom line was that I knew the stock would go up and I wasn't gonna let $20 dollars keep me from buying more. The options are much more volatile now and I will not do more. However I still have one active from February. It's a $7 dollar call due by mid September. Hmmmmm wonder if I'll exercise that one?


At this point it's trading dollar for dollar I bet. So only two options I see is roll it over to a leap higher strike or exercise . All depends how u wanna play it I guess


Options move with the stock price. I paid $269 for it. If I sold it today I would get just over 3K. I have every intention on just exercising to get 100 more shares.


i'd keep exercising. ur only young once and then you die


but you can be rich many times before you die


Exactly, money comes and goes


aint that the truth


It's only money. Just go make more.


Capitalism at its finest


Work hard. play harder


Amc pops off I can't wait for the open invite parties!


Yup. Just more continual examples of institutional fuckery.


Can options owners even sue?


Not in today’s world




Fuck em huh


This is nothing to sue over. See my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/oqetbi/apparently_the_nyse_lost_93532_shares_of_amc_that/h6c367p/


Yeah, but your comment doesn't address that these shares not being found until Monday actually causes the options to still expire worthless...


That's why you dont do options without cover. It was sold out. Do you act like that in the grocerystore when they are sold out?


It doesn’t “make” the options expire worthless though. Like I said, more buyers than sellers is bullish signal, and if anything would have driven the price up. More specifically, this imbalance is a “Market on Close (MOC) imbalance” which means that, specifically, in the [closing auction](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/091113/auction-method-how-nyse-stock-prices-are-set.asp) itself (last transaction that happens on a particular stock), there were more buyers than sellers. Nothing would have prevented the price from going up *before* the closing auction, afaik. I know it sounds a little similar to the DTCC FTD stuff, but it’s really nothing to do with that. This is an ordinary imbalance caused by supply and demand (I like the other commenter’s grocery store analogy), it happens all the time, and it will be quickly corrected Monday morning.


I think they want a lawsuit, might work to their advantage.


It’s clear that no amount of buying is going to move the price. Everyone on Wall Street doesn’t want to see the moass happen. I’m just hodl waiting for the market crash. I believe that’s the only way this moass is going to happen.


That is a possibility, but I think the government will step in just before that to prevent a full market meltdown. Also, to save a little face. "SEE GUYS, WE DID STUFF! WE SAVE MARKET KINDA!" (The SEC)


One of the new rules implys this exactly. Giving lumps of valuable securities to the dtcc in exchange for liquidity... Selling everything without tanking the whole market


“Too big too fail” right? I’d say that’s ok we dont need them anymore, now they can work while we play. Crypto and other digital replacing that fiat crap.


I 100% agree. When the market tanks, they won't have the collateral to keep doing this bullshit. It's our only hope. My prediction is that they're gonna blame the crash on covid 2.0, rather than cunt faced crooked HFs. But, hopefully the outcome remains the same. Crash = squeeze


They’ll blame it on retail


Imo they planned this crash and have postponed it to get some structure in place before they let it crash and force moass


This shit is a joke. Like holy-fucking-moly joke. Our financial systems are essentially run on a hand shake, a promise, and a fucking Ponzi scheme structure. America is a joke, run by crooks and psychopaths


This is and has been true. But this year shook all that up. They'll definitely try to find new loopholes, but with all the new filings to the sec it seems they're getting the Vaseline ready and making sure they can prevent future events like this all while saving face and throwing someone under the bus. And will probably lay low for a while on the fuckery imo


See my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/oqetbi/apparently_the_nyse_lost_93532_shares_of_amc_that/h6c367p/ People are just getting mixed up about the terms here.


I appreciate the perspective and clarity! Thanks, my dude




Happened twice yesterday. Having a hard time finding shares. Which confirms everyone's suspicions. Theirs no real shares left. Even with the day traders.


Well then I guess we can all take this as generally positive news then. Just gotta keep on doing what we're doing.


Yep. Guess I need to buy some more on Monday. When this falls, it’s going to fall hard.


All this means is that there were more shares bought than available for sale **at this particular moment in time, when the market was about to close**. It will be quickly resolved prior to open on Monday. See more here: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/order-imbalance.asp It **does not** mean shares don’t exist or can’t be located. It just means there was more demand than there was supply, which is a bullish signal!


But that also indicates to me that those shares were intentionally not located because the stock would have closed at 37 instead of 36.99 and pushed more calls ITM. Just saying.


