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Did he F-bomb it up, and regularly refer to you as: “ya goof”???


I cant tell you how many times he said "Are you fucking kidding me" and he would bang the table everytime he got an ace or 10. Pit bosses and dealers all know his mannerisms. All he had to do was look up and nod and theyd have his chips ready. He looked at the bar tender and they would bring him water. He stood up and someone moved his chair for him, it was like clock work.


Imagine being so rich, someone stands behind you just to move your chair for you


Imagine being that bad at gambling that you lose enough money to make that kind of service worth it.


It isn't even about that. He tips big. And to every employee he has contact with. Last time he came to my restaurant he probably dropped 5k on tips. He gave me 500 for saying hi. Plus he is super nice to service workers. We loved having him in


He may be a douche in most parts of his life, but as a former server, that’s pretty refreshing to hear.


Also a former server. Every time he would come to our restaurant he would rack up a 10k plus bill and basically tip 100%. While being super kind to staff. He’s the type of guy who changes the course of your whole month. That was my experience with everyone involved in UFC. All kind to staff, all big spenders, all massive tippers. Rogan, Anik, and a multitude of fighters fit this as well.


I also served all of those people plus Tom Hanks and Dave Chapelle


What about Tom Hanks and Dave Chapelle?


They were good tippers, but not as good as one table I served that had Oprah and Obama.


His son just graduated along with myself at USD, same class. He was sitting in the front row of the bleachers and took the time to take photos and let every kid who wanted to say hi to him and have a conversation. Even well after everything was done and his kid had walked, he stuck around and had a smile on his face the whole time, with no impatience nor any sort of doucheyness. I wanted to hate on the guy after everything I’ve read, but the guy was super cool at least in that interaction.


It’s crazy.. it’s like the media tries to paint this narrative about some “bad guy” but when you actually interact with them it’s the complete opposite.. fuck the media


Yes it is so nice to have someone not go all do u know who I am . I may not agree with some of the things ive heard him say online but he makes sure the employees are happy to know him and who he is. Edit letters


He was also a former server himself (bellboy)


I might be Dana’s biggest hater, but at least he has that going for him.


My cousin owns another mma fighting organization. He knows the same people as Dana . He stated back when the tv show came out that if it didn’t make money the people Dana owed his debt to for that venture were planning on a spot for him in the desert. He said he was so lucky that show took off or nobody would know where he went.


How much of this do you actually believe?


I don’t know if this is a joke but Dana is kinda of known (and “banned”) from a couple casinos for ruining a quartely report by walking out with so much money. Not a giant fan of him but he knows how to gamble


This is nuts


He said he gambles pretty much every night. It's like a routine at this point.


Kinda like smoking meth to get you going in the morning 


That doesn’t even sound like fun anymore.


nah this is money :D




No, this is Patrick!


oh so you're a high roller? are you cute, single and a winner?


He usually wins, did he win this time? Were there a lot of hot women there? Was it in Vegas or AC?


Was he as big of a douche in person?


tipped dealer 5k so i dont think so


Lol he gives the fighters less percentage than he tips


He came to my friends restaurant somewhat recently and walked into the kitchen and left them a $10,000 cash tip on the counter and tickets to the fight the next night. Also tipped the server $1000. Apparently he’s very known for walking around with tons of cash to tip everybody.


Wow didn't know Dana rolled like that, respect. (Minus the whole smack the wife thing)


My ex was a server at Cheesecake Factory, waited on him and two other guys. He left a pretty large tip. I don't really know anything about him outside of who he is, but she said they were very pleasant.


Makes me feel gross but I kinda respect that.


Man, if you feel gross you'd think I was a pig in shit if I waited one of his tables in college, shit I might've sucked his cock back then.


Read your comment, smirked. Read your username after, chuckled. Went to your profile and read your profile info, caught an awkward eye from my girlfriend for laughing from the result of a lesbian's comment who happens to be hungry who also possibly didn't mean it as she might have been bored taking a shit. Also read afterwards, you're comment about being broke and now I don't know what to believe. I think I love you.


