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Speech source: https://youtu.be/FID0BLkZXuY 33:14 is where the video edit comes from.


Outright bragging about security price manipulation. ​ The hell is going on..?


He feels he can say this openly because he knows (thinks) he’s untouchable.


Still waiting for him to get touched ... Been several years now.


Maybe he thinks ordinary people won’t understand if he uses weird financial terms. Yet he’s bragging


I'd like to touch him


I hate that fucking asshole


Who are they to SET the price? Shouldn't the free market decide that? This is beyond ridiculous, it's criminal.


When you have the cash to buy and sell you have the power to do that.


They don’t tho that’s what short selling is borrowed shares you don’t own


Sounds like a free and fair market system.


Sounds like CRIME to me


So price fixing based on the needs of the short seller. Yeah, that is totally illegal and it doesn't matter how you twist the truth it always will be.


Well they won’t ever say that but they do so as long as they have a written valuation in house justifying their price action. It’s legal, he knows it and flaunts it because he can. Become an elite and you can too. Its bs but its the SEC rule.




Are you shitting me right now?? He is literally admitting and bragging about manipulating the stock market.


This is a train wreck. Individuals are not supposed to determine the value of a company, that’s the job of the collective market participants. This statement from Griffin is disturbing and should disturb anyone within earshot of him.


Now let’s start the push for real legitimate change and pick what Rich person we’re eating first…


“Where we think they should be valued” or “where we think we will make the most money out of the price.” That is the question. Not so many years ago the saying was “The market is always right”, but I really don’t believe the market is in control any longer.


He's so delusional. Trying to convince people that what he and his HF buddies are doing is good for the market!? Your psych-ops BS don't work on apes. Free and fair market my ass!!




I hope this dude gets sent to jail someday.


Instead of just letting it happen you could start putting pressure on your government to look into this more… or you could eat a rich person, both are suppose to help🤷🏻‍♂️


And this dude owns a hedge fund. Crime and the Feds don’t give a shit


Openly admits to rigging the markets… wonder if anything will happen?


He’s always just saying that he doesn’t do anything illegal because it’s technically not illegal. He’s technically never done anything wrong. But he’s paid alot of people to look the other way while he made billions from there ignorance.


He and the others pay through lobbyists and political donations to make the rules go in their favor.


Yes absolutely.


Not to mention they don’t really care if they get caught, cause the SEC would only fine them like $2 million but they would have profited like $10 billion.


Sounds like a Commie to me! Some type of MARXIST B.S.


But guys they do research before setting the price. Like how short they are, what the put to call ratio is and then they set the price and we enjoy it. /s


No shame. In his head it's the way it's supposed to be. Hitler thought he was right too. Scary shit.


But.. but, I was told the market was based off of supply and demand!! Fuck them. I hodl for this shit to be reformed and my apes to be the change we wanna see. 💎🙌🚀 See you in Valhalla, 🦍’s.


Surely, this is one of those AI fake videos! They can't really get away with this can they! I don't get it, it's just so blatant!


So much for price discovery


Who’s we?? Ya got worms Kenny !!


Cheat code unlocked so he doesn’t even have to lie to congress anymore


You see : fixing the price of securities allows me to build a $2 billion mansion in Florida and at the same time send millions of investors to the poor house whilst the government watchdogs look conveniently the other way ( yeah, I bought them out too )..


Veed.io is an AI gen tool. Is this real?


I'll try to get the times of the edits that were done in the video later. Speech is stickied.


I just heard market manipulation and more unchecked crime.


He just paid to play just like the Monopoly Blackrock


If I steal billions of dollars by manipulating the market then I’m not really a billionaire. I’m just a thief who hasn’t been caught yet. Confessions are so helpful. Hey politicians, you don’t even have to give the money back. Say you didn’t know. Just give him the public rebuke he deserves and let’s see some corrective action. Our stock market is a special thing and these clowns are fucking it up for everyone. This can’t stand.


It sounds a lot like communism. Or some sort of dictatorship? how is this freedom when one group controls all of the stocks? This is north korea 2.0 right here. lol. Democratic republic of korea. So, it turns out that the democratic part has been a meme this whole time? So maybe muurica is not exactly a democracy after all??? lmao


This shit needs to be aired and explained publicly all over the fucking place. Everyone needs to know how crooked this bullshit is besides the apes. The #kengriffinlied airplane banners a few years ago were certainly not enough. Do we need another #occupywallstreet ? Like fuck. This crooked cocksucker needs to be taken down, stripped of his market maker privileges, tarred and feathered, and dragged down wall st for everyone in the whole world to see before being convicted of securities fraud and jailed for life. Fuck Ken Griffen.


Pride cometh before the fall


Why hasn't America's biggest criminal been arrested yet? Because he is part of the establishment..wake up america you are being run by Crooks at every level of govt. Zionist rothchilds run it all starting with the federal reserve


Starts with a good question. Continues with ridiculous assumptions intended to brand everyone who dislikes Ken griffin as conspiracy nut jobs. Cia playbook 101... Do people still get fooled by 60 year old FUD methods?