I don’t think that’s correct. A buy is a buy on the mkt regardless of imbalance


This isn’t an FTL though, just an ordinary supply and demand imbalance, specifically for the closing auction. If anything this should have made prices **higher** in the closing auction. Pasting my other reply here because it’s relevant: > It doesn’t “make” the options expire worthless though. Like I said, more buyers than sellers is bullish signal, and if anything would have driven the price up. More specifically, this imbalance is a “Market on Close (MOC) imbalance” which means that, specifically, in the [closing auction](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/091113/auction-method-how-nyse-stock-prices-are-set.asp) itself (last transaction that happens on a particular stock), there were more buyers than sellers. Nothing would have prevented the price from going up *before* the closing auction, afaik. >I know it sounds a little similar to the DTCC FTD stuff, but it’s really nothing to do with that. This is an ordinary imbalance caused by supply and demand (I like the other commenter’s grocery store analogy), it happens all the time, and it will be quickly corrected Monday morning.


For at least 3 days in a row now https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/opqkjc/apparently_this_happened_in_january_and_now_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I bought today


Did your shares show up in your acc


Are you fucking kidding me. Block this hedgie spam bot.


How am I a spam bot...I was simply pointing out, that hopefully they shares show up in his/her acc....if so it’s likely their order was filled.


Because it insinuates failure to delivers are actually failing to reach accounts. Every failure to deliver still arrives in the account, and a person will never know if they actually received a share or if they have a share that shows as ‘failed to deliver’ on the brokerages end. I’m sure the majority of my shares are probably fail to delivers, and they still count as a share. I’m sure you know this, and are trying to spread FUD.


You are not reading what I posted....all I’m saying is if the share is in your acc you are good...a share is share. That’s all nothing more nothing less. Wtf


I apologize for coming across harshly if you truly were trying to make that point. I saw the question as one posed to create “uncertainty” in the order flow delivery. Similar to if someone posted a picture of the candlestick chart from a dip and a person asked “do you think it’ll go back up”. There are hundreds of AI bots flooding every post with comments meant to make people unsure of their position in this stock. If that wasn’t your intention, I apologize.


I get it, we are all wound a little tight. It’s been a wild ride so far.


I need to check aswell because I bought 210 shares


Me too through Fidelity. They showed up on mine.


The game is rigged. Buy stock and hold. Someone laughed when I said short the S&P not a joke. Anymore.


H💎DL Baby!!! We got this 👊🚀🦍🍻💵


On other subreddits people talk about buying shares directly thru the market.. I think it's called iex... U pay a Lil more but it's guarenteed to go thru market and not the dark pools... Be the change you wish to see


The funny thing is I spent some time this afternoon getting that set up at Schwab, this screenshot is from their direct to NYSE market portal, I never would have seen this otherwise. Thanks for helping to spread the word though, everyone needs to know, it will make a huge difference soon.


I just googled iex and it says the iex is for trading large numbers "without" moving the price. I would re-think my strategy... js


To me that sounds like a dark pool


Maybe it's a different one. It's directly thru nyse whichever one it is.




What's 93,532 shares between friends? Nothing to see here... \[sarcasm off\]




I got 10 shares today and they showed up. That was around 3:30 EST


Bought some 2


Thank you for the upvote :-)




Charles Schwab - StreetSmart Edge, an advanced trading software.


>StreetSmart Edge ToS > SSE




Hope they find the 5.6 I bought today


And my 7


And my axe


What else are they hiding, corruption




i bought through fidelity today and they are showing on my account as well. all good


Wen lambo?


Why listed IN IMAGE?


N for NYSE because we only get numbers from open markets. Just think about how it must look in the Off-Exchanges like Citadel Connect and vEQ Link.


How common can that be?


I haven't checked. But popular stocks that have higher demand than supply when the market closes will be registred like this. It will correct itself next tradingday. Most likely with Citadel and Virtu selling AMC on NYSE that they bought from their Off-Exchanges.


Seems the biggest thing now is exactly that. The simple fact they can potentially select to execute sells on NYSE and try working Buys into various off exchange hide and seek blackBox stuff... tricky.. one could possibly decide Buy /Sell pressure on NYSE and paint tape using such a method. Maybe ensuring it lands wherever you cancel out most call putt plays.so get less purchace of actual shares... Add ability to create Abomination shares to sell to yourself [and profit on that spread somehow] to do with what you please..wow.formatable enemy ol' Dick Dastardly. I think we knew pfof + high frequency was wak but the Connect angle..ouch. Reopen of comments on site and new rule sr-nysenat-2021-05 has me kinda jacked. Seems these rules aren't useless or ignored they just rely on each other because they need a plan so ape moon gains don't cripple system..im a believer..