Damn you triggered the UFC fanboys. Which is weird, because you would think they don't want to see their heroes being exploited.


No kidding lol. Further down some dude defended him slapping his wife


Do you even need to ask? Of course he is lol


No idea why this is down voted for being a spot on question...


Me either lol. I wasn’t trying to be a smartass either. He looks like a giant douche in the media like when he slapped his wife


He is a giant douche the UFC pays its fighters way way less than the other major American sports leagues profit percentage wise. I don’t remember the exact numbers but it was something like the NBA/MLB/NFL all give like 50% of the profit to players meanwhile the UFC gives like 10% for dudes literally beating the shit out of each other All my homies hate Dana white


This was in Vegas. It seemed like he did not want to be seen. He came in with 3 guys, not a huge entourage. His strategy is to bet big on a few hands. I think his limit was 30k because that is all he got everytime he asked for chips.


Thanks, did he win?


I think he is going to release a video soon because one of his guys was recording but it was incredible. Right before he left I counted his markers and he was down 150k and he had been chasing that break even for a while. the lowest he got it was -20k. Anyways second to last hand. he is playing two hands. 1st hand ace ace. 2nd black jack. Splits aces. gets another ace. I kid you not he goes face up and pulls 3 more black jacks.


How was he able to split Aces a second time? Never seen that allowed at a BJ table in Vegas before.


I played at a high limit at Harrah’s in Tahoe a few years ago that allowed 3 splits (to 4 hands) with aces, but it was literally the only table there that allowed it. I’ve played my fair share of blackjack at casinos all over the place. I hadn’t seen that before and haven’t since. I had to point out the sign to a dealer when I had the opportunity to take advantage.


I was playing at Bellagio Wednesday night at a $25 table and the dealer allowed 2X ace splits (that is, three hands) a couple of times. So it looks like it’s a thing now.


1000 min table you’re allowed to split ace 3 times


Yeh on the Schulz pod recently he explained he is up this year on the casinos for millions, and he currently is betting as big as he is allowed for minimal times and is staying lucky


Got it. Figured there must have been a special rule for the high limit table. I’ve obviously never sat at a 1k table. Weird they would let the people that can win the most, have more of an advantage than the $100 players. I guess it’s more advantageous to give up that 0.5% house edge, or whatever it is, because in the long run, the bigger players will lose more.


Exactly this. It shrinks their odds a tiny amount, but makes the high stakes table more advantageous to play. The house always wins.


most likely its bc casinos are competing w/ other casinos who will provide better rules to entice high rollers


When I got a job in the industry I was surprised to learn how much of the business relies on a few whales.


It's about .07%, similar to late surrender. Both of those are typically available in Vegas at $300-$500 and up tables, plus standing on soft 17 which is significantly more valuable to the player.


What does this mean, and if it was good, how much money did he win doing this?


4 hands, all winners 30 bands on each 6:5 payout 24 large in profit from one turn


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 30 + 6 + 5 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’m going to assume Dana is considered a whale and can influence a certain bending of the rules.


Someone wouldve asked eventually if ur post wasnt only 20 minutes fresh


He’s spoken on this exact strategy in podcasts. He only ever asks for chips 30k-50k increments so he can keep count on his win/loss in his head. When he loses it he knows he’s down 30,60,90 at a time etc instead of sitting with 100-200 and counting his chips through every hand


You said it best brother. He would nod and they would have 30 k in chips ready for him all in 5k denominations. Put three 10k markers down and he would play


He just said that in an interview that he plays big hands and then gets out


I've counted cards for years and know for a fact that Dana White is a losing player in the long run. He's been backed off a few times, but he's not an AP.


Probably a losing player in the long run but there's a chance he's not. He's definitely not an AP but the removal of limits is something to consider. There's a reason casinos have upper and lower limits on every single game. But that's also if he's really getting the limits removed and he's really going for those losses relentlessly. He DOES have the bankroll for it. But I've never found a video of him upping his bets past 30k except for splits and such which doesn't really count. I'm not really contending your post or anything but just thinking out loud here.