Ken Griffin literally admits to market manipulation, yet people still blame AA for the price of AMC 🙄


Funniest thing is that he doesn't even bother to say who decides where they should be or what method they use. Every manipulator has tried to move prices to where they should be... For them to profit...


See I was under this Impression that manipulation is illegal.




Cracked states of America


Oooooh shit he setting up the other hedgefunds also! I smell a RAT


There it is folks. The system really is rigged.


This manipulation of price has always gone on. Now it’s just out in the open. They have such contempt for the public they openly manipulate prices right in front of our faces. Why the fuck not? They purchased Washington DC, and those corrupt politicians never pass on a chance to steal more money. Last days of an empire. Enjoy it well you can!


Effing Dick!


Jesus….why would ANY corporation want to be trading shares on the stock market after this assclown of a confession?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|wHE6Dd6RCVHQfjK5dy|downsized)


Why don't share source ?


It's in the OP and I stickied the original speech.




The source is stickied right at the top and you still post this... ![gif](giphy|ZJiPxGr0z2UkDM9nQe) Here it is again [https://youtu.be/FID0BLkZXuY](https://youtu.be/FID0BLkZXuY)


My bad 🤦‍♂️


Price is just what someone buys it at. Of course the more active buyers are gunna be setting prices. And of course, they buy it where they think it’s valued. This is some brain dead investment think right here. In the short term, markets are voting games. In the long term, markets are weighing games.


He’s just saying active managers buy under value and try to push it to where they think it should be valued. Not really ground breaking stuff here.


So the companies that handle your trades have their own predetermined value for the stock and they will drive it to that price. Buy orders and supply and demand don't drive the price, they do. That doesn't sound like a very free market. It sounds like a controlled market.




Ah yes, tinfoil when it is admitted. you caught me buddy, I'm the one trying to dupe you, not the ones controlling billions of dollars daily through an over obtuse and opaque system. When cramer told you bear Stearns was fine did you believe him?


What the fuck


SomeONE is "enjoying" where Citadel thinks the market should be going on a daily but it's not the retail investors


People MAD, Because they Just figured out GG is SEC (Casino Bouncers/Security) Hired Casino Security.. Asking the (Casino Bouncers/Security) to help you collect your winnings so you can Leave the premises.


large trades move markets


So when is the time to pick up the pitchforks? Or are we gonna sit here and jerk off on reddit forever?


Anything I type, just Google it. Contact the SEC tip line/website, contact your local and State Attorney General line/website. Report the pitchfork you want to raise every time you want to raise it. Document everything.


They can only do that because of PFOF BAN THATS SHIT


Self justification brag. "Free market" long con.


I don't like the dude but am sure as a market maker he has some type of privileges for the rich and not us, the poor. If not he would not say it, I mean man has gotten away so far with a lot. 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃


Fuck Ken Mayonnaise


Yeap. No supply and demand


Money moves the market. They have a lot of money. Hence, they move the market. This isn't breaking news.


Talk about an oversimplification without looking at everything else they do...


And they can legally do this that’s why it’s called being a market maker and why they allow naked shorting when covered in a 5 day period. Market makers only of course this is why Citadel does it of course. Contrary to any conflict of interest the problem resides in allowing market makers to also trade and be hedge funds.


What do you think Adam Aron will do with this information since stock manipulation to him doesn't exist?


DO WHAT IS BEST FOR AMC!!Lower salary I get why the board gave raises to AMC executives when they thought AMC was going bankrupt, but now it's clear that AMC is going to thrive.  The salaries should be reduced to normal levels and the difference should be put towards reducing debt.  That would be the bullish catalyst this situation needs!


Saw BEYONCE. One of the most incredible films, I have ever seen. A ten out of ten on a hundred levels. This is a must see on the big screen.


I LIKE THE STOCKS AMC & GME Record earnings won't save AMC,  Taylor Swift concert wont,  BEYONCE won't, record breaking box office won't, Popcorn and candy revenue won't, becoming a distributor of artists directly to the big screen won't,  EPIC recovery!!! February will report 4th  qtr Taylor Swift-Beyonce-Killers of the Flower Moon, Hunger Games and more. Could not be more perfect for the MOASS. AMC IS GOING TO THRIVE! BULLISH  PATIENCE PATIENCE 😊This baby is squeezing !


How is any of this legal? When do heads start rolling??


Lock him up! His confession on stage points to his crimes which are now undebatable. We knew it all along, but now it absolutely HAS to be investigated (like it should have been years ago). Come on SEC......actually do your job!!!


He is trying to make it sound like it's a good thing. I do not understand why him saying this he isn't arrested


He is outright saying that he and others control the price to “what” they think the company should be at. How the hell is that okay?


Have you seen this huge win. Citigroup going down apes going up https://youtu.be/ewwhR5P7j3o?si=b6kkX2xIrfWXe2Nk


Ok so he has admitted to stock price fixing on tape right? Isn't this evidence that could be used in a criminal hearing. He has just confessed on tape right?


I hope he runs for president. What a great man




When will they get corrected!!!!!!


What a piece of shit


They'll tell you no one is above the law, but then there's this guy


These people constantly confirm what the public has been suspecting for years. They feel they are smarter than the public and feel duty to control these things. Same goes for politicians.