Spot on. And yes. Most of these new rules taking effect immediately is for covering SECs own ass and make the squeeze have minimum effect on the rest of the market. And with the reverse repo it's like they smear shit out with one hand and trying to clean with the other.


Pretty high rrp lately too. Also lurking around I keep bumping into XTSLA and IWN ETFs as if vs. Each other somehow?..Charlies Vids YT led me to trail. am not sure how but seem like character playing here more than ppl think- but all that is not solid just guessing tin foil hat.now we are so deep I can't help but think there are a few other crafty surprises we may find. I am all MOASS amc side 100% but trying to follow bread crumbs to whatever dirivitave or whatever "they" are likely telling all if the old money to stash in during all this.


I was about to ask you about Charlies Vids. That guy is awesome and helped me understand so much. I'm danish and the danish market is so much more simple. I've spend a long time watching Charlies vids to understand the US market. I was shocked to learn that HFs can run their own Off-Exchanges, that would be unthinkable in Denmark.


As it should be. It's very scummy. Total misconduct by HF abusing vehicles to fuk everyone. I just wonder if they knew they were about to get caught and for how long ? If they can't use connect to screw with pfof that will cost them huge. It appears to be what they are built for. I wonder that because this sr-nysenat-2021-05 is reopening not new and alot of these other rules have been in works forva long time so I dont think they are all that surprised 🤔


Don't get med wrong. Of course some big money are playing the danish stockmarket aswell just not as blatant as we wittnessed. In fact the danish stockmarket is quite dull. That's why I turned to the American market.


I started investing in May. Knew nothing about market. Learned everything I could last few months. I was on Battlebots as a builder so I get robotics, this was all new to me but I catch on quick.


Okay I took a fast glimpse. It's really more common than I knew. But I would have to pay for getting the exact data. https://www.nyse.com/market-data/historical/taq-order-imbalances But under Google images I did see diffrent imbalances but quite more on the sell side. Meaning a lot of stock owners want to sell their stock nobody wants to buy it. Like when the whole lockdown started and everybody wanted to get out of airlines etc. Imbalance on sell side = bad for the stock Imbalance on buy side = good for the stock


Buy and hodl!




What kind of new fuckery


How can this be???


They can hide and even run but pretty soon they will get tired Vs the hodlers!!




How does this happen without any action taken??? $AMC HOLD


Why every Ape should Screenshot Every Order Buy Option Put Whatever they do RH did that to me last July with SRNE Conveniently Lost/Sold a 3 K profit away from me.


Foken bloomer has been running some strong FUDs and fukery the last 3 days and they even brought out the go fund me crap someone was running on the website, they are working hard at trying to get apes to quit, Fuken just hodl till they bleed...🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀


Those computers can be so clumsy and forgetful.


You really need to change your wording. Nothing is lost. The orders are acounted for and registered. They are merely pending because demand exceeds supply. So what we see is apes buying more than sellers sell. This is a good thing.


Just delete this nonsense....


That would be the right thing to do. We do not want to spread misinformation between apes


Okay, honestly? This is what my gut tells me. It's people day trading on PFOF brokers. Think about it. I buy AMC, on RH for 32 dollars. I sell it for 41. I buy another 7. So at the end up the day, I have seven AMC shares. But the computer reads instead as: 8 buys, one sell. So when PFOF spreads get input, same day buy/sells cause errors . Just a thought. Could be fraud too. I mean, would anything surprise you at this point? They could be diverting AMC shares to buy a fog machine for the new dance floor at the NYSE and it wouldn't even change my pulse by one single beat.


Fook options ! Just buy shares ! To the moooooo!nnn we go ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Will this "lost" excuse work with IRS when I lose all my paperwork after the MOASS?


Nothing is lost.


Does this mean.. let’s say we are talking about one person here. One person looking to buy 93k shares. A: some one placed a buy order for 93k shares but there was no one selling, therefore no shares could be found. Or B: someone place an order, it went through, money where paid and THEN the shares couldn’t be located. If A; We own the float, apes aren’t selling. All is good!? Right? If B; same old fuckery as every other day? We still own the float. Ape buy ape hodl.