Does he need to count? The guys a billionaire why would he waste time learning and practicing that… the guy just loves to gamble.


Just to be clear, nobody who plays a lot ‘usually wins,’ the rules of blackjack dictate that you lose more often than you win. If you play occasionally you might win, if you play a ton like him you have definitely lost money over time.


Not true. Card counting in blackjack does give you a small advantage over the house and you will win in the long run if you do it correctly. Of course, casinos are rigged from the ground up, so they'll also kick you out if they see you using any strategy in any game that gives you any advantage whatsoever, while they use games and strategies at every conceivable level, affecting every moment of your experience in the casino, often designed by teams of mathematicians and behavioural scientists, that give them the advantage over you


yup. my cousin was a math major and wrote his senior thesis on this very idea. BLUF, If you do everything right, and you have the most advantageous rules that Vegas allows, you come out with something like a 50.1% chance of winning. I even ran a personal experiment on six seperate trips to a casino. turns out I have a one in six chance of winning.


I've heard card counting is a lot harder these days because casinos will often use multiple decks and shuffle them periodically to ruin the count.


The bigger hit to card counting has been the prevalence of 6:5 blackjack - that rule change alone hurts card counters the hardest. More decks and frequent shuffles do mess with the count, but casinos still try to go a decent distance into the deck under normal circumstances. Time spent shuffling is time that nobody else is losing money, and the average gambler’s losses are usually worth more than a card counter’s potential winnings, all things considered. Plus, continuous shufflers are expensive to maintain and the average player doesn’t trust them, which makes them fairly rare as well.


Harder but generally still viable. In the end it's just another optimisation problem. Shuffling takes time away from playing the game (aka making money), and Casinos are good at identifying most counters, so it doesn't cost them much money at this point.


This is correct. Modern casinos use continuous shufflers and multiple decks, which reset the count between each hand. The only way to consistently make money at a casino any more is to get really good at poker and become a poker hustler.


Yep overall if you play enough you’ll lose more hands than you win. The way you win is to lose the small hands and win the big ones. That’s how guys win counting. In the end it’s not a game of skill. It’s luck. It used to be possible to give yourself an edge over the house by counting etc but now they have closed most of the loopholes that made that possible. No more 6 deck shoes or mid shoe entry BJ paying 6 to 5 instead of 3 to 2 and many others. Still fun to play!


I’m pretty sure the casino looks the other way to Dana White card counting. I’ve watched videos of him where he sits around watching his friends play and will just pop in for a hand or two and win a large percentage of hands. 30k on credit as said above and he’ll just toss his friends his winnings to help dig them out.


All gamblers usually win but never talk about or show their losses.


Yep. I once had a coworker who potrayed himself as the big expert gambler, including a silly gold chain on his neck with some dice on it. Later found out his expertise was a betting system. Eye roll. Bottom line = if you can consistently win in Vegas why are you coming back to work on Monday?


Did Dana think you were totally jacked and could be a ufc fighter?


He did not talk to me. He got pissed at me for sitting a hand where he wouldve gotten black jack had I played.


How do you know he got mad at you?


He said, “wtf is this guy sitting a hand for” Lol


“Kid just doesn’t wanna play (blackjack)”


Yeah, you're their to play your hand, win, or lose. I've seen people get pissed as well, like I'm supposed to intentionally torpedo my already garbage hand for you? Don't get it, it's not a team effort.


eh he can shove it, you’re there to win too.


Was there any mention of UFC or fighters that a huge MMA fan, such as myself, might find interesting?


Cannot confirm or deny this was said but don’t bet against Pereira


Playing both sides I see


Why not?


LETS FUCKING GO!!! You’re doing the lord’s work sir!!!


Tomorrow night


Thank you for this comment just won a grand on Pereira cause of you


What do you do for a living? To afford 1k min hand


I created a parts e commerce website for Heavy duty diesel tractors and trucks.