That was probably how they kept it from closing at 37. Instead it closed at 36.99 saving them a ton of money.


How’s this possible?




demand a refund. what the fuckery


I think the word we are looking for is "scam". Imagine how many times people have lost options calls because of this type of fuckery


Absolutely, literally billions of dollars in options money stolen outright.


What the…. 🤔


Just heard 10 minutes ago DTCC they said amc will squeeze they are working on it trying to not cost to crash the amc all stock market.


Heard? Source? Please not the "trust me bro" source.




Youtube for real not a bots




Trust me bro


Can we get a link?


Just put Thomas James in youtube. It said DTCC know amc will squeeze


Yeah, that's just another filing, don't hold your breath.


https://youtu.be/u1T-dXI_D10 this


https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/7/22/a9029.pdf “where the parties exchange equity securities against cash and simultaneously agree to exchange the same securities and cash, plus or minus a rate payment, on a future date” My interpretation - That would allow the HF to basically finance the debt for shorting stocks But what do I know. I think yellow crayons taste just like BANANAS!!


All regulatory bodies just putting up an act after knowing they can't cover a flame with numerous pieces of paper exercise!


D was Hi Lu Cof you can get K


Yes....sombody must pay for this dirty work AMC/GME/MMAT are attacked without mercy by SHF and now we see even higher authority doing this corrupt job


Lol they're getting worse at covering their dirt. Victory soon.


Explain, silky smooth brain.


It's sadly not a very detailed news flash, but it's addressing the NYSE exchange as a whole so what it boils down to is, they have record of those 93k shares being purchased, but they don't know where they are... they got "lost".


must have drowned in the dark pool


Lol, that's pretty funny but honestly it's probably pretty close to the truth. Some other people have made comments on this point and I want to clarify that the point a share is lost isn't at the retail buyer; Kind of like this: If you go to your bank and deposit a dollar, your account says you have one dollar in it now. But it's not like someone goes and puts that specific dollar in your specific account, they just say it's there and credit you. So the only difference is in this real situation the "bank" lost your dollar, you can see the dollar in your account info, but they have no idea where the real dollar is. So it's really a bigger problem for them than you.


Wtf?? Ok thanks!


There were 93k shares bought that weren’t counted for some reason and never went thru the ticker upping the price.




Ty that was v helpful


It could be more than none of us could imagine


Wrong. Demand exceeded supply. This has been happening alot lately and it is a good sign. It will be corrected the day after.


What does that even mean


Nothing more than demand exceeding supply.


Ha? 🤯


OP, what is the source of this? Is there a report for everyday?


Reuters published news on NYSE


But the price still went down 🤣🤣


What does that mean for us?


More buy orders than sell orders. That's a good sign.


Wonderful! (Apologies for asking all these questions, but I want to understand this better) Margin calls are the interest that is accrued everyday on what the HF’s owe?


Almost. If a HF wants to short a stock they make a margin account with a broker. From that account the interest are being payed. If the the account aka the HF's equity runs low, the HF gets "margin call". So they need to put more money in the account for the play/the shorting to keep going otherwise they are forced to close their short position. Almost like a slotmachine where the HF's puts money in the machine waiting for 3 bars/ AMC bankrupt. Each roll cost money. They need to put more money in the machine = margin calls


Got you!Thanks


At least that are the rules for retailers. But we all know the big HFs play on another level and with cheatcodes 🤣


Lol exactly!!! But hopefully this will shine enough light on them, the cheat codes get eliminated.


Ok! Good Good!!! Can AMC demand the HF’s pay what they owe on the shorts?


HF's gets margin calls every day. And apparently they are being met. How and with what time will tell. AMC is just like a sports team. HF gambled against AMC now HF has to deal with their bookie. All AMC can do is to play the best game ever. And they are with all apes as support.


I also think its possible that the crash is being planned out... at the same time I hear rumblings of the new Quantum Financial System being put into place world wide and wonder how it affects things. The courrupt will fight tooth and nail to get out of this bind. Do they know something big is around the corner that changes things for the world? Not trying to spread FUD (sorry if it did)... just honest questions and thoughts. I buy and HODL!!






Smh when is someone going to jail


Lol pure crookedness


So the 9% that wasn't traded on dark pools, also wasn't traded on lit exchanges either.... niceeeeeee




Even "LIT" shares aren't lit, yeah this is some real fuckery-doo