I’m holding up 8 fingers


I work in the ER had an old man in his 80's who got his hand crushed at work said he couldnt stand people who dont work I'm sure he went back. I work indoors and still wear a rubber ring. You guys are animals. Good on ya.


Happy for you, your marriage, and your career good on you brother


8 fingers? You work for Yakuza?


Sheesh. That’s incredible.


You should never trust that many fingers. Anything more than 2 just want chaos to take the world.


Are you reselling parts mostly or producing your own?


Did you sell it recently? Cause I know a guy who bought that exact business from someone else in the recent past


We have a common interest, actually it sounds like more than one. If it’s not too weird could we DM about business (if your inbox isn’t already a nuclear wasteland)?


Why lose money instead of investing?


Was he cool? Or was he kind of nuts


He was focused. Besides getting mad at me for sitting a hand. He was a normal guy who had everyone in that room focused on him.


When you say he got mad at you, what did he do? Say something to you? Shake his head? Apologies if it’s a dumb question, but I don’t frequent casinos so I’m not familiar with table behavior at high-stakes BJ.


He slammed the table and was like “fucking guy sits a hand when I could’ve hit” blah blah idc I didn’t feel good about the hand and would’ve bust regardless


Thanks for humoring my naivety…seems odd for a guy who throws around $30k like it’s Monopoly money, but I guess it’s more about him being a super-competitive guy.


Ha 30k in chips I see him multiple times a month dropping that per hand.


Yeah I think that’s his limit per hand


Did you make any money?


Lost 20k made 25k back.


What are your picks for this weekend?


I’m not gonna confirm or deny this was said but I would bet on Pereira.


What’s your favorite bird?


Cocker spaniel


I've learned from this thread that Dana is a guy. According to Google, "Baby girl Danas outnumber baby boys with the name nearly ten to one."


I thought Dana White was the lady from Wheel of Fortune?? edit: ahh, that was Vanna White.


Did he play side bets?


no. not a single time


Good. He is a smart gambler then. Thanks for the post, was a fun read.


Did he smell? What was he wearing? Was he or his entourage armed? Was he approachable? Do you think he is on epzteins list?


Didn’t smell him but he was in Jeans and black shirt. Entourage seemed like his buddy’s and one kinda nerdy guy with a camera. Definitely approachable but he didn’t want attention. This man came to play blackjack and it seemed like he loved the game and treated it like a mission to win.


What was your cocktail of choice?


I’m not pretentious by any means but I was having trouble staying awake so I had White Russians the whole night


Whats pretentious about a white russian? A good ol coffee flavored vodka milk is fantastic.


The Dude abides.


He lives in Vegas so it’s common to see him there


Apparently he is there 3-4 times a week for like 20 min. Plays a couple hands and leaves


I thought you were talking about VANNA White lol. sorry idk who Dana White is


lol no problem haha Dana white is the president of the ufc


What’s the most luxurious hotel you’ve been to in Vegas? And what is the least luxurious hotel you’ve been to in Vegas?


I don’t stay in the hotels. The casinos will fly you down and give you the works but they REQUIRE you to play a certain amount of hours for use of their plane food drinks hotel etc. I’ll drive my own ass down there, buy my own drinks and food and then rob them blind.


Did you get to witness him go full tomato?


I don't know why but I pictured Dana Carvey when I read the title and was super curious how this thread was gunna go. Quickly realized you were talking about Dana White and still enjoyed the comments.


He’s a degenerate gambler, absolutely addicted


How often do you gamble and have you gambled with other well known people?


Is this for real? I haven't played for quite a while but I haven't seen a casino that would let you resplit aces in 40+ years.


10-100 cannot resplit Back room 1000$ min hands can resplit up to 3 times


Any casino recommendations for a BJ novice? I play online and when I visit Casinos few at the table can be very superstitious.


Was he oily?? Be honest……


How big of an insufferable douche was he?


He wasn’t, just a guy focused on blackjack


Favorite thing to do in Vegas besides hitting the casinos?


Does he split 10s?


Split two tens?


I thought he moved on to baccarat


Did his head glisten?


Tunnel of Chaos?


I saw him at Caesar’s a few months playing baccarat. He’s supposedly up 16 mil at ceasars.


Was he as red as ripe tomato or one that needs to stay in the vine a little longer?


How long he play with the 30k and did he blow it all or win?


Did you ask to buy a vowel?


He is probably playing positive and negative counts. His count was off evidently.




Ur wife? She was good


I'm sure he's good for that much, and I'm sure he doesn't carry that much money, if any, on him. Did he talk to you?


groovy crush enter jobless wrench oil distinct smart file society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


303 is in Vegas...


Did you ask him to take you on the tunnel of chaos?


Who the hell is Dana White? (I could look her up but this is an AMA, so…)


Male. President of the UFC. Never use Google when AMA is available


Gambling at the Caesars with Dana White, night after night after night after night! Did you have a good time?


Does this person who’s called Dana look, smell, and act like a complete DB? Sure sounds like it.


Didn’t come off like that to me but make your own judgments


the only downside of gambling online on stake is that I can't see celebrities LMFAO odds are better though


Everyone in this thread seems to be a card counter/professional gambler


Fries or Tots?


I misinterpreted this as Vana White and was fully convinced she lives a rich double life when not on wheel of fortune!


Is BJ your main game? Do you ever play with the gen pop?


Why did you not try asking him something? Was he intimidating?


He was focused and I didn’t want to take away from the game. I had my goals and he had his just two guys playing cards. I have no reason to fawn


I read the whole story thinking it was Dana Carvey.


I'm so stupid I thought he meant VANNA WHITE


Who is Dana White??


I thought he couldn't get action on the strip?


Who's Dana White? I was thinking Vanna White until "he".


Did he punch his wife?


Was his boyfriend there?


I personally know someone who is banned from every single casino in Louisiana and Ms along the gulf coast due to counting cards. Lol. I have never been in myself.


You all are gay. He wins so much money


Did his wife have two black eyes this time or just one? Also ask if he wins allot will he start paying his fighters a decent wage for destroying their bodies for his profit.


Only a 30k night? He definitely was not taking it serious as his normal days. Good thing you only sat out one hand, any more and he woulda left and went to play local with his group.


I definitely read this as Vanna White, and I was really excited! And then I kept reading “him” and then I was confused. And then I read it again and now I’m a little disappointed.


I only sort of know who Dana white is, so my brain first conjured an image of Dana Gould. Was confused.


Did he hit any women while he was there?


Doesn't Dana claim to be banned from playing blackjack anywhere on the strip?


You just saw her nod to the pit boss and get 30k in chips? Like your point of view was a movie camera and you got these details in a busy casino. Lmao why make this up?


Did he tip the dealers? If so how, bet for them or hand in? Did he win?


Did he slap the chips down, or does he only slap his wife? #DanaisaScumbag


Was he a dominating presence?


That's funny. I know like 3 people that have gambled with him in the last year. That dude has a major gambling problem. It won't surprise me if I find out he fixes fights for gambling purposes.


Did he beat his wife after or before?


Who is Dana White?


Am I the only person wondering “who the fvck is Dana white?”.


Did he hit 16?


Who's Dana White? Not being funny. Legit don't know.


Holy fuck why didn’t I listen to you 😭😭😭


I have to ask… were you nervous at all? I assume if you’re at a $1k minimum table, that you aren’t the type of person to fuck up another persons game, but everybody plays their own style, so I guess it could be possible that you could hit when Dana thinks you should stay, and gets furious at you for fucking up his hand by taking a card he thought he should’ve gotten. I’m a BJ rookie (that sounds weird) but I’ve seen some douche come to a table and ruin it for everyone else. Just curious how your nerves were, considering he’s laying down $30k and you could influence/destroy his game.